
lubot<RikMills> it built \o/07:24
lubot<RikMills> @mitya57 ubiquity was failing due to an import error13:08
lubot<RikMills> ``File "/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/kde_ui.py", line 40, in <module> …     import sip … ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sip'```13:08
lubot<RikMills> so should the python3-pyqt5.sip depend on python3-sip?13:11
lubot<RikMills> hmmm13:20
lubot<RikMills> python3-pyqt5 in groovy depended on sip-py3api-12.713:21
lubot<RikMills> in hirsute it does not13:21
lubot<RikMills> python3-sip provides sip-py3api-12.7, so that is why it would heave been installed in groovy13:24
lubot<mitya57> @RikMills `import sip` should be replaced with `from PyQt5 import sip`.13:29
lubot<mitya57> python3-sip is a deprecated package and should not be used anymore.13:29
lubot<mitya57> In Debian I filed bugs for that issue, but not in Ubuntu.13:29
lubot<RikMills> ah. right13:30
lubot<mitya57> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=966034 — example of bug, it has more details13:31
ubottuDebian bug 966034 in src:gr-radar "gr-radar: Uses old name of sip module" [Normal,Open]13:31
lubot<RikMills> ```:~/workspace/ubiquity/ubiquity-21.04.1 $ grep -ir import\ sip * … ubiquity/frontend/kde_components/nmwidgets.py:    import sip … ubiquity/frontend/kde_ui.py:import sip```13:34
lubot<RikMills> looks like I need to make a MP to ubiquity!13:34
lubot<mitya57> @RikMills Also `sip.setapi('QVariant', 1)` needs to be replaced with something like `sip.enableautoconversion(QVariant, False)`. … See https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/static/Docs/PyQt5/pyqt_qvariant.html and https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/static/Docs/PyQt5/api/sip/sip-module.html#enableautoconversion14:02
lubot<RikMills> I'll cop that to the bug report. I have to dash and do errands14:04
lubot<mitya57> @mitya57 [@RikMills Also sip.setapi('QVariant', 1) needs to be replaced with something lik …], (Where `QVariant` is imported from PyQt5.QtCore)14:04
lubot<mitya57> @RikMills [I'll copy that to the bug report. I have to dash and do errands], Thanks!14:04
lubot<RikMills> synced kibtex. I note you had some changes to fix tests in ubuntu, so will see if they need to be re-applied17:24
lubot<mitya57> All of Qt 5.15.2 is now in Debian experimental. Many modules are now building in https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/4316/+packages, will sync the remaining part tomorrow (most importantly qtwebengine).18:48
lubot<mitya57> And I think we will be ready for a transition in 2-3 days.18:49
lubot<RikMills> wonderful!18:51

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