
mhallQuestion: can anybody report results using Wayland on Kubuntu 20.04 LTS? I have a HiDPI environment and the sub-pixel bug in Konsole windows is killing me and I'd like to break free, but none of the documentation I spotted seemed to be very current regarding how well this will work or not.01:36
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azure_Can anyone help me. I have a strix b450 f mother board and have no audio devices but my graphics card showing up.04:36
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lordievaderGood morning08:10
satelitte101Hello I just installed Kubuntu on a spare PC : Kubuntu 20.10 KDE Plasma : 5.19.5 KDE Frameworks : 5.74.0 Qt : 5.14.2 Kernel : 5.8.0-29-generic  - 64-bit -  2 × AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 220 Processor - 3,6 Gio RAM - Graphic : AMD RS780.  After some tests it seems ok for just basic browsing and doc stuff.  Do you think this was a good choice? Will the09:06
satelitte101PC "suffer" if some tabs are opened for instance.  Wondering if I had better install a lighter distro?09:06
diogenes_satelitte101, my personal indicator of measurement is temperature and load average.09:12
satelitte101Thank you, I will use "widget" to monitor09:16
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IrcsomeBot1<Tolga Erok> kubuntu running sweet on my old rusting sony vaio i3-330m 4GB SSD. w10Ltsc runs even better on it though. no problems. kde using far less resourses then gnome by far. feels snappier then lmde and mx-linux so far11:27
IrcsomeBot1TheSuhailAnsari was added by: TheSuhailAnsari12:04
IrcsomeBot1Adi Islam was added by: Adi Islam12:22
IrcsomeBot1<TheSuhailAnsari> Hi Everyone, I am interested in Snapdragon CPU based PCs, is Kubuntu available on these Snapdragon based PCs?12:26
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BluesKajHi folks12:33
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BluesKajhi andreas__12:45
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sheckihi i'm setting up an autoinstall for ubuntu-server 20.04 and am wondering how to set hostname to the DHCP/DNS information. If the installer is run manually, it lists the value I want, but with autoinstall, it comes up as ubuntu-server. Setting it to a value only works for one server but not for a couple servers with different names. is there a way to do this?14:06
BluesKajshecki, best to ask in #ubuntu-server chat14:08
sheckithx BluesKaj14:09
IrcsomeBot1madhavsheth07 was added by: madhavsheth0714:23
IrcsomeBot1<madhavsheth07> Is there any way to get Ubuntu like "Launch with dedicated graphics" option in right click context menu of apps?14:26
patrick_ do I need to change default trim settings in kubuntu 20.0415:21
BluesKaj@madhavsheth07, if you have a dedicated pci/gpu then you might have an option in your efi/bios to enable it exclusively15:25
BluesKajas default15:25
IrcsomeBot1<madhavsheth07> @BluesKaj, No, but I can do that using NVidia XServer settings15:29
IrcsomeBot1<madhavsheth07> But having an option in the context menu would be great15:31
IrcsomeBot1<madhavsheth07> All Gnome distros have it now, thanks to System 76 Power extension15:31
IrcsomeBot1<madhavsheth07> @BluesKaj, Still, Thanks15:31
BluesKajok, i haven't nvidia  gpis for a few yrs so I' not up to speed on the options available from the menu15:38
BluesKajgpus even15:39
IrcsomeBot1<madhavsheth07> @BluesKaj, Yeah, np15:45
IrcsomeBot1<madhavsheth07> Unfortunately, lack of proper Canonical or Red Hat support in these matters delays such features in KDE15:46
IrcsomeBot1<madhavsheth07> Its the better DE (imo), but its not the maker's DE of choice. And it shows in many distros.15:47
BluesKajI installed a MSI board a few yrs ago and went with the onboard intel hda graphics which do the job nicely for my needs ... not a gamer15:51
BluesKajhd graphics15:51
IrcsomeBot1<madhavsheth07> @BluesKaj, Nice. I'm trying all this on a MSI Bravo 15 Laptop. Which I got because I use Windows 75% of the times, so GPU support on Linux wasn't really considered by me. And also because its easily, much better, than ultrabooks in the same price range, atleast in my region, which is India, afaik15:56
IrcsomeBot1<madhavsheth07> 👍16:00
plexurehey guys, as of late i've been running into an issue: whenever i shut down my system it takes 5+ minutes. pressing escape shows the message "a stop job is running for wpa_supplicant". this seems to be a common issue but all fixes i found online were rather old, so i didn't want to try them in fear that they won't be relevant. anyone know a fix for this? all my pkgs are up to date.16:40
IrcsomeBot1Chris1869 was added by: Chris186917:44
lynefxsalut euh19:17
lynefxim french19:17
enveekaaany tips on getting vnc running before using login?19:17
enveekaa*user login19:17
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chmodhttps://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports I found this22:52
chmodBuyt the packages were uploaded in 201622:52
chmodI am on kubuntu 18.04 and I want to see if there is a possible way to get latest kde on here without having to upgrade?22:53
ubottuIf new updated packages are built for an application, they may go into Kubuntu Backports, which is one of the official Kubuntu PPAs. See https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/PPAs for more information.22:57
Dragnslcrchmod- the bottom of that page has instructions for enabling the backports repository22:59

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