[02:04] what's the default display manager for xubuntu 20.04? I was playing with other desktop environments and want to make sure i'm back to the default. i'm seeing lightdm and sddm as options in dpkg-configure [02:10] LightDM is our default, with lightdm-gtk-greeter. [02:11] ty [02:12] is sddm installed by default? Assuming I didn't do anything weird can I safely remove it? [02:12] Nope, that's a KDE one. [02:12] yea, must've put it in when I was messing with KDE. Thanks [02:13] Sure thing. [02:14] Another question: i'm looking at /var/log/apt/history.log and I'm seeing that when I installed kde-plasma desktop like 50 packages were installed. Then when I removed it, only a few were installed. I tried doing an auto-remove, and those packages still weren't uninstalled. Is there an easy way to remove all of them? [02:15] If autoremove doesn't do it, then no there's no easy way to do so. [02:15] RIP. Nbd. Thanks [02:16] ..I mean you could take out a few base Qt libraries and pretty much everything KDE would go, but so would everything Qt. :P [02:18] lol. I see the list next to "Install" in the log. Are these all of the packages that were actually installed at the time of that run command? Or is it a list of dependencies? https://imgur.com/nKmdNRO.png [02:18] i.e. can i safely assume these were just installed and just manually remove them, or might some of them been installed already? [02:19] You could remove all libkf* packages for sure. Interesting mbedcrypto was installed with that.. [11:00] I did 'service lightdm restart' because I couldn't get graphics console upon suspend/resume on Ctrl+Alt+F7 (I disconnect graphics power sfter suspend, because it uses second power supply) and now after logging in to X session, I have tumblerd process, using 100% cpu time on one cpu core.. [14:49] Hello good Morning. I'm new here. used to use windows. I currently use xubuntu. I would like the developers. add more photos to be displayed on the desktop. I use the time of one minute to change the image but I notice few images. [14:55] gabrielmartins, you mean the desktop wallpapers? [14:55] * coconut is not a developer btw [15:00] it's easy enough to add your own wallpaper and use that instead [15:01] yes [15:04] gabrielmartins, there are more community wallpapers in the repository, do a "apt search wallpaper" to identfy them. [15:05] and apt show ## to see what they are if the name of it is not enough [15:05] Mahlzeit! [15:05] Kennt sich jemand mit ubuntu Studio aus ? [15:05] you can always install other wallpapers to get more via apt as coconut suggested [15:06] Teddy206: #ubuntu-studio [15:06] ja [15:06] ok [15:06] jesus save [15:06] Teddy206: join that channel for support with Ubuntu Studio [15:06] * coconut has been thinking of downloading other distro iso's and create a ppa for the wallpapers of them. [15:07] ich wollte ein paar spiele aus images zocken,aber ich kann kein Image leser finden wie Virtual Clone Drive. und programieren oder so, habe ich noch nicht drauf [15:08] !english | Teddy206 [15:08] Teddy206: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [15:08] Teddy206: again, support for ubuntu studio is in #ubuntu-studio [15:19] gabrielmartins, if you still have questions, please consider to ask again [15:33] ok [16:02] Maik: I think it's without a hyphen [16:27] genii: ah bummer, my bad. Thanks. [18:12] Mahlzeit! Kann mit jemand helfen in sachen Virtuell Clone Drive in ubuntu Studio ? [18:19] Mahlzeit! Kann mit jemand helfen in sachen Virtuell Clone Drive in ubuntu Studio ? [18:20] oder etwas in der art,womit ich dann iso images öffnen kann,so das ich als Image gepackte spiele zocken kann ? [18:20] !english | Volker206 [18:20] Volker206: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [18:21] !de [18:21] In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! [19:26] Volker206: you're the same guy from earlier? If so join #ubuntustudio for support and not here. [19:26] this channel is for support with Xubuntu NOT Ubuntu Studio