
bittinThere was no Daily Images for amd64 only ARM yesterday :(06:43
luna_same problem today08:54
Maikluna_: what do you need the daily builds for anyway?09:01
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <iwillyo> Forwarded from unknown: Your life will change for good if you join this man and give him a try his the best18:33
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <iwillyo> https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEb1gRSusriYA5OT_Q18:33
Maikyay... spam popping up again?18:41
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <RikMills> @popeydc @philipz spamz ^^18:42
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <popeydc> TA21:15
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <RikMills> EDIT: spam gone :) (edited)21:25

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