
lubot<emergencyrussia> @cousteau [<cousteau> I guess if I want to have both ubuntu and lubuntu it makes more sense …], I would (and did) install both environments via apt on the same system00:34
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zap[m]What usb writer does lubuntu comes preinstalled with14:45
zap[m]* What usb writer does lubuntu comes with14:47
lubot<kc2bez> startup disk creator14:47
zap[m]Does it sucks15:05
lubot<kc2bez> No, I think it works well enough.15:06
crusoehi guys is there a skype in lubuntu laptop?15:20
lubot<kc2bez> skype is proprietary so it doesn't come with Lubuntu.15:21
crusoeany work around?15:21
crusoeI want to use a laptop with lubuntu in a skype meeting15:21
crusoecan I run skype from browser?15:22
lubot<kc2bez> It is available as a flatpak, snap and can be downloaded as a deb from https://www.skype.com/en/get-skype/download-skype-for-desktop/15:23
lubot<kc2bez> I have no experience with it though.15:23
crusoelubuntu runs deb packages, can it also run snap packages?15:27
lubot<kc2bez> Yes it can.15:27
crusoeso which should I try to download? snap or deb?15:28
lubot<kc2bez> It can run all 3 suggestions I provided. Snap, flatpak, and debs.15:28
lubot<kc2bez> That is completely up to you.15:28
lubot<kc2bez> In the end it should all work.15:28
JohnDoe_71Rusi use lubuntu 20.04. and i have corrupt icons in widget tray. do you planned backport 0.15 or 0.16 lxqt to 20.04?16:55
crusoehey guys I want to install snapd how can I do this?17:45
lubot<kc2bez> Which version of Lubuntu are you on?17:46
crusoewait to  see17:46
lubot<kc2bez> `lsb_release -r` in the terminal will tell you.17:48
crusoerelease 18.1017:50
crusoei have 32 bit17:51
Maikcrusoe: 18.10 is EOL since a long time17:51
lubot<kc2bez> 18.10 is end of life and no longer supported. and with 32 bit you won't be able to upgrade.17:52
crusoeis a 32 bit 19.xx?17:52
lubot<kc2bez> nope17:52
Maikcrusoe: also 32bit isn't supported anymore17:52
Maikonly 64bit17:52
crusoeso how can I make a skype meeting with that netbook?17:52
Maikcrusoe: not. If you need 32bit you're best bet is to go with debian17:53
lubot<kc2bez> There are very few options left.17:53
crusoeraspberry pi is better machine than a netbook 32 bit?17:55
lubot<kc2bez> In some ways, yes. There are still some limitations there too.17:56
Maikcrusoe: that's offtopic and there's no official lubuntu Pi version. Only Ubuntu and Ubuntu Mate if you have a Pi 4 with 4GB RAM. Or... a server pi image install and then use desktopify to get the lubuntu desktop.17:58
Maiki have to say that Ubuntu MATE works great on a Pi 4, especially the 20.10 release.18:03
wxldoes skype even have a 32 bit option anymore? i don't think so18:06
lubot<kc2bez> I don't think it does either.18:07
crusoeok I will go for Pi 4 then18:07
lubot<kc2bez> I am not sure it runs on a Pi either.18:09
wxlme, either18:09
wxlnope it's not18:10
Maiksnap maybe?18:16
wxllook at the architectures: i386 and amd64 only18:18
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crusoeI tried to run skype in lubuntu as a web app20:54
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