xubuntu48 | hello there is a community efort to bring xubunto to raspberry pi ? | 00:07 |
Unit193 | I believe someone actually did that at one time, I believe it was one of the MATE or Budgie guys. | 00:09 |
xubuntu48 | i use xubuntu in a netbook | 00:10 |
xubuntu48 | xubuntu has everything ubuntu has | 00:10 |
Unit193 | Well, it doesn't have GNOME for one. :3 | 00:10 |
xubuntu48 | and i like ubuntu becouse is easy to install | 00:10 |
Unit193 | Oh hey, one of our devs did post https://bluesabre.org/2019/10/20/install-xubuntu-19-10-on-a-raspberry-pi-4/ | 00:11 |
xubuntu48 | i have a raspbery pi 3 B+, can i use the same image? | 00:12 |
Unit193 | I haven't done this myself. | 00:14 |
bluesabre | I also recommend https://github.com/wimpysworld/desktopify | 00:14 |
bluesabre | But I haven’t done it with the 3B+ | 00:15 |
xubuntu48 | i try this yesterday | 00:16 |
xubuntu48 | i think is the only way to use well done the ubuntu on raspberry pi | 00:16 |
xubuntu48 | or try to install xfce on ubuntu server | 00:16 |
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 21.04 - amd64 - amd64 built. | 00:35 | |
Maik | xubuntu48: 1. Install Ubuntu 20.04.1 server pi image 2 get desktopify and install xubuntu that way. Done | 00:53 |
Maik | https://github.com/wimpysworld/desktopify | 00:54 |
Maik | it does not work on 20.10 so stick with 20.04 | 00:54 |
Unit193 | So that's all a lie, I can't boostrap because of a pinephone/mobile-tweaks conflict. \o/ | 01:12 |
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jphilips | Unit193: docklike noticed on xubuntu extras and article came out about it :D https://www.linuxuprising.com/2020/12/docklike-plugin-xfce-panel-icon-only.html | 19:50 |
jphilips | bluesabre: with ubuntu desktop 20.10 getting official support for raspberry pi, will xubuntu also get images? - https://ubuntu.com/raspberry-pi/desktop | 19:57 |
* GridCube for some reason though "noticed" was a linux service | 20:08 | |
Unit193 | "From what I could (or actually couldn't) find, this Xfce4 Panel plugin doesn't seem to be packaged for many Linux distributions..." Heh, of course not, it's not even had a release yet. | 20:15 |
Unit193 | jphilips: I only packaged that because brainwash kept mentioning it. :3 | 20:15 |
jphilips | that's great to hear. hope a release comes out and gets into debian. | 20:30 |
jphilips | https://github.com/nsz32/docklike-plugin/pull/53 | 20:30 |
ubot3 | Pull 53 in nsz32/docklike-plugin "add xubuntu to availability list" [Open] | 20:30 |
Unit193 | I'm not sure if it'll get into Debian, but releases would be good for the PPA. | 20:37 |
Unit193 | awordnot: Hello again! I seem to have spotted you on https://github.com/nsz32/docklike-plugin/issues/50. For Xubuntu we have them in a different location too, during configure we call --libdir=\${prefix}/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu, is this not working for you? | 20:37 |
ubot3 | Issue 50 in nsz32/docklike-plugin "make install target installs to wrong prefix on Gentoo" [Open] | 20:37 |
Unit193 | https://launchpadlibrarian.net/507884154/buildlog_ubuntu-groovy-amd64.xfce4-docklike-plugin_0.0~git20201119.ec4b429-0ppa1~20.10_BUILDING.txt.gz has the full configure call. | 20:40 |
Unit193 | jphilips: To be precise, it's not from Xfce upstream so I'm not sure if pkg-xfce would be interested, also it's a small team and there's enough bugs as-is. I could do it myself like I did for statusnotifier, but I've never used it so don't think I'd be an appropriate maintainer (I'd never know if there's something wrong without a bug report, etc.) | 20:43 |
awordnot | Unit193: well considering i'm on ppc64le and not x86_64 I don't think that prefix path would work for me :P | 21:00 |
awordnot | but no, I haven't actually tried specifying --libdir manually to the configure script. I figured it was worth creating an issue to fix the defaults, though | 21:01 |
Unit193 | Hah, yeah that was just an example for what we use, and it seems to work out. | 21:01 |
* awordnot nods | 21:02 | |
Unit193 | Interesting, seems the statusnotifier ebuild doesn't have to override anything. (My package of docklike doesn't for Xubuntu) Strange. | 21:03 |
awordnot | and actually, during use I managed to segfault that plugin, so I should probably investigate that further and create another issue | 21:05 |
awordnot | (it didn't like my 8 instances of evince open apparently) | 21:05 |
Unit193 | ....I, uh..Haven't even tested it, that's why it's in a PPA. :3 | 21:05 |
awordnot | heh | 21:05 |
Unit193 | Also looked into https://github.com/nsz32/docklike-plugin/issues/52 and seems that'd mostly just be a matter of lowering the deps, heh. | 21:06 |
ubot3 | Issue 52 in nsz32/docklike-plugin "Can you add support for ubuntu 18.04?" [Open] | 21:06 |
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