[01:31] [telegram] Forwarded from unknown: Lubuntu Hirsute Hippo 21.04 Artwork Contest [01:31] [telegram] You can https://lubuntu.me/lubuntu-hirsute-hippo-21-04-artwork-contest/ our full blog post here. [01:31] [telegram] We look forward to your submissions. [01:34] [telegram] Tô com um desses só que preto. Tá com um Lubuntu... só que antigo (re @Shield: ) [01:43] [telegram] nova versão do sistema. fazer o tour no novo Lubuntu (re @N0um3n0: Lubuntu Hirsute Hippo 21.04 Artwork Contest [01:43] [telegram] You can read our full blog post here. [01:43] [telegram] We look forward to your submissions.)