
ubptgbotFelicia Johnson was added by: Felicia Johnson00:04
ubptgbotd00msd4y_cl0ck was added by: d00msd4y_cl0ck00:26
ubptgbotTuomas Adriano was added by: Tuomas Adriano00:42
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @Javacookies [the swipe left/right to close a tab in morph seems great but I think it's a bit …], ive been thinking a undo close button  could show at the bottom bar, it did seem fairly good at knowing if you wanted to scroll01:41
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> Getting an hang on this userscript bussiness hehe02:34
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> Whatsweb is becoming more usable now :p02:35
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> Just the dialogs left 🤔02:52
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] Getting an hang on this userscript business hehe02:52
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> (Photo, 676x237) https://irc.ubports.com/F0RjQRHZ.png almost ready for "ubuntu touch for redmi note 7"04:51
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> just need bug fixes :)04:51
ubptgbot<Shakendo> posted in wrong group, will delete other post04:52
ubptgbot<Shakendo> Fwd from Shakendo: I have been trying to get my recovery to do the cache fix, but its not copying my init.recovery files, and if I copy them manually it still doesnt bind mount /data/cache to /cache04:52
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> also wrong group04:53
ubptgbot<Shakendo> well, its closer to correct group than halium lol04:57
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> lol05:00
ubptgbot<Shakendo> @RealDanct12 the answer to your question in halium is qcom05:12
ubptgbot<Shakendo> yeah, thats what I named the file when I created it, but its still not copying it, I have it in the same directory as init.qcom.rc05:13
ubptgbot<Shakendo> then init.recovery.qcom.rc05:13
ubptgbotMohamed was added by: Mohamed06:27
ubptgbot<Shakendo> @RealDanct12 would it be possible to get a ls output of your acdbdata folder? my note 4 doesnt have one and I would like to see if re-creating that would fix my call audio07:08
ubptgbot<Vern_Kuato> @RealDanct12 [<reply to media>], I've been waiting for this😃07:11
ubptgbotJ H was added by: J H08:50
ubptgbot<Prakash> Hello all, … I installed UT on redmi 4 (santoni), using the updated ubports installer, but it got stuck. … I even changed 3 cables and tried. … Any help?09:44
ubptgbot<Prakash> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/hA6r15LQ.png09:45
ubptgbot<Prakash> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/4ErFiQ2S.png09:45
ubptgbot<Prakash> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/iu2cyMli.png09:46
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> Prakash can you at least boot the recovery? https://ci.ubports.com/view/Device%20Compatibility%20Images/job/Device%20Compatibility%20Images/job/halium-santoni/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/halium-unlocked-recovery_santoni.img10:11
ubptgbot<Eric Adams> Hello I was just wondering if someone here could help me. I have an Open VPN server set up but every time I try to connect on my phone Touch says there are no valid VPN secrets. Does anybody know whats going on? The ovpn file I have is the same one I use on my laptop and it works perfectly there. I even went through and separated the C10:46
ubptgbotRT files keys from it so I could manually put them in since Touch didn't want to grab them automatically. If anyone could help me I would really appreciate it.10:46
ubptgbotElijah McCall was added by: Elijah McCall10:59
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Eric Adams [Hello I was just wondering if someone here could help me. I have an Open VPN ser …], there's a bug in ut that doesn't save the vpn password11:36
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/4611:37
ubptgbotHustle2Greatness was added by: christianol12:08
ubptgbotim_not_dead_seiwer was added by: im_not_dead_seiwer12:10
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> Hello everybody. Does anyone know how to add a Yahoo mailbox to Dekko? It's just that when I try to add for some reason all the letters are not displayed, the mail is like it's empty, but it's not ... And new mail doesn't come, maybe there is a fix for this?12:10
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> (Photo, 720x1520) https://irc.ubports.com/r7h7pCtP.png12:12
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> Everything is empty12:12
ubptgbot<Javacookies> I read some emails from yahoo about security and 3rd party email clients and stuffs. Perhaps that's the reason? If I am not mistaken, you have to use an app password12:23
ubptgbot<Javacookies> mine seems to still work but I haven't setuo manually for some years I thibk because I always just copy dekko's app data 😄12:24
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Hello everybody. Does anyone know how to add a Yahoo mailbox to Dekko? It's just …], I think I use app password12:32
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @mateosalta [I think I use app password], Um ... And what "application password" are we talking about? I don't quite understand, to be honest .... If I mean the password for the account, then naturally I have it and I entered it, but I did not understand about the password from the application12:35
ubptgbot<Prakash> @RealDanct12 [Prakash can you at least boot the recovery? https://ci.ubports.com/view/Device%2 …], Thanks brother … I'll see how to flash this12:52
ubptgbotMichael Fröhlich was added by: Michael Fröhlich13:05
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Um ... And what "application password" are we talking about? I don't quite under …], i saw an mention of it in yahoo mails, i'm not entirely clea on how to set it13:11
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Fuseteam [i saw an mention of it in yahoo mails, i'm not entirely clea on how to set it], I figured out where to get it ... I generated a password for Dekko, but now I don't know where to enter it in the settings13:12
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> People who know how you can enter app password in Dekko to add Yahoo mail? And then I rummaged through all the settings and did not find13:13
ubptgbot<Danfro> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Um ... And what "application password" are we talking about? I don't quite under …], Some providers require to set up a individual password for one device. That is called an app password. E.g. when using 2FA you need to have that for every device to login.13:13
ubptgbot<Danfro> @im_not_dead_seiwer [I figured out where to get it ... I generated a password for Dekko, but now I do …], It will be the userpassword for that account.13:14
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Danfro [It will be the userpassword for that account.], It turns out that instead of the standard password for the account, I will need to enter this code generated on the site?13:15
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> ohw its just the password used to login.........now i get it13:16
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Fuseteam [ohw its just the password used to login.........now i get it], Indeed .... I entered now instead of a password this generated code and everything magically worked13:20
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> People who know how to compile the source code of programs in .click? Otherwise I want to find Git with a Mega Cloud Drive port and compile the package and install13:26
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @im_not_dead_seiwer [People who know how to compile the source code of programs in .click? Otherwise …], I just found that the Ubuntu SDK cannot be installed on my PC (And I have a PC on Ubuntu 20.04) .... Maybe there are other compilation methods13:30
ubptgbot<DoraPC> how can I port it to my phone?13:31
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @DoraPC [how can I port it to my phone?], The easiest method is to take the GSI image, port the Halium kernel, and in case of a problem, check other images, the vendor may have fewer bugs. (If, of course, you mean how to port the OS to your phone)13:35
ubptgbot<DoraPC> @im_not_dead_seiwer [The easiest method is to take the GSI image, port the Halium kernel, and in case …], lol … I don't!13:35
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @DoraPC [lol … I don't!], Ah ..... It seems that then I did not understand what it was about 😅13:37
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @im_not_dead_seiwer [People who know how to compile the source code of programs in .click? Otherwise …], you can take a look at the dekko repo on gitlab if you wish :313:41
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @DoraPC [how can I port it to my phone?], port what to your phone? what phone?13:41
ubptgbot<NotKit> @im_not_dead_seiwer [People who know how to compile the source code of programs in .click? Otherwise …], maybe you're looking for https://clickable-ut.dev/en/latest/?13:43
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> Ah ... Got it .... Does anyone have a link to the GitHub application of the Mega CLoud Drive port? I know there is a port, but I lost the link to it13:44
ubptgbot<jonny> @im_not_dead_seiwer [People who know how to compile the source code of programs in .click? Otherwise …], you might want to join https://t.me/UbuntuAppDevEN13:44
ubptgbotrocket2nfinity was added by: rocket2nfinity13:51
ubptgbot<DoraPC> @Fuseteam [port what to your phone? what phone?], Ubuntu touch to poco x313:54
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @im_not_dead_seiwer [The easiest method is to take the GSI image, port the Halium kernel, and in case …], then this is the route you wil need to take13:57
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @im_not_dead_seiwer [The easiest method is to take the GSI image, port the Halium kernel, and in case …], [Edit] then this is the route you wil need to take @DoraPC13:58
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> Hmm ... I've searched the whole GitHub now and I can't figure it out .... Is there even a MegaSync port for Ubuntu Touch ...14:03
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> there is but i too forgot the url14:05
ubptgbotSANDRO_0 was added by: SANDRO_014:05
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> have you tried searching the app dev group?14:05
ubptgbot<IAmJacksCompleteLackOfSurprise> .14:14
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Fuseteam [have you tried searching the app dev group?], They are silent and do not answer ... (14:14
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @im_not_dead_seiwer [They are silent and do not answer ... (], the link should be somewhere in the group history14:16
ubptgbotTuxInside18 was added by: TuxInside1814:17
ubptgbot<TuxInside18> Hi all14:17
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Fuseteam [the link should be somewhere in the group history], The only problem is what date to look for ... The link has been sent for so long that it will be almost impossible to find it14:17
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @TuxInside18 [Hi all], Hi)14:17
ubptgbot<TuxInside18> I'm interesting to improve developing of UBports on Redmi K20 Pro14:17
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @im_not_dead_seiwer [The only problem is what date to look for ... The link has been sent for so long …], search for "megasync" perhaps? or just "mega" something should pop up14:19
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @TuxInside18 [I'm interesting to improve developing of UBports on Redmi K20 Pro], welcome you might find answers easier in @halium14:20
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Fuseteam [search for "megasync" perhaps? or just "mega" something should pop up], Excellent. I found a link if anyone needs it here: https://github.com/Roker2/UBports_Mega14:22
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> that's the one /o/14:22
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Fuseteam [that's the one /o/], Yeah)14:23
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> thats awesome14:23
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> does it actually sync or is it R/O?14:23
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @PiecerEdd [does it actually sync or is it R/O?], I will try to compile and install, then I will tell you how it works14:24
ubptgbot<TuxInside18> @Fuseteam [welcome you might find answers easier in @halium], Thanks!14:24
ubptgbotArunnidhi Manimaran was added by: Arunnidhi Manimaran14:29
ubptgbot<Arunnidhi Manimaran> How to install Ubuntu on redmi 8A dual14:30
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Arunnidhi Manimaran [How to install Ubuntu on redmi 8A dual], Unfortunately, there is no way yet, there is no OS for your device yet and you need to port it14:33
ubptgbot<Arunnidhi Manimaran> Please tell me how to port14:36
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Arunnidhi Manimaran [Please tell me how to port], The easiest method is to take the GSI image, port the Halium kernel, and in case of a problem, check other images, the vendor may have fewer bugs.14:38
ubptgbot<David> Hi , few brief questions? … 1)Which programming languages does one need to know in order to port a device? … 2) Is C the programming language used to develop mobile and desktop distros? … 3) If yes to 2, are there discussions on whether to add new ones on kernel developing?14:40
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @David [Hi , few brief questions? … 1)Which programming languages does one need to know in …], Hello) … I will try to answer these questions … 1) Hmm ... Well, if we talk about the direct low level of development (not applications and system components), then C ++ and C can be useful … 2) Yes, that's right) … 3) I think so ...14:43
ubptgbotprobably ... maybe14:43
ubptgbotNavi Singh was added by: Navi Singh14:46
ubptgbot<David> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Hello) … I will try to answer these questions … 1) Hmm ... Well, if we talk about th …], Damn I thought so, thanks for the swift reply. … I'd like to work one day on this project but I'm of no use right now with my skills. … Keep up the work guys14:50
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @David [Damn I thought so, thanks for the swift reply. … I'd like to work one day on this …], Hey, I myself am now as useful to the project as a stick to a hedgehog) … In addition to programming, you can help in another way ... I personally try to help others and suggest, because I don't know how to program at all)14:51
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Hey, I myself am now as useful to the project as a stick to a hedgehog) … In addi …], (Although helping with Google translate is a different kind of perversion😅)14:52
ubptgbot<David> Ahahah … One can always learn right? I'm learning web developing so, who knows? Teach yourself bro, plenty of courses online and real life 👍🏻15:01
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @David [Ahahah … One can always learn right? I'm learning web developing so, who knows? Te …], Yes, I agree, but how hard it is to learn programming when you are a kettle + don’t really know mathematics (in the 3rd grade I abandoned it because at school they did not explain the meaning of studying to me and I scored on it ... o15:12
ubptgbotnly now when I dreamed about programming I regretted it a lot)15:12
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @David [Hi , few brief questions? … 1)Which programming languages does one need to know in …], 3) linus torvalds doesn't like c++ so likely only c will be used for the kernel is my understanding15:27
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @David [Ahahah … One can always learn right? I'm learning web developing so, who knows? Te …], apps can be developed in web languages for what its worth, and while the kernel is written in c in the software on top are written in a variety of languages15:30
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> in ubuntu touch most of what you see is in qml for example; qml is very similar to html and javascript15:30
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Fuseteam [apps can be developed in web languages for what its worth, and while the kernel …], By the way, yes ... Applications can even work on HTML515:31
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> speaking of which whatsweb, the whatsapp web webapp needs some ui improvements; most of that is taken care of by js15:32
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] speaking of which whatsweb, the whatsapp web webapp needs some ui improvements; most of that is taken care of by javascript, if anyone is interested15:33
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Fuseteam [speaking of which whatsweb, the whatsapp web webapp needs some ui improvements; …], Eh, this is a real pain ... I need it like air (because now I have distance learning in WhatsApp) but he is a bastard does not work normally15:34
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> you mean whatsapp web is a pain or the lack of whatsapp on ut is a pain?15:36
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> the latter is up to whatsapp to support ut, the former is up to us to whatsweb on ut :p15:37
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Fuseteam [you mean whatsapp web is a pain or the lack of whatsapp on ut is a pain?], And this and that .... Although okay without the usual WhatsApp I will live (it is still installed on VirtualBox as a server), but there is no normal WhatsApp Web ... The only thing there is launched with a white screen and an empty button in15:39
ubptgbotthe center like this just app test15:39
ubptgbotCARA elly was added by: CARA elly15:40
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> In general, I need to find an application for accounting for finance and for storing various cards. And YouTube applications ... But this is not at all that it's just a hell of a pain15:41
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @im_not_dead_seiwer [And this and that .... Although okay without the usual WhatsApp I will live (it …], did you download the webapp called "whatsweb"?15:42
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> this one:15:43
ubptgbotAldweab was added by: Aldweab15:43
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/pZZlWBvr.png15:43
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> (Photo, 720x1520) https://irc.ubports.com/Yk4PgvDx.png15:43
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Fuseteam [<reply to media>], Yes, I installed it ....15:44
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> and its not working properly? what device are you on?15:45
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Fuseteam [and its not working properly? what device are you on?], Device: Redmi 7 … At first it worked, but after a week it just stopped a white screen and a gray empty button in the center ... It's a pity that there is no notification there15:47
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> yeah notifs are bigger issue but that's not trivial15:48
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Device: Redmi 7 … At first it worked, but after a week it just stopped a white s …], that's weird, have you tried reinstalling?15:49
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Fuseteam [that's weird, have you tried reinstalling?], And the result is zero15:49
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> hmmm mind sending a screenshot in pm?15:50
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Fuseteam [hmmm mind sending a screenshot in pm?], Now I'll try to install it .... I hope the bug will show itself, just today I installed the system again (otherwise I deleted it to look at the new Android 11) and it may not show up15:54
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> alright15:56
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> inb4 it just works15:56
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> (Photo, 720x1520) https://irc.ubports.com/ZLAugEht.png16:02
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @im_not_dead_seiwer [<reply to media>], I present to you the same bug with a non-working Whatsweb16:04
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> ohw this, i recognize this16:06
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> looks like a network error16:06
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] looks like its a network error or a dns error16:07
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] looks like its a network error16:07
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> are you able to access whatsapp web on another device?16:07
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Fuseteam [looks like its a network error], But the laugh is that it would be okay in 5 minutes after the download would appear, but it appears immediately after the start + there is an Internet and the problem is not in it16:07
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Fuseteam [are you able to access whatsapp web on another device?], Yes, I go to the computer and there .... oh my god, what magic EVERYTHING WORKS PERFECTLY but UT does not want him to take a vacation16:09
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> hmm wonder what's blocking it16:09
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> can you access whatsapp.com in morph?16:10
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> (Photo, 720x1520) https://irc.ubports.com/gKdU5jsM.png16:13
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> Strange .... what is jamming the site16:14
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> there we go :p16:15
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> hmm something is blocking it, but it not on your network level as it works fine on your other device16:16
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Fuseteam [there we go :p], I'm thinking .... I installed AdBlock from OpenStore, all of a sudden it's so crooked and bad16:17
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> ah, try disabling the social list16:18
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> one of your selected list is jamming whatsapp16:20
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> Strange bug .... When you start the "Clock" application for some reason it freezes for 5 minutes .... strange what's the matter16:20
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Strange bug .... When you start the "Clock" application for some reason it freez …], I just decided to change the system language and I need to change the time format from 12 o'clock to 24 hour ... But I can't find where to change16:21
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> eh? that is strange16:21
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @im_not_dead_seiwer [I just decided to change the system language and I need to change the time forma …], 12/24 format is currently set by the locale16:21
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Fuseteam [eh? that is strange], Judging by these bugs, the UT world itself is just as strange that it is unique (personally, when I returned to android, I got bored of its stability and unremarkableness, and UT is every day some kind of ... trash and shock mixed with laughter16:24
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Fuseteam [12/24 format is currently set by the locale], Damn sadness ... And then I want to sit with the "English" locale, but I don't understand the 12 hour format16:25
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Judging by these bugs, the UT world itself is just as strange that it is unique …], ehhh not really, i don't have that clock bug you've described16:25
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Damn sadness ... And then I want to sit with the "English" locale, but I don't u …], if you are using the english locale, i believe british english has the 24 hour format16:26
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> but yeah i agree it should be settable16:26
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Fuseteam [ehhh not really, i don't have that clock bug you've described], And I have that not a day, then UT will definitely throw something out ... Directly treat him like an annoying dog (Pet for nerds which we deserve)16:27
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> i haven't figured out how that part works yet to propose a fix :p16:27
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @im_not_dead_seiwer [And I have that not a day, then UT will definitely throw something out ... Direc …], ehhhhhmmmm16:27
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> for me ut is much more stable than my android :p16:28
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Fuseteam [for me ut is much more stable than my android :p], And I have the opposite ... But I'm so used to UT jokes that when I return to android I start to miss a lot16:29
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> hmhm16:30
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Fuseteam [hmhm], I think it's still more fun to use the device when sometimes he triples the whole adventure for you in the style of "Sori, I don't support the background mode. BUT there is a legend that I can support him if you go there and do that")))16:32
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Fuseteam [hmhm], [Edit] I think it's still more fun to use the device when sometimes he triples the whole adventure for you in the style of "Sorry, I don't support the background mode. BUT there is a legend that I can support him if you go there and do that")))16:33
ubptgbot<Marathon2422> @Eric Adams [Hello I was just wondering if someone here could help me. I have an Open VPN ser …], If you look here :-   https://bytzvpn.com/ovpn/installation.php … Rob tells you how to do it,16:43
ubptgbot<Marathon2422> @Eric Adams [Hello I was just wondering if someone here could help me. I have an Open VPN ser …], [Edit] If you look here :-   https://bytzvpn.com/ovpn/installation.php … Rob tells you how to do it, But you can't use his server codes ,but the instructions should help you16:46
ubptgbot<j2g2rp> @im_not_dead_seiwer [<reply to media>], are you using uadblock?16:49
ubptgbot<j2g2rp> @im_not_dead_seiwer [<reply to media>], are you using uadblock?16:49
ubptgbot<Marathon2422> @Eric Adams [Hello I was just wondering if someone here could help me. I have an Open VPN ser …], [Edit] If you look here :-   …  https://bytzvpn.com/ovpn/installation.php … Rob tells you how to do it, But you can't use his server codes ,but the instructions should help you … Click the link for Ubuntu touch, scroll all the way down ,16:49
ubptgbot get the PDF file16:49
ubptgbot<j2g2rp> sorry for the double quote16:50
ubptgbot<j2g2rp> if so, check that you didn't disabled social sites16:50
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @j2g2rp [are you using uadblock?], Yes17:06
ubptgbot<j2g2rp> then check that you haven't blocked social sites in the list17:06
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @j2g2rp [then check that you haven't blocked social sites in the list], Yes, that was the problem. A sheet named "Energized Social" is blocking Whatsapp17:08
ubptgbot<j2g2rp> not only whatsapp, also other sites 😆17:09
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @j2g2rp [not only whatsapp, also other sites 😆], AdBlock vs social networks ... Don't watch memes be like AdBlock 😆17:10
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> UT is always detected as android on websites for ex. reddit goes as far as blocking many subreddit access until you use desktop mode or a dedicated app, is UT going to have it’s own user agent in future?17:33
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> Another morph issue: Mic and cam access cannot be given to websites. I tested it on big blue button17:35
ubptgbot<NotKit> cam is known not to work on Android devices17:36
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> @NotKit [cam is known not to work on Android devices], Camera app works fine on my port17:38
ubptgbot<NotKit> I mean in browser17:38
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> Perhaps it’s morph issue?17:38
ubptgbot<NotKit> QtWebEngine/Blink is not integrated with middleware used for camera with libhybris17:38
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> [Edit] UT is always detected as android on websites for ex. reddit goes as far as blocking many subreddits access until you use desktop mode or a dedicated app, is UT going to have it’s own user agent in future?17:38
ubptgbotSepp King was added by: Sepp King17:49
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @ItsMeShouko [UT is always detected as android on websites for ex. reddit goes as far as block …], No, it's not, yes, there are sites that think it's Android, but most devices define the system as Linux18:02
ubptgbot<dohbee> @ItsMeShouko [UT is always detected as android on websites for ex. reddit goes as far as block …], Removing "Android" from the User-Agent won't make web sites that validate against User-Agent strings behave better; more often it will make them behave worse18:18
ubptgbot<David> @Fuseteam [3) linus torvalds doesn't like c++ so likely only c will be used for the kernel …], C++ is an absolute pain in the ass, I don't blame Torvalds for not liking it. … C too has some setbacks, Linux should consider using a purely  functional language or one of those with immutable variables.18:26
ubptgbot<dohbee> No, and off topic anyway :)18:28
ubptgbot<David> That's my opinion of course, closed off topic, cheers 👍🏻18:48
ubptgbot<TuxInside18> @David [C++ is an absolute pain in the ass, I don't blame Torvalds for not liking it. … C …], ++++++18:50
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @im_not_dead_seiwer [I think it's still more fun to use the device when sometimes he triples the whol …], that's not entirely true but i think i know what you mean19:10
ubptgbot<Flohack> If you guys want to hear what marks thinks today about Canonical stopping the phone project, listen to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDHL3youjIY&feature=youtu.be&t=184019:55
ubptgbot<Flohack> At 34:20 there is a brief mention about UBports ;)19:55
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Does the Vollaphone have a SIM tray which permits either two SIMs or one SIM and a micro SD card?19:55
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Or does the SD card go somewhere else?19:55
ubptgbotMik_Ha_Il was added by: Mik_Ha_Il20:03
ubptgbot<NotKit> @TartanSpartan [Does the Vollaphone have a SIM tray which permits either two SIMs or one SIM and …], this way, yes20:04
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Good to know thanks.20:22
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Also, did anyone else notice the IndieGoGo page seemed to reset their quota of available phones? Maybe just a second round of stock became available for them to sell?20:23
ubptgbot<libremax> Instead, Volla will put online very soon his own store.21:38
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> ^I don't understand your comment, sorry?21:41
ubptgbot<libremax> Yes, it's a bit in contradiction with your statement.21:43
ubptgbot<phmpg> Hello, is a port possible for Motorola moto Maxx?21:45
ubptgbot<Andy Bleaden> @Javacookies [anyway, Canonical's original design of the bottom edge is flawed anyway 😅], actually i think they nailed it.seriously21:46
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Can someone help explain what Libremax means, please?21:47
ubptgbot<Andy Bleaden> i was hooked on all of it. scopes.bottom menu etc21:48
ubptgbot<joeth> @ItsMeShouko [UT is always detected as android on websites for ex. reddit goes as far as block …], it does have its own UA, it just mentions android ("like android") so sites serve the android page21:48
ubptgbot<Andy Bleaden> or safari? not sure why21:50
ubptgbot<libremax> @TartanSpartan [Can someone help explain what Libremax means, please?], They announced the imminent launch of their own online store, first in German. … Perhaps it will take much more time for the English version. That's why they have in parallel reset their quota of available phones on Indiegogo.21:55
ubptgbot<libremax> @TartanSpartan [Can someone help explain what Libremax means, please?], [Edit] Volla announced the imminent launch of their own online store, first in German. … Perhaps it will take much more time for the English version. That's why they have in parallel reset their quota of available phones on Indiegogo.21:56
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Ok, that is clearer now, thanks.21:56
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> I wonder if it will cost more there than on IndyGoGo.21:57
ubptgbot<libremax> Surprise, surprise...21:57

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