[01:23] good morning [06:16] Good morning all [06:26] Trevinho: yes, it's just that, I noticed, the version numbers just confused in the late evening :) [07:16] good morning desktoppers [07:20] Salut oSoMoN [07:23] salut jibel, ça va? [07:25] goood morning desktopers [07:28] salut seb128 [07:37] oSoMoN,bien et toi? [07:37] salut seb128 [07:39] hello desktoppers [07:40] looks like the arm* builds need a kick at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/1:7.0.3-0ubuntu0.20.10.1 [07:44] good morning [08:27] hi oSoMoN jibel seb128 didrocks [08:28] ricotz: and amd. Hmmm [08:29] hey callmepk [08:29] morning all [08:31] hey marcustomlinson [08:32] lut oSoMoN, jibel, didrocks, vous allez bien aujourd'hui ? [08:32] hey marcustomlinson, ricotz, callmepk, how are you? [08:32] good thanks, you? [08:32] hey marcustomlinson [08:33] and hi didrocks and callmepk [08:33] I am okay seb128 . How are you? [08:33] I'm alright! [08:43] seb128: fatigué car nuit difficile à nouveau, mais bon… [08:47] didrocks, :-( [08:59] jibel, seb128: la forme, réussi à me coucher tôt et bien dormi, le luxe! [08:59] veinard! [08:59] good morning ricotz, didrocks, callmepk, marcustomlinson [09:01] salut oSoMoN [09:23] hi oSoMoN [09:30] hey marcustomlinson didrocks999 callmepk seb128 oSoMoN [09:30] marcustomlinson, oh, what was wrong with amd64? [09:50] hey ricotz [09:57] ricotz: you can have a look if it fails again [10:02] marcustomlinson, I assume it was "the" failing UI test [10:17] I want to remove gconf-editor from the archive [10:17] it can't be built anymore since bionic [10:17] as it build-depends on gnome-doc-utils [10:26] juliank, removed [10:29] seb128: Thanks [11:03] there are some more builder issues https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/1:7.0.3-0ubuntu2 [11:07] portal on /run/user/1000/doc type fuse.portal (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=1000,group_id=1000) [11:07] ^ is that a desktop thing? [11:07] it gives lovely warnings in df: [11:07] $ df -h [11:07] df: /run/user/1000/doc: Operation not permitted [11:08] ricotz: see #u-r, please don't retry [11:08] doko, ack'ed === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [14:19] ricotz, not sure if you've seen, I updated and re-enabled unity-menubar.patch in the xenial and bionic beta branches: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-beta.xenial/revision/1389 [14:57] oSoMoN, thank you [14:57] np [15:27] good morning desktopers [15:27] hey hellsworth [15:27] hey there marcustomlinson [15:30] good morning hellsworth [15:31] hi there oSoMoN === ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch === ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson