[01:48] good morning [01:55] hallo [01:56] hey sorcerer [01:58] how goes it [02:02] all good over here tnx [02:02] bout you sorcerer [02:04] pretty good just nerding out [02:07] hehe [07:37] good morning === akem_ is now known as akem [13:20] Hey hey hey [16:48] start your topic here ddubya [16:50] thanks, what can I use switch user sessions in gdm (assuming I have multiple session logged in), using the command line [16:50] i use chvt currently and it works, but sometimes gpu locks up shortly after [16:52] there was once a dbus method to do this, but it doesn't seem to be present in gdm anymore (20.04) [19:12] ok, guys, we need some serious help. We're running some robots wirelessly. They were originally running xenial but we moved to bionic. Now when robots roam between AP's using PSK_FT(802.11r) , we get "wlp2s0: DHCP lease lost" from systemd-networkd and they go through the process of renewing DHCP. This shouldn't be needed and is causing delays/drops in traffic and big problems. I've been at this for months. We've looked into different [19:12] kernels, wifi chipsets, drivers, firmware. We can't seem to find where this is coming from or what is causing it [19:14] I could post this in #u, but I really don't want to get all the less experienced people chiming in with "did you try"'s that aren't very helpful [19:25] Here's some more info on the issue https://askubuntu.com/questions/1281380/networkd-and-wpa-supplicant-with-roaming [20:00] leftyfb: that's all well outside my experience; I've heard good things about iwd, it might be worth a try if you're completely stuck https://lwn.net/Articles/770991/ [20:00] leftyfb: but if this worked in a previous release and doesn't work now, it's probably also worth a bug report [20:00] It might be [20:01] We have is do [20:01] We have iwd on our radar but it’s not available in bionic I think [20:08] oh, bugger :( [20:14] yeah, it seems bionic is sort of broken with all of this roaming stuff and not a lot of options to fix it [21:58] UWN659 is on the streets: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue659 :D