=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson === jelly-home is now known as jelly [07:55] Good morning === denningsrogue9 is now known as denningsrogue [16:00] I have a server that won't display the motd [16:00] and I can't figure out why [16:01] when I run 'cat /run/motd.dynamic' it returns no such file [16:02] Things that make you go WTF, actual email I got this am: "Could you check and see why I am not able to access bridgebox, see the attached screenshots for details. I just moved to a new office space and have a new ip address " [16:04] ok, so when I run 'sudo run-parts /etc/update-motd.d/' I get the motd [16:05] so something is keeping these scripts from running [16:05] any ideas? [16:14] Ussat: at least they made the connection between the IP change and the loss of access ;) [16:22] how can I figure out why motd isn't showing on login? [16:25] True(ish) [16:26] bumblefuzz: showing motd on login is /etc/pam.d/login's job [16:26] but since you don't seem to have motd.dynamic generated, that not going to help you :/ [16:29] so, why isn't it generating motd.dynamic? [16:29] that's what I'm trying to figure... this used to be simple but it isn't anymore [16:32] bumblefuzz: is motd-news.timer enabled for you? check with "systemctl is-enabled motd-news.timer" [16:33] enabled [16:35] I'd check the journalctl output of the .timer and accompanying .service, maybe they failed [16:41] sorry how do I do that? [16:48] 'journalctl | grep motd-news.timer' shows 'succeeded' many times [16:49] same for journalctl | grep motd-news.service [16:49] no failures in either case [17:02] journalctl -b0 -u motd-news.service [17:12] no entries [17:13] that means it didn't run for the current boot [17:28] so, how do I get it to run? [17:30] it's enabled in /etc/default/motd-news [17:34] bumblefuzz: man update-motd says that pam_motd is the one running the scripts in /etc/update-motd.d/. I'd double check this is invoked when you log in [17:45] grep motd /etc/pam.d/* shows https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fmRfztJhBT/ [17:50] bumblefuzz: if you are using SSH to log in, check what sshd's UsePAM is set to [17:54] that's it [17:56] I enabled it and it worked [17:56] I don't understand what PAM is [17:56] or what enabling/disabling it at login does [18:05] bumblefuzz: oh cool! === ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch [18:18] I see some stuff that says it's password authentication [18:18] and others that it's for plugins? [18:19] if I'm using ssh keys wouldn't it be better to turn password authentication off? [18:20] bumblefuzz: yes, PasswordAuthentication=no is always better if it works for you [18:21] I'd say it's one of the easiest way to improve your SSH security [18:24] right... but what is the UsePAM field for? [18:57] bumblefuzz: PAM is a pluggable authentication tool; it's what lets you swap between using local /etc/shadow vs using sssd vs using ldap and kerberos, etc [18:58] bumblefuzz: openssh comes from the openbsd project; they hate the PAM idea, and just use /etc/shadow [18:58] bumblefuzz: if you disable PAM in openssh, I think all you're left with is /etc/shadow support baked into openssh itself, not the PAM stack that the rest of your system is using [18:59] bumblefuzz: I think if you ran openssh as a *user* account on a high-port with no ability to log in as another user, you might also need to unset the UsePAM, but I've not personally tried that one === Mollerz3 is now known as Mollerz === ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson