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pjs | this is probably a silly question but figured I'd ask. I updated from 18.04 to 20.04 over the weekend. For the most part it was smooth. A few small issues but I've worked them all out. The only thing remaining is with the surf browser and Slack. It's been fine forever but since the update it doesn't seem to keep me "online" on Slack. Anyone noticed any issues with surf after updating to 20.04? | 00:45 |
pjs | I've even built surf manually with the same results | 00:45 |
BlueEagle | pjs: Anything in the logs that may indicate why you are going offline? | 00:46 |
pjs | BlueEagle: Nothing I can see anyway. I just went through a bunch of log files and I don't see anything strange or really any references to surf browser | 00:48 |
BlueEagle | pjs: If you start it from the terminal perhaps you will see something in there that is not logged to a file? | 00:49 |
pjs | BlueEagle: good idea.. I'll try that | 00:51 |
pjs | Nothing. So weird. I removed all cookies. Hell I removed all of ~/.surf | 00:56 |
small-data | jeremy31, sarnold: Update on the grub problem from earlier. Installed the latest BIOS version, no change. Even though I can't get the CSM setting to stick as disabled, I hope it's not an issue as secure boot is reported as disabled in dmesg. | 01:05 |
sarnold | small-data: so strange; you were able to to apply the bios update though? | 01:06 |
small-data | sarnold: yes, no hitch there. also found this weird thread on the gigabyte support forum that said the CSM sticky issue was related to video cards or interfaces. Switched from HDMI to Display Port with no joy either. Seems far fetched though. | 01:08 |
sarnold | small-data: yeah, but I can sympathize, I'm grasping at straws too :) | 01:08 |
small-data | sarnold: Exactly! Thanks very much though. | 01:09 |
basenode | what process do i need to restart if my volume keys aren't working anymore? | 01:38 |
basenode | (or any of my f1-12 keys for that matter | 01:39 |
sarnold | sometimes there's an fn or fnlock key on the keyboard that changes all those other keys | 01:43 |
basenode | perfect, thanks | 01:44 |
sarnold | did it work? :) | 01:44 |
sarnold | IK've got one on my kinesis freestyle pro, it's a 'break most of the keys' button, and it's just so easy to hit it.. | 01:45 |
mertgor | hi people! | 01:54 |
quadrathoch2 | hey mertgor | 01:54 |
mertgor | quadrathoch2: Thanks for welcoming | 01:59 |
geosmile | Any idea on how to fix this -> W: Failed to fetch https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ce/ubuntu/dists/bionic/InRelease Temporary failure resolving 'd20rj4el6vkp4c.cloudfront.net' | 01:59 |
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small-data | sarnold, jeremy31: One more update on the grub issue. There is a bug raised with several comments, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2-signed/+bug/1872212 -- I read there that adding the --no-nvram parameter to grub-install would cause it to run OK and indeed this works on my machine. Cheers! | 02:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1872212 in grub2-signed (Ubuntu) "grub-install: Operation not permitted" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 02:41 |
sammyg1321 | Hi guys! can i get some Wine help here? or is there a better channel for this? | 03:31 |
quadrathoch2 | sammyg1321 depends? | 03:35 |
sammyg1321 | So whenever i launch anything via Wine, 5 seconds later it crashes, Ubuntu 20.10, I have added i386 using Dpkg but nada. | 03:36 |
sammyg1321 | Anything i can try? | 03:36 |
geosmile | dpkg --list |grep "^rc" --- can i remove these? I moved from 1604 to 1804 - and have a bunch sitting on my machine : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yx3ZZ6ZJyZ/ | 03:43 |
geosmile | dpkg --list |grep "^rc" | cut -d " " -f 3 | xargs sudo dpkg --purge -------> is this safe to do? | 03:44 |
quadrathoch2 | sammyg1321 welp, you got some logs? | 03:45 |
sammyg1321 | Any way to pull them from Playonlinxu? @quadrathoch2 | 03:45 |
sammyg1321 | I really dont know how other then generating POL_WINE Crashed | 03:46 |
quadrathoch2 | sorry, I don't know pol, as I use lutris at most | 03:46 |
sammyg1321 | i guess il try with lutris | 03:47 |
sammyg1321 | i dont know if it will make a difference but il get back toy uo | 03:47 |
Bashing-om | geosmile: I combine ^ with "awk" - dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | xargs sudo dpkg -P - works for me :D | 03:51 |
geosmile | Bashing-om, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BRMP9cXc8C/ - any ideas on how to get rid of postgres13 from this machine? | 03:52 |
quadrathoch2 | Bashing-om if I read this correct, what's the difference to apt purge ~rc? | 03:52 |
Bashing-om | quadrathoch2: I do not know the "~rc" incantation :( .. to remove postgresql and all configs try as ' sudo apt --purge autoremove postgresql '. | 03:57 |
quadrathoch2 | Bashing-om it's removing old config files | 03:58 |
geosmile | Bashing-om, I need to remove 13 but not 12 - and its a production machine | 03:59 |
sammyg1321 | quadrathoch2, yeah still nada. oh welll | 04:00 |
Bashing-om | !info postgresql-12 focal | 04:03 |
ubottu | postgresql-12 (source: postgresql-12): object-relational SQL database, version 12 server. In component main, is optional. Version 12.5-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 (focal), package size 13127 kB, installed size 40040 kB | 04:03 |
Bashing-om | !info postgresql-13 focal | 04:03 |
ubottu | Package postgresql-13 does not exist in focal | 04:03 |
Bashing-om | quadrathoch2: ^^ where did you get postgresql-13 from ? | 04:04 |
geosmile | Bashing-om, I'm on 18.04LTS | 04:04 |
quadrathoch2 | Bashing-om it's not me with the postgres issue | 04:04 |
Bashing-om | !info postgresql-13 bionic | 04:04 |
ubottu | Package postgresql-13 does not exist in bionic | 04:04 |
geosmile | deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ bionic-pgdg main ---- | 04:05 |
geosmile | this is where i'm getting psql from i think? | 04:05 |
Bashing-om | geosmile: To know:- what shows ' apt policy postgresql-13 ' ? | 04:07 |
geosmile | Bashing-om, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GzS2kJ7s6M/ | 04:11 |
Bashing-om | !ppa-purge | geo | 04:15 |
ubottu | geo: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html | 04:15 |
geosmile | Bashing-om, seems like both 12 and 13 are coming from the same PPA | 04:16 |
geosmile | so if i remove the PPA - 12 gets in trouble too | 04:16 |
Bashing-om | geosmile: Production server! .. is -12 functional at this time where we do not wnat to mess about with it ? | 04:20 |
geosmile | Bashing-om, yes - 12 is working. Here is my dpkg currently https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3B5krXzR29/ - I was trying to get 13 cleanly uninstalled. | 04:24 |
Bashing-om | !info postgresql-12 bionic | 04:24 |
ubottu | Package postgresql-12 does not exist in bionic | 04:24 |
Bashing-om | geosmile: Ouch ! ^^ | 04:25 |
Bashing-om | !info postgresql-12 focal | 04:26 |
ubottu | postgresql-12 (source: postgresql-12): object-relational SQL database, version 12 server. In component main, is optional. Version 12.5-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 (focal), package size 13127 kB, installed size 40040 kB | 04:26 |
geosmile | Bashing-om, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/StMbP6mzFD/ - is this safe to remove? My complete list with 12+13 is here - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3B5krXzR29/ | 04:28 |
Bashing-om | geosmile: In this case 'sudo apt autoremove --purge package-name' will be the more thorough. then if all looks good remove the PPA from sources ' sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:someppa/ppa ' - make sure the cache is cleaned ' sudo apt autoclean ' . | 04:34 |
azureblaze | Can anyone help me. I have a strix b450 f mother board and have no audio devices but my graphics card showing up. | 04:49 |
quadrathoch2 | azureblaze so what does lspci say? | 05:19 |
azureblaze | It shows https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/x5NSVYR2Nv/ | 05:20 |
azureblaze | The audio chip on this board is a s1220a | 05:21 |
quadrathoch2 | azureblaze did you make sure audio is enabled in the bios/uefi? | 05:23 |
azureblaze | Also i tried the inxi tool and got this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JWFH2qCNjJ/ dont mind the kernel version i only upgraded to see if it would fix it. | 05:24 |
azureblaze | And yes its enabled i also disabled and reenabled it. | 05:24 |
quadrathoch2 | azureblaze do you have another distro/windows at hand? seems like there are alot of issues with that board (and audio) | 05:27 |
quadrathoch2 | azureblaze so just to make sure that it's not linux itself | 05:27 |
azureblaze | it worked on windows before. But it didnt work on debian buster earlier either. | 05:27 |
quadrathoch2 | what means before? I mean it could still be a hw issue | 05:28 |
azureblaze | like yesturday lol | 05:30 |
quadrathoch2 | hm, kk thats why I was asking | 05:30 |
azureblaze | whats weird is it shows in inxi | 05:31 |
azureblaze | [AMD] Family 17h HD Audio vendor: ASUSTeK driver: snd_hda_intel | 05:31 |
quadrathoch2 | azureblaze are you on proper ubuntu? | 05:32 |
azureblaze | yes just installed again. Although i did install the mainline kernel just to see if that fixed it | 05:32 |
quadrathoch2 | so we are just talking about the sound preferences in gnome-settings? did you look into pavucontrol? | 05:33 |
quadrathoch2 | if not, I would go one further down (should be alsa-utils) | 05:33 |
azureblaze | yea i looked pavucontrol and nothing there at all dummy output | 05:33 |
azureblaze | alsa-utils: command not found | 05:34 |
quadrathoch2 | thats the package | 05:35 |
quadrathoch2 | alsactl is the command | 05:35 |
quadrathoch2 | or if you want to first look at the mixer alsamixer | 05:35 |
doubledutch | Help me out? | 05:35 |
doubledutch | Hey I did a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoremove | 05:35 |
doubledutch | And my 4.15.0-124-generic #127-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 6 10:54:24 UTC 2020 i686 athlon i686 GNU/Linux | 05:35 |
doubledutch | is trying to upgrade grub-common grub-pc grub-pc-bin grub2-common | 05:35 |
doubledutch | That's big nope until I find out what it will do to mmc0 and my two mounted 32-bit sdcard live distros | 05:36 |
quadrathoch2 | are you booting in uefi or legacy/bios? | 05:36 |
quadrathoch2 | doubledutch | 05:36 |
doubledutch | Good question | 05:36 |
doubledutch | It's a 187 $ AMD A6 | 05:37 |
azureblaze | its shows S/pdif from my motherboard but nothing else | 05:37 |
quadrathoch2 | azureblaze what happens with sudo alsactl init? | 05:37 |
doubledutch | I love it - like cheaper than a chromebook and 32bit linux and insertedmediaLiveDistros absolutely flyyy | 05:37 |
doubledutch | and it's great so you can make things and then stick hdd into robots etc | 05:37 |
azureblaze | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BRkG4Xw85p/ | 05:38 |
azureblaze | it says the hardwares there | 05:38 |
quadrathoch2 | doubledutch what does 'ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars' say? if there are any files say just yes ;) | 05:38 |
doubledutch | quadrathoch2: is there a way to find out without rebooting? ::hotEmoji:: | 05:38 |
quadrathoch2 | azureblaze could you run the command 'sudo alsactl init -d' and let's find out if there is more info | 05:39 |
quadrathoch2 | that's why I was asking for that command, what it tells you | 05:40 |
quadrathoch2 | doubledutch ^ | 05:40 |
doubledutch | quadrathoch2: no | 05:41 |
azureblaze | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yTSz9GvDk2/ | 05:42 |
Bashing-om | dob1: "[ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS" will tell you if you're booted via UEFI. | 05:42 |
Bashing-om | dougquaid: ^ opps dob1 :( | 05:42 |
azureblaze | a lot of output from that cmd | 05:43 |
doubledutch | quadrathoch2: yeah no file found | 05:44 |
doubledutch | Thanks for doing the hard work here in the trenches | 05:44 |
doubledutch | LOL somebody just stole my nick and my freenode crashed | 05:44 |
quadrathoch2 | doubledutch could you tell me what sudo update-grub tells you? | 05:47 |
quadrathoch2 | azureblaze sorry this goes right above my head :/ | 05:47 |
quadrathoch2 | but really weird, as it correctly identifies the chip, but can't configure it :/ | 05:47 |
azureblaze | lol ok thank you though. And yea thats what i dont understand either. | 05:48 |
quadrathoch2 | azureblaze pretty sure later there will be more people here to help you out | 05:48 |
doubledutch | quadrathoch2: invalid operation | 05:50 |
azureblaze | Maybe i should try arch live cd and see if audio works? could be a problem with the versions | 05:50 |
doubledutch | quadrathoch2: got it... /boot/initrd.img and /boot/vmlinuz | 05:50 |
doubledutch | /etc/default/grub | 05:51 |
doubledutch | Thanks I'm running off an encrypted SDCard | 05:51 |
doubledutch | mmc0 has devuan and I'm making other SDHDDs to put into some robuts | 05:51 |
doubledutch | Tree climbing robots :D | 05:51 |
quadrathoch2 | doubledutch oO how are you booting? | 05:54 |
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doubledutch | quadrathoch2: I'm booted off this encrypted Ubuntu SDCard | 05:57 |
doubledutch | Which I'm trying to update-upgrade | 05:57 |
doubledutch | I just don't want to brick it | 05:57 |
quadrathoch2 | but how come 'sudo update-grub' gives you invalid operation :/ | 05:58 |
doubledutch | Oh sorry, that was my "new brain" typing sudo apt-get update-grub | 05:58 |
doubledutch | I did it and it sourced file, generated grub config file | 05:58 |
doubledutch | /etc/default/grub showed /boot/initrd.img and /boot/vmlinuz | 05:59 |
quadrathoch2 | i'm pretty sure you are save for booting, but let's see what lsblk says (could you paste the output to paste.ubuntu.com) | 06:01 |
k_sze | I have a 2.5" SSD drive with Ubuntu and my home folder on it, it's also lvm2 and encrypted. However, the main UEFI partition is *not* on it. I want to swap this SSD drive to another laptop. How can I make this SSD directly bootable on the destination laptop? I suppose it involves (manually) adding the boot entry to UEFI, right? | 07:23 |
matsaman | k_sze: you don't want to just duplicate the UEFI partition? | 07:28 |
k_sze | matsaman, both laptops are Dell laptops. Each laptop has a built-in m.2 (or something like that), which contains the main UEFI with a boot entry for Windows 10. I don't want to touch that entry. | 07:31 |
matsaman | eh, why not | 07:31 |
k_sze | because it's a company laptop. | 07:32 |
matsaman | so, they can't tell if you back it up and restore it | 07:32 |
matsaman | but anyway | 07:32 |
matsaman | are you willing to put a UEFI partition on the SSD? | 07:32 |
k_sze | I think there already is one. | 07:34 |
k_sze | However, it might not be setup to boot the ubuntu installation on the same SSD at all. | 07:34 |
k_sze | (because the Ubuntu installer originally found and added the Ubuntu boot entry to the UEFI partition of the m.2) | 07:35 |
matsaman | aha, then it was already changed | 07:37 |
matsaman | so there's no reason to fear it =) | 07:37 |
k_sze | I mean that was done on the *old* laptop. | 07:41 |
k_sze | It's not done on the *new* laptop (to which I would like to move the 2.5" SSD) yet. | 07:42 |
matsaman | I mean | 07:43 |
matsaman | unless you can remove the m.2 and it will boot from the other device | 07:43 |
matsaman | you're going to have to change _something_ | 07:43 |
matsaman | and then change it back later to make people think it was never changed | 07:44 |
matsaman | whether it's the UEFI config, or the UEFI partition, or something else | 07:44 |
matsaman | so I'm not sure what it matters which one it is | 07:44 |
matsaman | which makes me think the UEFI partition would be simplest | 07:44 |
k_sze | Actually, it looks like the UEFI partition *might* be setup already. | 07:49 |
k_sze | I see that it's mounted as /boot/efi already. | 07:49 |
matsaman | you can remove the m.2, or reconfigure the UEFI to ignore the m.2, or change the partition/config on the m.2, or point the UEFI at the SSD | 07:51 |
matsaman | think that's all the things you can do with nothing else | 07:51 |
matsaman | each one requires doing something to the laptop that you'll have to undo to hide having done | 07:52 |
quadrathoch2 | and here I am sitting around and wondering what people will do, to circumvent certain things ^^ | 08:06 |
Blade-Runner | I'm having a problem with GRUB. i installed Ubuntu after Win 10 and it boots to boot manager not GRUB is this normal? | 08:07 |
quadrathoch2 | Blade-Runner do you mean win10 directly boots? | 08:07 |
Blade-Runner | no i mean if i'm in ubuntu it boots to win boot with win on top and if i do nothing i'm booted into win, if i'm in win it just reboots | 08:09 |
Blade-Runner | GRUB is never seen | 08:10 |
quadrathoch2 | Blade-Runner asus laptop/mainboard? | 08:11 |
Blade-Runner | um, dont think so its a laptop intel | 08:11 |
Blade-Runner | hp | 08:12 |
Blade-Runner | i have another laptop that has ubuntu/fedora on it and it boots to GRUB just fine | 08:13 |
quadrathoch2 | Blade-Runner can you check if fast boot is disabled in bios? | 08:15 |
Blade-Runner | ok | 08:15 |
Blade-Runner | i guess i'll b bak | 08:15 |
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stefanp202013 | Hi! I'm a little lost, I'm trying to run an ubuntu virtual machine with ubuntu server, but ubuntu doesn't boot. I get the error /dev/loop2: can't open blockdev? | 08:50 |
Blade-Runner | in bios i see no fast start, recounting what i said: if i boot and do nothing it goes directly to win i must press f9 to get boot manager then win 10 uefi is listed first then ubuntu | 08:53 |
Blade-Runner | grub never shows | 08:54 |
Blade-Runner | ok, i guess i lost my help, i'll ask another time, take care | 09:03 |
doubledutch | quadrathoch2: thanks! | 09:04 |
mort | In Sway on Ubuntu, starting GTK applications takes ages. They all try to start xdg-desktop-portal-gtk, which fails. This started happening fairly recently (I think maybe after Sway moved from WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-0 to WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-1?). What's going on here? | 09:05 |
doubledutch | I just needed a (semi-?) confident second opinion, if this was a known issue and i bricked my boot.... | 09:06 |
doubledutch | mort what's your ram.. you're prob not rightsizinf your solution | 09:06 |
doubledutch | do you need 64bit? | 09:06 |
mort | I don't think my RAM is relevant here, but I have 16GB of it and am running a 64-bit build of ubuntu | 09:07 |
doubledutch | yes ok | 09:07 |
doubledutch | i find 10% of ubuntu users are doing it WAY wrong np | 09:08 |
doubledutch | 686 pae on 1gb sbc etc | 09:08 |
mort | Ok, so adding `Environment=WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-1` to the xdg-desktop-portal-gtk.service file "fixes" the issue. That confirms that it's trying to connect to a non-existant wayland server, probably wayland-0, and that it's not getting the WAYLAND_DISPLAY env var passed to it from anywhere. | 09:15 |
mort | This smells like a bug in xdg-desktop-portal-xdg | 09:15 |
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zamba | where can i find the list of backported packages in the different releases? | 09:40 |
user217_ | hello. I get some problems when try to connect on my wifi network. kernel.log show some trace details https://pastebin.com/ii93VRUS | 09:40 |
ahylight | if a function func() does this: raise SSHException("No hostkey for host %s found." % host) | 09:56 |
ahylight | when I call try: func() except SSHException: print("the string raised by the except is", ???how???) | 09:56 |
ducasse | hi folks | 10:06 |
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illuminated | is there a way to upgrade one package instead of all of them at once? | 10:48 |
TJ- | illuminated: "apt install <package-name>" | 10:51 |
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rootkea | I recently started using Onboard on-screen keyboard. In Preferences > Universal Access I see "Enable keyboard scanning". What is keyboard scanning exactly? Thanks! | 11:22 |
yuta | Hi. I want to use ubuntu desktop at my PC. Which distro do you recommand? lts or newest? | 11:27 |
lotuspsychje | yuta: its the users choice, what is important for your case? | 11:28 |
yuta | lotuspsychje: for hobby. | 11:31 |
yuta | internet , mail and so on. | 11:31 |
lotuspsychje | yuta: LTS releases will give you a longer, solid experience; non-LTS releases a faster cycle with newer features | 11:32 |
yuta | lotuspsychje: I need to use newest firefox maybe lol | 11:33 |
geirha | having to upgrade twice a year gets annoying real quick, so go with LTS | 11:33 |
geirha | firefox is one of the exceptions where it actually gets upgraded to a newer version once in a while | 11:33 |
ThinkT510 | yuta: firefox is one of the few exceptions. that always gets updated to latest on all releases. | 11:34 |
yuta | geirha: ThinkT510: very good . I didn't know . I use LTS with safe. Thanks :) | 11:35 |
teadict | Hey falks, haven't installed Windows after Ubuntu in like 10 freaking years, did a new workaround come about? Or what's the best course of action? Thanks a lot thank you very much thanks in advance I love you all | 12:00 |
thymbahutymba | Hi guys, I have a problem with ubuntu (gnome) 20.10 (but it was present also in 20.04). The lid close or the power button are not handled properly. I tried to change the logind.conf without success (tweaks and settings are properly configures as well as dconf). Any help? | 12:04 |
thymbahutymba | configured* | 12:04 |
thymbahutymba | Few more information: | 12:05 |
thymbahutymba | - systemd-logind does not detect at all when the lid is closed. | 12:05 |
thymbahutymba | - The power buttons do nothing | 12:05 |
BluesKaj | Hi folks | 12:33 |
heap_ | hello, i have ubuntu install with lvm-crypto inside vm, something happened and grub is not booting automatically i need to all the time provide commands to boot it. machine is now running can i somehow fix grub or execute something to be 100% that grub has all required files for a boot? | 12:42 |
zetheroo | Package php-smbclient is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 12:45 |
zetheroo | how do I find out which package? | 12:45 |
zetheroo | 'apt-cache search php-smbclient' returns nothing | 12:46 |
heap_ | anyone how to fix that grub? | 12:48 |
rhoks | Hi, doesn't teamviewer offer a web client thingy? | 12:50 |
lotuspsychje | rhoks: teamviewer is not on the ubuntu repos, we cant give support about it | 12:53 |
rhoks | no probs | 12:54 |
heap_ | anyone who understand grub stuff? | 13:13 |
olspookishmagus | anyone knows if the Ubuntu Live media(s) contain pv? or dialog? | 13:15 |
olspookishmagus | and supposed they aren't? can I "brew" my own ubuntu live media containing them? | 13:15 |
olspookishmagus | :-1s/supposed/suppose/ | 13:16 |
coconut | olspookishmagus, you can install pv with apt from the live media too | 13:36 |
coconut | if that is what you mean... | 13:36 |
coconut | heap_, honestly, no, but just ask your question and someone might be around to help you | 13:39 |
olspookishmagus | coconut: well that's one option, but having to provide internet connectivity to a bunch of boxes I want to do some zeroing on their disks will provide much trouble in the long run | 13:55 |
heap_ | coconut: fixed... thx | 13:57 |
heap_ | okay is it safe to do dist-upgrade from 16 to 18? i am running it in VM | 13:57 |
coconut | heap_, do-release-upgrade is for that, not dist-upgrade. If it is safe i do not know... | 14:00 |
olspookishmagus | heap_: my internet connectivity was lost amidst a "release-upgrade" from 16 to 18 and that rendered my system unbootable and I had to patch things by hand, which I regreted as if I did a clean reinstall I'd save myself some time | 14:04 |
heap_ | olspookishmagus: ;-( by clean reinstall you mean? | 14:06 |
heap_ | so how can one safely proceed with release-upgrade? | 14:09 |
BluesKaj | heap_, make sure you upgrade your existing OS/packages first | 14:11 |
heap_ | how can i do that | 14:11 |
heap_ | i did update / upgrade / dist-upgrade | 14:12 |
BluesKaj | ok, then you should be able to safely preceed to do-release-upgrade | 14:15 |
coconut | heap_, you have to remove your added ppa´s too before doing a do-release-upgrade | 14:15 |
BluesKaj | true that | 14:15 |
heap_ | can i list all these added ppa's | 14:16 |
heap_ | ? | 14:16 |
BluesKaj | I just remove them from /etc/apt/sources.list.d, but some say they should be purged instead, but I've never had problems just removing them | 14:21 |
coconut | heap_, do a "grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*" to check if there are non-normal repo url's. | 14:21 |
heap_ | coconut: by non-normal you mean? | 14:24 |
coconut | heap_, lines with "http://ppa.launchpad.net/..." are added by yourself and non-normal | 14:25 |
heap_ | then i should grep for ppa | 14:26 |
coconut | if you like that sure | 14:27 |
heap_ | coconut: thx | 15:08 |
romibi | hi … i finally have time to try to fix my raspberry pi ubuntu mate installation i broke last weekend … | 15:15 |
romibi | on boot i have "failed to start load kernel modules" | 15:15 |
romibi | after i press ctrl+alt+delete and the system reboots i sometimes get into a emergency console in which i can't input anything | 15:16 |
romibi | last thing i remember doing was update held back packages with "apt-get install <packagename>" | 15:17 |
romibi | i think it was "fwupdate" or something similar | 15:18 |
romibi | ah right ctrl+alt+f1 (or other f-keys) do not show me any working konsole | 15:22 |
romibi | but i was able to mount the sd card from a virtual machine with linux (all my other machines run windows) … but i didn't find more logs for this "failed to start load kernel modules" issue | 15:24 |
romibi | ah right: etc keeper commit message tells me: | 15:45 |
romibi | removed packages: fwupd 1.0.9-0ubuntu2, fwupdate 12-3bionic2, fwupdate-signed 1.19bionic2+12-3bionic2 | 15:46 |
romibi | installed packages: fwupd 1.2.10-1ubuntu2-ubuntu18.04.5, fwupd-signed 1.10-ubuntu18.04.4+1.2.10-1ubuntu2~ubuntu18.04.5, fwupdate 12-7~ubuntu18.04.3, fwupdate-signed 12-7~ubuntu18.04.3, libxmlb1 0.1.8-1~ubuntu18.04.2 | 15:48 |
zetheroo | Is this really normal? ... that / only gets 50GB from a 100GB disk? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RCHDJVvxqP/ | 15:49 |
BlueEagle | zetheroo: Doesn't look like /dev/vda3 is mounted tbh. Is this a lvm? | 15:53 |
Intelo | When I install from live cd, the curser just keeps on blinking forever, How can I know the issue? | 15:53 |
zetheroo | BlueEagle: yes | 15:53 |
BlueEagle | zetheroo: I haven't used LVM, but please read man lvextend | 15:55 |
BlueEagle | zetheroo: I guess your logical volume has left some space to grow into. | 15:55 |
Intelo | any clues? | 15:58 |
BlueEagle | Intelo: You're not getting into the desktop at all? | 15:58 |
zetheroo | BlueEagle: ok, you're probably right | 15:58 |
BlueEagle | Intelo: It's worked for me to add `nomodeset` to the boot option. | 15:58 |
Napk1n | hey im using apache2 to enable multiple sites in my server, but for some reason when I enable the second site, the first one gets disabled | 16:05 |
Napk1n | any1 knows why this might happen? | 16:05 |
romibi | ok … i'll be afk for quite a while … but if you have any idea how to figure out what exaclty my issue is … please ping me … i'll keep this chat open | 16:05 |
etronik | hi all using libreoffice ppa for 20.4 here (https://ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/libreoffice?dist=focal) - HOW do I force install verion 6-4 of libreoffice ? | 16:08 |
BlueEagle | etronik: Does this help? https://askubuntu.com/questions/428772/how-to-install-specific-version-of-some-package | 16:10 |
etronik | thanks BlueEagle - gonna check that out | 16:11 |
Intelo | BlueEagle: no. And its a virtual machine to be exact | 16:17 |
Intelo | BlueEagle: I can do F6 I guess and select `nomodeset`? | 16:17 |
BlueEagle | Intelo: press [E] on the boot screen to edit the boot option. | 16:20 |
Intelo | just `e`? BlueEagle ? | 16:21 |
BlueEagle | Intelo: What kind of virtual machine are you running? VMWare? Hyper-V? | 16:21 |
BlueEagle | Intelo: just the E-key, yes. | 16:21 |
Intelo | vbox | 16:21 |
BlueEagle | Intelo: I've never tried that. Also some virtualization software require a UEFI/BIOS setting to function as intended. | 16:22 |
Intelo | BlueEagle: didn't helped | 16:22 |
etronik | BlueEagle, nah the page you sent me re install specfic version didn't help much due to unmet dependencies... | 16:27 |
etronik | basically I whish to install / upgrade Libreoffice to the still branch of 6.4 instead of 7.0 - the ppa seems to support it but I just don't know how | 16:28 |
jwash | https://i.imgur.com/XSeNgDG.png https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Zh8bCNnnc9/ Graphically I had set to manual However, it still continues to use DHCP, even after sudo netplan apply. | 16:40 |
ioria | enp0s3 vs enp5s0 | 16:44 |
etronik | bakc again, so I added libreoffice ppa, installed new 7.0 but the older 6.3 is still in my system - how do I cleanly remove only version 6.3 ?? TIA | 16:48 |
lotuspsychje | etronik: we cant really support software from external ppa's | 16:49 |
etronik | lotuspsychje, ahh I see, I get that but still, how do I remove the one that came with 20.04 ? | 16:50 |
lotuspsychje | etronik: advice more to stick to the version from our official repos/and or the snap version | 16:50 |
etronik | lotuspsychje, official repos have a stable but very old version.... can I still backout from the external ppa ? | 16:51 |
jwash | ioria +1 TY | 16:51 |
lotuspsychje | !ppapurge | etronik | 16:51 |
ubottu | etronik: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html | 16:51 |
ioria | lol | 16:51 |
mrkewl20 | hey guys ive been working and struggling 2 days now on fixing my laptop fan issue basically the model is asus rog gl553vd and ive been trying all sorts of things like monitoring temps with lm-sensors and psensor then fancontrol and pwmconfig (even though it says no output available) then again ran hardinfo all sensors seem to be able to read temps | 17:01 |
mrkewl20 | but the fan is behaving weird as fuck as in it cant seem to know when to toggle itself and stay stable so when i run some apps sometimes goes around 3000rpm then again sometimes keeps dropping to 0 N/A then again up 300-500 rpm goes to 3000rpm and back down and when i run 4k youtube etc i expect it to go up a bit but it doesnt | 17:01 |
heap_ | jesus i executed upgrade X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication. ;;; millions of these and so not able to edit configs etc | 17:03 |
heap_ | broken crap ;/ | 17:03 |
romibi | so I'm no longer afk … still need help with my rpi with ubuntu mate which doesn't boot anymore | 17:05 |
coconut | Is the iso container compatible for creating an image from usb thumb when it comes with a mbr or gpt format ? | 17:22 |
heap_ | GODNES | 17:23 |
heap_ | [ 0.640116] Initramfs unpacking failed: Decoding failed | 17:23 |
heap_ | [ 0.640116] ACPI Error: Could not enable RealTimeClock event (20190816/evxfevnt-182) | 17:23 |
heap_ | this is how ubuntu upgrade works? | 17:23 |
heap_ | upgraded and no boot anymore | 17:23 |
heap_ | grub broken | 17:23 |
heap_ | errors | 17:23 |
heap_ | argh | 17:23 |
heap_ | what exactly do you use to backup a linux? i dont mean on VM/snapshot level .. but somehow on file level ie OS data/confs/ user data | 17:26 |
mefistofeles | heap_: I commonly use restic | 17:26 |
lotuspsychje | !borg | heap_ | 17:26 |
ubottu | heap_: borg is a fast backup tool with incremental backups: https://www.borgbackup.org/ (Ubuntu packages: borgbackup, borgbackup-doc, and borgmatic) | 17:26 |
heap_ | yaeh i used that borg | 17:26 |
heap_ | so u do borg / -exclude /dev something like that? | 17:27 |
mefistofeles | restic is pretty similar to borg, fwiw | 17:28 |
ubone | E: Unable to locate package python-pip ubuntu 1804 | 17:39 |
ubone | site says it's in universe | 17:39 |
ubone | 'universe' distribution component is already enabled for all sources. | 17:39 |
coconut | !info python3-pip bionic | 17:43 |
ubottu | python3-pip (source: python-pip): Python package installer. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.0.1-2.3~ubuntu1.18.04.4 (bionic), package size 111 kB, installed size 587 kB | 17:43 |
ubone | i need python2 | 17:43 |
coconut | oh, on clue then, sorry | 17:44 |
coconut | *no | 17:44 |
jwash | pip install ..... | 17:44 |
ubone | y i don't have pip | 17:44 |
jwash | apt install pip | 17:45 |
jwash | apt install python-pip | 17:45 |
ubone | E: Unable to locate package pip | 17:46 |
ubone | in the end i need python2 pip | 17:48 |
coconut | !info python-pip bionic | 17:49 |
ubottu | python-pip (source: python-pip): Python package installer. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.0.1-2.3~ubuntu1.18.04.4 (bionic), package size 147 kB, installed size 657 kB | 17:49 |
ubone | wait | 17:50 |
ubone | i forgot | 17:50 |
ubone | this thing is focal | 17:50 |
coconut | !info python-pip focal | 17:50 |
ubottu | Package python-pip does not exist in focal | 17:50 |
coconut | !info python3-pip focal | 17:50 |
ubottu | python3-pip (source: python-pip): Python package installer. In component universe, is optional. Version 20.0.2-5ubuntu1.1 (focal), package size 224 kB, installed size 1022 kB | 17:50 |
coconut | no version 2 for focal.... | 17:50 |
heap_ | mefistofeles: better then borg? | 17:50 |
Maik | ubottu: python 2 isn't supported anymore since the 20.04 release | 17:52 |
ubottu | Maik: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 17:52 |
Maik | doh | 17:52 |
Maik | ubone: ^^^ | 17:52 |
random1 | my flashplayer on youtube shows half the screen looking distorted and glitchy looking. Whats the terminal command to reinstall flash to fix this | 17:54 |
ubone | isn't flash long dead | 17:55 |
random1 | Maybe im a bit old school lol.. What is it now? | 17:55 |
Maik | ditch flash random1 it's end of story anyway in January | 17:55 |
ubone | mpv | 17:56 |
random1 | sudo apt install mpv ? | 17:56 |
random1 | sudo apt remove flash ? | 17:56 |
ubone | more or less | 17:56 |
ubone | see xsel | 17:56 |
random1 | alright | 17:56 |
ubone | you can grab a url | 17:56 |
Maik | it's Youtube HTML5 nowadays | 17:56 |
ubone | and do mpv $(xsel) | 17:57 |
random1 | Im 90 years old. I use to play with my neighbor Unix before yall started typing code into it | 17:57 |
ubone | you can bind this to a shortcut or desktop icon | 17:57 |
coconut | random1, no need to install anything than just firefox these days for youtube | 17:57 |
ubone | mpv has hardware decodink | 17:57 |
ubone | and stuff | 17:57 |
random1 | lol jk. Well half my youtube screen is glitched | 17:57 |
random1 | figured a reinstall on some type of flash would help remedy the situation | 17:58 |
Maik | random1: glitched? or screen tearing? | 17:58 |
random1 | Bottom half looks like lines running across the screen | 17:59 |
Maik | that's screen tearing | 17:59 |
user217_ | hello, how I can write in different log-files, logs that came for one host bun in different ports ? (in rsyslog) | 18:00 |
Maik | which graphics card you have random1? | 18:00 |
random1 | let me see one sec | 18:00 |
random1 | AMD | 18:01 |
Maik | that helps.... | 18:01 |
Maik | more info please | 18:02 |
random1 | VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Seymour [Radeon HD 6400M/7400M Series] | 18:02 |
ubone | use the radeon driver | 18:04 |
random1 | shoot me a terminal command to type | 18:04 |
random1 | i am your slave at this point. im at a loss | 18:04 |
ubone | unless you have a reason to use the dead proprietary one | 18:04 |
random1 | i definitely do not | 18:04 |
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch | ||
geosmile | ufw question: 443 (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6) --I have two ethernet IPs on my machine. I want to restrict 443 on one machine to only a given IP. How do i do that? | 18:06 |
romibi | regarding my issue: i needed to call "sudo e2fsck -f -y -v -C 0 /dev/<systempartition>" from a different system to fix it | 18:06 |
romibi | need to make sure i power off more correctly | 18:06 |
ubone | dmesg | egrep 'drm|radeon' | 18:07 |
ubone | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver | 18:07 |
random1 | ubone: https://pastebin.com/PmZv74fQ | 18:08 |
Intelo | /join #networking | 18:08 |
Intelo | sory | 18:08 |
random1 | apology accepted | 18:09 |
ubone | you prob have the free driver tho | 18:11 |
jkdie7nino | Hi, currently I try to create ssl chain, however I see in /etc/ssl/certs alredy two root ca which should be a part of the chain, does they need to be then additional in chain or linux (webserver ssl process) is smart enough to read them from /etc/ssl/certs | 18:12 |
random1 | Ubone: Probably | 18:12 |
geosmile | is anyone using nftables on 18.04 here? any reason you picked that instead of ufw? | 18:13 |
Maik | random1: a option is to google for how to fix screen tearing when using the graphics card you have. Probably some solutions out there. | 18:14 |
random1 | Maik: True. | 18:14 |
Maik | at the moment i don't have the time to help you further on the matter. Sorry. | 18:15 |
geosmile | apart from ufw, are there any good recommended firewalls that are easy to use for ubuntu 18.04LTS? | 18:16 |
coconut | geosmile, there is a gui for ufw, gufw. The normal iptables is not so friendly at all... | 18:20 |
geosmile | coconut, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xWfNsvqpcP/ - this is my real problem. | 18:28 |
coconut | geosmile, i am still learning iptables myself, so i cannot help | 18:33 |
pavlos | geosmile: sudo ufw allow from proto tcp to any port 443 (and do the same for the other ports | 18:49 |
=== bettencb1 is now known as bettencb | ||
pavlos | geosmile: you can also allow on interface (eth0, eth1) and specify direction (in,out) eg. ufw allow in on eth1 to any port 443 proto tcp ...(allow incoming to port 443 on eth1) | 18:55 |
heap_ | mifritscher: ?:) | 19:00 |
=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson | ||
BlueEagle | geosmile: I found that shorewall gave me the best control. | 19:07 |
BlueEagle | geosmile: However most linux firewalls are just front ends for iptables in the end. | 19:08 |
captainchris | Hi everybody | 19:20 |
Maik | hi captainchris | 19:34 |
geosmile | BlueEagle, I'm tempted to use nftables - does shorewall wrap that up? | 19:52 |
BlueEagle | geosmile: I do not know what nftables is, so I am not able to answer. | 19:55 |
wolfram | Hello, I have a question about tshark (Wireshark) - unfortunately, not very specific to Ubuntu even if I use Ubuntu while running the command. Is that still a good channel? | 20:15 |
pavlos | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nftables | 20:15 |
BlueEagle | wolfram: If you ask the question then you can see if you get a reply. It is not unlikely that you will be referred elsewhere if there is another place that is more likely to yield good answers. | 20:16 |
wolfram | BlueEagle: Sure, I just do not want to bother people with things clearly off-topic, but here goes.. | 20:17 |
wolfram | I have this tshark command "sudo tshark -x -i wlp2s0 -t ad host and src" - it works nicely but it catches everything between the two hosts, whereas I would like to catch only TCP from to - i.e. only TCP and only between the two specific ports. | 20:18 |
wolfram | I am not sure how to accomplish and reading the tshark's manual is not very revealing. Thanks. | 20:18 |
BlueEagle | wolfram: You were right. That is not the best question for this channel. Also traffic from localhost to a c-class network? Is this traffic to a container of sorts? | 20:20 |
wolfram | BlueEagle: It is just an address, no containers were involved in filming :) | 20:21 |
neorpheus | maybe pipe the output to a log file through cat or something to strip out the unwanted entries? im no expert, just my 2 pence | 20:21 |
wolfram | neorpheus: Sure, but unfortunately there is a lot of traffic between the hosts, many clients connecting to the same host:port which is why I would like to filter out all but one specific. | 20:22 |
pavlos | wolfram: ((tcp.port>12345)&&((tcp.port<54321)) | 20:22 |
wolfram | neorpheus: The issue being disk space in this system. | 20:22 |
wolfram | pavlos: Mhm, this is from Wireshark? | 20:23 |
pavlos | wolfram: tshark | 20:23 |
wolfram | pavlos: Oh, let me see, thanks. | 20:23 |
neorpheus | wolfram, supposing your existing command is only capturing traffic between the 2 hosts already then piping to a text file shouldnt "see" any of the other traffic anyways | 20:24 |
BlueEagle | wolfram: Well, it is definetively the -f flag with a pcap filter. This is documented here: https://www.tcpdump.org/manpages/pcap-filter.7.html | 20:24 |
wolfram | neorpheus: You are right, but still, I was sure tshark should have something like that built in. | 20:26 |
BlueEagle | wolfram: my guess: -f tcp port 1234 and host -f tcp port 4321 and host | 20:26 |
wolfram | BlueEagle: Thanks, I had not seen that man page though I am still not sure how to make use it from command line, but I will work it out. | 20:26 |
wolfram | BlueEagle: Right, I am checking it out. | 20:26 |
BlueEagle | wolfram: Good luck. | 20:26 |
BlueEagle | wolfram: It also has 'src host' and 'dst host' if the direction is of any concern | 20:27 |
wolfram | BlueEagle: Actually, in this case it is not. | 20:27 |
wolfram | BlueEagle: It is just a shame that some arcane knowledge is needed instead of plain host:port that everyone understands. | 20:28 |
wolfram | Anyway, thanks :) | 20:28 |
pavlos | wolfram: sudo tshark -i enp0s25 -Y "tcp.port > 12345 and tcp.port < 54321" | 20:32 |
wolfram | pavlos: I worked out -f "tcp port 12345" but was about to ask about > 12345. I interpret > and < as being the traffic direction? | 20:32 |
pavlos | wolfram: no, greater than and less than | 20:33 |
wolfram | Hmm.. alright. | 20:34 |
user217_ | cant get rsyslog write in separate files (only 2 of 4 hosts write logs correct) | 20:34 |
pavlos | user217_: can you rephrase? ex. hosts a,b,c,d -> somelogserver (collects syslog on port 514) | 20:44 |
user217_ | pavlos, yep | 20:45 |
user217_ | pavlos, also I try with different ports | 20:45 |
user217_ | "a" and "c" works ok | 20:46 |
user217_ | "a" and "b" is the same host, but different app that use different ports to send logs and try to write in separate files | 20:47 |
pavlos | user217_: you configure "b" to send syslog -> logserver but it doesnt? | 20:47 |
user217_ | pavlos, yep, I see packeges in tcpdump, but log is empty | 20:51 |
pavlos | user217_: can you try udp instead of tcp? | 20:52 |
user217_ | pavlos, I use udp already | 20:52 |
pavlos | user217_: can you pastebin the /etc/rsyslog.conf ? | 20:54 |
user217_ | pavlos, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/X5h5zy5Dsc/ | 20:56 |
user217_ | also I have attached log | 20:56 |
user217_ | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hcCtZSjMhy/ | 20:58 |
user217_ | pavlos, for "...88.251" and ".88.1:554" all works ok | 20:59 |
pavlos | user217_: netstat -tan | grep -i "514 \| 10514 \| 10515 \| 10516" are all those LISTEN | 21:00 |
user217_ | pavlos, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mNWfxHYb2Q/ | 21:00 |
user217_ | pavlos, also I change port for ".88.251" and all works nice | 21:01 |
pavlos | user217_: lines 8,9,11 should be LISTEN | 21:01 |
user217_ | pavlos, ok. I can change ports for "a", "c", "d" to 554 ? | 21:02 |
user217_ | but cant get logs from "d" | 21:03 |
user217_ | * ".88.252" | 21:03 |
user217_ | * "d"=".88.252" | 21:03 |
user217_ | I try a lot of way's, but cant get any progress | 21:04 |
mojtaba | Hello, does anybody know how can override a superblock of an external HDD? (It is corrupted.) I want to format the whole thing but gives me I/O errors. | 21:05 |
pavlos | user217_: I'll do some search ... | 21:06 |
BlueEagle | mojtaba: Sounds like you need to re-write the partition table with fdisk. | 21:07 |
matsaman | mojtaba: 'badblocks', innit? | 21:07 |
matsaman | probably more worthwhile to replace the device, however | 21:07 |
mojtaba | BlueEagle: I have tried fsck -y /dev/sdb, but it gives me I/O error. | 21:07 |
mojtaba | matsaman: I have tried bacblocks, but it did not work as well. | 21:07 |
mojtaba | The external disk was encrypted (LUKS), but I want to format the whole thing. | 21:08 |
matsaman | mojtaba: well it's mostly academic anyway, because of what I already said | 21:08 |
BlueEagle | mojtaba: There are no filesystems on /dev/sdb. That would be on /dev/sdbX where X is a number indicating the partition. | 21:08 |
matsaman | mojtaba: what's corrupted, just the FS? | 21:08 |
matsaman | mojtaba: what gives you i/o errors? | 21:08 |
mojtaba | BlueEagle: I cannot mount anything. I have just /dev/sdb. | 21:08 |
mojtaba | matsaman: let me paste it here. | 21:08 |
BlueEagle | mojtaba: Then you need to set up the partition table. | 21:09 |
BlueEagle | mojtaba: You can do that with fdisk or gparted or other partitioning software. | 21:09 |
BlueEagle | mojtaba: pastbin the output of: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb | 21:10 |
BlueEagle | !pastebin | mojtaba | 21:10 |
ubottu | mojtaba: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 21:10 |
mojtaba | sure | 21:11 |
mojtaba | just a sec. | 21:11 |
osse | I bought a new M.2 SSD. Should that show up as a /dev/sd? device? Atm. I only see my old drives and partitions | 21:12 |
sarnold | maybe nvme* | 21:12 |
osse | Indeed, I have /dev/nvme0 and /dev/nvme0n1 | 21:13 |
osse | Thanks | 21:13 |
matsaman | it'll show up as whatever extra that shows up only when you connect it | 21:13 |
mojtaba | I will paste the link as soon as I get the output of that command. BlueEagle, matsaman | 21:19 |
user217_ | pavlos, I think I catch one problem | 21:19 |
user217_ | pavlos, I cant use port in "$fromhost-ip" | 21:20 |
user217_ | but It get back logs from "a" just | 21:20 |
user217_ | pavlos, I make configs identical and hope to get a,c,d logs but still can get only a, c https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/52mMdH9Sks/ | 21:27 |
mojtaba | matsaman: BlueEagle: The output of sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb is "fdisk: cannot open /dev/sdb: Input/Output error" | 21:30 |
mojtaba | Any idea? | 21:30 |
mojtaba | I just want to format the whole thing and use the disk. | 21:31 |
matsaman | mojtaba: what type of device is sdb? | 21:32 |
mojtaba | matsaman: It is an external 4TB HDD. | 21:32 |
matsaman | mojtaba: via USB? | 21:32 |
mojtaba | matsaman: yes | 21:33 |
matsaman | mojtaba: try all your other ports | 21:33 |
sarnold | matsaman: I wonder if that' s adead drive | 21:33 |
matsaman | try also pushing the USB connector all the way in and then pulling it out a millimetre or two | 21:33 |
matsaman | sarnold: entirely possible | 21:33 |
sarnold | err, mojtaba rather, sorry matsaman :) | 21:33 |
sarnold | check dmesg, maybe there's more / better error messages logged there | 21:34 |
mojtaba | sarnold: Is there anyway to forcefully format it? | 21:34 |
BlueEagle | mojtaba: Sounds like a physically damaged disk then. | 21:34 |
BlueEagle | mojtaba: Does it have an external power supply? Is it the correct one? To little power can also cause i/o errors. | 21:35 |
matsaman | with a USB enclosure there is actually a lot more that can be confused than just the disk being broken | 21:35 |
mojtaba | sarnold: dmseg just says: Buffer: I/O error .... | 21:35 |
mojtaba | BlueEagle: Nope | 21:35 |
matsaman | you could be using the wrong/powered USB port | 21:36 |
matsaman | you could just be using the wrong port | 21:36 |
matsaman | you could be dealing with a broken port or connector | 21:36 |
mojtaba | matsaman: So, changing the port could be the only issue? | 21:36 |
matsaman | the bits inside the enclosure other than the disk could be broken | 21:36 |
matsaman | and the disk could be broken | 21:36 |
matsaman | mojtaba: it's entirely possible, yes | 21:36 |
matsaman | you should try all the ports you have, and also what I said about pulling the connector slightly out, etc. | 21:36 |
mojtaba | matsaman: I do not have physical access to the disk. But I will ask to change the port. | 21:36 |
matsaman | you do have physical access, but I know what you mean | 21:37 |
BlueEagle | A USB3 drive could not get enough power from some USB2 ports. | 21:37 |
matsaman | a great many USB external hard drives are just a normal disk in a plastic shell | 21:37 |
mojtaba | matsaman: I am doing ssh to a raspberry pi with ubuntu on it. | 21:37 |
matsaman | mojtaba: it's remote? | 21:37 |
mojtaba | matsaman: Yes | 21:37 |
matsaman | ah | 21:37 |
matsaman | well, lesson for next time: be redundant | 21:38 |
matsaman | for any data you care about, you want at least two separate storage devices and one additional remote one | 21:38 |
mojtaba | BlueEagle: matsaman, sarnold: Thanks for your inputs guys. | 21:38 |
BlueEagle | mojtaba: The drive is connected to a PI and does not have it's own power supply? How many amps do the powersupply for the Pi deliver? | 21:38 |
matsaman | anyway you might need physical access to resolve this issue | 21:38 |
mojtaba | BlueEagle: I am not sure about the exact figure. It is a Pi3. | 21:38 |
mojtaba | matsaman: I just needed the disk to transfer some files to it. I have the backup ;) | 21:39 |
matsaman | if it's not enough power you might need to buy a powered usb hub to use | 21:39 |
matsaman | aha, good good | 21:39 |
mojtaba | matsaman: I will ask for that. Thanks for the suggestion. | 21:39 |
matsaman | for something like an rpi, I would recommend external drives with their own wired power cables | 21:40 |
mojtaba | thx | 21:40 |
PeGaSuS | hello guys.I recently rented an Ubuntu VPS but seems that netplan is not the network manager(?) used there. how do I switch from whatever network manager I have there to netplan? | 21:42 |
pavlos | user217_: see this, https://www.rsyslog.com/storing-messages-from-a-remote-system-into-a-specific-file/ | 21:43 |
user217_ | pavlos, but, as I said I have 2 same devices, with same settings and 1 wrote logs, but seconone - nope. Also I have third different device, but it wrote logs ok too | 21:52 |
user217_ | so its looks like not a config problem... | 21:52 |
pavlos | user217_: couldn't you have the 3 devices send diff logs according to input-ip ? (all of them on udp 514) | 21:54 |
user217_ | pavlos, yep | 21:54 |
user217_ | and 2 of them seng logs sucessfully | 21:55 |
user217_ | "a" and "b" send logs ok | 21:56 |
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user217_ | "b" and "c" are identical devices, but "c"dont send logs | 21:56 |
BlueEagle | user217_: Just making sure, have you tried the setup with only device c connected? | 21:57 |
pjs | after a release upgrade (18.04 to 20.04) it seems like my custom source files in sources.list.d have been commented out. Is there a way to reverse that or do I just manually do it? Also, seems there a some copies (.save and .distUpgrade). Are those safe to remove? | 21:59 |
jimklo | trying to get `gio mount smb://...` working. where should the local mountpoint be on the path? | 21:59 |
jeremy31 | pjs can you paste the contents of those files at paste.ubuntu.com and post URL | 22:00 |
user217_ | BlueEagle, I disable 2 devices to send logs. Also comment lines in rsyslog config. | 22:00 |
BlueEagle | pjs: Typically you would like to verify that your custom source files work with new releases, so I would not want to have that done automatically. Too big a risk for something breaking. | 22:01 |
user217_ | but it dont help | 22:01 |
pjs | jeremy31: https://paste.sr.ht/~petersanchez/8db3b64e05a14886792316492e973e67371a7c8f | 22:01 |
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BlueEagle | user217_: I would recommend simplifying the setup so that only one device that is not sending logs is connected at all. | 22:01 |
pjs | deadsnakes (python) example. I only have a few (chrome, golang, skype) but it's the same as that | 22:02 |
jeremy31 | pjs: You might want to see if the deadsnakes PPA supports focal | 22:02 |
pjs | oh I see | 22:03 |
jeremy31 | pjs: you don't want to uncomment ones that are for bionic | 22:03 |
pjs | jeremy31: right, got it | 22:03 |
pjs | thanks! | 22:04 |
user217_ | BlueEagle, If I right get your message - I did it already : I leave just only 1 device | 22:06 |
user217_ | also I dont packages from it in tcpdump | 22:07 |
BlueEagle | user217_: From what I read you disabled them from sending logs. I did not see you actually disconnect them. | 22:07 |
user217_ | BlueEagle, one of this devices is router, second AP, so I cant :) | 22:09 |
BlueEagle | user217_: And the one that appears not to send data is which device? | 22:11 |
user217_ | BlueEagle, second AP | 22:11 |
BlueEagle | user217_: So the setup is ubuntu box -> router -> ap -> second ap ? | 22:12 |
azureblaze | Can anyone help me. I have a strix b450 f mother board and have no audio devices but my graphics card showing up. | 22:12 |
BlueEagle | user217_: If this second AP has a network interface card, can it not be connected directly to the ubuntu box? | 22:13 |
BlueEagle | azureblaze: Do you typically transfer sound via hdmi? | 22:14 |
azureblaze | no i do not | 22:14 |
user217_ | BlueEagle, router --> lan --> 1. ubuntu box, 2.AP, 3.AP | 22:15 |
BlueEagle | azureblaze: Ok, so it is the integrated sound card that is causing the issue and you mentioned the graphics card just as a curve ball? | 22:15 |
user217_ | AP connected directli by LAN to router | 22:15 |
azureblaze | yea i have the graphic card audio show us but not internal but i tested in windows and the sound does work | 22:15 |
user217_ | anlo, I think that ubuntu box do the same (may be switch is between) | 22:15 |
user217_ | *anlo=also | 22:16 |
BlueEagle | user217_: Then you definetly can disconnect the one AP that is sending logs. Also it should be possible to connect the AP that appears not to send logs directly to the ubuntu box, should it not? | 22:16 |
azureblaze | The audio chip on this board is a s1220a | 22:16 |
BlueEagle | azureblaze: Oh, ok. Then I see. Does `lsmod` list the proper module for the sound card? | 22:17 |
BlueEagle | azureblaze: Also does `lshw` and/or `lspci` list it as detected? | 22:17 |
azureblaze | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nGWJZpd5Qv/ is mod results, lshw results https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7xPwD256vm/ and lspci https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/82w4vdbrRB/ | 22:20 |
azureblaze | It does show in inxi https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xMxJsJySV7/ | 22:22 |
user217_ | BlueEagle, looks llike second AP dont generate logs | 22:24 |
BlueEagle | user217_: Even when connected directly to the Ubuntu box. My suspicion is that it is being somehow masked by the other devices. Most likely the primary AP. | 22:25 |
BlueEagle | user217_: In any case, it is always a good idea to simplify the setup as much as possible when troubleshooting. | 22:25 |
renn0xtk9 | countertest | 22:32 |
BlueEagle | azureblaze: I am not seeing any Realtek-devices, and I was expecting that to be honest. | 22:35 |
BlueEagle | azureblaze: does `dmesg |grep audio` yield anything interesting? | 22:36 |
user217_ | BlueEagle, I dont know why but 2 AP with same topics for logging generate completly different data | 22:36 |
user217_ | looks like the second AP dont generate any extra information | 22:36 |
azureblaze | 3.731106] snd_hda_intel 0000:08:00.1: bound 0000:08:00.0 (ops amdgpu_dm_audio_component_bind_ops [amdgpu]) | 22:37 |
BlueEagle | user217_: I understand that it is what it looks like, but in order to ensure that it is not caused by something other than a misconfiguration of that AP it does make sense to remove other potential sources. Of course if you do not wish to perform such troubleshooting then that is up to you. | 22:37 |
BlueEagle | azureblaze: Hmmm. And did I understand correctly that this works in Windows? | 22:38 |
azureblaze | yes it does | 22:39 |
BlueEagle | azureblaze: Ok, then it is not disabled in UEFI. My next troubleshooting step is to completely power off the computer and boot into Linux without going into windows first. I remember having some issues when rebooting from windows and the soundcard being "tied up". | 22:40 |
TJ- | azureblaze: can you show us "pastebinit <( journalctl -k )" | 22:40 |
BlueEagle | azureblaze: Once back in see if dmesg|grep audio yelds someting more. | 22:40 |
azureblaze | i would do that but i already removed windows compeltly and resinstalled lol | 22:40 |
BlueEagle | azureblaze: And the computer has had power completely removed since? | 22:41 |
azureblaze | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/x5B52CKfM3/ pastebinit <( journalctl -k ) | 22:41 |
user217_ | BlueEagle, I mean - I'm shure. I enable to logging setting, that show logins, make relogin - and get 1 line of log in rsyslog server :) | 22:41 |
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azureblaze | yes it has ive rebooted and reinstalled so many times before asking here lol | 22:42 |
user217_ | so it was just case with AP that have no logs | 22:42 |
user217_ | BlueEagle, thanks for help | 22:42 |
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BlueEagle | user217_: You're welcome. | 22:43 |
TJ- | azureblaze: also, "pastebinit <( lspci -nnk )" | 22:43 |
azureblaze | lspci: Unable to load libkmod resources: error -12 https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/28QnHNjBdD/ | 22:44 |
john_rambo | I am trying to burn a DATA DVD using k3B ....This is the error I am getting >>> https://ibb.co/j5jnDmm ...XFburn is failing too | 22:45 |
TJ- | azureblaze: "snd_hda_intel 0000:0a:00.3: no codecs found!" | 22:46 |
TJ- | azureblaze: that's: "0a:00.3 Audio device [0403]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 17h (Models 00h-0fh) HD Audio Controller [1022:1457]" | 22:46 |
TJ- | azureblaze: have you confirmed audio isn't disabled in the firmware? I notice that Vt (for kvm) is disabled, which on AMD platforms is enabled by default, so wondering if other things have been disabled | 22:48 |
azureblaze | yes i have checked that and disabled then reenabled just to be sure. But it worked in windows yesturday when i tried. so that should be a issue. | 22:49 |
azureblaze | *shouldnt | 22:49 |
TJ- | azureblaze: going back to something BlueEagle asked; have you done a complete cold power-off since then? | 22:49 |
azureblaze | yes i have right before i started this chat | 22:50 |
TJ- | azureblaze: warm reboots often don't clear firmware/ACPI configs that control devices, which is why I ask | 22:50 |
azureblaze | Yea i also held the power button after switching the power supply off | 22:50 |
TJ- | azureblaze: OK, so we need to 1) identify which codec that chipset uses 2) ensure it is on that system 3) find out why it isn't being loaded | 22:50 |
BlueEagle | azureblaze: Is your UEFI up-to-date? | 22:51 |
azureblaze | yes it should be im on the latest bios | 22:51 |
azureblaze | audio chipset according to asus is the s1220a | 22:52 |
azureblaze | https://rog.asus.com/motherboards/rog-strix/rog-strix-b450-f-gaming-model/spec/ | 22:52 |
pavlos | user217_: tried to follow the thread ... your network is 88.0/24. One AP (.251) sends logs, the other AP (.252) does not send logs. Do they have same firmware? | 22:52 |
BlueEagle | pavlos: The root cause was that nothing ever connected to the second AP, so it never generated any log entries until the primary AP was disconnected. | 22:53 |
pavlos | BlueEagle: ok, good to know | 22:54 |
TJ- | azureblaze: try this: "sudo modprobe -r snd_hda_intel" then "sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel probe_mask=0x1ff" then check "journalctl -k -n 20" see if the probe was any better | 22:57 |
azureblaze | modprobe: FATAL: Module snd_hda_intel is in use. | 22:59 |
TJ- | azureblaze: that'll be due to pulseaudio/ALSA | 22:59 |
TJ- | azureblaze: try terminating the user's pulseaudio instance first | 23:00 |
azureblaze | might have to kill alsa to | 23:02 |
jeremy31 | TJ-: Doesn't that error mean that other modules depend on snd_hda_intel? | 23:02 |
azureblaze | i cant figure out how to kill alsa still same error | 23:03 |
TJ- | jeremy31: not necessarily; it just means the ref-count is greater than 0, possibly due to pulseaudio having sound device open | 23:03 |
TJ- | azureblaze: did you stop pulseaudio with "pulseaudio --kill" ? | 23:03 |
Voje | Does ubuntu LTS automatically update it's kernel? If so, how "agressive"? Will it ever see Kernel 5.10 LTS? | 23:04 |
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azureblaze | E: [pulseaudio] main.c: Failed to kill daemon: No such process | 23:04 |
jeremy31 | Voje: That depends on timing | 23:04 |
BlueEagle | TJ-: Maybe put the parameter in /etc/modprobe.d ? | 23:04 |
BlueEagle | TJ-: I don't know how to do that, perhaps you do? | 23:05 |
TJ- | azureblaze: ok, so pa has been terminated. anything else audio-related like alsamixer running? | 23:05 |
Voje | jeremy31: Care to elaborate? | 23:05 |
azureblaze | no i have run that since i rebooted i can try closing my browsers | 23:05 |
BlueEagle | azureblaze: It should be possible to add the parameter in a file in /etc/modeprobe.d somehow. | 23:05 |
jeremy31 | Voje: Ubuntu 20.04 will keep using the 5.4 kernel, some of the point releases will use newer kernels as HWE but those kernels are only supported for 6 months. Ubuntu will provide security updates for the 5.4 kernel until 2025 | 23:06 |
azureblaze | Add what to the file? | 23:07 |
TJ- | azureblaze: try this: "lsof +D /dev/snd/" | 23:07 |
jeremy31 | BlueEagle: it should be as easy as> echo "options snd_hda_intel probe_mask=0x1ff" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/soundfix.conf | 23:08 |
BlueEagle | azureblaze: I am not entirely sure, but /etc/modeprobe.d is read when loading modules, so it should be possible to add the mask parameter that TJ- recommended in a file there. | 23:08 |
TJ- | azureblaze: adding to a conf file and rebooting: "echo 'options snd_hda_intel probe_mask=0x1ff' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/snd-hda-intel.conf " | 23:08 |
azureblaze | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tYvhfT8CzH/ | 23:08 |
Voje | jeremy31: I see, so it doesn't upgrade to the latest Kernel LTS? | 23:08 |
BlueEagle | azureblaze: or as jeremy31 suggested. | 23:08 |
jeremy31 | Voje: Ubuntus LTS kernels may differ from the LTS on kernel.org | 23:09 |
azureblaze | ok let me try that then ill reboot and come back. BRB | 23:09 |
TJ- | azureblaze: so, pa is still runing. do "pkill -KILL pulseaudio" then check if it truly didn't come back | 23:09 |
BlueEagle | azureblaze: Please hurry because it's late here and I want to know if it worked. :) | 23:09 |
azureblaze | pkill -KILL pulseaudio cause more isntances to open lol | 23:10 |
Voje | jeremy31: Ait. I'm asking because I'm running kde neon which is built on ubuntu 20.04 LTS, and I would like to run the 5.10 kernel because it will add full usability for nintendo joy-con's. | 23:10 |
TJ- | azureblaze: right; there's a systemd unit keeping it going | 23:10 |
Voje | jeremy31: I guess there shouldnt' be a problem manually updating the kernel? But maybe that's a question for the neon channel? | 23:10 |
TJ- | azureblaze: "systemctl --user stop pulseaudio.service" | 23:10 |
jeremy31 | Voje: It can be done easily through an Ubuntu kernel PPA | 23:11 |
azureblaze | bash: echo 'options snd_hda_intel probe_mask=0x1ff' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/snd-hda-intel.conf : No such file or directory | 23:11 |
TJ- | azureblaze: then "ps -efly | grep pulse" shouldn't show anything but the grep command | 23:11 |
azureblaze | i tried to do the cmd above to add but states no file exisits | 23:11 |
TJ- | azureblaze: it works here... did you copy/paste it, or type it? | 23:12 |
azureblaze | copy | 23:12 |
jeremy31 | azureblaze: does this work> echo "options snd_hda_intel probe_mask=0x1ff" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/soundfix.conf | 23:12 |
Voje | jeremy31: That was my impression from the small research I did. Just wanted to clarify if there was any automatic upgrade to the latest kernel LTS. Thanks for answering! | 23:13 |
BlueEagle | tee -a = append? If file doesn't exist then that will give a file not found. | 23:13 |
TJ- | azureblaze: I suspect the copy from IRC got some weird character-codes in it | 23:13 |
azureblaze | that one worked it seems options snd_hda_intel probe_mask=0x1ff | 23:13 |
TJ- | BlueEagle: no, -a == --append creates if not there, appends otherewise | 23:13 |
TJ- | BlueEagle: in other words; it won't over-write if the file exists | 23:13 |
azureblaze | ill reboot really quick and see brb | 23:14 |
jeremy31 | Must have been some strange issue | 23:14 |
TJ- | jeremy31: or /etc/modprobe.d is missing | 23:14 |
jeremy31 | TJ-: they have bigger issues then | 23:15 |
azureblaze | ok that did not change anything | 23:16 |
BlueEagle | Well, I need to catch some shut eye. Good luck azureblaze. | 23:17 |
azureblaze | lol ok thanks for the help. Hopefully someone else can help figure it out. I have no clue. | 23:18 |
azureblaze | its weird though i see several posts of this chipset working correctly | 23:22 |
TJ- | azureblaze: any different messages from the kernel though? "pastebinit <( journalctl -k )" | 23:22 |
azureblaze | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8SM7gjDBBK/ | 23:22 |
TJ- | azureblaze: well the option was used "codec_mask forced to 0xff" but no improvement | 23:24 |
TJ- | azureblaze: let's see what the latest mainline kernel has done to that codec driver | 23:24 |
azureblaze | im already on that kernel lol | 23:24 |
azureblaze | that was one of the first things i tried | 23:25 |
azureblaze | unless there is a new one since yesturday | 23:25 |
azureblaze | doesnt look like it | 23:26 |
TJ- | azureblaze: there are a lot of fixups for other models, but none affecting any Asus mobos | 23:29 |
azureblaze | yea i saw that. And this is a popular board so you would think there would be something specific. | 23:31 |
azureblaze | But the people ive come accross with it doesnt seem to have that issue. | 23:31 |
TJ- | azureblaze: there's an interesting report here that appears to be the same mobo, saying audio works but has issues. https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxmint/comments/j7i5rw/audio_stutter/ | 23:35 |
TJ- | azureblaze: but what is interesting there is the audio devices are on different PCI bus IDs - usually the same mobos will show devices at the same bus IDs | 23:36 |
azureblaze | hmm weird. and that was posted a month ago | 23:37 |
azureblaze | so idk why it wouldnt at least show in my device list | 23:37 |
TJ- | azureblaze: let's try faking being windows. See https://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html | 23:38 |
azureblaze | ok give me a minute to get this setup | 23:40 |
azureblaze | ok i ran the shell script rebooting | 23:42 |
Kokpit | Hello here, why I can't see the current configuration on /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml ?? (as possible to see in ifconfig). I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 | 23:47 |
lusrx | i installed ubuntu 20.10 on a laptop with a small display. when i enable fractional scaling and set scaling to 150 % i get a decent view of the desktop environment but then i lose view of for example all buttons on the toolbar to the right of the search icon in file manager. is there a way to fix this? | 23:48 |
sarnold | Kokpit: ip a? ip l? | 23:48 |
Kokpit | sarnold, which website it's okay to upload in image to? | 23:49 |
lusrx | (what i mean by losing view is that my entire desktop looks like if i just cropped the entire thing to the upper left corner so i can only see the 3/5 of what i was seeing previously. i can't see the sound volume icon, or the dropdown icon so i can power off or reboot the computer.) | 23:51 |
azureblaze | That bricked my booting lol | 23:51 |
azureblaze | I can't figure out how to fix that now lol I'm going to have to reinstall. | 23:52 |
sarnold | Kokpit: imgur.com is popular | 23:54 |
TJ- | azureblaze: what bricked the booting? the acpi_osi= entry? | 23:58 |
azureblaze | Yeah I can't boot now | 23:59 |
TJ- | azureblaze: reinstall is not necessary; just needs the entry removing manually at boot-time once, then after boot, removing from the config | 23:59 |
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