
mhallQuestion: can anybody report results using Wayland on Kubuntu 20.04 LTS? I have a HiDPI environment and the sub-pixel bug in Konsole windows is killing me and I'd like to break free, but none of the documentation I spotted seemed to be very current regarding how well this will work or not.00:46
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IrcsomeBot1PHOEBE HONKANEN was added by: PHOEBE HONKANEN03:17
nucleonHello Everyone07:16
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IrcsomeBot1<bauchhaus> You better ask a question07:30
nucleonWhat country are you from :)07:32
nucleon What country are you from :)07:35
IrcsomeBot1<bauchhaus> That's not Kubuntu related07:46
IrcsomeBot1<bauchhaus> This is a support channel, not for chit-chat07:48
flejmhi, is kubuntu more safe than windows?08:41
flejmIs kubuntu more safe than windows?09:18
diogenes_flejm, :)09:20
IrcsomeBot1vr .m was added by: vr .m09:23
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lordievaderGood morning09:32
BluesKajHi folks13:28
masonbee I have a question about muon, specifically the Kubuntu 20.04 version of it. In software sources under settings/configure software sources/updates/automatic updates does the option "download all updates in the background" also install them?15:21
IrcsomeBot1domenic MAREKE was added by: domenic MAREKE16:33
user|68117How to stop x server? 20.0417:23
user|68117You need to reinstall the driver17:24
IrcsomeBot1BRK was added by: BRK17:48
CrellHi folks.  Does 20.10 come in a network-install version still?  The standard image is now 2.5 GB, and I discovered to my amusement that I have no USB keys lying around larger than 2 GB. :-)18:44
diogenes_Crell, whae OS you're using now?18:48
CrellI'm typing this from another Kubuntu 20.10 system, but I want to install over a laptop I just got 2nd hand that has Windows 10.18:51
diogenes_well theoretically you could install from HDD, but you gonna need a USB stick with at least 30Mb.18:54
Crell30 MB I've got plenty of.  I just haven't bought one in a very long time so 2 GB is my largest, I think.18:56
Crell(I'll get more and join the 21st century soon enough, but...)18:56
diogenes_30Mb is enought for this method.18:57
CrellHow does install from hdd work then?  The last time I installed Kubuntu there was a slimline "we download everything on the fly" version that worked fine on a small flash drive.19:01
diogenes_1) download the ISO in the windows PC, 2) create an ext4 partition for at least 4GB 3) copy the ISO there 4) grab the USB drive and install grub on 5) in grub.cfg you make a meny entry with a loopback to the ISO and that's how you load it up and install.it19:03
CrellOy.  Sounds a bit more involved than I was hoping to deal with today.19:08
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ZeshyHi all!  I am at my wits end ... SystemD is unable shutdown gracefully with an NFS-/home, so I have to fix it. Apparently, there are processes still using /home/rh that don't react to SIGTERM (timeout), so I thought: I'll "just" a unit file that gets executed right before "umount.target" and basically SIGKILLs all PIDs accessing /home/rh.   I read all kinds of tutorials and howtos and Stackoverflow threads19:58
Zeshyand cannot get it to work. Here my oneshot-service: https://pastebin.com/VFnFGRYj  This service absolutely does not get started (yes, x-bits all set). Any help appreciated.19:58
IrcsomeBot1FREDERIKKE Bruno was added by: FREDERIKKE Bruno20:54
user|60403hello I have problem instal my printer hp officejet 383021:16
user|60403iam no expert21:17

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