[01:02] unable to upgrade from 20.04 to 20.10. i uninstalled any 3rd perty ppa, apt-forktracer returns nothing.error is: "Could not perform immediate configuration". there is a bug report on this, and i saw a number of users ask about this problem on a number of websites. Bug #1899272 [01:02] bug 1899272 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "upgrade to 20.10 beta from 20.04 fails immediate configuration" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1899272 [01:05] on https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2452993 - i have the same error messege, also the same on the bug report. [01:12] is it possible that users failed to upgrade because of broken systems, or there is a bug in some script or in the update? [01:19] bluefire: I don't think you'll meet anybody on here who knows anything more than is written on the bug report you linked. [01:21] so there is anybody in the xubuntu development team that knows about this problem? [01:21] Well, it's not specific to Xubuntu at all, so.. [01:22] is it specific to ubuntu? [01:22] It's a general Ubuntu issue, yeah. [01:23] so this is a known issue. so i need to wait for a fix? [01:24] Well, it's a reported issue anyway, as per the bug report. [01:25] Did you try the workaround mentioned in it btw? [01:26] i think the workaround can break the system. [01:26] Yeah. [01:28] so i need to wait for a fix. some one said to me here that i need to clean install the system. i cant do this right now. [01:30] Well, at least Xubuntu 20.04 is an LTS release and therefore supported for about 2.5 more years.. [01:32] yes. [01:32] ok. thank you. === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [05:10] Hello [05:11] Why is there no verification of iso of Xubuntu 20.04 lts? [05:12] That is, no sha256 sums, gpg [05:17] Anyone here? === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [15:17] Hi all, i am trying WOL on Ubuntu but i think there is packet loss in between (i think magic packet not reaching at destination) .How i can troubleshoot this issue ?? [15:33] xu-irc88w: Ubunut or Xubuntu? [15:34] heh... Ubunut/Ubuntu [15:36] if Ubuntu then ask in #ubuntu [19:59] anyone around? [20:26] Wondering if this is a Xubuntu/Cheese, or Ubuntu question? Running Xubuntu 20.04. Have an Asy web cam with LEDs on the front. When I open cheese the camera works and LEDs light up. When I exit cheese LEDs stay on. Is this a cheese bug, Ubuntu/Xubuntu USB issue? [20:28] Answered the question myself, when I load OBS studio no LEDs come on, but the web cam does work. Seems like a Cheese issue. [20:29] chaslinux, you can also try in guvcview. [20:38] Huh, same thing with guvcview, but not OBS, perhaps the method used to grab from the camera? Strangely enough if I touch the front of the web cam several times it cycles between colours until the LEDs turn off. Just a bizarre camera. Testing web cam compatibility because we're switching all our refurb PCs from Win 10 to Xubuntu for the near [20:38] future. Trying to do as much documentation/testing with hardware we have. [20:40] chaslinux, maybe you could find some tunnables for that matter in powertop. [20:41] Hi [21:44] hi i have problem with instalation linux xubuntu