
geosmileon a machine I have- df -h shows /dev/sdd2 450G 129G 298G  31% / --- there is no entry "/home", but when i do a ncdu /home -> I get 2TB - how is that possible?00:00
geosmileI found it, mount shows where it is from00:00
MrKeunerHi, why wouldn't my screen go blank after the duration I set in power settings? How can I debug this problem?00:03
MrKeuner20.04 here00:03
ham1986i increased the size of my drive from 36GB to 86GB by adding 50GB (virtual disk). I then used parted to add 100% of this upgrade onto the part 3 which is where the Linux LVM resides. I am still getting error messages when trying to install cuda informing that i've run out of disk space.00:16
ham1986fdisk -l /dev/sda | grep ^/dev00:16
ham1986 shows sda3 as00:16
ham1986dev/sda3  3147776 180363230 177215455 84.5G Linux filesystem00:17
=== Mollerz5 is now known as Mollerz
HashThe requested URL was not found on this server.00:53
Hashhttps://lubuntu.net/ I am trying to download this00:53
HashOh wait tht's old00:53
HashI wonder if to get lts or .1000:54
MaikHash: Lubuntu 20.04 LTS is supported for 3 years, 20.10 only 9 months01:12
robertparkerxI added a ppa for php. I had to install redis because I was using it before. Why when I installed new redis it installed for other versions too? php-redis01:24
robertparkerxwhen I try to 'purge' it will uninstall for all versions01:25
ham1986guys, whats the difference between sda3 and ubuntu-vg? which one is the logical volume?01:31
ham1986i need to add 2GB to Disk /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv: 20 GiB, 21474836480 bytes, 41943040 sectors01:37
ham1986, how can this be done using lvresize? im trying # lvresize --size +2G --resizefs /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lvv error path not found.01:37
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morrissomeone still awake?02:21
mefistofelesnope :P02:21
=== PowerTower_121 is now known as PowerTower_120
ldiamondMy ubuntu 18.04 VM has time sync issues. `systemd-timesyncd` is masked, what's used to sync time with NTP?02:28
pavlosldiamond: can you paste the output of timedatectl02:30
ldiamondI started `systemd-timedated` and it's the right time now02:34
morrisit's 03:35 here02:35
pavlosyou're GMT+102:48
morrisI know02:50
GSMarquisI have a stock X1 Carbon 6th gen. Integrated graphics. I am running stock Ubuntu ISO 20.10. I get lockups after waking, The Activity menu works. Apps do not accept mouse or keyboard inputs. I can close the app from Activity menu but nothing else. Alt-f2 "r" restart gnome does not work unless I click on activity menu, then do a Alt-F2 "r". After that Im good till next lockup.03:40
GSMarquisSame senario on 20.04 stock ISO.03:40
mefistofelesGSMarquis: something on logs?03:41
k_szeHow well does Wayland work now (in Focal)? And assuming I *don't* use nvidia gpu.04:00
morrishell of a game04:08
morrisonly need q3demo and the baseq3 to install04:09
geosmileas a user, can i check if there are updates available on the ubuntu box? what command do i run for that?04:50
=== fattywompus_ is now known as fattywompus
Bashing-omgeosmile: Short answer is No: " apt update >> Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13: Permission denied)04:54
aeplushi guys, i am trying to install 20.04.1, and I was wondering how I can set the efi partition to be mounted as /boot08:07
aeplusi would like the efi partition to contain the kernel and initrd08:08
EriC^^aeplus: i think that's something you'd manually have to do, not in the installer08:09
aeplusEriC^^, the installer won't let me continue without specifying a /boot partition (the / partition is being placed inside an encrypted physical volume)08:12
aeplusi was hoping to avoid creating another /boot partition08:12
EriC^^aeplus: use /boot and the efi at /boot/efi, later after the install you can put /boot inside of "/"08:13
EriC^^not sure how you could not create the /boot partition at installation, if you want, you could after the install make /boot partition into the efi partition, and during the install not create the efi partition or make a small one and add them together into 1 efi partition08:14
aeplussounds like a plan. I'd like to preserve the existing efi and system recovery partitions. so I will delete the partition used for the OS, create the encrypted physical volume minus some allowance for /boot at the end of the disk, then grow the encrypted physical volume to cover the /boot directory08:17
EriC^^sounds good08:18
kristian_I'm having problems with my onboard bluetooth, and I read buying a bluetooth dongle can help. Do I need to do anything else than plug it in? How does ubuntu know which BT to use?08:27
=== akem_ is now known as akem
CorvusCoraxHi. Question: I have 2 ubuntu installations on my computer on different hardrives - each with their own EFI partitions (one is a removable drive) - both using UEFI boot sequence. In my UEFI menu, both are labeled "ubuntu" - and I can't tell which is which (they also change order when one of the systems runs grub-install)  - How can I configure the UEFI grub-install to name the boot entry something different than ubuntu?09:18
CorvusCoraxnote, this is about the EFI boot menu, not the grub boot menu which comes later09:18
CorvusCoraxnote: I found a similar question on https://askubuntu.com/questions/1125920/how-can-i-change-the-names-of-items-in-the-efi-uefi-boot-menu - but the answer is unsatisfactory, it only temporarily renames it, the next run of "update-grub" will revert that09:21
CorvusCoraxcorrection "next run of grub-install"09:25
CorvusCoraxhmm I checked the gub source code. the label is taken from a default config entry called "config.grub_distributor" - but I haven't found that set in any config file. I wonder if that is set at compiletime for ubuntu's grub09:44
CorvusCoraxcorrection, it is set in /etc/default/grub09:55
CorvusCoraxjust not to "ubuntu" but to the output of `lsb_release`09:55
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=== bad_1 is now known as badbodh
jeremy31CorvusCorax: Don't mess with lsb_release10:06
CorvusCoraxim not messing with lsb_release, I'm just changing the entry in /etc/default/grub to a hardcoded string instead of lsb_release invocation10:07
ckbI don't know if I'm in the right channel10:35
ckbBUT I'm having issues with supervisor10:36
Habbieon ubuntu?10:36
Habbiethen you are not in the wrong channel; but it is always possible there is a better channel10:36
ckbI actually think I've found the issue and it's a coding error10:38
ckbokay I guess I'll go ahead and ask what I was going to for scientific purposes...10:39
ckbwhy does supervisor stop a process because it exits too quickly?10:40
ckbcurrently I have a * * * * * cron to restart the script, but I make sure to use sleep()10:41
CorvusCoraxargh, this didn't work10:50
CorvusCoraxissue is shim10:50
CorvusCoraxshim has "ubuntu" hardcoded as a name10:50
CorvusCoraxstupid secure boot10:50
=== denningsrogue5 is now known as denningsrogue
brrrrrrrzHi there! Could someone help me with SQL syntax? I am trying to install a language learning software with this guide here: https://www.mezzoguild.com/how-to-install-learning-with-texts-lwt/11:45
brrrrrrrzMy question: what's "root" & "localhost"? And are those "'" necessary? As you can tell, I am an absolute beginner on this OS. Thanks in advance!11:46
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neorpheusHi all, I know there are probably better places to ask this question but im not sure where to turn. Does anyone here have experience with web hosting, setting up domains, stuff like that?12:35
EriC^!ask | neorpheus12:36
ubottuneorpheus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:36
neorpheusSorry. I Have some very old knowledge on building webpages. I am looking to set up a simple website hosted on a spare laptop in my home. I know how to set up the webserver, directory structure etc. My problem is that when I redirect my domain to my external ip, going to MyWebsite.com/index.html changes to my.external.ip.address/index.html. clearly12:44
neorpheusi am missing something, i have created dns entries as follows "@  ------------> A -----------> My.External.Ip.Address" and "wwww ----------> CNAME ------> MyWebsite.com" any help or direction to resources where i can learn more would be appreciated12:44
deltabhow did you configure the web server?12:46
deltabthe dns records seen fine12:47
deltabDNS by itself can't cause the URL to change12:47
deltabso something is redirecting at the HTTP level12:48
neorpheus*blush* i get the feeling that im about to feel really dumb. currently i do not have a proper web server set up and am hosting the directory structure for the future website via a program called HFS. link: http://rejetto.com/hfs/ . i know that i need to brush up on apache before i get too deep into this project but i thought i could take the quick12:53
neorpheusand dirty route bu using this to make my site available12:53
BluesKajHi folks13:03
sub526 Hi all, I’ve a doubt regarding the Copyright header in the source files. We have the source code for out of tree device drivers under 3 sub directories(“linux”, “windows” and “common” as given in https://pastebin.com/5bmn2Hvg)13:23
sub526The source files under "linux"  directory are with "Copyright (c) 2015 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved" . The source files under "windows" directory are with proprietary Copyright. The source files under “common” sub directory gets used by Linux kernel module and also windows driver. I’m not aware of these copyright stuff, what13:23
sub526should be the correct copyright for the files under “common” sub directory?13:23
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bumblefuzzso, there is 1 website that fails to load and it only fails to load on ubuntu13:59
bumblefuzzit works on the same machine from the windows partition14:00
bumblefuzzbut on ubuntu, whether it's from firefox or chrome, it doesn't load14:00
bumblefuzzthe problem is it's the 2-factor website for my school's email webapp14:00
bumblefuzzso I need it to work14:00
bumblefuzzany reason that a specific website should fail to load on ubuntu only?14:01
bumblefuzzor ideas for troubleshooting steps14:01
CorvusCoraxbumblefuzzzz, I would suggest testing it with a third system for example a mobile phone. there's a few reasons why a webpage would only work with one system:14:47
CorvusCorax1. the server checks the User Agnet string for a specific system and gives different content/refuses to work if you don't have the right one. in this case a browser extension that fakes the user agent might help, pretending you are using windows14:48
MrKeunerHi, my screen doesn't go blank after the duration I set in power settings. When I hit Super+L I get this in the syslog: Nov 30 09:49:01 weasel gsd-media-keys[2592]: Couldn't lock screen: Cannot invoke method; proxy is for the well-known name org.gnome.ScreenSaver without an owner, and proxy was constructed with the G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTO_START flag14:49
CorvusCorax2. the webpage uses extensions such as digital rights management, activeX (allthough that should no longer exist) or similar that are operating system specific. this could include extensions to communicate with hardware tokens or the computers secure enclave (crpyto chip)14:49
MrKeunerCan you help?14:49
deltabMrKeuner: do you have any screensavers installed?14:50
deltabI'm thinking "the well-known name org.gnome.ScreenSaver without an owner" may indicate you don't14:50
MrKeunerdeltab, looks like gnome-screensaver is installed.14:51
MrKeunerI even tried uninstalling it and reinstalling14:51
MrKeunerI heard gnomeshell doesn't have screensavers but still it is capable of locking and blanking the screen14:52
deltabno idea then, sorry14:52
MrKeunerdeltab, np thanks14:52
CorvusCoraxMrKeuner, the error message suggests that it might be installed but not running and the current permissions prevent the windowmanager from auto-starting it. which desktop environment are you using? the default one?14:53
MrKeunerCorvusCorax, I think it's the default one. Gnomeshell?14:54
MrKeunerThis system has been upgraded several times though. Not a brand new installation of 20.0414:54
CorvusCoraxhmm then it might be missing some packages, or some configuration relics prevent it from working properly. can you make a second brand new user account on the same system and see if it works there?14:55
CorvusCoraxif not, then the problem is system wide (packets missing or global configuration borked) if it works in a brand new user account, then it could be some old user-specific config in your user home dir that messes things up. that helps you narrow down where to look14:56
MrKeunerCorvusCorax, got it thanks I'll look14:56
idmistirCan I somehow prioritize network traffic to one IP above all else?15:00
idmistirconsidering I only have access to the machine itself and no network equipment15:00
=== LabMonkey is now known as Mechanismus
ddubyais there a way to prevent gpu crashes from taking down a linux system?15:14
leftyfbidmistir: look into qos15:23
ddubyais there a command to switch user session with gdm? with ldm I could use dm-tool15:45
zennhello guys15:59
zenni'm having caps lock delay issue any idea how to fix it?16:00
idmistirleftyfb thanks, i saw a solution using `tc` - i haven't tried it yet16:05
=== watkinsr6 is now known as watkinsr
robertparkerxI try to rsync -avzgopt 'ssh -p 8022' /local/path root@domain:/remote/path but it tries to use port 2216:26
lotuspsychjeddubya: are you looking to solve a specific issue, or would you like to discuss methods?16:45
ddubyalotuspsychje, looking for methods, I currently use chvt was wondering if there was something safer16:47
lotuspsychjeddubya: ok, come discuss in #ubuntu-discuss please16:47
Junioryello ;)17:01
lotuspsychjewelcome Junior17:02
Juniori have upgrade from 16.04 to 20.10 and i am having troubles with setting up the "hotkeys" for volume up/down17:02
Juniorinside seettings _> shortcuts -> global shortcuts if i set the play/pause to a button it works, if i do the same for volumne up/down the buttons do not work altough i am able to assing them. This happens both on spotify and ff17:04
Juniorforgot - kubuntu :)17:07
imbezolPackage 'linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-56-generic' has no installation candidate17:58
imbezoli'm getting this error when trying to complete an update17:58
imbezolis this a known issue?17:58
hggdhdid you run 'sudo apt update'? and what is the exact command that gives out this error?17:59
imbezoldid apt update, and apt upgrade. if i do "apt list --upgradable" i get 3 packages.. linux-generic, linux-headers-generic, and linux-image-generic18:00
imbezoltrying to upgrade them tho gives me: Package linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-56-generic is not available, but is referred to by another package.18:01
hggdhimbezol: did 'apt update' give out any errors or warnings?18:01
imbezolif i try to specifically upgrade that modules-extra package i get the error "E: Package 'linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-56-generic' has no installation candidate"18:04
leftyfbimbezol: linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-56-generic is part of the proposed repo. You need that enabled18:08
leftyfboh, wait, this is focal18:08
leftyfbimbezol: yup, confirmed. linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-56-generic is part of proposed on focal18:10
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imbezolleftyfb: why is it trying to pull it in then?18:15
imbezoli'm not trying to run any proposed packages.. i'm just trying to upgrade what it says is in need18:16
hggdhimbezol: can you pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list?18:16
leftyfbimbezol: I'm not sure. the kernel package is in updates and proposed but the modules-extra package is only in proposed18:17
imbezolonly things in sources.list.d are google earth, signal, and chrome18:20
imbezoland ms teams18:20
imbezoli don't see anything that could cause this issue18:20
hggdhyeah, I imagined these would be in sources.list.d/, and they would not affect you.18:22
hggdhimbezol: the only thing that comes up for ne is something is broken on your mirror. I just apt install --reinstall linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-54-generic on a server, and it downloaded the package OK (and I do not have -proposed)18:23
hggdhyou are using 5.4.-56, sorry18:24
imbezolactually using, but it's showing 56 is available for upgrade18:25
imbezoltho it doesn't work18:25
ioriabut officially -56 is not released yet18:25
ioria!info linux-generic  focal18:25
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (focal), package size 1 kB, installed size 18 kB18:25
imbezolioria: then my system shouldn't be trying to upgrade to it18:26
ioriaimbezol, i guess the issue it's not on your side18:26
imbezoli wouldn't even care because i'm sure it'll get sorted, but i'm actually trying to upgrade from 20.04 to 20.10 and it's telling me it won't proceed until i apply all available updates :P18:27
imbezolChecking for a new Ubuntu release18:27
imbezolPlease install all available updates for your release before upgrading.18:27
imbezolPITA :P18:27
imbezolif anyone knows of a way to tell it to ignore updates, that would work too :P18:27
ioriaimbezol, if that it's a spare pc (and i think it is) i would just wait or change sources.list directly18:29
imbezolit's my main workstation...18:29
imbezolguess i can try again this evening and see if it's been sorted18:30
imbezolseems like they released part of .56 but forgot this one part18:30
imbezolwow, just ran another update and it said 4 packages instead of 3 now... and the upgrade ran successfully18:32
imbezolproblem solved18:32
imbezoldo-release-upgrade running now. thx for the help all18:39
coconutlucky you18:40
imbezolyou having issues with yours?18:40
coconutno i don't imbezol, just happy for you here18:41
imbezolgotcha. :D thx18:42
=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson
Deano59hi, anyone use an rpi4 and have issues with opening certain things? trying to open "thunar" and I have to wait 20+ seconds. I'm using USB-BOOT.18:45
Deano59pcmanfm opens instantly, but thunar and pavucontrol take over 20 seconds. could be others, not checked.18:46
Deano59it also boots fine...18:46
hggdhimbezol: makes sense. Today was the expected date for the release of the updated kernels for all Ubuntu versions (but I thought we were going to a -55. I guess there was a security update added in)18:57
DocMorsbtw has ubuntu mate it's own channel?19:17
coconutDocMors, yeah there is #ubuntu-mate19:19
coconutDocMors, do a /msg alis list mate19:19
random1Anytime I enter 'sudo su' (and other various commands) I get "sudo: unable to resolve host administrator: Name or service not known" 'Administrator' is my hostname.19:19
random1If i change my hostname I get the same problem. Tried rebooting to see if it altered anything but this seems to be a persistent issue19:19
EriC^!hostname | random119:20
ubotturandom1: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.19:20
random1Eric^: administrator19:20
random1ok let me see19:21
random1Do I change 'Computer' ?19:22
random1Eric^: I see what you mean. I fixed it. Im curious with hosts and hostname not matching what potential issues could it cause?19:24
random1or may have caused19:25
random1Just nothing more then a error popping up? Or would it throw off some settings. Just curious19:25
EriC^sorry no idea *shrug*19:25
random1EriC^: alright thank you.19:26
leftyfbok, guys, we need some serious help. We're running some robots wirelessly. They were originally running xenial but we moved to bionic. Now when robots roam between AP's using PSK_FT(802.11r) , we get "wlp2s0: DHCP lease lost" from systemd-networkd and they go through the process of renewing DHCP. This shouldn't be needed and is causing delays/drops in traffic and big problems. I've been at this for months. We've looked into different kernels, wifi19:32
leftyfbchipsets, drivers, firmware. We can't seem to find where this is coming from or what is causing it. Here's some more info on the issue https://askubuntu.com/questions/1281380/networkd-and-wpa-supplicant-with-roaming19:32
imbezolleftyfb: i seem to recall experiencing something similar. i believe the problem was a poor DHCP implementation in systemd. in my case the solution was to stop using systemd and use netplan instead19:39
leftyfbimbezol: uh, you mean use ifupdown instead? I don't think you can use netplan without systemd-networkd19:41
imbezolnope nope19:41
imbezolsec.. lemme see what i did here19:41
ddstreetleftyfb it's probably because wpa_supplicant is dropping carrier during the AP handover19:41
imbezoli remember that cloud-init is normally used to configure netplan, but adds complexity to it, so i removed cloud-init too and use netplan directly19:41
ddstreetyou could try marking the interface as critical to avoid de-configuring it on carrier loss19:42
leftyfbddstreet: where is that done?19:42
leftyfbnm, found it19:43
imbezolin my case i was actually getting dhcp renewals even without losing connection. problem was that systemd didn't properly ask for a renewal, and instead would release and request a new ip19:44
imbezolyou can tell if that's the problem because when the renewal comes up, you'll see it never asks for a renewal, and instead makes a new request19:45
imbezolwas broke at 242, and fixed in 24519:47
ddstreetleftyfb if you're using bionic, CriticalConnection isn't availalbe there yet (pad.lv/1815101 might add it) but you might be able to use IgnoreCarrierLoss=true, though not sure how the dhcp4 client will react to the carrier loss19:48
ddstreetimbezol it looks like it got fixed somehow, but not clear what exactly the fix was?19:50
imbezolyeah i'm not sure on the details of the fix but at 245 a renew didn't cause a complete interface down and up and dhcp request19:51
imbezolif leftyfb is using < 245 then perhaps this could be relevant. if not i'd disregard19:52
leftyfbbionic is systemd 23719:53
imbezolleftyfb: you can tell if this is the issue by checking if you're losing the lease at an exact interval... in my case it was every 2 hours19:55
imbezolif it's only when you roam from AP to AP then it's likely a different issue19:55
imbezolgrep DHCP /var/log/syslog19:56
leftyfbimbezol: sounds like 2 different issues19:56
coconuti have two weird ones in "software & updates" under focal. It lists both my drivers for wifi and gpu wrong. It says i have a manual driver used for wifi(which i do not), and it says i have the nouveau driver in use(which i also do not, i have the nvidia in use).20:00
Blade-Runneri want to connect my bluetooth earphone 4.1 to ubuntu 20.04. Bluetooth in ubuntu sees the G3 says not setup but it wont pair. how do i findout if 4.1 bluetooth is an issue with ubuntu?20:05
unixbsdhi guys. ubuntu is so depressing, how it works. if you do not ask for installation of grub, installation crashes.20:22
unixbsdwifi on kde does not work out of the box either. there is no ifconfig to fix anything.20:22
matsamanifconfig was replaced, IIRC20:22
matsamanmaybe you should try the Debian net install image20:23
unixbsddmesg and fdisk, need a bypass with sudo/su.20:23
unixbsdi installed ubuntu on sda5, and installation crashed. I just asked minimal and using JFS on sda5. nothing complex.20:24
=== Mollerz5 is now known as Mollerz
DocMorsctrl-alt-t opens a terminal window, could you tell me where to find these key kombinations?20:24
DocMorseven combinations20:24
unixbsdsSo, fixing, the efi does not allow (dvd) to run debootstrap file:://cdrom to fix anything. Seriously.20:25
unixbsdno debootstrap on dvd either.20:25
unixbsdah ah, even better, the ubuntu installation replaced my grub2 of netbsd with its own without asking me anything.20:26
unixbsdthere is no xterm, replaced by heavy console on PC.20:27
unixbsdet voila nothing works, it ends to : you are in emergency mode.20:28
unixbsdafter loging in type journalctl -xb to view systems logs20:29
unixbsdto removeb... bla bla contrd D to continue. man, seriously.20:29
unixbsdIt is very 20, and still ubuntu does not follow installation on a Ext. part sda5 partition.20:30
unixbsdIt is very depressing.20:30
unixbsdcc not found by default. this would help to fix sthg.20:32
pi0how do i check how much swap space i have?20:32
imbezolsounds like you're new to ubuntu and perhaps not installing properly and not used to where things are at20:32
imbezolpi0: swapon -s20:33
unixbsdah ah;) i just installed on partition sda5, like it should, and cleanly. I have 25 years xp on unix.20:33
imbezolsure, but ifconfig hasn't been common in a long while20:34
imbezoland wifi works out of the box on everything i've tried it on20:34
unixbsdok, so all is fine actually.20:35
unixbsdfstab is having uuid, /proc/cmdline is clean20:35
unixbsdgrub is clean. but it fails. all sounds quite nicely done wiht uuid.20:35
unixbsdlet me try grub by hand to see.20:36
unixbsdit comes after passing the stage of loading the kernel.20:36
unixbsdWell, it seems an easy fix to handle. Developers might look at instllation on a given partition (extended, eg. sda5). It fails to loads sddm there.20:37
matsamanit's been a while, but I'm pretty sure the installer has a 'partition manually' option still20:38
matsamanDebian's certainly has20:38
unixbsdpartition manually is not working. Have a look to fix this please.20:38
sarnoldunixbsd: you may also wish to sudo apt install build-essential20:38
matsamanunixbsd: Ubuntu doesn't have that many developers20:39
doug16kdoes windows 10 installer destroy everything in the partition table like windows 7 installer did?20:39
unixbsdwell, at least the installer should work in manually. I boot it manually from grub2 to see.20:40
unixbsdok. I see the problem20:40
doug16kdo I need to physically unhook all the other disks to preserve my linux?20:40
unixbsdthe grub2 fails.20:40
unixbsdIf I boot it up by hand, it boots.20:40
imbezoldoug16k: in my experience, that's a good idea anyway20:40
unixbsdthat was any easy fix.20:40
unixbsdyour installer does not work well with /boot/grub config. it has a bug there.20:40
unixbsd/etc/fstab is fine, but the issue is when grub2 (grub mk config) goes it.20:41
doug16kyeah I should do the completely safe thing even if it isn't strictly necessary. thanks20:41
pi0space /swapfile                              file    20971480-2/swapfile20:41
pi0that is not enough space right20:42
pi0for swap20:42
pi0my comp seems to lag here and there20:42
pi0from time to time20:42
pi0especially when using obs20:42
imbezolpi0: depends what's your doing with it and how much ram you have. i think the general rule use to be to make as much swap as you have ram20:42
imbezolyou don't technically need any swap at all.20:42
pi0this is an older 2015 macbook pro20:43
pi016gb ram20:43
doug16kI have 0 swap, 64GB RAM though. works fine. never OOM20:43
sarnoldpi0: one or two gigs of swap is great, regardless of how much ram you've got20:43
imbezolpi0: if you're limited on harddrive space then i'd say to 8 gigs. if you have lots, then maybe do 16 gigs20:43
pi0oh 64gb20:43
pi0how do i go about creating swap space20:44
boredguyIs there something like readyboost for Linux?20:44
pi0after an install20:44
matsamanpi0: you have none?20:44
sarnoldI say don't go above two gigs of swap space; it's nice for the kernel to be able to make better use of your ram if it can stash rarely used memory somewhere; but if you're 8 or 16 gigs deep into swap, you're having a bad time, and it'd probably be better to just kill something.20:45
matsamanboredguy: tmpfs?20:45
matsamanboredguy: or maybe 'swapboost'20:45
pi0space /swapfile                              file    20971480-2/swapfile20:45
pi0this is my result20:46
pi0not sure how to read it20:46
pi0how much is that value there20:46
jayjois there a reason the default sources.list has separate entries for components from the same release archive? Will that do anything in terms of resolving a package with apt or is it just for ease or removing the line? Is a URI + release combination ever needed more than once?20:46
matsamanwell, it depends on how you might want to suspend to swap20:46
matsamantechnically you might need as much space as your RAM capacity to suspend to20:46
pi0i will have to do 16gb20:46
pi0i want it to be smooth20:46
imbezolpi0: tough to read it without the tabs20:47
matsamanpi0: so you've got a swap file instead of a swap partition, and you just want a bigger one?20:47
LatoiuHi - installed ubuntu 20.04 and xrdp. When I connect the desktop feels odd. No desktop icons and for example settings tab doesnt contains appearance tab where I change theme and things like that. And when I open Home folder, I cant create any files with right click. Only folders. Any thoughts ? Feels odd20:47
matsamanLatoiu: xrdp is a pretty odd choice20:47
matsamanLatoiu: vnc?20:47
matsamanpi0: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/swap#Swap_file20:48
boredguymatsaman: I doubt swap and readyboost tech work the same way.20:48
pi0matsaman: well i would like to increase the size to the same size as my ram20:48
LatoiuI am not very good at this ... I tried couple vnc videos without any luck. Have something easy for me ?20:48
matsamanboredguy: I mean it depends on what you're trying to get out of readyboost20:48
Latoiuthat i can try after installing xrdp ?20:48
pi0only because running obs seems to make my comp laggy20:48
pi0what is the command to get comp specs20:48
doug16kpi0, are things being out-of-memory killed?20:49
matsamanLatoiu: I thought it was all config'd out of the box with plain Ubuntu20:49
matsamanpi0: free -m20:49
pi0would cpu play a role in it as well?20:49
pi0for obs recording20:49
doug16kmore than a little swap reduces speed and reduces occurrence of out-of-memory20:49
LatoiuI thought so too ... I activated the settings but for some reason I cant get it to start with ultra vnc from my windows machine20:49
matsamanpi0: obs?20:50
boredguymatsaman: better r/w speeds to a HDD20:50
doug16kI have an RPI4 with samsung EVO SD card. not even close to a cheap HD20:50
matsamanboredguy: by using additional storage to perform additional i/o, right?20:51
matsamanboredguy: that's kinda what swap is, anyway that's what swapboost is meant to be, regardless of the name20:51
matsamanboredguy: but tmpfs will do the same thing, in a different way20:51
imbezollooks like you're just using a file so you just make a new empty file of the desired size and then mkswap on it20:51
imbezoldd status=progress if=/dev/zero of=/newswap bs=1024 count=$((1024*1024*8))20:52
imbezolmkswap /newswap20:52
imbezolfor pi020:52
doug16ktruncate --size=4G /swapfile20:52
imbezolmuch faster, thx20:53
pi0that command will increase to 16gb?20:53
imbezoli think i'd want to swapoff first, do the truncate, mkswap, then swapon20:53
LatoiuI activated screen sharing and then put a password and activated Wired connection 120:54
imbezolmight need to adjust fstab with new UUID too20:54
Maikmatsaman: osb = Open Broadcaster Software20:54
Latoiuwhen I put the IP in tightvnc, it just doesnt connect20:54
tangarorais there a reason that virt-install is only version 2.2.1 in ubuntu an not 3.2.0 like fedora?20:54
tangaroraI mean its missing lots of features...20:54
tangaroranon of the cloud install options are in the 2x version.20:55
doug16kpi0, any size20:55
Maiktangarora: that's the way ubuntu work, like debian, older but more stable packages. Fedora ships newer packages20:55
doug16kwithin filesystem limits of course20:55
boredguymatsaman: tried swapboost, didn't notice any gains. I'll give tmpfs a try.20:56
doug16kpi0, oh, if you want 16G say =16G there. it's in bytes20:57
pi0nice thank you!!!20:58
pi0this is awesome :D20:58
unixbsdon desktop A: x11vnc   ;  On desktop PC B: xtightvncviewer 192.168.x.x     and you get the vnc, easy way.21:00
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bray90820Can anyone recommend a mini PC that can support ubuntu?21:29
sarnoldNUCs seem popular21:30
sarnoldthese guys are doing reviews of a bunch of these little tiny systems, but I don't know if they bothered looking at how they handle desktop use https://www.servethehome.com/introducing-project-tinyminimicro-home-lab-revolution/21:31
matsamanbray90820: https://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/Hardware#Supported_Hardware21:38
bray90820Mathisen: It actually has to be X86 because I am gonna run discord21:40
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sarnoldyou can't just rebuild it?21:50
matsamandon't have the technology21:50
matsamanbray90820: things you can use other than discord21:52
IniGithow do I start a terminal at startup and execute a command (for example a command which starts a server)?22:00
bray90820matsaman:  I am gonna use discord to recotd other people so I can't really use another app22:00
matsamanIniGit: but the Ubuntu install is a desktop install?22:00
matsamanbray90820: sure you can22:00
leftyfbIniGit: the proper method would be to create a systemd service unit file to start your service on boot22:01
IniGitmatsaman: yes22:01
bray90820matsaman: Not when others are broadcasting on discord22:01
IniGitleftyfb: Why on boot and not after the automatic login? Is everything that I need already loaded at boot?22:02
IniGitAutomatic login, because I run this server in a VM22:02
leftyfbIniGit: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-create-systemd-service-unit-in-linux22:03
matsamanbray90820: even then22:03
matsamanIniGit: you can probably use ~/.config/autostart/22:04
matsamanIniGit: if it were a non-desktop install, you'd definitely want to go leftyfb's route22:04
doug16kIniGit, it isn't a server if someone has to sit in front of the machine and poke at it to start it22:04
IniGitmatsaman: why?22:04
matsamanIniGit: because ~/.config/autostart/ wouldn't be available on a server, for starters22:04
doug16kyou mean how do I launch desktop programs automatically when I log on, not how do I start a server22:05
leftyfbIniGit: just create the service file. It's the proper way to do it. You will need to create a .desktop file in autostart for the alternative anyway. Just create the proper file to begin with22:05
IniGitdoug16k: unfortunately I cannot start it remotely, because the mainboard does not support that22:05
leftyfbIniGit: mainboard?22:05
IniGitor bios22:05
IniGitmatsaman: ok I understand22:06
IniGitdoug16k: The command launches a verdaccio server22:06
doug16kto be clear I am agreeing with starting it with script and not agreeing with launching on a desktop22:06
matsamanif it's something you want only after you're using your desktop, ~/.config/autostart/ is actually more appropriate22:07
matsamanjust depends when you want it and why22:07
doug16kif you want to start a terminal that is invisible, and connect to it from a desktop, then you want screen22:07
doug16kas in the program "screen"22:08
matsamanthat's definitely a nice easy way to do it22:08
IniGitdoug16k: I don't understand that22:08
matsamanIniGit: there's an app 'screen'22:08
matsamanit's super handy, and not just for this application22:08
leftyfbIniGit: would you like this service to restart on it's own if it dies?22:08
doug16kalso with screen you can ssh in and connect to it from there too, no desktop needed22:08
IniGitleftyfb: yes that would be nice. It never happened so far, but it would not hurt to have that feature22:09
leftyfbIniGit: guess which method of starting the service will give you that feature?22:10
IniGitleftyfb: systemd?22:10
IniGitDoes this also open a terminal such that I can read the logs? I do not want to flip everything around, because I have no time for it and the machine can only be acceses inhouse. I want to keep the Ubuntu Desktop and connect via vpn and remote desktop to it.22:14
quadrathoch2doug16k do you know if it's possible to control a screen session within a screen session? if yes how?22:15
leftyfbIniGit: you can look a the logs like: journalctl -xefu verdaccio.service22:15
gordonjcpmatsaman: tmux > screen22:15
matsamangordonjcp: I've read that, but22:15
quadrathoch2gordonjcp oO, you can't even compare them22:15
leftyfbIniGit: you can run this over ssh, no need to "remote desktop" to it22:15
matsamanI use about 0.1% of screen's total features22:15
matsamanso that's not really an argument to get me to switch22:16
gordonjcpmatsaman: same tbh22:16
gordonjcpmatsaman: and actually 99% of the time I use screen as a serial terminal22:16
matsamanplus I think tmux's default bindings are on purpose different so as to not conflict with screen?22:16
gordonjcpmatsaman: and indeed a serial terminal *multiplexer* so I can talk to a bunch of machines22:16
matsamanI also do actually prefer screen's licensing22:16
gordonjcpmatsaman: I work for the emergency services, 9600-8N1 is more than a way of life :-D22:16
matsamanoh man22:17
matsamanI was super stoked at working at a 911 dispatch place once22:17
matsamaneven in the interview process they were thinking about letting me play with the software solutions they had22:17
matsamanwhich blew22:17
matsamanbut then they told me (after the entire process) that all vacation is based on seniority22:17
gordonjcpmatsaman: I do stuff for the Fire Brigade, the 999 control rooms are separate and patch you through to the appropriate emergency service22:25
gordonjcpmatsaman: I think it's pretty strange trying to handle all possible emergencies in one control room22:25
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!22:25
matsamanwell these people were using some awful proprietary Windows software, the poor devils22:25
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IniGitwhen I place something in  ~/.config/autostart/ will it be then executed in Ubuntu 20.04 after the login or do I have to add the script within gnome-session-properties too?22:26
matsamanIniGit: it can be, if you get the file format right, executed once you log in22:27
IniGitmatsaman: file format?22:27
matsamanthe GNOME part of your Ubuntu probably has a session manager that can help you with that, if you don't want to edit the file by hand22:27
matsamanyes it's a simple text format22:28
leftyfbIniGit: it needs to be a .desktop file format22:29
leftyfbIniGit: you're going to spend time creating a file with more required fields than the proper systemd file format22:29
IniGitleftyfb: I want to try both22:29
matsamanno it's a very simple format, and GNOME can make it for you22:30
IniGitI thought this is more easy22:30
IniGitmatsaman: you mean gnome-session-properties edits this file?22:30
IniGitor what you mean with session manager?22:31
matsamanIniGit: former I think is right: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/startup-applications.html.en22:31
matsamanIniGit: https://askubuntu.com/questions/436891/create-a-desktop-file-that-opens-and-execute-a-command-in-a-terminal22:32
matsamanIniGit: although, looking at the server you're talking about22:34
matsamanIniGit: if it's a server that provides something you'll only use from a terminal ('npm'?), you could probably do this from ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc, too22:35
matsamannot that ~/.config/autostart/ isn't fine22:35
matsamanI mean you could even turn your 'npm' into a wrapper that automatically starts it if it hasn't been <shrug>22:37

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