
lubot<RikMills> looks like the grouping policy on qgis, telegram-desktop and qtmir is now blocking things?07:27
lubot<RikMills> I wonder if we no-change build those now in proposed that would break it?07:28
lubot<mitya57> @RikMills [I wonder if we no-change build those now in proposed that would break it?], telegram-desktop won't build, as doko removed ms-gsl07:39
lubot<RikMills> @mitya57 [telegram-desktop won't build, as doko removed ms-gsl], I know, but that has not stopped it being grouped07:40
lubot<RikMills> I don't care if they build. Just that the version in -proposed is no longer a grouped one07:41
lubot<mitya57> Ok, let me rebuild then. (I will no-change rebuild qtmir, sync telegram-desktop and build qgis with -j2 instead of -j3)07:42
lubot<RikMills> Cool. I am hoping that once those sources are published in proposed, built or not, we might be there.07:43
lubot<RikMills> Or it might make anything else that is blocking that I can't see now, more obvious07:44
lubot<mitya57> I see `ninja -v -j4 -C debian/build` in the failing qgis log. I need to find out why my --parallel=3 doesn't work.07:50
lubot<mitya57> (I know we don't need it to build, but I want to fix it still)07:50
lubot<mitya57> Uploaded all three now.08:03
lubot<RikMills> Thanks. I hope that does it. If not, it should make the next "why not" more obvious.08:09
lubot<RikMills> @mitya57 Qt is migrating \o/12:36
lubot<mitya57> Nice!12:36
lubot<bhushanshah> \o/12:36
lubot<RikMills> @bhushanshah [\o/], and we have newer than Neon :P12:37
lubot* RikMills hides12:37

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