
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @Flohack [If you guys want to hear what marks thinks today about Canonical stopping the ph …], nice interview02:00
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @j2g2rp [then check that you haven't blocked social sites in the list], lol, maybe there should be a description for those, some think is for blocking ads on those sites ;)02:03
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @im_not_dead_seiwer [I just found that the Ubuntu SDK cannot be installed on my PC (And I have a PC o …], clickable is probally the best way to make clicks now02:13
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> Does anyone know if there is a VNC client for UT? Otherwise, I want to connect to a remote Linux system via VNC, but I can't figure out how04:14
ubptgbot<mateosalta> this looks interesting to try and port04:36
ubptgbot<mateosalta> https://github.com/heroyin/qmlvncviewer04:36
ubptgbot<mateosalta> Would have to update the qtquickcontrols on it04:37
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> Naro who knows what this error means when trying to install anbox … "phablet @ ubuntu-phablet: ~ $ anbox-tool install … halium_arm64 is not supported (yet) " … How do I fix this error? … The kernel, according to the statement to the maintainer, supports anbox05:50
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> [Edit] People who knows what this error means when trying to install anbox … "phablet @ ubuntu-phablet: ~ $ anbox-tool install … halium_arm64 is not supported (yet) " … How do I fix this error? … The kernel, according to the statement to the maintainer, supports anbox05:50
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Does anyone know if there is a VNC client for UT? Otherwise, I want to connect t …], none that I know of,  a vnc server is in development though which already work great06:36
ubptgbotdblake76 was added by: dblake7607:09
ubptgbot<Flohack> @im_not_dead_seiwer [People who knows what this error means when trying to install anbox … "phablet @ …], anbox-tool has a kinda whitelist which devices are ok to install anbox on07:46
ubptgbot<Flohack> However, halium_arm64 is not a valid devicename, this needs to be fixed in the first place07:46
ubptgbot<Flohack> Which device is it?07:46
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Flohack [Which device is it?], Redmi 7 (Onclite) device .... How then can you fix the name and force Anbox to install?07:53
ubptgbot<just_carlod> @im_not_dead_seiwer try this07:54
ubptgbot<just_carlod> Fwd from just_carlod: 1.sudo mount -o remount, rw / … 2.sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y anbox-ubuntu-touch android-tools-adb … 3.mkdir ~/anbox-data … 4.wget http://cdimage.ubports.com/anbox-images/android-armhf-64binder.img -O ~/anbox-data/android.img … 5.touch ~/anbox-data/.enable … 6.sudo start -q anbox-container … restart yo07:54
ubptgbotur phone (optional)07:54
ubptgbot<just_carlod> if that won't work, maybe kernel isn't supported07:54
ubptgbot<Flohack> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Redmi 7 (Onclite) device .... How then can you fix the name and force Anbox to i …], Who is the porter? We need to find out why the device ID is wrong07:55
ubptgbot<Flohack> @just_carlod [1.sudo mount -o remount, rw / … 2.sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y anbox-ubu …], Lets fix it without hacks please ;)07:55
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Flohack [Who is the porter? We need to find out why the device ID is wrong], Well, I'll try to find him on GitHub, I think you can contact him there07:57
ubptgbot<just_carlod> It's just normal installation process (for my device it works)07:57
ubptgbot<Flohack> @just_carlod [It's just normal installation process (for my device it works)], Well we have anbox-tool to do all this steps for you. And by using manual steps this problem will never get fixed. So a) maintainer must fix his incorrect device name b) we need to whitelist this device if its known to work with Anbox08:02
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> Link to his GitHub: https://github.com/Vin4ter/Ubports-Onclite-redmi7/blob/master/README.md … If you need his telegram, then here: @ supirlelik96 … There are also 2 kernels for Ubports, but only GenomBuntu has support for Anbox, which at the moment I have … By the way, there seems to be a bug in which GPU support does not work08:02
ubptgbotin Anbox and there is no Internet support ... Could this be due to an incorrect device ID?08:02
ubptgbot<Flohack> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Link to his GitHub: https://github.com/Vin4ter/Ubports-Onclite-redmi7/blob/maste …], No device ID is for us only to make sure upgrades will work with OTA and for the installer.08:02
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Flohack [No device ID is for us only to make sure upgrades will work with OTA and for the …], Hmm, it's strange then why Anbox does not support GPU and network ... (this is according to the portor)08:03
ubptgbot<Flohack> Yes its strange ;)08:04
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> I'll have to try to install then and check, maybe I won't have this problem08:05
ubptgbot<just_carlod> @Flohack [Well we have anbox-tool to do all this steps for you. And by using manual steps …], Ok, I didn't know it, I saw this guide on github and thought it's correct way08:06
ubptgbot<Flohack> @just_carlod [Ok, I didn't know it, I saw this guide on github and thought it's correct way], Yeah people like to persist the quick wins, without pushing the longer way to make it really easy and cover all holes ;)08:10
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> ubuntu 👆coming soon to redmi note 708:17
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> just installed version 7 and it seems like things works fine on my end08:17
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> @RealDanct12 [just installed version 7 and it seems like things works fine on my end], Mobile data?08:17
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> too lazy to put in a sim card because im currently switching channels back and forth08:18
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> definitely faster than anything seen on tv08:18
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @RealDanct12 [ubuntu 👆coming soon to redmi note 7], So it's already there for RN7 ....08:18
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> [Edit] definitely faster than anything you have seen on tv channels08:19
ubptgbot<just_carlod> @im_not_dead_seiwer [So it's already there for RN7 ....], Redmi 7 != Redmi note 708:19
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> @im_not_dead_seiwer [So it's already there for RN7 ....], it is already there, just not in the installer08:19
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> @just_carlod [Redmi 7 != Redmi note 7], ^ and please take this to consideration as well08:19
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @RealDanct12 [it is already there, just not in the installer], Well, I would not say that there are many devices in the installer ... Most of these are self-made custom based on GSI08:20
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> true08:20
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> and of course you get no support and updates on them08:20
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> so pretty much that's all you have08:20
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @RealDanct12 [^ and please take this to consideration as well], I know that Redmi 7 is not equal to RN7 .... But the system really exists for RN7 and it appeared there much earlier than for R708:21
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> it has only existed in the server a few days ago08:22
ubptgbot<just_carlod> https://system-image.ubports.com/16.04/arm64/android9/devel08:22
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @RealDanct12 [it has only existed in the server a few days ago], Yes, I would not say ... On YouTube on Ubuntu for R7, in my opinion, back in May I came across while the first BETA for R7 appeared only in July08:23
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @RealDanct12 [it has only existed in the server a few days ago], [Edit] Yes, I would not say ... On YouTube on Ubuntu for RN7, in my opinion, back in May I came across while the first BETA for R7 appeared only in July08:24
ubptgbot<just_carlod> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Yes, I would not say ... On YouTube on Ubuntu for RN7, in my opinion, back in Ma …], It was gsi based then, not system image based08:25
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @just_carlod [It was gsi based then, not system image based], This is true .... And what makes it even sadder is that even in GSI it worked much better than now on R7 .... And it looks like making a native instead of GSI, no one plans what is even sadder08:26
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> @ItsMeShouko [Mobile data?], mobile data has tested08:45
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> the result is08:45
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> [Edit] they don't work08:45
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> @RealDanct12 [they don't work], Do you know the cause for it?08:46
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> missing deps probably08:46
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> i have not looked at it08:46
ubptgbot<jonny> My parents donated to Ubports as a birthday present for me. 🧡08:46
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> nice parents08:47
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> they surely know what they want to use next :P08:47
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> tested calls on redmi note 7, works08:51
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> fingerprint scanner works08:52
ubptgbot<just_carlod> same like no jasmine08:54
ubptgbot<just_carlod> also no mobile network08:54
ubptgbot<just_carlod> [Edit] also no mobile data08:54
ubptgbot<just_carlod> [Edit] same like on jasmine08:54
ubptgbot<J H> hi everybody, i am new to ubport. I installed it on One plus One this week. Do you have any tips to speed up the OS (to make it lightweight) ?  thx09:08
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> Fuh installed Anbox but even then I was broken off .... I only need "RPG in real life" from all applications, but it crashes stupidly ..... Eh * tears of pain *09:15
ubptgbot<Flohack> @im_not_dead_seiwer [<reply to media>], Yes its early alpha. Basically not ready for daily use ;)09:40
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Flohack [Yes its early alpha. Basically not ready for daily use ;)], sad ... By the way, what to do if in the application menu of the Anbox system applications there are 2 copies of each Android system application09:44
ubptgbot<Flohack> @im_not_dead_seiwer [sad ... By the way, what to do if in the application menu of the Anbox system ap …], Its a bug that needs to be fixed09:44
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Flohack [Its a bug that needs to be fixed], So it will be fixed in the next update?09:45
ubptgbot<kisekinopureya> @im_not_dead_seiwer [sad ... By the way, what to do if in the application menu of the Anbox system ap …], refresh the application menu09:46
ubptgbot<kisekinopureya> It was removing duplicates on my redmi 4x09:47
ubptgbot<Flohack> @im_not_dead_seiwer [So it will be fixed in the next update?], No. Currently Anbox development is not happening. If you want to help or know people being good with Android AND Linux development at the same time, let us know ^^09:47
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Flohack [No. Currently Anbox development is not happening. If you want to help or know pe …], You know .... This line from one Russian song "What a pain, what a pain, ARGENTINA - JAMAICA FIVE ZERO" is ideal here09:50
ubptgbot<Flohack> lol09:51
ubptgbotChris _ was added by: Chris _10:01
ubptgbot<Verevka86> @im_not_dead_seiwer [You know .... This line from one Russian song "What a pain, what a pain, ARGENTI …], 😂😂😂👍10:19
ubptgbot<Oxy Kali> why dev don't devlop whatsapp app on ub10:20
ubptgbot<xyn_dev> @Oxy Kali [why dev don't devlop whatsapp app on ub], Cause AFAIK WhatsApp doesn't provide public APIs10:21
ubptgbot<Oxy Kali> @xyn_dev [Cause AFAIK WhatsApp doesn't provide public APIs], oh ok10:21
ubptgbot<YougoChats> @Oxy Kali [why dev don't devlop whatsapp app on ub], because dev not allowed by Facebook, who owns Whatsapp 😞10:21
ubptgbot<Oxy Kali> @YougoChats [because dev not allowed by Facebook, who owns Whatsapp 😞], i see10:21
ubptgbot<Oxy Kali> how to create apps for ub10:21
ubptgbot<YougoChats> there is Whatsweb webapp in the open store. it connects to whatsapp web function, so you still need an extra phone running whatsapp10:24
ubptgbot<Oxy Kali> @YougoChats [there is Whatsweb webapp in the open store. it connects to whatsapp web function …], i know but you need connect your whatsapp with internet10:25
ubptgbot<YougoChats> i leave a phone at home on WIFI for that10:26
ubptgbot<Oxy Kali> @YougoChats [i leave a phone at home on WIFI for that], ok10:26
ubptgbot<YougoChats> @Oxy Kali [how to create apps for ub], read up here: http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/appdev/ … and don't be afraid to ask questions 😊10:27
ubptgbot<Oxy Kali> @YougoChats [read up here: http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/appdev/ … and don't be afraid to a …], thanks10:31
ubptgbot<RAJVMEHTA> apps like Secure mobile wallet solutions, eSIM connectivity and UWB enablement for mobile devices has good scope10:52
ubptgbot<libremax> Volla11:27
ubptgbot<libremax> [Edit] Volla Shop is online (in deutch) : https://volla.online/de/shop/index.php?catalog/all/-/date/111:27
ubptgbot<mioscape> How to screenshot in UBports?11:28
ubptgbot<xyn_dev> @mioscape [How to screenshot in UBports?], Volume up and volume down11:28
ubptgbot<mioscape> @xyn_dev [Volume up and volume down], Thanks11:29
ubptgbot<mioscape> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/IrC0pajT.png11:29
ubptgbot<mioscape> What happened to that '_apt'11:29
ubptgbot<libremax> [Edit] Volla Shop is online (in deutch) and same price for the Volla Phone 359€ (in comparison with Indiegogo) : https://volla.online/de/shop/index.php?catalog/all/-/date/111:30
ubptgbot<Javacookies> don't mind that11:57
ubptgbot<Javacookies> I assume you know what you'e doing? apt isn't recommended on UT11:57
ubptgbot<mioscape> @Javacookies [I assume you know what you'e doing? apt isn't recommended on UT], Oh okay, thanks12:10
ubptgbot<J H> guys,  … what are your favorites apps on the openstore that yiuvuse daily ?12:23
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @J H [guys,  … what are your favorites apps on the openstore that yiuvuse daily ?], I only have Teleports and YouTube .... Unfortunately, I can't find the rest that I need12:27
ubptgbot<J H> thx for the feed back12:29
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> Does anyone know if there are applications for accounting for UT? I know that there is a "Wallet" for android, but I don't know which ones are for UT12:31
ubptgbot<Javacookies> my app Tagatuos is kind of like that but it's unfinished and a bit designed for my personal need 😅12:40
ubptgbot<X YZ> @Flohack [No. Currently Anbox development is not happening. If you want to help or know pe …], I thought the foundation, sponsored by Hallo Welt (vollaphone), is planning to hire a dev specifically for anbox? 🤔12:41
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> i think they haven't found one12:42
ubptgbot<X YZ> @RealDanct12 [i think they haven't found one], 😢12:43
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Javacookies [my app Tagatuos is kind of like that but it's unfinished and a bit designed for …], Eh, it turns out my currency will not be there and it is not planned to come out in OpenStore ... what then to do eh12:48
ubptgbot<Flohack> @X YZ [I thought the foundation, sponsored by Hallo Welt (vollaphone), is planning to h …], Stress the word is planning ;)12:50
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Flohack [Stress the word is planning ;)], and here we all understand that there is a possibility that it may not appear12:51
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Eh, it turns out my currency will not be there and it is not planned to come out …], really? there's quite a list of currencies there. I think I got it from an exchange rate site. … Also, what do you mean by not planned to come out in OpenStore? it's in the store12:51
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/le1RpuKc.webp12:51
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Javacookies [really? there's quite a list of currencies there. I think I got it from an excha …], Yes? Can you send a link to it please?)12:52
ubptgbot<Flohack> @im_not_dead_seiwer [and here we all understand that there is a possibility that it may not appear], Yes. It requires a lot of skills that apparently nobody on the planet has or is willing to use easily ;) Perhaps because the task is so insane.12:52
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Flohack [Yes. It requires a lot of skills that apparently nobody on the planet has or is …], Rather, this is insanity, because in fact it needs to be integrated in fact the whole system into another, so that everything would work in one environment12:56
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Yes? Can you send a link to it please?)], https://open-store.io/app/tagatuos2.kugiigi12:57
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Rather, this is insanity, because in fact it needs to be integrated in fact the …], Yes, and I would rather wish otherwise .... It would be better to try to create your own ecosystem .... Ask how? Well, in 2009 there was Ubuntu One Cloud Drive, now this project is closed, but the code is open, so you could12:57
ubptgbotfork and create Ubports Cloud12:57
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Javacookies [https://open-store.io/app/tagatuos2.kugiigi], Thanks)12:57
ubptgbot<X YZ> Would it be easier to make "app-specific anbox containers" instead of a single generic one vor everything? Most desired app seems to be whatsapp, which in the volla-group was mentioned as kind of "ready for daily use" ...12:58
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Yes, and I would rather wish otherwise .... It would be better to try to create …], This would be the first step as our own ecosystem .... An open ecosystem from people to people12:59
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @X YZ [Would it be easier to make "app-specific anbox containers" instead of a single g …], There is also an ArchCone extension for Chrome and it allows you to convert an APK to an extension for google chrome, if you port it for UT, you can create an android application converter to Clickable13:01
ubptgbot<Flohack> @X YZ [Would it be easier to make "app-specific anbox containers" instead of a single g …], ready for daily use = it starts, can send and receive text messages, when in foreground. Nothing more :)13:11
ubptgbot<ulrichard> @im_not_dead_seiwer [<reply to unk>], Computer: Linux, Smartphone: PureOS … but I would be happy to switch back to UBPorts13:21
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @im_not_dead_seiwer [<reply to unk>], Heh, it's funny that in the UT group this UT is used in a minority in the community. Mostly Android is used here judging by the voices13:22
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @ulrichard [Computer: Linux, Smartphone: PureOS … but I would be happy to switch back to UBPor …], Stop .... Is PureOS still alive?13:22
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @ulrichard [Computer: Linux, Smartphone: PureOS … but I would be happy to switch back to UBPor …], Well, if you want to go back to UT why not?13:23
ubptgbot<mladenb> i just clicked something not knowing it was a real poll...13:23
ubptgbot<mladenb> and now i can't change the vote :)13:24
ubptgbot<ulrichard> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Well, if you want to go back to UT why not?], The Librem is 4 years younger then my Aquaris 4.5. Still hoping for a port.13:25
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @mladenb [i just clicked something not knowing it was a real poll...], I understand, it happens) … I just want to conduct a series of surveys to get to know better about the community of this remarkable OS and can take something on note to myself)13:27
ubptgbot<mladenb> is UT maybe supported on Samsung S10+?13:35
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @mladenb [is UT maybe supported on Samsung S10+?], You can try porting it13:36
ubptgbot<mladenb> I sure will :) I was just wondering is there any kind of a mobile hardware emulator, which could be used to test UT even without actual hardware13:38
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @mladenb [I sure will :) I was just wondering is there any kind of a mobile hardware emula …], Alas, there is no emulator, although I myself would be glad to have an image for virtualbox for tests13:39
ubptgbotorg101ny was added by: org101ny13:41
ubptgbot<Shakendo> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Heh, it's funny that in the UT group this UT is used in a minority in the commun …], for me theres a couple reasons, main one being UT doesnt like my carriers network of choice13:43
ubptgbot<mladenb> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Alas, there is no emulator, although I myself would be glad to have an image for …], this is the only thing i found so far: https://www.cellrox.com/13:43
ubptgbot<Shakendo> there is a qemu version, but it is very not usable atm from what I recall13:44
ubptgbotsathyasaketh97 was added by: sathyasaketh9713:47
ubptgbot<Shakendo> alternatively, you could get a UT-like experience with installing Lomiri on Ubuntu 16.04 desktop, I dont know if it will work on newer versions though13:47
ubptgbot<mladenb> ah i see, yeah that could work as well13:47
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> Hey, I was just thinking .... What do you think about creating your ecosystem? Do you think it would be a good idea to create services for UT (a built-in analogue of a Google drive, your own desktop distribution with these services, and that's all that Apple has and add your own bonuses?13:47
ubptgbot<mladenb> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Hey, I was just thinking .... What do you think about creating your ecosystem? D …], did you try NextCloud perhaps?13:48
ubptgbot<mladenb> you can create your own cloud, i mean13:48
ubptgbot<Shakendo> well I am not part of UT, I am just a volunteer, but I think it has a massive amount of privacy concerns13:48
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @mladenb [did you try NextCloud perhaps?], No NextCloud, this will not work .... I now know that from 2009 to 2014 Cfnonical had an Ubuntu One ecosystem with cloud storage and synchronization of everything ... I'm thinking I can take its source code, modify and make my own Ubports ecosystem13:50
ubptgbot<Shakendo> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Hey, I was just thinking .... What do you think about creating your ecosystem? D …], we have the openstore (appstore) where you can login and easily get all your apps reinstalled or you can just download apps without logging in, and they'll all be the same, and they're all free, we had a service before that required13:51
ubptgbotlogging in to get notifications, but we have moved away from that13:51
ubptgbot<Shakendo> @im_not_dead_seiwer [No NextCloud, this will not work .... I now know that from 2009 to 2014 Cfnonica …], we had that, we have moved away from it for privacy reasons13:51
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Shakendo [we have the openstore (appstore) where you can login and easily get all your app …], An analogue of AppStore is good but not enough for a separate ecosystem ...13:52
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Shakendo [we had that, we have moved away from it for privacy reasons], What's wrong with him? Ubuntu One is open source and community driven and maintainable ... just need your own server13:53
ubptgbot<Shakendo> @im_not_dead_seiwer [An analogue of AppStore is good but not enough for a separate ecosystem ...], well UT is privacy focused, so if you feel you can create something that doesnt invade on privacy, like the other big names, then feel free to have a go13:53
ubptgbot<Shakendo> @im_not_dead_seiwer [What's wrong with him? Ubuntu One is open source and community driven and mainta …], when we had it, it used a centralized server and required you to be logged into it for notifications, thats why we moved away from it13:54
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Shakendo [well UT is privacy focused, so if you feel you can create something that doesnt …], Well, I think NextCloud does not violate confidentiality .... Accordingly, our own Ubuntu One will not violate anything, because it will not be in any way connected with Canonical and the server will be the community13:55
ubptgbot<Shakendo> we currently support nextcloud, theres an option to login to your nextcloud or owncloud server in the settings13:56
ubptgbot<mladenb> i've built my own cloud with NC and it works just fine13:56
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Shakendo [when we had it, it used a centralized server and required you to be logged into …], No, you can make it so that it would not be necessary for OpenStore, but for Ubports Drive, Ubports Sync, etc., already register ... But this of course will be a choice13:57
ubptgbot<Shakendo> you can also login to other online services like google as well, but nextcloud seems to be the recommended solution for everyone13:57
ubptgbot<Shakendo> I myself use NextCloud and OpenVPN with my own server, most people will have their own preferred solutions already, it was best said by Dalton, "fragmentation is one of those things we cant avoid"13:59
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Shakendo [you can also login to other online services like google as well, but nextcloud s …], But nevertheless, this does not contribute to the popularization of our system ... I think the trick with the Open-Source anonymous ecosystem will be one of the main tricks .... I now want to get a VPS somewhere and deploy there and14:00
ubptgbotthe community will make updates and tricks like from UT14:00
ubptgbot<mladenb> @mladenb [this is the only thing i found so far: https://www.cellrox.com/], I've found 2 more :) … https://xenproject.org/developers/teams/xen-hypervisor/ - Xen Project (it seems citrix' XenServer is based on it) supports ARM virtualization … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Kernel_Labs - OKL4 Microvisor - also open source virtualizatio14:00
ubptgbotn for embedded systems … this could help test/port UT without having many different physical devices, i hope14:00
ubptgbot<Shakendo> @im_not_dead_seiwer [But nevertheless, this does not contribute to the popularization of our system . …], go for it, no one has said no, the worse case is they wont let it be integrated into the main system but you could still publish it as an app, as long as your not using any closed source solutions14:01
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Shakendo [go for it, no one has said no, the worse case is they wont let it be integrated …], Eh, this will be sad if no one allows integration ... Because this should be the main feature of the system, otherwise it is easier to use Android, but then there will be an ecosystem that no one follows and it is anonymous14:03
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Eh, this will be sad if no one allows integration ... Because this should be the …], I will not use closed code, because updates will not be done by me, but by the community, and thus everything will be repaired and it becomes better14:04
ubptgbot<Shakendo> well best way to find out is to just do it, cause even though it might not align with the OS, the users might still wanna use it14:04
ubptgbot<Shakendo> a good example is the app sprint in the openstore, its an android like launcher that a lot of users like, but it isnt part of the OS itself14:06
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Shakendo [well best way to find out is to just do it, cause even though it might not align …], Here I agree ... Then I will have to try to fork the main code of the Ubuntu One server and deploy it on the server .... The only thing that probably will have to ask the community for help in some things ...14:06
ubptgbot<Shakendo> Good Luck to you14:07
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @Shakendo [Good Luck to you], Thank you)14:08
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> I think if anyone is interested in looking at the source code, then here is https://ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-one-file-syncing-code-open-sourced14:10
ubptgbot<mladenb> @Shakendo [well best way to find out is to just do it, cause even though it might not align …], i would have to disagree... or.. to be more precise, it depends on what the criteria for the "best" is :) i personally wouldn't invest so much time in something just to see how it turns out... it seems more appropriate to set the goals beforeha14:22
ubptgbotnd and not to waste motivational energy, just in order to see how it turns out..14:22
ubptgbot<mladenb> and also, I believe comparing UT with Android is quite silly, considering all the funding they have..14:23
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> The UBports Foundation is not a services company. We're not interested in creating a services ecosystem because that's not where our experience lies. We'd spend at least as much on services as we do on the system, and we'd have something that's nowhere near GSuite.14:24
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> or even Nextcloud.14:24
ubptgbot<mladenb> but one thing i know for sure.. i got sicking tired of Google and it's evil approach to everything, from spying to influencing people's behavior, so I wanted to pick something i'm used to (Ubuntu) for which I know are decent people doing things out of love, not for money...14:24
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I think that integration of services that already exist is good, and I'm sure we'll get to "good Nextcloud integration" or something similar one day. But that's far less work than developing all of your own services, and it's still a hard job.14:26
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @UniversalSuperBox [I think that integration of services that already exist is good, and I'm sure we …], Well, then I think you can take the NextCloud source code and so that not only he can sync files but also contacts, sms, etc., etc.14:29
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Nextcloud can already do that14:29
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> It can't do it with Ubuntu Touch, but it can with Android given the correct apps installed on the server and the device.14:29
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> In general, it's a pity that there is no normal free NextCloud server with 50 GB at least ... but there is no money, because I'm a schoolboy14:30
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I think you just answered the question "why isn't there a free server with 50GB of storage"14:30
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @UniversalSuperBox [It can't do it with Ubuntu Touch, but it can with Android given the correct apps …], But it needs separate applications, and I mean to merge it into a single whole for android, and in Ubuntu Touch, in general, integrate into the interface14:31
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @UniversalSuperBox [I think you just answered the question "why isn't there a free server with 50GB …], Because only schoolchildren need them.....14:31
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> It can be integrated into Android with one application, or even one system service. But no one has done that.14:32
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> There is no technical reason that what you describe is impossible, only competitive reasons.14:32
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @UniversalSuperBox [There is no technical reason that what you describe is impossible, only competit …], Yes, it's not about competition, it's just convenient14:33
ubptgbotkabouik was added by: kabouik14:42
ubptgbotBundyo was added by: Bundyo14:45
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> The people, and in general, who knows what free servers for NextCloud?14:46
ubptgbot<kabouik> I use disroot.org, it's donation based; I think they offer 2GB, or maybe it's 4, I don't remember.14:49
ubptgbot<kabouik> [Edit] @im_not_dead_seiwer I use disroot.org, it's donation based; I think they offer 2GB, or maybe it's 4, I don't remember.14:49
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> @kabouik hey! i use disroot for email.. mostly14:49
ubptgbot<kabouik> Hey Danct12! I use them for emails too!14:50
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> it's been like that for 2 years14:50
ubptgbotnsensfel was added by: nsensfel14:50
ubptgbot<im_not_dead_seiwer> @kabouik [@im_not_dead_seiwer I use disroot.org, it's donation based; I think they offer 2 …], Eh, a little bit so ... Much not enough ... Hmm ... Maybe then try to make a server from a spare phone ... Install Ubuntu via Linux Deploy and install NextCloud there ... If it supports Arm64 of course14:52
ubptgbot<kabouik> @RealDanct12 [it's been like that for 2 years], I was the one asking for the alternative disroot.org alias some years ago, they came up with disr.it, I'm happy about it. :>14:56
ubptgbot<nsensfel> Hello. I'm new to Ubuntu Touch. Am I correct in understanding that the "OTA-12" release added support for the Wayland protocol, but that devices relying on Android drivers still do not have access to it? Indeed, there appear to be a "/run/user/32011/wayland-0" file on my setup (Pro1, so an Android-driver based device), yet Wayland applic14:56
ubptgbotations do not seem to manage to use it and, not being used to this OS, I don't know if this is to be expected or if I am not seeing some obvious mechanism that would prevent arbitrary programs launched from the terminal from using that file.14:56
ubptgbot<NotKit> you should be able to start something from SSH with Wayland. The trick is to use DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=unity8.desktop (or correct desktop file for app if possible)15:07
ubptgbot<NotKit> [Edit] you should be able to start something from SSH with Wayland. The trick is to use DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=unity8.desktop env (or correct desktop file for app if possible)15:07
ubptgbot<nsensfel> Alright, thanks! I'll give it a shot once I've set up the SSH connection. 👍15:10
ubptgbot<nsensfel> I am not managing to make this work. I set up an SSH connection (through WiFi, not an ADB one, if that makes a difference), and tried using Weston (which comes from a simple "apt-get install weston"): … $ export DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=/usr/share/wayland-sessions/weston.desktop … $ WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-0 weston … This results in a segmentat15:35
ubptgbotion fault, as it usually does when attempting that last command. … I am not familiar with "desktop" files, sorry if that's not how they're supposed to be used.15:35
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> coming soon near you15:41
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> (Photo, 800x629) https://irc.ubports.com/DV80rEkK.png15:41
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> What's this whitelist for?15:42
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> a joke15:43
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Alright, it's funny then15:43
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> it's about things that requires a activation before you can use the software :P15:44
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> [Edit] it's about things that requires activation before you can use the software :P15:44
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> and no it's not included, just added it in and then remove it after starting the installer15:45
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> [Edit] and no it's not included, just added it in and then remove it after starting the installer and snap15:45
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> anyway the installation process will require you to manually download vendor.img15:45
ubptgbot<dohbee> @nsensfel [I am not managing to make this work. I set up an SSH connection (through WiFi, n …], that's not a proper application `.desktop` file. it's a session description file. applications are in `/usr/share/applications/`15:46
ubptgbot<erfanoabdi> @RealDanct12 [anyway the installation process will require you to manually download vendor.img], i wish ubports had a place to locate this vendors15:46
ubptgbot<erfanoabdi> in lineage there was idea of sparsing image and uploading to github15:47
ubptgbot<erfanoabdi> but no one did that lol15:47
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> they actually can't though which is unfortunate15:47
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> It's a legal problem, not a technical one15:47
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> ^ this15:47
ubptgbot<erfanoabdi> why15:47
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> We have plenty of places to store image files. We don't have enough lawyers to solve the problem.15:47
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> You can't legally redistribute many of those vendor binaries.15:47
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> i was about to host it on my friend's server but he's in US which is where they care a lot about DMCA15:48
ubptgbot<erfanoabdi> ahh damn … thanks for lettting me  … i was about to do that for another project lol15:49
ubptgbot<erfanoabdi> [Edit] ahh damn … thanks for lettting me know … i was about to do that for another project lol15:49
ubptgbot<nsensfel> @dohbee [that's not a proper application .desktop file. it's a session description file. …], Okay. I don't have an "application" .desktop file for weston then. I'll most likely not have any for the applications I plan to run on Wayland. I've never used ".desktop" files befores, I'm used to calling programs using the terminal. … I copy/pa15:50
ubptgbotsted the .desktop file to "~/.local/applications/", modified the Exec to have the "WAYLAND_DISPLAY" environment variable, and used "ubuntu-app-launch weston" to launch it. It triggers an loading screen for an instant, then goes back to the term. I am in the process of Googling how to get logs from ".desktop applications".15:50
ubptgbot<dohbee> @nsensfel [Okay. I don't have an "application" .desktop file for weston then. I'll most lik …], Just run `DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=unity8 WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-0 weeston` then15:52
ubptgbot<Shakendo> @RealDanct12 [i was about to host it on my friend's server but he's in US which is where they …], I think if its for a backup of -Your- personal device they leave you alone, at least that have for me as I have many backups of things that are not distributable15:52
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> @erfanoabdi [ahh damn … thanks for lettting me know … i was about to do that for another project …], they're unlikely going to go after you but it's just ubports foundation doesn't want to deal with it in case it happens15:52
ubptgbot<erfanoabdi> uhumm..15:53
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> otherwise i guess lineageos should also be gone by now as they distribute a lot of vendor blobs15:53
ubptgbot<NotKit> @erfanoabdi [ahh damn … thanks for lettting me know … i was about to do that for another project …], just host it on a separate server from main project :)15:53
ubptgbot<NotKit> like LineageOS does with TheMuppets15:54
ubptgbot<erfanoabdi> yeah, nowhere at TheMuppets mentions lineageos15:55
ubptgbot<NotKit> @nsensfel DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=unity8.desktop weston -Bwayland-backend.so --use-pixman15:56
ubptgbot<Nicolas S> Computer : Linux ; smartphone : Mobian / Manajro and Ubport with pinephone15:57
ubptgbot<nsensfel> @NotKit [@nsensfel DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=unity8.desktop weston -Bwayland-backend.so --use-pix …], That seems to be working. Thanks a lot, TheKit and Rodney!15:58
ubptgbotMichelP74 was added by: MichelP7416:10
ubptgbot<kabouik> Another question regarding UT on the Pro1: when I plug a HDMI monitor to it, the UI crashes and there's no output on the external monitor. Are there some tweeks/installs to be done in the first place to get the external monitor support + turn the Pro1 into a touchpad as was shown in some videos?16:13
ubptgbot<kabouik> [Edit] Another question regarding UT on the Pro1: when I plug a HDMI monitor to it, the UI crashes and there's no output on the external monitor. Are there some tweaks/installs to be done in the first place to get the external monitor support + turn the Pro1 into a touchpad as was shown in some videos?16:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> @kabouik [Another question regarding UT on the Pro1: when I plug a HDMI monitor to it, the …], no, it should just work. maybe some hdmi adapters are not as good as others though and can cause problems?17:03
ubptgbot<kabouik> I used the Pinephone adapter17:04
ubptgbot<kabouik> I have another one that I haven't tried yet17:04
ubptgbot<dohbee> hmm17:05
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @kabouik [Another question regarding UT on the Pro1: when I plug a HDMI monitor to it, the …], does it always happen? also, which channel are you on?17:59
ubptgbot<kabouik> It always happened to me but I tried only 4 or 5 times, always with the same external monitor and adapter. Another user on the Pro1 experienced the same though. I'm using the rc channel.18:00
ubptgbot<kabouik> I made the filesystem RW using UT Tweaks, if that matters.18:00
ubptgbot<kabouik> [Edit] It always happened to me but I tried only 4 or 5 times, always with the same external monitor and adapter. Another user on the Pro1 (@nsensfel) experienced the same though. I'm using the rc channel.18:06
ubptgbot<Javacookies> I see, well not sure if it does work on that device … it works fine on my Nexus 5 on devel18:09
ubptgbot<Andy Bleaden> @UniversalSuperBox @Flohack Thanks both for answering my question regarding porting pine device fixes from other distros. Now understand. Really helpful explanation in the UBports QA8918:10
ubptgbot<Javacookies> edge channel is what I know that has broken external display18:10
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Javacookies [edge channel is what I know that has broken external display], edge has the incompleted multi-display support stuff though (which is separate from single external display support)18:12
ubptgbot<Javacookies> yeah, which I was excited to try 😄 … it kinda work but the scaling is not good and becomes unresponsive and crashes...oh well, it is very much incomplete...why didn't you at least finish it Canonical? 😂18:14
ubptgbot<kabouik> @Javacookies [I see, well not sure if it does work on that device … it works fine on my Nexus 5 …], There are at least two videos showing Pro1 as touchpad + external display, but not sure how much tweaking was done before recording those videos18:17
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Javacookies [yeah, which I was excited to try 😄 … it kinda work but the scaling is not good an …], wasn't my job :P18:18
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @dohbee [wasn't my job :P], yeah, it was Michael Z. 😆18:20
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @kabouik [There are at least two videos showing Pro1 as touchpad + external display, but n …], were they Pro1 or Pro1 X? maybe there's some minor difference in their software?18:20
ubptgbot<kabouik> I think one of each, but I don't know of any software differences between those. I don't own a Pro1x yet though. :>18:21
ubptgbot<kabouik> I also just found a picture from another Pro1 user who tried UT in august, he has touchpad + external display18:22
ubptgbot<kabouik> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/RRsk5QbX.png18:23
ubptgbot<kabouik> With what seems to be a Pinephone dock by the way18:23
ubptgbot<kabouik> @nsensfel and I both flashed UT over SailfishOS. Does that matter? I seem to remember some OSes might need to be flashed over stock Android because they re-use some of the blob.18:24
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Rather, this is insanity, because in fact it needs to be integrated in fact the …], we technically already do that with libertine18:26
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @im_not_dead_seiwer [Well, I think NextCloud does not violate confidentiality .... Accordingly, our o …], ubports has no plans to roll out their own services because they are not a company but a non-profit foundation18:29
ubptgbot<NotKit> @kabouik it should just work, but detection is somewhat flaky. Maybe you need to update stock Android firmware18:32
ubptgbot<NotKit> @kabouik root@ubuntu-phablet:~# cat /vendor/build.prop | grep ro.vendor.build.date … ro.vendor.build.date=Fri Mar 6 12:45:26 CST 202018:40
ubptgbot<kabouik> Hum, thanks @NotKit. `Mon Oct 28 19:13:23 CST 2019` :>18:44
ubptgbot<NotKit> just download fastboot flashing package and flash vendor separately then18:44
ubptgbot<kabouik> Does updating that imply flashing stock or can I do it separately?18:44
ubptgbot<kabouik> Okay18:44
ubptgbot<kabouik> Will try, thank you.18:44
ubptgbotthiesyy was added by: thiesyy18:47
ubptgbot<kabouik> Flashing to vendor_a failed immediately, and flashing to vendor_b seems to hang with no output, weird. I'm waiting just in case but it's been 4-5 min already.19:07
ubptgbot<NotKit> reboot and try again, it should be rather fast when it works but Pro1 fastboot is picky19:08
ubptgbot<kabouik> Indeed, vendor_a working now19:09
ubptgbot<kabouik> And done. b under progress. Perfect.19:09
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Is it possible that eventually the Volla phone will pass North American electronics standards? Right now it's only certified for Europe (CE).19:19
ubptgbot<kabouik> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc.ubports.com/6O8fF0OK.png Now I need to see if somehow xrandr or Wayland alternative can simulate a 3840x1200 screen. :>19:25
ubptgbot<NotKit> no, this won't work, need support from Lomiri19:26
ubptgbot<NotKit> I think Marius had something for multiple displays?19:26
ubptgbot<dohbee> @NotKit [I think Marius had something for multiple displays?], it's in edge, but i think doesn't work as well. iirc, there was still no individual screen management stuff implemented in system settings either19:27
ubptgbot<NotKit> I'm surprised to see Type-C can drive two FullHD+ displays19:28
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> @Flohack I remember in the past you mentioned that it was difficult to get the audio for calls coming into the UT device for Teleports to work, but you mentioned it was slightly 'easier' to be able to make calls from Teleports.  I was wondering if this was on your radar at all in upcoming releases.  Even if it was only one way, ie calls19:28
ubptgbotout, it would be super useful.19:28
ubptgbot<NotKit> unless it is single output in practice19:28
ubptgbot<dohbee> @NotKit [I'm surprised to see Type-C can drive two FullHD+ displays], DisplayPort has daisy-chaining19:28
ubptgbot<kabouik> I probably need to reflash this UT install anyway, I broke `apt` trying to install libreoffice. Now every time I want to use apt, it complains about unmet dependencies for libreoffice-core, and clean, autoclean, remove or install -f all have no effect. No big deal, it's just a test here.19:29
ubptgbot<dohbee> @NotKit [unless it is single output in practice], lomiri currently only supports a single external monitor, so yes it's just dumping the pixels on the stream and both show the same19:29
ubptgbot<kabouik> Yeah it's daisychaining, it's amazing for laptop use actually: charge + input peripherals + triple monitor with one cable: https://0x0.st/i7Tf.jpg19:30
ubptgbot<kabouik> There are funny things happening with windows depending on their size or how close they are to the screen edge, it can revert them into mobile mode and rotate the content, or increase font size19:35
ubptgbotAilin_o0 was added by: Ailin_o019:43
ubptgbot<Flohack> @wayneTBT [@Flohack I remember in the past you mentioned that it was difficult to get the a …], Its somehow always on my mind, but it really lacks documentation. Call setup, actual call ongoing, how to reconnect and timeout with unstable internet etc. Open sourced Telegram is just what it is: The source. They dont deliver any useful docum19:44
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> Ok, yep, there are so many factors I see there that one doesnt always realise at the outset.  Thanks for your considered answer.19:46
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> I mistakenly thought one way as easier than the other.19:46
ubptgbot<Flohack> @wayneTBT [I mistakenly thought one way as easier than the other.], No not really. The initialization of a call is the last piece, be it in- or outgoing. ALl the other stuff is rather symmetrical19:57
ubptgbot<Steve Kueffer> Hi, I just noticed that this issue https://github.com/ubports/account-plugins/issues/40 ,  has been moved from "OTA-15 / in progress" to "OTA-16 / nice to have"...  😞 Are you still facing problems to fix the Google account synchronisation into UT?20:05
ubptgbot<dohbee> google keeps making it harder for third party apps to connect to their platforms20:07
ubptgbot<Steve Kueffer> Ok I see...20:08
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @Steve Kueffer [Hi, I just noticed that this issue https://github.com/ubports/account-plugins/is …], The "in progress" part was the rebuild that didn't help anything.20:09
ubptgbot<Steve Kueffer> [Edit] Ok I understand20:09
ubptgbot<dohbee> though i'd thought it was working ok after mardy's fix20:09
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Doesn't seem so20:09
ubptgbot<dohbee> or does login work but sync just gives 403 errors?20:09
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> You type in your username and it says "you can't sign in from here"20:10
ubptgbot<dohbee> hmm20:10
ubptgbot<Steve Kueffer> Indeed, the deb file https://github.com/rubencarneiro/account-plugins/releases works for me (N5), but synchronization seems to stop working after a while. Workaround: Delete Google account and sign-in again.20:12
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> That specific deb file sets the user-agent to one for the Nexus 420:12
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> We tried this whac-a-mole game of finding a working user-agent before. It worked for about a week.20:13
ubptgbot<Steve Kueffer> All right. Thank you.  So do you think the deb file would work on the Volla phone as well?20:14
ubptgbot<Shakendo> @UniversalSuperBox [We tried this whac-a-mole game of finding a working user-agent before. It worked …], whac-a-mole is prob far more fun though20:14
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @Steve Kueffer [All right. Thank you.  So do you think the deb file would work on the Volla phon …], It may, for some period of time20:14
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> What I'm concerned with is this is some special exception inside Google's code, and once they realize that people are using it to get around their security features they'll stop allowing it.20:14
ubptgbot<Steve Kueffer> Thank you 😉 I will try as soon as my wife will receive it!20:15
ubptgbot<Steve Kueffer> @UniversalSuperBox [What I'm concerned with is this is some special exception inside Google's code, …], They're not very nice with us....20:16
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> They want to ensure that every user is signing in to Google with a trusted browser. That's one of them that makes up some reasonable percentage of the market-share20:17
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> @Shakendo [whac-a-mole is prob far more fun though], Bit easier to play also20:18
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> They appear to do this both with user-agent and JavaScript detection. So you can't pretend that you're the newest Chrome browser, their JavaScript will try to use a feature that's only available on the newest Chrome, fail, and say "hey, this can't possibly be correct." Then you're blocked.20:18
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> Doesn't Google have some alternative login thing with creating one time passwords, or using pin codes as alternative security options?20:19
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Not to use it the way we're using it.20:20
ubptgbot<Steve Kueffer> @dohbee [or does login work but sync just gives 403 errors?], First (initial) sync works, but a few days later a message comes automatically in the notification bar telling "Google synchronization account failed".  So I just have to cancel the Google account and sign in again...20:20
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> From situational testing, it appears that a plausible browsing history may factor in to Google letting you sign in, too. You can sign in to Google on an oauth prompt using morph-browser, but not an embedded Morph webview.20:20
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> The exact methods that Google uses to enforce their browser restrictions appear to be ever-changing and don't apply to every account equally. For example, while I was testing different user-agents with Marius, one that worked for him would not work for me.20:22
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> At that time, I could type in his account and be allowed to sign in, or type in my account and be blocked.20:23
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Ultimately, it doesn't seem worth the effort right now.20:23
ubptgbot<kabouik> Is it save too flash vendor_a and vendor_b on a SFOS device too without data loss @NotKit?20:58
ubptgbot<mladenb> do Notes intentionally not support copy/paste on UT?20:58
ubptgbot<kabouik> [Edit] Is it safe to flash vendor_a and vendor_b on a SFOS device too without data loss @NotKit?20:58
ubptgbot<NotKit> @kabouik [Is it safe to flash vendor_a and vendor_b on a SFOS device too without data loss …], yes20:58
ubptgbot<kabouik> Thanks, not sure if there are benefits but my SFOS vendor partition was compiled in January20:59
ubptgbot<dohbee> @mladenb [do Notes intentionally not support copy/paste on UT?], you mean in the notes app? it should work afaik21:01
ubptgbot<mladenb> @dohbee [you mean in the notes app? it should work afaik], well, how? what's the magic gesture? :)21:02
ubptgbot<dohbee> @mladenb [well, how? what's the magic gesture? :)], press and hold doesn't pop up the copy/paste menu?21:03
ubptgbot<mladenb> not for me.. no21:03
ubptgbot<dohbee> @mladenb [not for me.. no], if keyboard is open you can long press on space bar there and i think it shows copy/paste options too now21:03
ubptgbot<mladenb> @dohbee [if keyboard is open you can long press on space bar there and i think it shows c …], thank you! kb trick worked :))21:04
ubptgbot<dohbee> i guess it must be using qtwebengine for something21:17
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> For any others that had pre-ordered a Volla Phone via IndieGogo for delivery to outside of the EU - I just got notice by Volla that they shipped all of the remainder of these orders today.21:57
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> [Edit] For any others that had pre-ordered a Volla Phone via IndieGogo for delivery to outside of the EU - I just got notice by Volla that they shipped all of the remainder of these orders (including mine) today.21:59
ubptgbot<nsensfel> I have not updated the vendor partitions on my Pro1 yet, so it may be related, but the default terminal application has the very weird quirk of sending whatever is currently running to the background (as in, you need to call it back with "fg") when swiping or touching the screen. Is this supposed to happen? Is there any way to disable th22:07
ubptgbotis? I couldn't find any options relating to touch controls on the application.22:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> @nsensfel [I have not updated the vendor partitions on my Pro1 yet, so it may be related, b …], applications are paused when not in foreground, and so yes, terminal app and its children (ie the shell and anything you're running in it) will also be stopped22:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> you can use tweak tool to disable background suspension of terminalapp22:08
ubptgbot<nsensfel> Oh, I didn't realize that was what was happening. This makes more sense. I'll do that, thanks.22:09
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/MlEzQywY.webp22:48
ubptgbot<Mark S> I tried using the installer on a Nexus 5 (hammerhead) and once it rebooted to the boot loader the installer says that the connection to the device has been lost.23:27
ubptgbot<Mark S> and `adb devices` doesn't come up with any connected devices23:27
ubptgbot<Mark S> and now when I try to reboot the phone, it is stuck at the Google logo23:28
ubptgbot<Mark S> any hints on how to get this through the installation?23:28

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