[10:40] Hi, I'm a bit stuck with juju and network spaces using the openstack provider. I don't seem to be able to make juju aware of an existing subnet: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yM8YmP2Kmx/ [10:41] Any pointers gratefully received ! [10:54] gnuoy: did you try 'juju reload-spaces'? [10:54] I did [10:55] spaces and subnets remain unchanged after the reload [10:57] that's odd... which version of juju are you running? [11:00] I was on 2.8 but I upgraded to 2.9-rc3-focal-amd64 to see if it would help [11:00] so the controller was deployed using 2.8 then upgraded [11:03] Do you think its worth trying tearing the controller down and redeploying or am I clutching at straws? [11:04] perhaps. Also, it would be great if you could compare the behavior between 2.8.7 and rc3 wrt osk subnet discovery. [12:30] achilleasa, can you check this one out, it fixes CI https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/12466 [12:31] stickupkid: looking [12:54] stickupkid: got a min?