=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash === dreamon__ is now known as dreamon [15:28] Hello.Does anyone know how to change grub menu of xubuntu for 32 bit version. I ve installed a new windows 10, as usual grub is hidden.Im trying to change it with bcdedit set bootmgr in windows CMD. [15:30] xu-help26w, i didn't get that. [15:34] bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\xubuntu\grubx64.efi. This is supposed to be the code to set the boot path. This is for a 64 bit version,need the correct statement for a 32 bit system [15:36] xu-help26w, bcdedit is windows cmd. [15:38] Know the grub file name for xubuntu 32 bit? [15:39] you can mount efi partition and have a look. [15:40] The command? [15:41] are you on win or Xub? [15:41] In windows [15:42] look in win disk management utility. === sorinello1 is now known as sorinello [17:46] Started testing webcams across different software under Xubuntu: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/180vnd5I6XLZyUEvBPnCO1SiGlIOS5jM3y4M5rAZ-V3A/edit?usp=sharing