
bthomasChipaca: Very busy ? Do you have a couple of mins for a quick 1:1 open ended chat regarding library for relations ?11:02
Chipacabthomas: in 10?11:02
bthomasthanks ping me when you are ready11:03
Chipacabthomas: https://meet.google.com/fqw-mdqc-dsf?authuser=111:12
bthomasChipaca: going11:13
Chipacabthomas: i don't know what's going on but i only get noise11:20
Chipacai know you're talking because it's either noisy, or silent11:20
Chipacadunno if it's your network or mine but something is unhappy11:20
bthomasChipaca: Checking my ISP latency dashboard latencies are 10-15 ms11:21
Chipacaaverage latency during our call was 5ms here11:22
Chipacamax 1711:22
bthomasChipaca: If we provide clients a module for interacting with Charms outside operator framework, which Python process do we expect this module to run in. Any thoughts ?13:06
bthomasOr rather I should have phrased it as, can we expect the external module will be able to import code from the Charm ?13:07
Chipacabthomas: sorry, i don't understand your question13:07
Chipacabthomas: i think the answer is yes, or maybe mu13:08
bthomasok thank you13:08
Chipacai think this is the first time where i get to answer a question with yes+mu; normally it's no+mu13:08
bthomasmu ??13:09
Chipacabthomas: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu_(negative)13:09
Chipacabthomas: sometimes summed up as 'there is an error in your question'13:09
bthomasAgreed. My ideas are still a bit gaseous. :-). But the rephrasing as can external module import charm code makes the issue more concrete and precise. I forgot charms are not presistent processes but rather Juju is.13:11
Chipacaaaaand i need to go to the boys' school. No standup for me today either...15:29
Chipacai'm not even supposed to be in charge of them, today :-|15:29
* Chipaca EODs18:55

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