
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1905296 in subiquity "autoinstall crash with python3[1872]: segfault" [Undecided,New]08:23
eoli3ni'm on it08:23
eoli3nmwhudson is there a way to stop for subiquity to loop on errors ?08:27
eoli3nsometimes it loops, sometimes not08:27
mwhudsoneoli3n: i don't really understand, sorry08:28
eoli3nto be able to test correctly, i need subiquity to attempt only one run08:28
eoli3nmwhudson when subiquity crash, it restart itself08:28
eoli3nin a endless loop08:28
mwhudsonoh right yes08:28
mwhudsonwell it shouldn't for a non-interactive install08:28
eoli3nmaybe i need to open a bug for this too08:29
eoli3nCTRL+C doesnt work08:31
eoli3nit works, but it restarts anyway08:31
mwhudsonhmm yes a bug would be good08:32
mwhudsoneoli3n: which version are you using?08:32
eoli3nok, if i chroot when install is goiing on it fails to restart installer with "/target is in use"08:33
eoli3nmwhudson https://github.com/eoli3n/vagrant-pxe/blob/dev/roles/ubuntu/tasks/main.yml#L408:33
eoli3nforget the chroot way, it's not ok08:33
mwhudsonso yes it really shouldn't be crashing for a non-interactive install, it should stop and wait08:35
mwhudsonif you can get logs for when it's crashing that would be great08:35
eoli3nbut it doesn't :/08:35
eoli3nmwhudson -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/190529608:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1905296 in subiquity "autoinstall crash with python3[1872]: segfault" [Undecided,New]08:36
eoli3nfirst file08:36
eoli3nis that what you want ?08:36
eoli3nyesterday, i took a screenshot, just before it loops08:36
eoli3nwait a min08:36
mwhudsonbecause that file is written by the installer before it exits/waits/whatever08:37
eoli3nmwhudson written where ?08:37
eoli3nwhat's the path of that file08:38
mwhudsoneoli3n: i mean, i want to know what is written to the console as the process crashes08:38
mwhudsoneoli3n: are you running this on tty1 or over serial?08:39
eoli3nok that's what i'm searching08:39
eoli3nthat one : https://x0.at/5eL.png08:39
mwhudsonon the topic of the other bug, can you try "chroot /target apt -o Debug::Acquire::file=true update"08:40
eoli3njust after that, terminal clears itself i can see tty1 prompt then it restart08:40
mwhudsonnot sure it will be useful, but worth a try perhaps08:40
eoli3nmwhudson anyway, unless i can stop the loop, i can't test anything08:40
mwhudsonhmm that's not quite enough08:40
eoli3nas /target is clear at each iteration08:40
eoli3nsometimes, when python crash, it stops then i can test,08:41
mwhudsoni guess you could kill -STOP it while the crash report is being generated or something?08:41
eoli3nbut i want to be able to reproduce that behaviour08:41
mwhudsonfrom tty208:41
eoli3nmwhudson the screenshot state is 0,5s08:41
eoli3nmaybe less08:41
mwhudsonalternatively if you can run on serial it might be easier to capture the output08:42
mwhudsoneoli3n: is this a VM or bare metal?08:42
eoli3ni use kvm08:43
eoli3ni don't get what you ask08:43
mwhudsoneoli3n: do you have error commands in your autoinstall config?08:43
eoli3nkvm is an type1 hypervisor so both08:43
mwhudsonwait no i've seen your config, it doesn't08:43
eoli3nyes i don't08:43
eoli3nwhat should i add08:43
mwhudsoneoli3n: right but KVM vs an actual server in a rack08:43
TJ-mwhudson: yesterday we did test with Debug::Acquire::cdrom=true but it didn't reveal much more08:44
mwhudsoni'm just looking at the code trying to understand why it could be misbehaving08:44
eoli3nhm for me no differences, but yes qemu/kvm on my host08:44
mwhudsonTJ-: it's not using the cdrom method though, the sources.list has file:/// urls in it08:44
eoli3nmwhudson you can fully reproduce if you want to : https://github.com/eoli3n/vagrant-pxe/tree/dev08:45
TJ-mwhudson: did it? I thought we saw cdrom! ... shows how tired I was then08:45
TJ-mwhudson: that'd explain why there wasn't more info :D08:45
mwhudsonTJ-: it is a bit confusing08:46
TJ-mwhudson: yeah, what gets me is, it successfully reads Release{,.gpg} but then fails on Packages.gz !08:46
eoli3nmwhudson lets focus just a min on the loop thing, because without workaround this, i can't test anything08:46
mwhudsonwait the title of the bug report is python segfaulting08:46
eoli3noh no loop at this run: i'm ready to test08:47
mwhudsonthat would explain some things08:47
eoli3nit seems that just opening tty breaks the loop08:47
mwhudsonalthough why it would segfault i have no idea08:47
eoli3nthat's the first problem of that issue, that error needs to be catch08:48
eoli3nby python08:48
eoli3nwhatever is going on08:48
mwhudsoneoli3n: so what commands do i type to reproduce this?08:49
eoli3nthat's what i get stuck on when it crash : https://github.com/eoli3n/vagrant-pxe/tree/dev08:49
mwhudson(i don't use vagrant)08:49
eoli3nmwhudson with my env ? follow the readme08:49
eoli3nyou can't if you don't08:49
eoli3ndo you use libvirt on your host ?08:49
mwhudsonwell i mean i've never used vagrant08:49
TJ-mwhudson: I had a running theory yesterday this could be due to the fork into a separate PID namespace, but couldn't put my finger on anything. eoli3n did test using 'unshare' manually - eoli3n  can you recall if when we tried 'unshare' that apt-get update failed or succeeded ?08:49
eoli3nmwhudson you use libvirt/qemu/kvm on ubuntu right ?08:50
mwhudsoni use libvirt or just kvm on the command line08:50
eoli3nso install qemu and vagrant packages08:50
eoli3nthen vagrant install the plugin08:50
eoli3nthen nothing to do08:50
eoli3njust vagrant up08:50
eoli3nopen virt-manager08:50
eoli3nyou will see server ploping08:51
eoli3nthen vagrant up client, to create a pxe client08:51
eoli3njust follow the readme08:51
eoli3nits as simple as it is, i will help if something goes wrong08:51
eoli3nbut nothing should08:51
mwhudsonit's downloading a debian10 image now, is that right?08:52
eoli3nyes it does08:52
eoli3nthats the box for the server08:52
mwhudsonah i see08:52
eoli3npxe server runs on debian 1008:52
mwhudsonanyway it's nearly 10pm here so i'll have to drop soon08:52
mwhudsonbut if i can reproduce i'll have a look08:52
eoli3ndid you install ovmf too ?08:53
eoli3nlets finish the vagrant env, that will be useful for you, if you want08:53
eoli3nyou need ovmf package to be able to run client in EFI mode08:53
mwhudsoni have that already yes08:54
eoli3nthen confirm me that the file : /usr/share/qemu/OVMF.fd08:54
eoli3ndoes it ?08:54
eoli3nwait for the server's ansible to finish08:54
eoli3nthen "vagrant up client"08:54
eoli3nyou will be able to connect to server with "vagrant connect ssh" then "sudo -i"08:55
eoli3nvagrant ssh server08:55
eoli3none thing we will need to ensure is that you client VM use same IF name than me08:56
eoli3n(open virt-manager)08:56
eoli3nif not, i will force IF names08:56
TJ-eoli3n: launching here as well08:58
eoli3nplease open VM in virt-manager then go to tty2 with menu09:00
eoli3ni don't know the name of the menu in english09:00
eoli3nbut at the top of VM you should be able to send CTRL+ALT+209:01
eoli3nthen sudo ip a, and please give me IF names, just to be sure09:01
TJ-eoli3n: on client it starts at tty1 asking for a login09:01
eoli3nno subiquity launch ?09:01
eoli3nthat not client, that's your server i think09:02
TJ-eoli3n: no09:02
TJ-eoli3n: client09:02
eoli3ndid you see PXE booting ?09:02
eoli3nyou do, if not, no system09:02
seb128waveform, hey, did you see the regression comment on bug #1903048 ?09:03
ubottubug 1903048 in bluez (Ubuntu Hirsute) "[SRU] Bluetooth won't activate on the pi 400" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190304809:03
seb128sil2100, ^09:03
eoli3nreboot your client and describe a bit what steps you see ?09:03
eoli3nit should be nothing09:03
TJ-eoli3n: yes, in the launch shell on the host, currently at "==> pxe_client: Waiting for domain to get an IP address..."09:03
eoli3nthat's normal09:03
eoli3nah no its not09:04
TJ-eoli3n: I've checked both server and client guests are on the pxe_network09:04
TJ-eoli3n: we should move to #ubuntu-server to avoid cluttering -devel with this debug chatter09:04
eoli3nTJ- vagrant destroy client09:04
eoli3nthen vagrant up client just to be sure09:04
eoli3nmwhudson is not on #ubuntu-server09:05
mwhudsonbah i am now09:05
eoli3nhey TJ-09:05
eoli3nyou're not on the dev branch !09:05
eoli3ngit checkout dev09:05
eoli3nmwhudson too09:05
eoli3nvagrant destroy -f && git checkout dev && vagrant up09:06
juliankeoli3n: Heya, it seems you missed the part about -o Debug::PkgAcquire::Worker=1; although I'm not sure why there's no cdrom debug output :/09:06
juliankeoli3n: Oh, you do not actually use the cdrom method09:07
juliankyou use file:09:07
eoli3ni don't use anything, the installer does09:07
juliankwell you use the installer :D09:07
juliankI'm not sure if debug::acquire::file would add anything09:07
julianki don't see debugging comments in there09:08
juliankOh I see you guys moved to #-server09:09
sil2100seb128: looking!09:32
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juliankdoko: apt is blocked by gcc-snapshot E: Unable to locate package gdc-1110:12
eoli3n(i'm looking at you sicherboot, i will try this on archlinux)10:12
eoli3nnot sure i can, because i use zfs and bootenv managed by zectl (https://github.com/johnramsden/zectl)10:13
dokojuliank: thanks, will fix it later10:13
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juliankrbalint: There are a lot of kodi addons in release pocket that build-depend on kodi-addons-dev, which is not in the archive, as can be seen in https://magenta.jak-linux.org/ubuntu-archive/distcheck/hirsute/release.txt10:20
juliankrbalint: What should we do about those?10:20
juliankShould I request removal?10:20
dokowas kodi-addons-dev removed? did it exist before?10:30
juliankdoko: kodi itself was removed from hirsute10:31
juliankdoko: So yeah, remove all kodi-* and kodiplatform10:31
juliankremoved from Debian testing, depends on removed python-pil; Debian bug #93680510:31
ubottuDebian bug 936805 in src:kodi "kodi: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye" [Serious,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/93680510:31
dokoyep, then remove it as well10:32
juliankOR: demote to proposed so they can migrate again when new kodi enters10:32
TJ-juliank: eoli3n's issue was wrong file-system permissions on the server-side NFS export; only UID was allowed, and in the PXE client we believe apt-get was dropping to _apt user. In any event, the fix on server-side was to simply apply go+x to directories and go+r to files in the exported unpacked ISO installer file-system10:49
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rbalintdoko, juliank i'd have kept python-pil until the new kodi upstream release is out11:43
rbalintsince kodi 19 beta is already out most likely we can have all the packages back soon11:51
juliankrbalint: yeah, that's why I think demoting them to proposed so they can migrate when kodi is back makes most sense11:58
juliankrbalint: Having them around in the release pocket doesn't help much, and they might have regressions with kodi 1912:01
juliankBut they probably don't have autopkgtests either12:01
juliankbut I assume they need to be rebuilt anyway12:01
juliankI need to get lunch and write my +1 status down12:02
rbalintjuliank, all the addons need to be updated for the new upstream, so they can't come back12:52
rbalintjuliank, new upstream is already in experimental, imo it is ok to not have kodi for some time in devel12:53
eoli3nTJ- juliank mwhudson maybe thoses perms need to be applied in futur isos13:08
eoli3nand a "try except" should be added13:10
eoli3nbecause using nfsroot should be a default handled way to go, the "fix" looks actually a workaround to me13:13
ItzSwirlzCinnamon Desktop (upstream) 4.8.0 has been released13:26
ItzSwirlzchoo choo, I'll go tell Norbert to get it in experimental13:26
ItzSwirlzsil2100, mhudson: I've updated the information for Bug #1882375 (SRU), got some time to help?15:37
ubottubug 1882375 in cinnamon (Ubuntu Focal) "[SRU Patch Available] Cinnamon custom keyboard shortcuts don't work until logout" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188237515:37
sil2100ItzSwirlz: sure! The same debdiff as before?15:47
ItzSwirlzYes, debdiff has been the same-it's the  regression potential15:47
ItzSwirlzregression pot has changed15:48
sil2100Awesome, on it in a few minutes!15:51
seb128sil2100, vorlon, L_aney, could one of you review https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/debian-cd/layerfs-canary-option/+merge/394137 ? (I'm fine doing the style change Dimitri suggested if that's a oreferred style)16:11
xnoxseb128:  the change is obviously correct, and we must have it back to unbreak canary images....16:29
xnoxseb128:  but yeah, i can't merge it.16:29
sil2100seb128: I can take a look at that and merge once I finish this thing here real quick16:29
* xnox ponders if i should apply to be in ~ubuntu-cdimage16:29
seb128xnox, right, I was just pointing out that I don't care about the shell syntax so whoever wants to merge it just feel free to change to suit your taste: )16:30
seb128sil2100, thanks!16:30
ItzSwirlzxnox: Would always appreciate extra help for UCR's iso-builder16:30
sil2100seb128: done o/16:40
seb128sil2100, thanks!16:40
sil2100seb128: I'll deploy the change on ancientminister so that it gets picked up with the next build16:40
seb128sil2100, speaking of which, the canary image was commented out from the cronjob since unmaintained and failing to build, with the recent livecd-rootfs and that one merged it should build again, could be get it enabled again?16:41
sil2100seb128: oh, I didn't know (or forgot) about that! Sure16:55
sil2100seb128: is it still done via a SUBPROJECT?16:56
sil2100seb128: done16:59
sil2100I remember that it being done via a SUBPROJECT but still using the same image type as regular Ubuntu was a bit problematic, with those double-timestamps etc.17:00
sil2100Would be nice if that got re-visited, so we can properly publish the images17:01
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seb128sil2100, yes, still a subproject, I just fixed the problems that impacted build and ack for changing to a proper image, we will try to do that this cycle19:42
ItzSwirlzAre SRU's allowed if it is just basically making sure that the program doesn't divide by 0?22:49
ItzSwirlzbecause it essentially may or may not have a user impact22:49
tumbleweedItzSwirlz: does the program divide by 0 because of user input / misconfiguration? Or is this a bug23:41
ItzSwirlzIt can happen due to user input/misconfig23:58
ItzSwirlzIt is a bug, but I can't find any possible way to replicate it23:59
ItzSwirlzIf it can be replicated somehow and I'm not aware, regardless of wether it is a problem or not should it just never div by 023:59

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