
mwhudsontumbleweed: ty00:19
mwhudsondoes anyone have the faintest idea what's going on with python-meshplex?00:48
tumbleweedmwhudson: upstream calls that an i386 bug, but maybe it's just a !amd64 bug?00:52
mwhudsontumbleweed: oh huh00:52
mwhudsontumbleweed: got a link?00:52
tumbleweed(not that that implies any deeper understanding of the bug)00:52
tumbleweedalthough, that seems to be passing in ci.debian.net now00:53
tumbleweedI wonder if he patched it out00:53
mwhudsonno, the version in ubuntu is the same i think00:54
tumbleweedmaybe a dependency that's skewed?00:55
mwhudsonit's usually numpy :)00:55
mwhudsonoh wait https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/p/python-meshplex/hirsute/amd6400:57
mwhudsonuh no00:57
tumbleweedyeah, that combination worked for amd6400:57
mwhudsonbut not the other arches00:58
mwhudsoni would say scientific software has the worst failures but i just looked at the postorius failure with python 3.9 so i won't00:59
tumbleweedit's usually not the most actively maintained upstream01:00
tumbleweedwrite phd, throw software over the wall, run01:01
mwhudsonugh postorius doesn't even run tests with python 3.8 upstream01:01
mwhudson$ .tox/py39-django20/bin/python -V01:57
mwhudsonPython 3.8.501:57
mwhudsoni don't understand how this works :(01:57
cpaelzerthank you LocutusOfBorg06:15
cpaelzerI thought we might as well at the same consider moving to 3.59, which I found you did later on - thanks06:16
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dokomwhudson: in debian, postorius tests succeed in unstable, but fail in testing. filed a bug about that. maybe some dependency not available?10:32
dokomwhudson: re: tox: usually bad autopkg test downloading everything and not using the packages at all10:33
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sil2100seb128: ok, switching here not to spam -release with too many messages11:02
sil2100seb128: so right now ubuntu-canary is done as a SUBPROJECT for ubuntu, which isn't quite the best solution - since subprojects aren't considered as separate 'entities' in the cdimage world, meaning:11:03
sil2100When you build an ubuntu image, and then an ubuntu-canary image, they will both end up as ubuntu projects just with new publisher entries, so you'll have say 20201130 with regular ubuntu and then 20201130.1 with canary11:04
sil2100Which is a bit dirty and confusing11:04
sil2100Right now canary results in an empty dir when built as cdimage is missing a few changes to actually know what files to pull from the scratch directory to publish - but before we fix this, I was opting for reconsidering how we build canary images, since right now it would feel a bit confusing to me?11:05
sil2100Like, people would look for dailies and not know what's up11:06
seb128what was subproject mean for?11:06
seb128it feels like the publishing side should handle that better11:06
seb128if subproject exists it should be handle in a way that gives a different result/name than not using subproject...11:06
seb128or what's the point?11:06
sil2100That is a good question! I also misunderstood what subprojects are during the touch times, but actually SUBPROJECT is a way to customize a single project or when you use a different image type, like you have one subproject for daily.live one for daily and one for daily.preinstalled etc.11:07
sil2100Anyway, subprojects are badly designed IMO :|11:08
sil2100Right now I see two quick options for canary, that should be rather quickly achievable:11:08
sil21001) Simply doing what we did for touch, just create a separate project for it11:09
sil2100This should be relatively simple to do11:09
seb1281) is a bit tedious, lot of editing to add another |<newname> next to each ubuntu one11:09
seb128but keep going, let's see what the other option is ;-)11:10
sil21002) This one is probably a bit more hacky, but uh, maybe a SUBARCH! This is not what a subarch is for, but it's not the first time we do something like that - subarches actually work closer to how subprojects should in my opinion11:11
sil2100hm, for 1) I could take a look if we could add this new project as a dummy project, basically an alias for ubuntu and the canary subproject, but I'd have to look if it's doable11:12
sil2100Then we'd not have to change anything besides the cdimage code11:12
sil2100We basically do something similar already for ubuntu-server, since actually our preinstalled ubuntu-server images build from the ubuntu-cpc project ;)11:13
sil2100It's terrible, I know, I'd prefer to just having subprojects work a bit more as I'd expect them to, but I think this logic is too deep down in the machinery that modifying it would be very risky11:14
seb128sil2100, k, thanks for the context. I need to give that some thinking on what we want to do11:16
seb128also that image is just next gen ubuntu image, not a different product11:16
sil2100Yeah, this is why I like the subarch approach, though it's not what a subarch is11:20
sil2100But at least it's always generated with the cdimage run...11:21
sil2100And if we go the separate project road, it would be only temporary11:21
seb128sil2100, but we have https://www.cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/daily-preinstalled/ ... is that not coming from the desktop-preinstalled subproject?11:21
seb128and if so how come that is working of publication using a subproject?11:22
LaneyIt's daily-preinstalled not daily-live, so it gets its own counter anyway11:24
sil2100seb128: this is what I mentioned earlier, it all works because it's a different image type11:24
sil2100daily.prelinstalled instead of daily.live11:25
seb128Laney, sorry I fail to parse that11:25
seb128I guess I don't understand cdimage things enough to understand what that means11:25
seb128case $PROJECT in11:25
seb128case ${SUBPROJECT:-} in11:25
seb128I don't understand how the subproject are different11:26
seb128they seems to be under similar structures?11:26
sil2100I guess in theory we *could* maybe use the daily image-type (instead of daily-live) and use that in the subproject instead, but I don't know how many parts are hard coded for that11:26
LaneyThe crontab line looks like:11:26
Laneyfor-project ubuntu cron.daily-live --live; SUBPROJECT=desktop-preinstalled for-project ubuntu cron.daily-preinstalled --live11:26
sil2100seb128: yeah, but the difference is that we build the desktop preinstalled image as daily-preinstalled ubuntu SUBPROJECT=desktop-preinstalled11:26
sil2100While canary is daily-live ubuntu SUBPROJECT=canary, where regular ubuntu images are also daily-live11:27
seb128so PROJECT=ubuntu and SUBPROJECT=desktop-preinstalled11:27
sil2100Since there's more than just PROJECT, ARCH, SUBPROJECT and SUBARCH - there's also image-type11:27
seb128so we could do cron.daily-canara with PROJECT=ubuntu and SUBPROJECT=canary?11:28
Laneythis is quite complicated isn't it11:28
sil2100seb128: I guess we could, but I have no idea how many things would need adding! We could re-use the existing unused 'daily' image type too11:29
seb128that feels more complex than it should be...11:30
seb128why can't we make $rightcode just append +${SUBPROJECT} to the artifact names11:30
sil2100seb128: I'd actually prefer adding a new temporary PROJECT for canary (and try to work-around for it to re-use the ubuntu parts as much as possible)11:30
seb128it's tedious and error prone though :/11:31
sil2100seb128: well, that's how I'd think it should work, but someone long ago designed it differently and now we're using this 'different' mechanism11:31
seb128having to find all the places where there is a "if ubuntu" and add a |canary11:31
seb128easy to miss one11:31
seb128also code is ugly when it's name|othername|...11:32
sil2100Well, as said, I'd like to take a look if we could work around that, by just switching the project - making ubuntu-canary an alias for ubuntu + the subproject11:32
sil2100It *should* be possible, as mentioned we do something vaguely similar for ubuntu-server11:32
seb128I can try have a look but I don't know my way around enough for that11:32
seb128the SUBARCH thing seems easier but less clean :/11:33
sil2100Yeah, let me dive into this a bit today before the sprint load11:33
sil2100And let's sync up tomorrow/Wednesday again to get this done properly finally11:33
seb128let me know, I'm happy to take tasks to look at the changes, I just feel like I don't know my way around enough to be efficient11:34
seb128that sounds great, thanks sil2100!11:34
sil2100The image building infrastructure is a bit outdated, we'd like to (and will eventually) redesign and refresh it, but it's a big task and we're a bit short on peeps!11:35
seb128sil2100, and meanwhile can you just tell me in I maybe have access to the location where the build from today is or could you copy it to a more public place? I just want to check that it matches the content I got from my local build setup11:35
seb128then I can keep iterating locally11:35
Laneysil2100: You can do it on the cdimage side too, (1) use a fresh build-id for this build, (2) publish to a different top level directory11:36
sil2100Let me export those for you somewhere11:36
seb128until we sort out the project subproject vs subarch vs hacktype thing11:36
seb128sil2100, thx11:36
sil2100Laney: yeah, I was pushing it to a different directory for j_ibel in the past ;)11:36
Laneythat's where it should be anyway11:37
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sil2100seb128: ok, so it's still syncing, but I pushed it here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-canary/11:40
sil2100(with a datestamp of today)11:40
seb128sil2100, thanks!11:42
cpaelzerseb128: I see you triggered apparmor for evince - https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/a/apparmor/hirsute/ppc64el - FYI you'll need to trigger vs 3.0.0-0ubuntu4 to get it working12:17
seb128cpaelzer, ah, thanks12:50
cpaelzerjuliank: FYI qemu fix working and on the way throu proposed migration - mail with workarounds sent to help further affected people until the new version is released15:33
dokotseliot: 4.3.0-1build1ubuntu0.21.04 is a strange version, should be: 4.3.0-1ubuntu115:46
tseliotdoko, I think there was a no change rebuild in between. I can re-upload it as 4.3.0-1ubuntu1 if you prefer15:48
dokono, just for future uploads15:49
dokoand yes, -1ubuntu1 is a higher version than -1build115:50
dokocoreycb: do we still need dnspython 1.6, or can we sync to 2.0?16:34
coreycbdoko: upstream openstack is still locked in at 1.16.0 but I can dig deeper16:38
vorlonxnox: why do we need the usrmerge package?  Our implementation hasn't depended on this before now16:39
coreycbdoko: looks like we need to stay <= 2.0.0 until this is fixed https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/issues/61916:42
dokocoreycb: do you have any insight on this? succeeds on all archs except amd64.. https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-hirsute/hirsute/amd64/d/dnspython/20201126_124443_023e1@/log.gz16:44
dokocoreycb: also the glance timeout: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/g/glance/hirsute/amd6416:49
xnoxvorlon: to upgrade pre-disco installs to mergedusr. Such that in 22.10 i can flip builders and build all .debs with mergedusr too.16:55
xnoxvorlon:  we should complete the transition for upgrades too, versus just the new installs.16:55
xnoxvorlon:  on systems that have been installed with merged usr this should not have any effect.16:56
vorlonxnox: ok so this is the package that handles making symlinks on upgrade?16:56
xnoxvorlon: yes.16:56
xnoxvorlon:  but need to check that it doesn't screw up buildd tarballs.16:56
xnoxvorlon: i'm never sure which seed is installed everywhere, but not in the buildd chroots.16:56
xnoxcause through to 22.04 and including 22.04 our buildd tarballs must stay split-usr.16:57
coreycbdoko: I'm not sure but icey or I will take a look at those16:58
xnoxpondering if usrmerge/autoconvert should be set to false in buildd tarballs.16:58
xnoxvorlon:  i don't want to switch building things with merged-usr & handle upgrades at the same time.16:58
xnoxvorlon:  or maybe it doesn't matter much, and should be done at the same time?16:58
* xnox tries small steps16:58
vorlonxnox: it seems safe to me to do it in the same cycle17:00
xnoxvorlon:  ok. let's try that then.17:01
xnoxvorlon:  which packages become Essential: "yes" ?17:03
xnoxi guess i did it now by doing it into required.17:03
xnoxif i wanted to achieve what i wanted originally, i should have put it into minimal; not required. oh well. off we go then.17:04
vorlonxnox: no packages become Essential: yes17:04
xnoxecho $(apt show tar | grep Essential) Essential: yes17:04
vorlonessential packages exist. no new packages become essential :)17:05
xnoxis that on the fly calculation by apt?!17:05
vorlonno, that's declared in debian/control17:05
xnoxok, interesting.17:05
xnoxminimal; mir; change debootstrap; then move to required i think is the right way to do it.17:06
juliankI want to upgrade to merged us17:16
juliankI want to upgrade to merged usr17:16
xnoxjuliank:  sudo apt install usrmerge17:16
juliankI have upgraded to merged usr17:16
juliankNow I need to find out why I have a dir /1:5.1+dfsg-4ubuntu117:16
juliankwith block-{curl,iscsi,rbd,ssh}.so17:16
xnoxjuliank:  some broken qemu-nbd install or some such?17:16
xnoxqemu-utils has plugins.17:16
xnoxlike those17:16
juliankcpaelzer: ^17:16
xnoxthere was email from christian about broken qemu-gui i think, no?17:16
juliankcpaelzer: Was this you breaking too?17:16
juliankdrwxr-xr-x   1 root root  102 Nov 30 11:50 1:5.1+dfsg-4ubuntu117:16
juliankit installed this morning17:16
juliank11:50 is the qemu-system-gui upgrade failure17:16
juliankor it's removal17:16
juliankwho knows17:16
juliank$ find /foo/usr/share/ -type f17:16
julianksystem messy17:17
juliankmaybe someone hacked my system17:18
juliankAlso /cryptroot dir, I don't know why that exists17:18
xnoxmaybe you did dpkg-deb -x *.deb foo/17:19
xnoxand forgot you were root and in / ?17:19
xnoxor like exitted a chroot17:19
juliankdrwxr-xr-x   1 root root    0 Jul 23  2019 cryptroot17:19
juliankdo I need that?!17:19
julianklet's just delete it17:19
juliankI still feel like I should move /home to /var/home17:20
juliankand /etc to /var/etc17:20
juliankhave / be a tmpfs17:20
juliankand then mount / and /var17:21
juliankand then ofc, mount /usr read-only (and /)17:21
juliankoh yeah, /srv would move to /var/srv too17:22
juliankand I guess snap needs to be /var/snap17:22
Laneyanyone know how to get the system to tell me if a device is being powered down for powersaving?17:33
LaneyI just rebooted and now my mouse seems to power off as soon as I stop moving it, takes a couple of seconds to wake up, infuriating17:34
juliankLaney: install powertop, go to correct tab17:34
Laneyooh powertop17:35
juliankI see the same thing, fwiw17:35
juliankI have not investigated why17:35
juliankI have not rebooted in 9 days17:35
juliankit started happening yesterday IIRC17:35
Laneywell previously I hadn't since 2020-09-30, so there's quite a big delta :D17:35
Laney9 days is better17:35
Laneysame kernel for me fwiw17:36
juliankI'm actually on mainline 5.9.8-050908-generic17:36
* juliank is wating for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1896091 bug fix17:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1896091 in linux (Ubuntu) "[i915] Noise-like lines of graphics corruption when moving windows in Xorg sessions" [High,Triaged]17:37
Laneyright turning off autosuspend seems to stop this from happening17:39
Laneydid I lose some udev rule?17:40
juliankI want to know too17:40
Laneywhen I plug the receiver thing into my laptop, running groovy, that same device is "Bad" for autosuspend17:40
Laneyit's "Good" on hirsute17:40
juliankI have tlp installed, but I did not set up any blacklist in there17:41
juliankbut this used to work17:41
Laneylemme see a bit more17:41
juliank# Note: input devices (usbhid) are excluded automatically17:41
juliankSo I'm not sure what is setting usb autosuspend if it's not tlp17:41
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Laneyjuliank: Try moving 60-libfprint-2.rules away please18:19
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ItzSwirlzanybody wanna review Bug 190134418:47
ubottubug 1901344 in cinnamon-screensaver (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Spotify album icon shows optimal CD disk instead of album/cover image" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190134418:47
dokocoreycb: the glance test now passes with some more oslo triggers. help on dnspython would be still appreciated19:17
coreycbdoko: great, ok19:17
mwhudsondoko: i was just trying to run the upstream tests with python3.9 and tox, nothing packaging related20:35
coreycbdoko: dnspython seems ok so far running it locally: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FgXmscmr53/21:08
coreycbmaybe that's not picking up python 3.9 (?)21:08
coreycbit's py3.9 "Testing with python3.9"21:10

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