
lotuspsychjegood morning03:24
ducassegood morning07:30
lotuspsychjemorning TJ-09:45
lotuspsychjeTJ- would bug #1906112 be better filed against linux instead of rtl, or rather both?12:33
ubot5bug 1906112 in rtl8812au (Ubuntu) "rtl8812au causes kernel error when connecting TP-Link T4UH" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190611212:33
jeremy31lotuspsychje: rtl8812au-dkms12:38
jeremy31I bet it hasn't been patched for 5.8 kernels12:39
TJ-Ubuntu QA is really going downhill - when the archive ships 39 -dkms packages those should all be tested against each kernel release12:40
jeremy31rtl8812au has dkms broken for quite a while12:41
lotuspsychjebut the kernel should load the driver right?12:41
lotuspsychjeso isnt it better for the kernel devs to debug when linux is picked?12:41
jeremy31lotuspsychje: the driver loaded and puked12:42
jeremy31changelog shows 5,8 patches added in July12:48
jeremy31almost identical report 187296113:29
lotuspsychjejeremy31: thats what i anted to know, if its not better to take linux package into the bug, adds more logs & info13:31
JanCthey probably build-test it, but without all the hardware it supports it's hard to test the actual driver...16:23
xMeiahello, how do I get my windows in taskbar to open to the right of my icons instead of pushing them further to the right on the taskbar16:39
MaikxMeia: support is in #ubuntu16:56

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