
bthomasI am pingable just in case :-)10:26
Chipacabthomas: shoo10:26
ChipacaJoseMasson: goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood  morning!12:39
JoseMassonGood morning!!!12:40
Chipacai'm about to go out for a run12:41
ChipacaJoseMasson: anything i can do for you before i do?12:41
JoseMassonChipaca: Thank you! go for a run12:42
ChipacaJoseMasson: ok. If something is on fire, mattermost will reach me12:42
JoseMassonChipaca: ;-)12:43
Chipaca(i'll be leaving on the hour)12:44
bthomasJoseMasson: https://github.com/jorgenschaefer/elpy/issues/116413:06
JoseMassonbthomas: I saw it, I think the problem I am having is that flycheck it is not using the virtualenv13:12
bthomasJoseMasson: C-c C-c should launch a python interpreter that can load modules that were installed within the python environment. But this does not seem to happen. Makes me suspect that there is some underlying issue. One possibility is that the virtual enviroment interpreter is just a link to the host provided one.13:14
JoseMassonbthomas: I think it's working ok, but flycheck....It's not a big deal13:25
bthomasJoseMasson: What are your steps to create and activate venv and does C-c C-c bring up a shell in the venv ?13:26
JoseMassonIn console: $ virtualenv -p python3 venv  && source venv/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements-dev.txt13:32
JoseMassonM-x: pyvenv-activate venv/13:33
JoseMassonThat's all13:34
JoseMassonIt is working13:34
bthomasLet me try that. Only difference with what I was doing was the way in which I created venv. I my case I was doing "python3 -m venv ."13:35
bthomasNope. Does not work for me. You may have some additional config which I don't. Anyway I will dig.13:38
ChipacaI think I'm going to EOW right here18:00
JoseMassonNice weekend!18:14

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