
azureblazeI can't get into recovery either00:00
Bashing-omazureblaze: Seen that DSDT change done hundreds of times - never an issue befor - Underlying issues here ?00:00
TJ-azureblaze: as the system starts to boot, immediately after the mobo POST displays and it is starting GRUB boot-loader, repeatedly tap Esc key to get the GRUB boot menu. There, highlight the default entry, press 'e' to edit it, navigate down to the line beginning "linux ..." and move the cursor to the "acpi_os=Windows XXXX" and delete all that, then press Ctrl+X to boot with the changed kernel00:01
azureblazeOk I'll try that I can get to grub00:01
TJ-Bashing-om: azureblaze  I agree; we've used that acpi_osi= fix hundreds of times and it almost always improves things; this is first time we've had a bad report, in about 4 years00:01
TJ-azureblaze: I really think this is caused by some setting in the firmware; have you tried doing a firmware factory/default reset?00:02
TJ-azureblaze: "load defaults" or whatever it calls the option00:02
azureblazeYes I have tried that I also tried downgrading the firmware. And clearing cmos.00:03
TJ-azureblaze: anything unusual plugged into the PCIe slots ?00:04
azureblazeNope just graphics card nothing in the other slots00:04
Bashing-omazureblaze: TJ-: Rule out user space - see how a liveUSB environment performs ?00:07
azureblazeOk I'll try that give me a few minutes00:07
TJ-azureblaze: something that can sometimes cause weird issues is the IOMMU - if nothing else helps it might be worth trying that in 'soft' mode00:08
azureblazeI'll check that. It really just seems like it's configuring incorrectly from what I can tell or not configuring at all.00:10
zenoxhi, on windows it's possible to choose which apps use the onboard intel grahics chips, and which is to use the dedicated graphics card, can ubuntu do this, and if so, how?00:12
TJ-azureblaze: 2 other things that are worth trying before that: blacklist-ing the kernel modules asus_wmi and eeepc-wmi00:13
Bashing-omzenox: Sure - depends on the grahic's sets however.00:14
zenoxah ok, so the driver can be used to specify which programs are to use which either onboard or dedicated00:15
TJ-azureblaze: oooo this bug and the info there could be related. If correct, the audio goes through an internal USB bridge! https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20654300:16
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 206543 in Sound(ALSA) "snd_hda_intel no codecs found! on ASUS ROG ZENITH EXTREME II pci-id 1022:1487 subsystem 1043:874f" [Normal,Resolved: code_fix]00:16
Bashing-omzenox: There are means to tell X which driver to use - yes . That means depends on the graphic's drivers as to what X passes.00:17
zenoxok thanks, i'll take a look at the nvidia drivers00:17
tomreynzenox: if you had open source drivers, you'd use https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PRIME#PRIME_GPU_offloading00:18
tomreynfor the nvidia proprietary driver, nvidia-settings should enable you to choose which workload runs on which gpu.00:19
zenoxoh excellent00:20
tomreynsee also the nvidia-prime package.00:20
TJ-how can an audio driver be 684MB!? Asus, you've gone to hell!00:29
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kaokaoI'm trying to ssh into a server and getting " Permission denied (publickey)."01:26
sarnoldkaokao: can you read the logs on the server?01:28
sarnoldkaokao: one common cause is too-wide permissions on ~/.ssh or ~/.ssh/authorized_keys01:28
sarnoldbut if you can get a real error message from the server, that's way more useful01:29
RNM@kaokao, do you use correct key and username? sometimes it doesn’t mean that the problem is with the public key itself too.01:31
sarnoldhah, yeah, forgetting a username@ can also do that, if yuo haven't set that up yet01:32
kaokaoI just created a server with digitalocean01:33
kaokaoan ubuntu server01:33
kaokaoMy computer is windows 10 and I have C:/Users/kaokao/.ssh/id_rsa01:33
kaokaoI created the server with C:/Users/kaokao/.ssh/id_rsa.pub01:33
kaokaoI tried connecting using ssh root@143.28.2982.234988u324.2345423523.525301:34
kaokaoRNM sarnold01:34
sarnoldkaokao: I don't know how digital ocean manages their ubuntu images, procedures, etc; the usual ubuntu cloud instance convention is to provide an 'ubuntu01:35
sarnoldan 'ubuntu' user that has sudo privileges01:35
sarnoldand 'root' is basically unused01:35
sarnoldthey may follow this convention or they may have ignored it01:35
sarnoldtry ssh ubuntu@whatever01:36
sarnoldif that doesn't work, then see if there's a way to get a console on your droplet through their mangement interface and check permissions on the files, check the log files01:36
kaokao"The default username is root on most operating systems, like Ubuntu and CentOS."01:37
kaokaoDo I need to run `ssh-add id_rsa.pub`?01:39
sarnoldI don't know the ssh tools on windows01:39
sarnoldit's certainly convenient to use the agent on linux, but it isn't hte only way to use keys01:39
kaokaohow do I use the agent?01:40
kaokaoI have that service running01:40
kaokaonot sure what it does01:40
RNMfollow this https://www.initialapps.com/permission-denied-publickey-digital-ocean-ssh/ and come back if you have issue01:41
kaokaoRNM I'm confident I used the right ssh key when I created the server01:42
kaokaoI copy and pasted the content of C:\Users\kaokao\.ssh\id_rsa.pub01:43
kaokaois there a way to check that openssh is feeding it that key?01:43
RNMuse -v01:45
RNMyou also can increase the verbosity -vv or -vvv01:46
kaokaohahaha I changed some numbers in the IP before pasting and I was thinking01:48
kaokao"what are the chances this IP is a real thing? it definitely is, it's definitely porn"01:49
kaokaoand lo and behold!01:49
sarnoldwarning: agent returned different signature type ssh-rsa (expected rsa-sha2-512)01:49
sarnoldI wonder if your key isn't supported any longer.. here's a recent openssh release notes with some more informatoin on removing the sha-1 algorithm https://www.openssh.com/txt/release-8.201:51
kaokaowhere does it say in my logs which file it's using?01:52
RNMOffering public key: RSA SHA256:3C7Whc4c4iyTJaqiPe0ouSL6nvv7Uf2O8vOG7wpiQoQ C:\\Users\\User/.ssh/id_rsa01:52
RNMtry generate new key, import, reload and test01:56
RNM$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -E sha51201:57
kaokaoI just noticed that in known_hosts, I have a list of like 10 things that look like "IP ssh-rsa AAA..."01:58
kaokaowhere AAA is what's inside my id_rsa.pub01:59
kaokaoBut the last entry in known_hosts is the IP of this new server01:59
kaokaobut the key on that line is different from all the others01:59
kaokaoit's not the one in id_rsa.pub01:59
sarnoldit probably doesn't match id_rsa.pub exactly, probably just a handful of chars01:59
kaokaoRNM could it just be using the wrong key somehow01:59
kaokaosarnold how can I make it use my id_rsa.pub, instead of whatever it's using instead02:00
sarnoldkaokao: you should not -- the remote server should be using its own key02:01
kaokaothen why do all the other things in known_hosts have the key in id_rsa.pub in their line02:01
kaokaoalso the verbose output includes "debug1: identity file C:\\Users\\User/.ssh/id_rsa type 002:02
RNMcheck your ~/.ssh/config02:05
RNMadd "IdentitiesOnly yes"02:05
sarnold$ awk '{print $3;}' ~/.ssh/known_hosts | cut -b1-25 | sort | uniq -c02:05
sarnold     30 AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAA02:05
sarnold      7 AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABA02:05
sarnold    137 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzd02:05
sarnoldI knew there was going to be a lot of similarity in those keys, but wow02:05
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pavlossarnold: I have 99 of the last one,      99 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzd02:12
sarnoldpavlos: cool, thanks for indulging my curiosity :)02:17
sarnoldrelated, this fantastic paper https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity16/technical-sessions/presentation/svenda02:18
kaokaoRNM i don't have a .ssh/config02:18
kaokaoI added it but same error02:20
RNMtry this $ eval `ssh-agent -s`02:22
pavloskaokao: is the error that it does not allow you to ssh to that ip as root?02:23
kaokaomy client is windows02:23
kaokaobut "ssh-agent -s" runs02:24
kaokaoit doesn't output anything02:24
RNMok, so you dont have ssh-agent running02:25
kaokaoi do02:25
kaokaoi think02:25
kaokaoi manually started it02:25
kaokaook I just did it in shell02:25
kaokaoAgent pid 2802:25
kaokaobash shell02:25
RNMok now you have02:25
RNMadd key.. like this02:26
kaokaoi think it's just windows not outputting it properly02:26
RNMssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa02:26
RNMchange  ~/.ssh/id_rsa if does't match with use. my example is the default ones02:26
RNMthen after add the key, try ssh root@your_ip_server_here02:27
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kaokaosame error02:27
kaokaoBut again, in my known_hosts, everything except this new one02:28
kaokaohas the same key (same thing as in id_rsa.pub)02:28
kaokaothis new one has some other key02:28
kaokaoall the others look like: " ssh-rsa AAAAB3"02:29
kaokaoThis new one looks like: " ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2V"02:29
RNMwell, that all i can help. since you using windows. maybe have issue related with configuration. you can ask help from your hosting to check too i think. or just use putty + pageant.02:31
kaokaoI do have a .ssh/agent.env file02:31
kaokaocan that affect anything?02:31
kaokaoI don't remember if i wrote it, probably if I did it was years ago02:31
pavloskaokao: can you ssh to win not as user root, eg. ssh kao@win (assuming there is a kao account on win)?02:34
kaokaoMy computer is windows, my server is ubuntu02:34
pavloskaokao: sorry, I did not follow the tread, from win you want to ssh to ubuntu as user root?02:35
pavloskaokao: in ubuntu there is a /etc/ssh/ssd_config and about line32 #PermitRootLogin prohibit-password    That line has to be un-commented and changed to  PermitRootLogin yes02:38
kaokaothat should be by default02:38
kaokaoit was generated by digital ocean02:38
kaokaoI think it's a problem with my machine using the wrong key02:39
sarnoldhave you been able to verify that the owner and permissions on your /root/.ssh/ and /root/.ssh/authorized_keys files are correct?02:40
sarnoldit's easy to waste hours chasing things locally02:40
sarnoldcheck those permissions, check those owners, check those remote logs02:40
kaokaothat would mean the server setup somehow went wrong02:41
kaokaook so I successfully connected with winscp02:44
kaokaousing my .ssh/id_rsa02:44
kaokaobut it doesn't work when I do it from command line02:44
matsamankaokao: 'it'?02:45
kaokaossh root@IP02:45
matsamansame user?02:45
kaokaowarning: agent returned different signature type ssh-rsa (expected rsa-sha2-512)02:45
matsamanas winscp's run with02:45
kaokaoyep root02:45
matsamanno I mean same as you're running winscp via02:45
kaokaoI think maybe it's a problem with ssh-agent?02:46
TJ-kaokao: the issue is "Server accepts key: pkalg rsa-sha2-512" but you're offering only "ssh-rsa"02:46
kaokaoI manually loaded the key in winscp02:46
matsamanthought winscp was Windows only02:46
kaokaoI'm on a windows computer right now, my server is ubuntu02:46
matsamanand you've got an 'ssh' executable on Windows you want to use, too?02:47
kaokaoyes openssh is here02:47
kaokaoTJ- then why did it work in winscp?02:47
matsamanwhat terminal are you using?02:47
kaokaoActually winscp converted id_rsa to id_rsa.ppk02:47
kaokaoand is using that02:47
kaokaoI can use both windows terminal and bash if I want02:47
rneesehey guys02:47
matsamanso when you're in the terminal, 'ls ~/.ssh' shows what you expect?02:48
rneeseI need some help as nothing I read is working02:48
matsamanrneese: hi02:48
TJ-kaokao: the usual cause is you've put the PUBLIC key into the agent, but it expects the PRIVATE key02:48
rneeseI need a way to do dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=noninteractive lightdm and have it select lightdm02:49
kaokaoI have in .ssh: id_rsa, id_rsa.ppk (generated from id_rsa and used by winscp), and id_rsa.pub02:49
kaokaoand known_hosts02:49
rneeseasitisnowifgdm3 and lightdm are installed it sets the default to gdm302:49
rneesebut we need it to default to lightdm02:50
kaokaoTJ- ssh-add -l gives me02:50
kaokao ssh-add -l02:50
sarnoldneorpheus: I wonder if you could use debconf-get-selections debconf-set-selections  tools to set the things you need02:51
sarnoldneorpheus: sorry, tab-misfire :(02:51
sarnoldrneese: I wonder if you could use debconf-get-selections debconf-set-selections  tools to set the things you need02:51
neorpheussarnold, no worries haha02:52
rneeseit seems all dpkg-reconfigure lightdm does is change the /etc/X11/default-display-manager file to the correct dm02:52
rneesei tried following it but it got confusing02:52
TJ-kaokao: in which case you may have hit this bug https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH/issues/155102:57
sarnoldrneese: this may help explain how that works: systemctl cat display-manager.service03:13
AimHereHello #ubuntu. As part of a lengthy and frustrating bout of yak shaving, I'm trying to install old Nvidia drivers on an 18.04 Ubuntu machine. I've decided that the graphics-drivers ppa is the least obnoxious option; I've done the add-apt-repository and apt-get-update (and the ppa shows up in the list of repos being updated). However, apt-cache isn't showing the nvidia-graphics-drivers-<version number> packages that are listed in the ppa site (and directly03:56
AimHereaccessible via a browser). Any idea why not?03:56
sarnoldAimHere: hmm, why not just use the ubuntu-drivers tool to let it manage the drivers?04:05
AimHereI come from Debian so I wasn't aware it existed04:05
AimHereWhatever I use has to be CLI-only, though04:06
sarnoldAimHere: are you sure that ppa provides you anything 'new', really? eg the  nvidia-graphics-drivers-440 package for 18.04 came from the security proposed ppa https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-440/440.100-0ubuntu0.18.04.104:06
sarnoldAimHere: try: ubuntu-drivers list04:06
AimHereThe issue is that when I try installing 'nvidia-driver-440' direct from Ubuntu, it's a transition package that ramps it up to 455, and 455 is not what I want04:06
AimHerenvidia-driver-440-server might be what I want; It was super-intimidating since the text blurb from apt-cache is a massive list of PCI numbers04:07
sarnoldnote that I juist picked on at random from a release I knew was still supported before doing any further clicking :)04:08
AimHere440 is the highest driver version I can use so that's the one I settled on :)04:08
sarnoldheh, ubuntu-drivers list doesn't show anything onthe three systems I've got up and running at the moment04:09
AimHereAha, the nvidia-<foo>-server package actually appears to be working. Thanks for the rubber duck tech support, #ubuntu!04:11
sarnoldAimHere: quack quack quack :)04:12
sarnoldAimHere: have fun :)04:12
sarnold(serisouly though, that's a great description, I reallyjust ask folks if they've checked their log files for error messages, and what they're *really* trying to do. it works pretty well. :)04:12
AimHereFun? This isn't fun! I'm in a twisty maze of software library versions and compile errors04:12
AimHeresarnold, yeah!04:13
sarnoldAimHere: ugh :( that doesn't sound like fun at all. you're right.04:16
kaokaofor anyone who was trying to help me earlier with ssh04:20
kaokaoit worked after i restarted my computer (and windows updated)04:21
matsamankaokao: sounds like Windows to me04:22
matsamanworks when it feels like04:22
matsamanor after you waste a ton of time04:22
sarnoldkaokao: hah, I hate not knowing what *really* fixed things, but it's amazing how many thiungs a reboot does fix :) thanks for reporting back04:23
kaokaoaye np04:23
kaokaoI'm trying to run a docker image in my ubuntu server now04:24
kaokaoERROR: for web  Cannot start service web: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:349: starting container process caused "exec: \"/home/app/web_entrypoint.sh\": permission denied": unknown04:24
kaokaoThe permissions for web_entrypoint.sh are: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  389 Nov 26 03:10 web_entrypoint.sh04:25
sarnoldkaokao: I think digital ocean supplies their own kernels outside of ubuntu, and they may not support the usernamespaces that ubuntu's kernel does; if this guess is correct, you wouldn't be able to use unprivileged containers, just the privileged containers04:26
sarnoldkaokao: (note this is going beyond my experience, I may be using wrong names for things, etc)04:26
kaokaohow do i privilege a container04:27
sarnoldtry running the docker commands as root04:27
kaokaooh I did04:27
sarnoldsee if that does the trick04:27
kaokaosame error04:27
sarnolddang, sorry04:27
kaokaodoesn't it have something to do with permissions of entrypoint.sh?04:27
sarnoldkaokao: check also the interpreter used for web_entrypoint.sh -- maybe you can't execute the interpreter, I think that gives the same error message04:31
kaokaohmm howd i do taht04:32
sarnoldkaokao: head -1 /home/app/web_entrypoint.sh  -- find out what it is calling -- and the run namei -l   with that executable04:34
kaokao /home/app/web_entrypoint.sh doesn't really exist in my file system04:36
kaokaoit's in the container, which can't start04:36
kaokaoit's actually ~/MyProject/app/web_entrypoint.sh04:37
sarnoldthat should probably work then, hehe04:38
kaokaonamei -l /bin/sh04:38
sarnoldyou may need to do that within the container as well04:38
sarnold"You should make sure the file has the executable bit set on your host."04:39
sarnoldweird, but, okay...04:39
sarnoldso, ~/MyProject/app/web_entrypoint.sh ? :)04:39
sarnoldcrazy stuff :)04:39
kaokao-rwxrwxr-x 1 user user  389 Nov 26 04:35 web_entrypoint.sh04:40
kaokaoare those the right permissions?04:40
sarnoldyeah probably fine. hmm.04:41
sarnoldsorry kaokao, I'm out of ideas :( time to make dinner :) have fun04:41
kaokaook thanks04:41
kaokaoenjoy dinner04:41
imihi, for some reason mpv is unable to open trash:/// files, how do I fix this? (totem still does the trick)04:46
imislight nuisance but I'd like a fix anyways04:47
imiif possible04:47
matsamanimi: is that not just a convenience fake protocol for some directory named .Trash-foo somewhere?04:52
imiit is04:53
imibut anyhow I doubleclick a file from a file browser and as a result my mpv tries to open a file named trash:///something04:53
imiand I want to make my mpv be able to resolve that04:53
imi(or optionally make the file browser to invoke mpv with a /regular/full/path/name instead)04:54
imicurrent state is not user friendly04:55
matsamanwhich file manager?04:55
imithe default one04:55
imithis one: https://wiki.gnome.org/action/show/Apps/Files04:56
matsaman'Files' I guess04:56
dablitzgood evening05:31
dablitzI would like to adjust "wait for network to be configured" in Ubuntu Server 20.04. I would like to set the timeout to 10 seconds. how can I do that05:32
guivercdablitz, #ubuntu-server may be better, as many users here are desktop users05:39
dablitzthank you05:39
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HashI am on ubuntu 18.04 and I need to test something on ubuntu 20.04. How can I do this in a container? Do I need virtualbox?05:49
Hashhttps://linuxize.com/post/how-to-install-kvm-on-ubuntu-18-04/ found this05:53
imiI definitively would use virtualbox although I'm not convinced it's the only solution. unless you understand containers kvm or whatnot quite well, virtualbox might be the easiest solution05:58
imibut if you are happy to learn new things you can for sure try other methods05:59
HashWow kvm virtmanager is a lost faster than virtualbox in the pst!06:05
HashLet's see if it works.06:05
HashJust finished checking the lie iso06:08
HashYes, kvm is cool. Thanks imi06:08
imiok I don't understand those, so I'm basically happy with virtualbox06:10
HashI like this.06:10
HashIt's actually working faster than virtualbox ever did.06:12
HashI was looking for a way alternative to vbox which is why I asked here and then I found that.06:13
HashYou might try it, it's fairly straightforward, and the virtmanager is like vbox06:13
HashI'm trying to test Xmonad with new ubuntu, as it breaks. Once I get it working in there, then I can transition from 18 to 20.06:14
imiI had a hw dependent issue, the last version known to be free of the issue was 17.10 iirc, so I actually needed to install it to the actual machine to figure out that it won't work06:17
imiso I kept 17.10 for quite a while after it support period ended06:18
HashIf I don't find a solution, I'm stuck on 18.0406:19
imiwhat is the issue?06:19
HashThis is weird, while installing in virtual kvm06:20
HashIt installed fine, did grub stuff, then now it says, removing all packages one by one... uninstalling06:20
HashI chose minimal install option06:21
Hashno extra apps, no third party stuffs06:21
guivercHash, the minimal installation method does a full install, the removes the packages that are on the minimal install list.  it's faster06:21
guivercthe installation doesn't install package by package, writes the full install... minimal install is just removed packages from that full install06:22
HashI see06:24
HashRight now it's stuck on 89% running dpkg after packags were removed06:24
Hashall four assigned cores in high use so its not crashed06:25
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Hash2020-11-26 00:04:31 1kiBKR-0001rR-Qr H=o3.ptr8006.discordapp.com [] Warning: ACL "warn" statement skipped: condition test deferred07:06
Hash2020-11-26 00:04:31 1kiBKR-0001rR-Qr spam acl condition: spamd: failed to connect to any address for Connection refuse07:06
HashUpon reboot, my exim4 server works fine, but spamassassin doesn't start, so mail delivery has a problem07:06
HashI just noticed this. Doesn't the spamasassin service automatically should be started by systemd or ubuntu?07:07
HashDo I manually need to add it as a service in systemd?07:07
Aliekezhihi, is there a way to get the current color temperature value of the screen ? (at any moment)08:03
NeilGhow do I change my kernel compilation parameters/08:23
lotuspsychje!kernelparm | NeilG08:24
ubottuNeilG: To add a one-time or permanent kernel boot parameter see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters08:24
NeilGlotuspsychje, sorry, I mean compilation parameters, not boot parameters08:25
NeilGI'm trying to do this: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/548882/calgary-unable-to-locate-rio-grande-table-in-ebda-what-does-this-mean08:25
NeilGbut I don't know which file to edit08:25
lotuspsychjeNeilG: are you contributing to the ubuntu kernels?08:26
lotuspsychjeor fixing something personal08:26
NeilGlotuspsychje, no, I just want to follow the advice in the answers given in the link I provided08:26
NeilGbut I don't know how08:26
NeilGsomething about a ".config" file?08:27
NeilGwhere is that08:27
lotuspsychjeNeilG: we dont really support compiling kernels here, use !mainline kernels instead as a test08:28
NeilGis it a big job?08:28
lotuspsychjeNeilG: to do what?08:28
NeilGI guess it must be08:28
NeilGrecompiling a kernle08:28
NeilGis journalctl -b the startup error log?08:29
NeilGor is there a different one?08:29
lotuspsychjeNeilG: dmesg for booting, journalctl -f for realtime logs08:31
lotuspsychjeNeilG: and ##kernel for kernel compile questions08:31
NeilGlotuspsychje, perfect, thank you very much08:31
lotuspsychjeNeilG: and #ubuntu-kernel for ubuntu related kernel issues/contribute08:31
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vincent42hi all, I have a weird behaviour on an old ubuntu 16.04 installation, when I try to install nvidia-375, it also install nvidia-384, which has known issue for my card, what could cause this weird behaviour ?08:49
vincent42(install via apt)08:49
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SimplarHello. I would like to install Chinese Pinyin input on my Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa. I tried using some tutorials with ibus, but they only worked to the extent of adding a correct 中 entry to the language bar, but it literally does nothing apart from printing the letters from previous input source. So how to install intelligent pinyin correctly?09:14
guivercvincent42, see https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/nvidia-375 ; nvidia-384 because of a depends rule09:36
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KokpitHello here, why I can't see the current configuration on /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml ?? (as possible to see in ifconfig). I'm using Ubuntu 18.0411:09
slyonKokpit: because NetworkManager does not yet have a backfeed of information to the netplan config. So you can only see the config, which was explicitly written for netplan. The netplan team is working on implementing such functionality in the future11:10
slyonyou can use other tools, such as "nmcli", in the meantime11:11
=== WalterWhitesCoo1 is now known as WalterWhitesCook
elias_aHow do I check the LAN network interface whether it supports autosense? I'm trying to set up a wireshark laptop: wlan connected to Internet and NIC would be connected to the computer I wish to intercept.11:46
elias_aOf course no crossover cable around here...11:46
pho}e{nixelias_a make one :D11:48
pho}e{nixin theory you don't need a crossover cable nowadays11:48
elias_apho}e{nix: Don't have the tools here. :/11:48
pho}e{nixIf should support direct pc-pc connection11:48
pho}e{nixtry it ou11:48
pho}e{nixdepending on how old your NIC is11:49
elias_apho}e{nix: Exactly. It does not seem to work. Old hw in the laptop I am trying to use for capturing.11:49
elias_aIntel 82573L - does anyone know whether it supports autosense?11:50
pho}e{nixmaybe google does :D11:50
elias_aAsking another search services. Google is evil. :P11:51
pho}e{nixhahah :D11:53
pho}e{nixkeep your enemies close :D11:54
ducasseelias_a: gigabit usually does, fast ethernet usually doesn't11:57
MindSparkHello, I just upgraded to 20.04 (was it 04?) and I had to adjust some of the extensions for things to work for me like they used to. Some extensions seem to be incompatible etc. I started using Workspace matrix instead of an outdated extension to get a 2x2 grid. But the default pager is still showing the workspaces in a vertical order instead of a grid. Is there a way to change that?13:06
rneesesarnold, thanks that helped alot13:07
thymbahutymbaSome of you knows what could be this https://paste.rs/sKJ?13:15
mancman3thymbahutymba, https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk026gpU7gCK6974Kh2x5pGlolyRksw%3A1606396723736&source=hp&ei=M6u_X53jKcv6kwXjj5WQBg&q=irq+9+nobody+cared&oq=irq+9+&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQARgAMgUIABDJAzIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeOgQIIxAnOgQIABBDOggIABCRAhCLAzoHCAAQyQMQQzoKCC4QsQMQgwEQQzoCCAA6BwgAELEDEEM6BAgAEAo6CAguEMkDEJMCULUMWOcYYIYpaABwAHgAgAGKAYgBpASSAQM1LjGYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6uAEC&sclient=psy-13:19
thymbahutymbaI already search it but was not helpful. Infact if you look at the last two lines you see a very huge number of interrupts and I think that is also translate in the hotkeys of backlight not working13:22
thymbahutymbaWhich is also reported here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/187231113:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1872311 in linux (Ubuntu) "Brightness hotkeys not working on Lenovo S740" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:22
BluesKajHi folks13:28
dpreacherI am able to set the timezone in bash with .bashrc but the files i save in any of the gui apps save in the time zone that the machine is. since i work remotely, i wanted to set the system time zone or at least the file timestamps to reflect my timezone just so it is easier for me to recall which file i edited or worked on when. how do i do this on ubuntu 18.04?13:41
nualadpreacher: what about https://askubuntu.com/questions/3375/how-to-change-time-zone-settings-from-the-command-line ?13:54
nualamind you, sudo is required to change system settings, .bashrc is more for personal preference13:54
dpreachernuala: oh ok this is i guess a systemd thing, the timedatectl? i have sudo on the system. thanks for the command. even better that it is a cli thing. much appreciated :)13:56
dpreachernuala: you are right for the .bashrc being personal and since i was working on files in my home directory. i wished i could change timezone and timestamps only for those files in my ~ without disturbing system wide timezone13:57
nualahuuu.... wild!13:59
dpreacherhuh? :D14:08
stemidhey if I create a new volume on a new disk and mount it over /var, where are the old /var files? I need to delete them to clear space on the old disk.14:11
doubleqp Interesting one.. when I'm trying to run a speedtest while I've wireguard enabled I get sometimes "[error] Cannot read: Resource temporarily unavailable". Looks to me I'm running in some kind of limits. With wireguard disabled I don't get this error. I checked my ulimits already (open files / processes) and adjusted them for the entire OS. However, since wireguard is embedded in the kernel these days and making use of kworker it doesn't adhere14:12
doubleqpthe ulimits configured on both the system and user config.14:12
nualadpreacher: just surprised/not entirely sure 'setting timezone per directory' is an 'out of the box' option14:14
lotuspsychjestemid: try bleachbit and stacer to cleanout junk/tmp files safely14:15
BluesKajdoubleqp, using a paid vpn with wireguard here ....google speed test works14:20
stemidcan I perhaps start in some runlevel that prevents daemons from starting and locking /var? lsof | grep '/var' shows a few things locking up /var like dbus, gmain. I've tried init 2 but can't get them to exit.14:21
stemidbecause if I can just free up /var I can simply umount it and delete all the old files.14:21
stemidlive boot is the only other option but I'd rather avoid that if I can.14:21
doubleqpBLuesKaj: yea it's a paid vpn here as well. But I think my odroid runs into some limitations.. while both CPU and mem are not being utilised at all. Swap is not being filled up either and there's enough disk space14:22
doubleqpI'm just curious why the ulimit of any kworker process is nog being increased14:22
BluesKajodroid, well that's a different kettle of fish :-)14:27
doubleqpyeap! It sure is - but I think this is moreover a generic linux issue14:34
stemidI figured my question out. I had to reboot, press shift or esc to get into grub, edit the first grub line, add rw init=/bin/bash to the linux line, ctrl+x to boot, then delete everything under /var and reboot again.14:35
stemidnow it's fine14:35
=== frickler is now known as frickler_pto
rneesehey is there a way to find otu what pkgs on ubuntu include gdm3 as a dep ?15:08
EriC^^rneese: apt-cache rdepends gdm315:09
yeatsrneese: try 'apt rdepends gdm3'15:10
yeatsor apt-cache, yeah15:10
yeatsboth work15:10
isomarihretings, how can I turn off auto copy to clipboard when I select text?15:38
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant
rneesethanks guys we found the pkg causing our issue15:48
rneesewhy are people tieing dm into tools15:59
rneeselike update-mananger pulls in gnome-shell wich pulls in gdm15:59
rneesewhat should gnome-shell need gdm315:59
rneesemakes no sense15:59
rneeseand causes issue15:59
amprxcHello, I need to convert RSA, ECDSA and Ed25519 pubkeys to PEM format. So it worked for all the keys except for the Ed25519. Can anyone give me the correct command to convert an Ed25519 pubkey to PEM format ? I can't find any solution on google.16:07
lusrxmy screen is all black on boot up. nothing happens. what do i do?16:24
juliandroskeadd nomodeset to boot cmdline16:25
lusrxis that the grub cmd thing?16:26
juliandroskeif it doesn't work, add single to the cmdline16:26
lusrxadvanced options for ubuntu?16:27
lusrxoh nm, i found it16:28
lusrxso i pressed "e" and now i add "nomodeset" at the end of the list?16:29
lusrxadded. now press f10 to boot like this?16:30
juliandroskethe end of 'linux xxxx' line16:30
lusrxgood to know. i had it on a line of its own, now it's at the end of the linux line and i pressed f1016:32
lusrxit started talking and now i see a little dash line in the very top left corner of my screen. that's all i see16:33
lusrxi think it's stuck again. i will have to cut power16:35
lusrxpower cut and reboot and now i'm back in ubuntu. what was this?16:36
lusrxi think this only started after i installed all the latest updates on ubuntu. it's a freshly installed ubuntu 20.04 lts and it worked nicely with 150% scaling. the very reason i installed it over 20.10 from yesterday that did not cooperate at all with my small display and scaling.16:38
lusrxcan someone help me with this? what am i doing wrong? i now selected to reboot from inside ubuntu and i am back again with "ASUS IN SEARCH OF INCREDIBLE" logo on my screen. nothing happening...16:40
lusrxif i cut the power and power back on it gives me the ubuntu boot menu and if i just select ubuntu it gives me a black screen16:43
lusrxcould this be due to kernel update? i rebooted again and selected advanced boot options and then kernel 5.4.0-54 and now i'm staring at loading initial ramdisk ..."16:46
kk4ewtlusrx, nvidia video card ?16:46
m0rd3cailusrx: that was going to be my suggestion, roll back the kernel and see if that boots16:46
m0rd3caidoes it get back init ramdisk?16:47
lusrxi have the old option also, kernel 5.4.0-26 but i selected this one and it has the same problem, gets stuck at "loading initial ramdisk"16:48
kk4ewtthe black screen says its most likely in wayland  so try control-alt f2 do you get a terminal16:48
lusrxi can get to recovery mode16:49
lusrxexiting recovery mode leaves me with a blip again in the upper left corner and nothing happening...16:51
lusrxwhat is causing this? is it the update? can i undo the updates?16:52
lusrxi think this is related: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1254362/issues-while-booting-ubuntu-20-04-lts-after-installation-on-asus-tuf-a15-fa506i17:07
lusrxi saw some line like this: "ACPI BIOS Error (bug): Could not resolve" and i do have nvidia chip in this. it's a laptop.17:08
Inteloapt update not working17:19
Intelowhat servers to use in sourcelist?17:19
lotuspsychjeIntelo: you can pastebin apts output please?17:20
Intelolotuspsychje: no output. just 'waiting ofr ehaders'17:21
Intelolotuspsychje: no output. just 'waiting for headers'17:21
lotuspsychjeIntelo: are you behind a router or firewall?17:21
Intelowell a router17:21
lotuspsychjeIntelo: wich country are your repos from?17:22
lotuspsychjeIntelo: if you sure its not your end, you can ask in #ubuntu-mirrors for known issues about the turkey repos17:23
lotuspsychje!sources | Intelo see also17:24
ubottuIntelo see also: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.17:24
lusrxunused kernel updates to be removed: transitional package for nvidia-kernel-source-450, 0 kb?17:40
pavlosIntelo: can you ping archive.ubuntu.com ?17:44
lusrxwhere can i get help with this? i am pretty sure this is what's causing my problems. i have reinstalled ubuntu 20.04 and after reinstalling a number of "nvidia" updates now i'm back on the same problem: stuck on boot.17:44
lusrxis "nvidia-tesla-450-kernel-dkms" only working with desktop gpus?17:46
lusrx"This version only supports GeForce, Quadro, NVS, Tesla, ... GPUs based on the Kepler (desktop cards only), Maxwell, Volta, Turing, or newer architectures. Look at the legacy packages for older cards."17:46
lotuspsychjelusrx: please easy on the enter button, ask your question then wait patiently until volunteers can help you17:47
heeenmy laptop fails to boot from LUKS after recent set of updatesa17:47
heeenhow do I debug this17:47
dpreachernuala: not per directory, but maybe per profile? all that matters to the user is seeing what are the times relevant to their 'now' time that they worked on stuff. It is not so far fetched to imagine if a system was 'hosted' and available from anywhere for multiple users. maybe I am missing something fundamental, but the C in UTC is meant to "coordinate" i suppose :)17:47
tollandat some point I accodemtally created a syncthing@syncthing_user.service (for non existing user) and now my journal is spamming "syncthing@syncthing_users.service: Failed to determine user credentials"18:17
tollandhowever there is no unit file on the system corresponding to that.. to delete18:17
CorvusCoraxHi. Ever since a few months ago (can't tell exactly when, but it was triggered by a kernel upgrade within ubuntu 18 LTS) my computer freezes every time I disconnect a specific USB device. How can I debug that or make a bug report?18:21
jeremy31CorvusCorax: before unplugging the device, open a terminal and enter>  tail -f /var/log/syslog18:22
jeremy31See if any errors show18:22
CorvusCoraxthere's nothing - at least not after reboot, whenever that happens, no more filesystem changes get synced to disk after the event18:24
CorvusCoraxis there a way to run "dmesg" in continuous mode, where it keeps printing new messages if there are any?18:27
pavlosCorvusCorax: you should get Nov 26 11:26:07 T5600 kernel: [867991.419928] usb 2-1.2: USB disconnect, device number 6 and a few other lines18:27
pavlosCorvusCorax: plug in usb, tail -f keeps looking at /var/log/syslog, disconnect usb ... you should see lines18:28
jeremy31CorvusCorax: tail -f /var/log/dmesg18:29
CorvusCorax@pavlos: in syslog there's :  5608 Nov 26 18:52:30 CorvusMC4 kernel: [ 6211.532896] perf: interrupt took too long (3212 > 3183), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rat     e to 6225018:29
CorvusCorax5609 Nov 26 18:56:33 CorvusMC4 systemd-modules-load[444]: Inserted module 'lp'18:29
CorvusCorax18:56:33 is the first line #after# the reboot18:29
ioriaCorvusCorax, dmesg -w   might help18:29
pavlosCorvusCorax: perf not retated to this usb issue18:29
pavlosCorvusCorax: as jeremy31 wrote, connect usb, pop a term, tail -f /var/log/syslog, disconnect usb18:30
CorvusCoraxhmm. maybe I can pipe dmesg into ssh to a remote host and log there, then the log output survives past crash if there is any18:31
CorvusCoraxill try that. will be back probably after one more reboot ;)18:31
jeremy31CorvusCorax: you can check through kern.log and syslog files in /var/log for the date/time the crash happens18:34
CorvusCoraxthe crash was at around 18:55 - but there's nothing in the logfiles. I suspect that the block devices no longer get anything written to them once its triggered, so there's nothing in the logs18:35
CorvusCoraxok i triggered it now a kworker process is at 100% and any attempt to disk-io blocks inefinitely, have to reboot. i got a log on a remote system, I'll upload it to pastebin, bbl18:38
Kharec'evening all18:39
compdocCorvusCorax, you ever check the SMART info to see if the drive is dying?18:41
CorvusCoraxback. pastebin: https://pastebin.com/ssaa7nfu18:45
CorvusCorax@jeremy31 & @pavlos - any idea?18:50
lusrxi reinstalled ubuntu 20.04 lts 2 times now on my laptop, installed 3 times in total, twice with "third party software" enabled and once with this option disabled. still the same problem: gets stuck at boot screen with my laptop logo after a successful update of software packages.18:51
jeremy31CorvusCorax: some modem device?18:51
lusrxbefore i go looking for some other linux distro to work with, is there something i can do to make ubuntu 20.04 work on my laptop?18:52
pavlosCorvusCorax: [Do Nov 26 19:36:38 2020] cdc_acm 1-1:1.0: failed to set dtr/rts18:53
jeremy31lusrx: Is Secure Boot enabled in BIOS?18:53
tomreyn!recovery | lusrx18:53
ubottulusrx: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode18:53
CorvusCoraxits an embedded flight controller, stm32f4 arm microcontroller, running librepilot firmware and the USB stack from ST-microelectronics SDK.   It simulates USB-HID device for telemetry and a USB COM port (simulated modem) for some serial data exchange with ROS18:53
lusrxsecure boot is disabled18:54
CorvusCoraxthe USB devices firmware is open source, but it hasn't changed in 4 years, so i don't see why it suddenly should crash ubuntu linux, it didn't used to do that18:54
pavlosCorvusCorax: failed to set dtr/rts so the comm parameters are not ok18:55
CorvusCoraxpossible, still this shouldn't cause the computer to crash, especially since I did not even try to access that serial port.  and the host crashes on disconnect (when its plugged out)18:56
lusrxi can boot into recovery mode, with both kernel 5.4.0-54 and with 5.4.0-26. i just don't know what to do there?18:56
pavlosCorvusCorax: does the user belong to dialup group?18:56
CorvusCoraxit does18:57
tomreynlusrx: you could review logs form the failed boots.18:58
CorvusCoraxfunnily enough I can communicate with this device fine. telemetry and the VCP work, it's only when i plug it out that the host computer goes *tilt*18:58
tomreynlusrx: journalctl --list-boots     and    journalctl -b -1    for the last but one boot18:58
tomreyn!bootlog | lusrx: this may also help, booting normally (other than this)19:00
ubottulusrx: this may also help, booting normally (other than this): To get a more verbose log of the boot process, remove "quiet" and "splash" from the kernel boot parameters and add "debug systemd.log_level=info". For info on editing kernel boot parameters, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters19:00
CorvusCorax@pavlos : correction, on this system my user does NOT belong to dialout group, instead i have a udev rule that makes that specific ttyACM* device accessible for everyone19:00
CorvusCoraxcat /etc/udev/rules.d/50-usb.rules19:01
CorvusCoraxSUBSYSTEM=="tty", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{product}=="Revolution", SYMLINK+="flightcontroller_serial"19:01
tomreynlusrx: the installer iso file you downloaded, do you still have it? did it say 20.04(.0) or 20.04.1?19:01
lusrxok i will look at that next. but now i'm logged in after entering recovery, cleaning disk space and checking for broken packages, then exiting recovery19:01
pavlosCorvusCorax: just for kicks, add that user to dialup group, logout,login, and try again.19:01
lusrxtomreyn: ubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso19:02
CorvusCorax@pavlos you mean "dialout" group? there is not "dialup" group in /etc/group19:02
pavlosCorvusCorax: yes, my typo ... dialout group19:03
tomreynlusrx: ah, i think you would have an easier life if you went with 20.04.1 or without (I'm guessing that's what you have) nvidia proprietary drivers.19:03
=== CorvusCorax is now known as CorvusCoraxabout
tomreyn!sysrq| lusrx: if you get stuck again during boot, try to shut it down a bit more 'kindly'19:04
ubottulusrx: if you get stuck again during boot, try to shut it down a bit more 'kindly': In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key19:04
tomreynthis can help preserve log files19:05
lusrxtomreyn: on first 2 installs i did check the prop software box, and i got a number of "nvidia" listings in software update later on. the last install i did not select that and did not get the nvidia things, but still ran into same issue19:05
bluejaypopOn ubuntu focal 64bits is it possible to install wine32-development? I'm getting this error  wine32-development:i386 : Depends: libwine-development:i386 (= 5.5-3ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed19:06
tomreynlusrx: without logs, it's hard to tell whether it was exactly the same issue. but i agree it is surprising. using the latest installer is usually a good idea.19:07
CorvusCoraxok adding myself to dialout did not change anything19:08
CorvusCoraxstill get failed to set dtr/dts, and on USB disconnect the kernel disaplays this weird warning and the system freezes19:09
CorvusCoraxwith 100% cpu load in kworker19:09
CorvusCoraxcpu fan goes crazy19:09
pavlosCorvusCorax: do you have modemmanager installed? could you remove it and try ...19:09
CorvusCoraxit was installed, i removed it, lets see...19:11
CorvusCoraxgood call! without modemmanager there is no error (that line could not set dtr/dts does not appear) and also no kernel warning and no freeze19:13
CorvusCoraxso apparently modemmanager tries to configure modem parameters for a device that is not really a modem in the background, and in doing so triggers a kernel bug19:13
pavlosCorvusCorax: that's good19:14
CorvusCoraxi now have a workaround, get rid of modemmanager, there's probably a fix/workaround on the USB device side - it could offer correct/working dtr/dts support. but i still think this is a bug with denial-of-service potential that could cause local data loss or corruption19:15
CorvusCoraxonce that freeze happens, the system remains partly operational (only one cpu core is at 100%) but any attempt to sync data to disk just freezes, not even "reboot -f" worked, that just froze too and did nothing, while i could still chat in the irc window19:16
pavlosCorvusCorax: you could probably just systemctl stop modemmanager (or disable) so it does not start19:16
CorvusCoraxmodemmanager is enabled per default on a freshly installed system though, so all i need to do is plug in that flight controller, plug it out again, and the system crashes - don't even need to be logged in.  that has certain exploit potential >;)19:18
CorvusCoraxi think i should write a bug report about that. whats the best place to do so?19:19
CorvusCoraxi think this is a kernel bug19:19
coconutbluejaypop, i can just run sudo apt install --dry-run wine32-development ## without errors on focal19:27
moredrowsyHey guys, was wondering if you can help me with this. I was setting up a network share on windows. My ubuntu 20.04 was able to auto detect the network share automatically in nautulis. Then, I installed samba and I could not see my windows network share anymore. How do I fix this? Thanks guys!19:28
tomreyn!bug | CorvusCorax19:28
ubottuCorvusCorax: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:28
CorvusCoraxtomreyn: which package would be the correct package for a kernel bug? linux-image-4.15.0-124-generic ?19:30
CorvusCoraxor just linux-image ?19:30
jeremy31CorvusCorax: maybe simply linux19:30
lusrxtomreyn: i was not aware of 20.04.1. thank you! i am downloading it now. is there a way to dump the output of journalctl to a paste service? i see a lot of warnings and errors, like "firmware bug: tpm final events table missing or invalid" and "firmware bug: tsc_deadline disabled due to errata: please update opcode to version: 0xb2 (or later)"19:31
alekksanderhi guys. any way to install newest systemd 247 over ubuntu 20.04?19:33
tomreynlusrx: journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999919:34
tomreyn!latest | alekksander19:34
ubottualekksander: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.19:34
tomreynalekksander: if you prefer a more direct answer: none that is supported here or could be recommended in any way.19:35
alekksandertomreyn: i realize that. still would like to try out the new oomd it has19:36
alekksanderokay. got it19:36
tomreyneven unreleased (/join #ubuntu+1) "hirsuite" doesn't have 247 packaged, yet19:37
lusrxtomreyn: i ran into name resolution problem. is network enabled in recovery mode?19:38
tomreynlusrx: only when you select this option from the recovery menu, or the one to mount file systems (i keep forgetting which of the two is available) and you have (wired) ethernet (or usb) with dhcp ( or configure it manually).19:40
GumaHello everyone and Happy Thanksgibing to US folks :)19:43
matsaman& to you19:43
alekksanderi'm not really about the number pursuit, the 247 has oomd that might be a fix for my system. otherwise i have problems with freezes and iowait 100%19:43
GumaI was wondering if some one can help mw with small issue I have. I am trying to start pppd on boot. So I created pppd.service and added it to /lib/systemd/system. I can enable it and run it and shit down. So that works. The issue I have in on boot itself19:45
tomreynalekksander: if there's a bug you know about which affects supported ubuntu versions, then you're welcome to report this bug (if not already done) while running those ubuntu versions:19:45
GumaService is failing becouse /dev/modem is not available yet19:45
tomreyn!bug | alekksander19:45
ubottualekksander: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:45
GumaI added ConditionPathExists=/dev/modem to [Unit] but that is not working19:46
tomreynalekksander: existing bug reports often contain workarounds, so looking up existing ones may help you there, too.19:46
GumaAny one has an idea how to force or delay service untill specific device is ready/available?19:46
matsamanGuma: could just poll19:48
matsamanmaybe with a timeout, so it doesn't try forever19:48
alekksandertomreyn: it's one of these bugs that has been present  (and reported) over years. it's unlikely gonna be fixed as machines these days gain ram and make this issue less and less popular. gonna look up how to safely update it manually if there is no ppa for it19:48
Gumamatsaman: I was thinging about calling little bash script and when loop in there untill device is available. But not sure how service would behave. So I am looking for better solution if there is one. :)19:49
tomreynalekksander: so you got the bug id?19:49
EriC^^Guma: maybe use a udev rule>19:50
matsamanGuma: if you're talking about systemd, I think it has facilities for this baked in19:50
matsamanGuma: 'try until success', etc.19:50
GumaEriC^^: Are you saying to start pppd from udev rule?19:53
Gumamatsaman: I am using systemd. I can post pastebin for my service19:54
GumaI do not care shich one it is. All I am looking is 100% realible way to start it :)19:54
GumaAny comments? or additions please...19:56
GumaI also did just try to add After=dev-modem.device tp [Unit] section19:57
GumaThat did not work19:58
alekksandertomreyn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/15935619:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 159356 in linux (Ubuntu) "When DMA is disabled system freeze on high memory usage" [Low,Incomplete]19:58
alekksandertomreyn: i think it's this one. ram high = 100% io, sometimes freeze, sometimes it keeps working after „short freeze”19:59
tomreynalekksander: interesting, i wasn't aware of this one. it doesn't seem to refer to an upstream (kernel.org) report. maqybe it hasn't been reported there, yet?20:01
tomreynmaybe -lowlatecy kernel can help with it?20:02
tomreynthe 20.04 ubuntu desktop has a minimum recommendation of 4 GB RAM.20:03
tomreynalekksander: i have to leave it there for now, good luck-20:04
rfmGuma, maybe you need "BindsTo=dev-modem.device"? I see the serial-getty@.service which is another serial port monitor thingy does that.20:05
Gumarfm.. Hmm interesting. Letm e try it. Would it go to [Unit] section?20:10
rfmGuma, look at /lib/systemd/system/serial-getty@.service for an example...  It's documented in the systemd.unit man page.20:11
geosmileI uninstalled ufw, but i still see a lot of junk from ufw in iptables20:14
geosmilehow do i fix that?20:14
rfmGuma, where does /dev/modem come from anyway?  If it's just a symlink to a /dev/tty<xxx> file, maybe that's the name you need to use20:15
pavlosgeosmile: you can flush iptables back to default settings (sudo iptables -F20:16
Gumarfm: I have symlink in udev to ttyUSB220:17
geosmilepavlos, do i also need: iptables -t nat -F && iptables -t mangle -F && iptables -X20:18
geosmilepavlos, what about v4 vs v6 cleanup?20:18
GumaThe reason I did this is to prevent ttyUSB2 beeing "shifted" if there is another USB device that is plugged in before boot20:18
pavlosgeosmile: https://gist.github.com/jarek-przygodzki/29830f868e0c29e1dccb09beafbc4f7220:19
GumaBut after I boot and login I can see /dev/modem there and my ppp and chat files work when I do pppd call. So everything works after boot but not on boot20:20
GumaWhen I check service after boot I see this error "/usr/sbin/pppd: In file /etc/ppp/peers/lte.ppp: unrecognized option '/dev/modem'20:20
GumaBut if I try to start servcie now it works20:20
Gumanow meaning after long I can start and stop service. So it seems /dev/modem is not avialable yet20:21
doubledutchGuma: Does it show in lsblk20:22
doubledutcherrr sorry does it show in $ lspci20:22
geosmilepavlos, the .md file has different instructions than .sh file in that paste?20:24
Gumadoubledutch: no ti does not20:24
rfmGuma, so maybe you need After=dev-ttyUSB2.device?  (I don't know how good systemd is at dealing with device symlinks.)20:25
doubledutchSeems like something needs to make it available then - I suck at linux but maybe kernel doesn't support modem?20:25
doubledutchI've learned if it's not in lspci sometimes your system isn't recognizing it from boot20:25
doubledutchOften kernel module stuff - good luck20:25
GumaI giess I can call seperate bash script and loop checking [ -e "/dev/mode"] && pppd call and exit20:25
GumaBut I like to see if there is a "proper" way to do this20:25
lusrxtomreyn: sorry to bother you man but i am desperate now. i did get the 20.04.1 installer like you said and put it on my usb stick and did my install number 4 (proprietary software disabled during install). i run into same problem. everything works 100% up until i run software updater in ubuntu and install all updates. then during reboot it gets stuck with my computer logo on screen and just sits there.20:29
lusrxi will try to kill it kindly (the sysreq thing) and then go to recovery and see if i can paste a log20:30
TJ-Guma: only just come in and there may be something more fundamental you ought to do, but for a .service file, see the Condition PathExists20:31
rfmGuma, I would expect figuring out how to get systemd to do it for you to be more fruitful.  What I'd try next is getting rid of the /dev/modem rule, and putting After=dev-ttyS2.device and BindsTo=dev-ttyS2.device (following the serial-getty@.service example)  if you can get it to work that way then move on to getting the /dev/modem rule working with it (e.g. have the rule create a real /dev/modem entry, not a symlink20:31
TJ-Guma: "man systemd.unit"20:31
TJ-Grr "ConditionPathExists="20:31
pavlosgeosmile: different? the .sh runs them all in one line (see the &&), the md issues them one line at at time. Please read about iptables20:32
geosmilepavlos, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QtYX8CcZyK/20:32
rfmI think ConditionPathExists won't help since it will skip starting the unit at all if the device isn't there, not wait for it to become available.  But I'm definitely out of my depth here.20:33
lusrxtomreyn: http://termbin.com/6nfc020:34
pavlosgeosmile: great, reset to default20:34
lusrxthe magic touch sequence did not work. i had to cut the power.20:34
geosmilepavlos, thanks20:35
TJ-rfm: yeah, thinking about it, it won't help for this. It needs a .device20:36
lusrxthis log is one before the last one (when i cut the power): http://termbin.com/0g7320:38
GumaTJ-: I did try ConditionPathExists=/dev/modem as on of the first things in [Unit] but that did not work. Service failed becouse this condition was not meet. but it would not wait20:38
TJ-Guma: yeah; needs a .device unit20:39
GumaTJ-: thank you for your input. I will try your suggestions. Not sure how to change modem in symlink.20:40
GumaI have this "KERNELS=="1-2.2*",SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", DRIVERS=="option", ATTRS{bInterfaceNumber}=="02",SYMLINK+="modem""20:41
TJ-Guma: to create a .device unit in your udev rule you'd TAG+="systemd" and have /etc/systemd/system/dev-modem.device  unit file with appropriate option,s and if I recall correctly, your .service file can require/after that .device20:47
TJ-Guma: might be worth asking for advice in #systemd20:47
lusrxafter removing splash and quiet and adding debug and systemd.log_level=info and then hitting ctrl+x to boot, i see a perfectly blank screen.20:49
lusrxapart from deferring all updates, is there anything else i can do to make ubuntu 20.04 run on my laptop?20:50
GumaTJ-: Thank you. I see light in tunnel. Let me research this first :)20:50
lusrxsecond try and it now boots???20:55
jeremy31lusrx: YA!20:55
lusrxi didn't do anything though? i just removed splash, quiet, etc. and now i have done 2 normal reboots from within ubuntu and it did not get stuck... but but... how? why?... what?? how?20:57
jeremy31lusrx: Typo the first time?20:59
ubottuTo get a more verbose log of the boot process, remove "quiet" and "splash" from the kernel boot parameters and add "debug systemd.log_level=info". For info on editing kernel boot parameters, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters20:59
lusrxthis is what i did both times20:59
lusrxand this is only supposed to be temporary?21:00
lusrxsomehow i have unlocked ubuntu into working properly... could it be the removal of "splash"?21:00
jeremy31lusrx: I think removing splash just gets rid of the Ubuntu logo at boot21:01
TJ-removing 'splash' also removes vt.handof= which DOES directly set the tty to use21:03
lusrxsudo gedit /etc/default/grub and i see "quite splash" for grub cmd linux default line the other one (user defined?) is just "".21:03
TJ-err, vt.handoff=21:03
lusrxso my problem was somehow related to tty?21:04
TJ-lusrx: sounds like a good idea to remove 'splash' from GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT21:04
lusrxone thing i notice immediately is that i no longer land on the ubuntu boot menu... what does that mean?21:05
geosmileI've a text file of IPs which changes everyday. How do I make ufw allow these IPs on a particular port (say 443) ?21:05
TJ-lusrx: the intention of vt.handoff= is to avoid any flickering mode-switching between boot and GUI tty, the tty intended for the GUI doesn't have any console activity though, so that may be why you had a 'blank' display21:05
TJ-lusrx: once the system has booted successfully, it sets a flag, that tells GRUB not wait at the boot menu since it isn't failing to start the OS21:05
lusrxso basically it's only now that my updates have successfully been applied and i can safely start using ubuntu?21:07
lusrxin any case i have removed "splash" from my default/grub file. thanks to all who helped me!21:08
lusrxi spoke too soon i think... i should not have edited the grub file? i see my laptop logo again after editing grub file and rebooting21:10
TJ-lusrx: try tapping the Esc key21:11
TJ-lusrx: sometimes plymouth (that handles splash) might be in a 'hidden' state and tapping Esc once the kernel has started will cause the console to be toggled into and out of view21:12
lusrxok will try next time. i forced power off and then repeated the grub param edit process again and i'm back in again21:14
TJ-lusrx: after you edited /etc/default/grub, did you also do "sudo update-grub" to write the changes to /boot/grub/grub.cfg ?21:15
TJ-lusrx: 'update-grub' is always required after editing the default config file(s)21:15
lusrxoh i missed that step21:15
TJ-aha :)21:16
lusrxthis must be something else... nasty bug? now it took me 4 attempts (grub parameter edit on boot) to get back into ubuntu. i just had a black screen (no laptop logo visible) and pressing esc did not help.21:25
ferzHow can I disable ipv6 preferred over ipv4?21:54
ferzI've disabled IPv6 from Network Manager but when I try to ssh versus a server having ipv6 I've to wait ipv6 timeout before ssh try and success on ipv4.21:54
jeremy31ferz: there is a way to add a parameter to /etc/default/grub21:55
jeremy31Edit /etc/default/grub and add ipv6.disable=1 in line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX21:55
chosigferz: you can force ssh to use ipv4 with ssh -4 ...21:55
ferzIt has disabled ipv6 after I've disabled wifi connection21:58
ferzjeremy31: I would like to use ipv6 either, but if it works21:59
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wtzre-image ubuntu into ext2 to nfs1222:05
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JayDoubleuis there a way to see snapcraft snap definition files of how they are all build?22:10
geosmileany idea why apt upgrade is giving me this - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9qsfJB66Zz/23:18
ferzgeosmile: it seems to tell you exactly what you need to do to fix.23:20
ferzbut I don't know why23:21

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