
slyonHey! Could somebody please re-try the pycurl/ autopkgtest for me? It seems to be working fine locally, as well as on canonistack, with or without squid proxy. I'm not sure why it failed earlier... maybe a network hiccup? https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/p/pycurl/hirsute/amd64 (Maybe lets test on amd64 first and see if that works now)07:46
=== ebarretto_ is now known as ebarretto
juliankslyon: done11:46
parideLaney, hi! I submitted a MP updating ubuntu-meta for which I'd like a +1 from foundations (and desktop): https://code.launchpad.net/~paride/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/+git/ubuntu-meta/+merge/39457712:59
paridebut I'm not sure if anybody got actually notified about it. Pinging you as your name is in the latest changelog entries :)12:59
paridethat's what's in the seeds already + some packaging changes13:00
parideLaney, also, would it make sense to maintain ubuntu-meta in a git repo?13:04
parideI was a bit surprised not to find one13:04
rbalintparide, +1 from foundations14:18
pariderbalint, thanks!14:19
arunpyasimitya57: Hi I'm from pkg-deepin-team, can I pm you?19:09
mitya57Hi! Sure!19:09
ItzSwirlzAnyone want to review this SRU for fixing some spotify links in Cinnamon/Cinnamon's Screensaver? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cinnamon/+bug/190134423:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1901344 in cinnamon-screensaver (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Spotify album icon shows optimal CD disk instead of album/cover image" [Low,Confirmed]23:08

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