
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== gorillatypist is now known as pikapika
bluefireI made a little research about the problem/bug that prevents upgrading from 20.04 to 20.10. The error message shows that packages libnss-nis and libffi8ubuntu1 are new packages for 20.10, and was not on 20.04. For some reason the configuration fails for these packages. Is there any more info about this problem?09:31
jat-clonedoes apt-get -f help?10:04
qwebirc38244Hi guys, I'm trying to run an Xubuntu Live 32-bit 18.0.5 ISO on an older Pentium 4, 2.4GHz with 1GB of RAM.15:08
qwebirc38244The system has a built-in VGA video, and everything works fine until Xubunu tries to switch into the Graphical desktop (I assume it is calling `startx` or `lightdm`).15:09
qwebirc38244At that point, my monitor (which is a 1920x1080 LCD panel) gives me a notice that it can't handle the resolution or refresh rate.15:10
qwebirc38244I can usually use control-option-F3 to get to a Text-only terminal, and then can type in commands to Linux.15:10
qwebirc38244When I do, I tried to check with `xrandr`, but no matter what command I give with `xrandr`, I get the error "Can't open display".15:12
qwebirc38244I tried connecting to another 1920x1080 panel I have (both panels have a VGA input). Boot machine, everything works fine in Text mode, but the moment that Xubuntu tries to go to the desktop, then I get the error from the Monitor that it can't handle a video signal of that range.15:14
qwebirc38244To clarify, it might be that the GUI that is coming up is the "Choose Install vs. Use Live CD" screen instead of the Desktop, but either way, it looks like it is happening when Xubuntu is switching into the Xwindow system.15:15
qwebirc38244I did boot and install exactly this ISO onto another computer a few days ago, and it had no problems getting straight to the Desktop. The only difference is that the other one had a video card with a PCI slot, and defaulted to the PCI video instead of the on-motherboard video.15:17
qwebirc38244In this case I do not have an extra video card to swap in as a test, since I already gifted the previous Xubuntu system to another person. That leaves me with only the built-in motherboard VGA output.15:53

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