[00:34] hey im stuck in a login loop, with the correct password, i can only log in on terminal mode, it happen after updating window 7 to 10 [10:48] xubunte desctop non have to set resolution 1920x1200, but on windows it is posible. how to? [10:58] empty irc chat. planed for close. [12:32] Hello good Morning. I would like to know how to paste images that I downloaded. I created a folder on the desktop. I can't copy the contents of that folder and paste it into the dynamic wallpaper address [12:36] gabrielmartins: What exactly do you want? [12:36] I mean, what is the dynamic wallpaper address? [12:37] gabrielmartins: I have a custom action in thunar to paste images from the clipboard into a directory. https://gitlab.com/fernandobasso/dotfiles/-/blob/master/bin/thunar-custom-action-paste-image.sh [13:17] Hello good Morning. I would like to know how to paste images that I downloaded. I created a downloads folder. I can't copy the contents of that folder and paste it into the wallpaper address. backdrops / [13:20] gabrielmartins, what do you mean for "paste"? [13:20] join #ubuntu-br [13:21] just pasting jpg files for example? [13:23] that is because of the folder permissions(/usr/share/backgrounds/ ?) [13:23] gabrielmartins, you can do that with the terminal easily [13:24] gabrielmartins: for once please answer to what others asked you before [13:25] coconut: he asked before you joined the channel and others tried to help him but he didn't answer to their questions yet. Sounds more of a lost case to me. [13:26] ok, noticed :) [13:26] :) [13:32] Hello need Driver for CASIO Mouse Pad Label Printer KL-P1000 (small Printer without display or keyboard) [13:35] a quick search doesn't give any result xu-help86w [13:36] casio wont help / Synaptics no resolt [13:36] There seems to be something, though https://www.openprinting.org/printer/Casio/Casio-KL-P1000 [13:36] Doesn't it work OOTB? [13:37] experimental, though. https://www.openprinting.org/driver/pegg/ [13:37] xu-help86w: try the Additional Drivers in Software & Updates [13:39] gnrp: other results show it's rather old so it should either work ootb now or not at all [13:39] Maik: Yeah, sounds like a lot of tinkering around to me that we cannot help with [13:41] okay - werde die nächsten Stunden beschäftigt sein... ;-) DANKE [13:42] !de | xu-help86w [13:42] xu-help86w: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! [13:43] coconut: There has been nobody speaking German here for ages... and now, within two days it occurs three times. Oo [13:43] all ride - let me search next few hours [13:44] xu-help86w: I think checking out what this pegg does and what is contained in that package would be a good start. But don't expect too much. When already the developers say integration is bad... [13:44] GERMANY is C19 LockDown - all have time to fix puters [13:46] gnrp: lol yeah. The two from yesterday were one and the same person though. [13:46] i found this LabelPrinter (windows 98) and i want use it - it'S just a yellow ribbon black printer - no keyboard no display [13:49] xu-help86w: Sounds like a nice device, hehe [13:49] this is actually nto a xubuntu-specific problem. You might get much better help if you go to a more general channel or a more specific printing channel [13:50] I suppose there is something like #cups or so [13:51] Maik: Ah, ok. Didn't follow that closely^^ [13:57] np [13:57] the IP/Hostmask were the same, just a different nick [14:02] kicked myself out . LOL - i try again next year 2 install my LABEL Printer KL-P1000 from the eyrly 90's again THX for helping ma - stay home -stay safe ! it's 3 p.m. germany 10 C - i ride my DODGE hemi for 1 Hours . have fun ! [14:03] bye bye [14:09] 0.o [16:07] hi there [16:08] !hi [16:08] Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay! [16:08] Txs [16:08] I need help about a xubuntu instalation [16:09] I had 18.04 and it propose to move to 20.04 [16:09] after this the display is weird [16:10] I tried to re install xubuntu 20.04 from a usb media to to it proper but I got the same display problem [16:10] Should I re-install 18.04 again ? [16:11] H'm, weird how? [16:12] the upper dock is normal but the desktop is like dragged from left to rigth [16:13] I can send some pics [16:14] share a screenshot [16:14] Huh. Yeah, might help. I'm running my install headless, so I'm pretty useless in this area. :-P [16:14] I'm from another pc [16:15] how can I send pics from here ? I'm sorry it's my 1st time in this chat [16:16] !screenshot [16:16] Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here. [16:19] xu-help98w: keep in mind that Xubuntu 18.04 is only supported until April 2021 [16:20] sorry as I'm on a 2nd pc I can't send you pics [16:20] I'll read the documentation and I'll try it later [16:22] Any difference between update-grub and update-grub2? [23:58] hi all, I'm thinking of installing a version of linux. Recently tried Linux Mint 19.3 Cinnamon from cd now trying an older copy of Xubuntu. What sort of suggestions or things to watch out for do people suggest?