
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @amyosx [That's android/Linux not gnu/Linux or busybox/linux], *bionic + linux = android :p00:19
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> @Fuseteam [*bionic + linux = android :p], I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you are referring to as Android, is infact, Google/Android. Or as I've recently taken to calling it, Google+Android. Andro--00:20
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @just_carlod [but unluckly canonical and uports drop support for lots of features  :(], i mean we only dropped scopes so far, and it could come back if we ever figure it out00:22
ubptgbot<ptrcnull> @yiidnewsted [I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you are referring to as Android, i …], No, yiğit, it's 'Android', not 'Google/Android'. The most important contributions that Google made to Android were the acquisition of Android Inc. and the fund--00:24
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @yiidnewsted [I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you are referring to as Android, i …], hehehe i got my own version of that too00:24
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> @ptrcnull [No, yiğit, it's 'Android', not 'Google/Android'. The most important contribution …], lmao nice00:24
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @ptrcnull [No, yiğit, it's 'Android', not 'Google/Android'. The most important contribution …], LMAO00:24
ubptgbot<ptrcnull> (it's a [copypasta](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13337163) too)00:25
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> we know we know00:32
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you are referring to as ubports, is infact, ubuntu touch. Or as I've recently taken to calling it, UT. UBpo--00:34
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you are referring to as UBports, is infact called Ubuntu Touch. Or as I've recently taken to calling it, UT. UBpo--00:35
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you are referring to as convergence, is infact, external display  support. Or as I've recently taken to calling it, ExDisplay. Convergence is more th--00:37
ubptgbot<Hisbul_Wathoni> how to reinstall android after install ubuntu touch01:54
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> by following the instruction on the vendor website iirc02:00
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> not sure if the installer handles stock android02:01
ubptgbot<Shakendo> @Fuseteam [not sure if the installer handles stock android], in some cases theres no reason it couldnt, there arent many devices that have android as an option in the installer, I had one for my note 4 but since I couldnt get permission from the dev (they never responded) I opted to remove it02:24
ubptgbot<Hisbul_Wathoni> @Fuseteam [by following the instruction on the vendor website iirc], where can i found for redmi note 7?02:26
ubptgbot<AlexanderPlaza> (Photo, 959x581) https://irc.ubports.com/iQNqgshA.png Anyone experiencing this error? Before nothing would show up but I've confirmed the MMS settings match an Android phone in the same network but still no dice.02:26
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Shakendo [in some cases theres no reason it couldnt, there arent many devices that have an …], ah i see02:59
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Hisbul_Wathoni [where can i found for redmi note 7?], on xiaomi's website :p02:59
ubptgbot<Hisbul_Wathoni> @Fuseteam [on xiaomi's website :p], i'm use orange fox recovery for my lavender, is the recovery erased after install ubuntu touch?03:01
ubptgbot<joeth> @Hisbul_Wathoni [i'm use orange fox recovery for my lavender, is the recovery erased after instal …], if it's anything like jasmine/A2 then it doesn't have a recovery partition and patching twrp into boot.img will break ubports03:05
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Hisbul_Wathoni [i'm use orange fox recovery for my lavender, is the recovery erased after instal …], yes it is03:05
ubptgbot<joeth> so yeah I think so, as the recovery lives in the boot partition on A/B deviced03:06
ubptgbot<Hisbul_Wathoni> thank you03:08
ubptgbotraflyfarid was added by: raflyfarid03:11
ubptgbot<J W> So I got around to trying to build from source the ubports installer on my Pinebook Pro as an AppImage. I am able to get the GUI up and running but it gives me this error message on startup "The Installation stopped due to a problem" and also states this "Error: unhandled rejection at [object Promise]: Error: {"error":{"errno":"ENOENT","code"04:11
ubptgbot:"ENOENT","syscall":"spawn adb","path":"adb","spawnargs":["-P",5037,"kill-server"],"cmd":"adb -P 5037 kill-server"}}". Is there anything I am missing or is there a problem with my packaging?04:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> do you have `adb` and `fastboot` tools installed?04:42
ubptgbot<mattbel10> @AlexanderPlaza [<reply to media>], That's a new feature just introduced in UT to discover a missed MMS. In fact, as you probably know, UT sometimes, for instance in case of lack of connectivity, doesn't properly handle MMS reception. You might want to have a look in this Forum thread for additional infomation:  https://forums.ubports.c04:48
ubptgbot<mattbel10> @AlexanderPlaza [<reply to media>], [Edit] That's a new feature just introduced in UT to discover a missed MMS. In fact, as you probably know, UT sometimes, for instance in case of lack of connectivity, doesn't properly handle MMS reception. You might want to have a look at this Forum thread for additional infomation:  https://forums.ub04:49
ubptgbot<nikio> (Photo, 388x800) https://irc.ubports.com/bx58983O.png В соседнем офисе уже елка новогодняя горит, а в нашем только моя ?опа :) … С наступающим сезоном праздников! 🎄04:56
ubptgbot<nikio> (Photo, 480x639) https://irc.ubports.com/AaDmWE7G.png04:56
ubptgbot<nikio> (Photo, 480x639) https://irc.ubports.com/l80tShdz.png04:56
ubptgbot<J W> @dohbee [do you have adb and fastboot tools installed?], No, will look into trying to install them. Are they available on Arch repos or AUR?05:43
ubptgbot<Aga> С наступающим ☺08:58
ubptgbot<just_carlod> @J W [No, will look into trying to install them. Are they available on Arch repos or A …], Everything is in aur xd09:05
ubptgbot<just_carlod> but iirc fastboot and adb are also in standard arch repos09:06
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> @J W [No, will look into trying to install them. Are they available on Arch repos or A …], yeah theyre in standard09:07
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> Is there a chance to get pinetab? Or it is just out for good?09:15
ubptgbot<just_carlod> @SomaSchicksal [Is there a chance to get pinetab? Or it is just out for good?], they have problem with lcd screens, next batch will probably be beetwen january and april09:32
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> Interesting09:32
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> Are there any other tablet that are worth looking for that support UT?09:33
ubptgbot<just_carlod> devices.ubuntu-touch.io09:33
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> Nexus 7 is the only other one i managed to find09:34
ubptgbot<just_carlod> Bq Aquaris M10 FHD (frieza)09:34
ubptgbot<just_carlod> eg09:34
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> i do know of the list but most of them are no longer exist09:34
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> thanks though09:35
ubptgbot<Javacookies> not much tablets I guess because Android also failed on tablets09:41
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> true09:42
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @SomaSchicksal [i do know of the list but most of them are no longer exist], There is the Sony tablet too. Z4?10:17
ubptgbot<sandysmart> How do I uninstall anbox10:25
ubptgbot<sandysmart> ??10:25
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> very interesting Lionelb10:29
ubptgbot<amyosx> @Fuseteam [I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you are referring to as convergenc …], Yes10:29
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> I think I maaaay have a Z4 somewhere10:29
ubptgbot<amyosx> @WolfLink115 [Good luck], Step 1) boot cyanogenmod xD10:29
ubptgbot<amyosx> What's recommended if both are possible (cause neither has been done), 5.1 or 7.1?10:30
ubptgbot<WolfLink115> @amyosx [What's recommended if both are possible (cause neither has been done), 5.1 or 7. …], 7.1 AFAIK10:30
ubptgbot<sandysmart> @sandysmart [How do I uninstall anbox], Anyone help on this please10:30
ubptgbot<WolfLink115> @sandysmart [Anyone help on this please], I believe it is sudo snap remove anbox10:31
ubptgbot<Oxy Kali> send me the command how to install it i give you how to uninstall it10:31
ubptgbot<WolfLink115> Not 100% sure tho10:31
ubptgbot<sandysmart> @Oxy Kali [send me the command how to install it i give you how to uninstall it], Sudo apt install anbox-ubuntu-touch10:31
ubptgbot<Oxy Kali> Sudo apt rm anbox-ubuntu-touch10:32
ubptgbot<amyosx> How to setup libertine?10:32
ubptgbot<amyosx> everything I do doesn't work10:33
ubptgbot<just_carlod> I ran firefox in libretine and it works and looks awful10:33
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> @just_carlod [I ran firefox in libretine and it works and looks awful], never managed to do that, how?10:34
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> I got Lubuntu app thingy on Libretine10:35
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> can't navigate even xD10:35
ubptgbot<Oxy Kali> @sandysmart [Anyone help on this please], Sudo apt remove anbox-ubuntu-touch or Sudo apt -r i anbox-ubuntu-touch10:35
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> tried to play with API but never managed to download anything10:35
ubptgbot<sandysmart> @Oxy Kali [Sudo apt remove anbox-ubuntu-touch or Sudo apt -r i anbox-ubuntu-touch], Not working10:36
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> @sandysmart [Not working], you need to mount system as read write10:36
ubptgbot<just_carlod> @ItsMeShouko [never managed to do that, how?], I've just setup libertine and then install firefox, but it wasn't scale correctly and i couldn't search anything in the internet10:37
ubptgbot<just_carlod> when I opened new tab it said "sorry, this tab is broken" or something like that10:38
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> @just_carlod [I've just setup libertine and then install firefox, but it wasn't scale correctl …], there is an app on openstore to fix that10:38
ubptgbot<amyosx> I will be using a keyboard and mouse for libertine apps xD10:38
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> @just_carlod [I've just setup libertine and then install firefox, but it wasn't scale correctl …], Have you used libretine tweaks?10:38
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> @just_carlod [I've just setup libertine and then install firefox, but it wasn't scale correctl …], [Edit] there is an app on openstore to fix that afaik10:38
ubptgbot<just_carlod> not10:38
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> It allows you to adjust API it may get firefox to be usable10:39
ubptgbot<just_carlod> ok, maybe I'll try it later10:39
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> @SomaSchicksal [It allows you to adjust API it may get firefox to be usable], does firefox lags in libertine?10:39
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> [Edit] It allows you to adjust depi it may get firefox to be usable10:40
ubptgbot<amyosx> @SomaSchicksal [Have you used libretine tweaks?], I saw scaling there10:40
ubptgbot<amyosx> @ItsMeShouko [does firefox lags in libertine?], Uhhh10:40
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> I haven't used it xD10:40
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/Wrt8YR8q.png10:41
ubptgbot<sandysmart> @ItsMeShouko [you need to mount system as read write], Thanks for the response 🙏🙏🙏10:41
ubptgbotErik was added by: Erik10:41
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> basically these are it's features10:41
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> [Edit] It allows you to adjust dpi it may get firefox to be usable10:41
ubptgbot<Erik> Hi everybody, I am a user of UT on volla fone, one month now and since the last update I am very happy with it. I wonder how UT  may work on fairfone, because my wife is thinking about that. Can anybody give a recommendation for fairfone with UT, or is this far worse than with vollafone (my beginning with vollafone was not easy, but thats ok10:51
ubptgbotay right now). The main conditions should be in an acceptabel way (mobile Network, Teleports, camera, navigation and E-Mail).10:51
ubptgbot<amyosx> @Erik [Hi everybody, I am a user of UT on volla fone, one month now and since the last …], Which fairphone?10:53
ubptgbot<amyosx> The original?10:54
ubptgbot<Erik> Uups, I did not know, that there exists unoriginal fairphones.I just wondered, if she may purchase fp2, or if its future oriented,to get a fp3.10:56
ubptgbot<amyosx> @Erik [Uups, I did not know, that there exists unoriginal fairphones.I just wondered, i …], I meant generation xD10:57
ubptgbot<amyosx> I think FP2 is more stable10:58
ubptgbot<amyosx> Let me check10:58
ubptgbot<Erik> As long,as this make sense with UT. My wife is "only" a user.10:58
ubptgbot<amyosx> Yeah get FP210:58
ubptgbot<amyosx> @Erik [As long,as this make sense with UT. My wife is "only" a user.], Yeah UT is fine for most uses10:58
ubptgbot<amyosx> Just remember no banking or contact tracing apps10:59
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @SomaSchicksal [I think I maaaay have a Z4 somewhere], 👍10:59
ubptgbot<Erik> Super. Thank you very much.10:59
ubptgbot<xyn_dev> @amyosx [Just remember no banking or contact tracing apps], My bank's app is so poorly coded it works under anbox11:00
ubptgbot<amyosx> @xyn_dev [My bank's app is so poorly coded it works under anbox], Bruh11:00
ubptgbot<amyosx> Which bank?11:00
ubptgbot<xyn_dev> BRD Romania11:01
ubptgbot<amyosx> Ahh11:01
ubptgbot<RAJVMEHTA> Same with SAILFISH OS11:12
ubptgbot<Oxy Kali> hshstgwtgggwoiwnww11:15
ubptgbot<Oxy Kali> test11:15
ubptgbot<xander2m> @Oxy Kali [hshstgwtgggwoiwnww], +111:45
ubptgbotMatthew Homan was added by: Matthew Homan11:47
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/8Sjz9nsK.png12:39
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> oh boy12:39
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> excitement12:39
ubptgbot<Matthew Homan> 😱LOOK😱👇👇 … [https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1245676554377868901](https://bit.ly/3rutmsc)12:41
ubptgbot<ptrcnull> oh come on lol12:41
ubptgbot<ptrcnull> (Photo, 591x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/PR8wMPH5.png12:41
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> You sure have it much faster than i did12:44
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> guys i got a couple questions12:48
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> how long does the "Installing update" part take?12:48
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> on Nexus 5, atleast12:48
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> not too long12:49
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> approximately?12:49
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> I came across an issue, not sure if it is fixed or not. i had to redo the install process to get it booting12:49
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> can't give an approximation cuz i let it install then took a shower xD12:50
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/dRwD2sC1.png12:50
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> oh boy12:50
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> its booting12:50
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> if it didn't boot, you can do it again, this time you have to choose nexus 5 manually, It didn't recognize my nexus 5 as compatible devices12:52
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> [Edit] if it didn't boot, you can do it again, this time you have to choose nexus 5 manually, It didn't recognize my nexus 5 as compatible device12:52
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> Also, I am planning to "Refurbish" my nexus 5 xD just to play around with UT12:53
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/l8IS3v07.png13:06
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> Somehow the side bar disappeared13:06
ubptgbot<amyosx> Hewwo uwubuntu13:06
ubptgbot<amyosx> @SomaSchicksal [Somehow the side bar disappeared], Slide13:06
ubptgbot<amyosx> From left13:06
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> Not coming back13:06
ubptgbot<amyosx> Hmm13:07
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> I tried that, now it is fine though13:07
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> Switching to an app fixed it13:07
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> But now i want to replicate it13:07
ubptgbot<Javacookies> do you have an app on the launcher that has notifications?13:08
ubptgbot<Javacookies> that seem to cause the launcher to be hidden sometimes13:08
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> Yes teleport13:08
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> Hm odd13:08
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/J7RD1qXE.png13:10
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> noice13:10
ubptgbot<amyosx> Might take some pictures of my bq m10 later13:11
ubptgbot<amyosx> Showing cool Ubuntu touch things13:11
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> @amyosx [Might take some pictures of my bq m10 later], Cool am looking forward to it13:12
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> Shoot, my power button on nexus 5 is stuck in, now i gotta make sure this thing never shuts down13:15
ubptgbot<amyosx> Oof13:15
ubptgbot<amyosx> (Sticker, 512x188) https://irc.ubports.com/U8uiHtcV.webp13:28
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> @amyosx [<reply to media>], am downgrade my qt sar, sfos time13:29
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @SomaSchicksal [But now i want to replicate it], I noticed if an app crashes it might do that13:33
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> hm maybe yeah13:34
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> so it thinks it still in an app hence why it is hidden13:35
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> any way to fix wifi after anbox boot on Nexus 5?13:44
ubptgbot<amyosx> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc.ubports.com/kQ9PJsOj.png13:45
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> sigh13:47
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> i have to install devel to fix wifi13:47
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA13:47
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @SomaSchicksal [Shoot, my power button on nexus 5 is stuck in, now i gotta make sure this thing …], that's a known issue on Nexus 5 … one of mine have it though I can still press it with my index finger on my left hand 😄13:54
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> Hm, i never used anbox13:54
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> @SomaSchicksal [Shoot, my power button on nexus 5 is stuck in, now i gotta make sure this thing …], i... dont even have a power button13:55
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> sigh13:55
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> what is a power button even?14:04
ubptgbot<J W> @dohbee [do you have adb and fastboot tools installed?], Ok, I have installed android-tools, from what it says it provides both adb and fastboot. Still having the same issue.15:39
ubptgbot<Mohina_Ibrohimova> @yiidnewsted [<reply to media>], Pro af15:43
ubptgbot<J W> @dohbee [do you have adb and fastboot tools installed?], The error is still happening on the AppImage and when I run it under mom.15:45
ubptgbot<J W> @dohbee [do you have adb and fastboot tools installed?], [Edit] The error is still happening on the AppImage and when I run it under npm.15:45
ubptgbotTotoEaster8 was added by: TotoEaster815:55
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> geh stuck ping16:12
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> someone ping me pls16:12
ubptgbot<Danfro> @Fuseteam16:13
ubptgbot<Danfro> How do you remove a stuck ping? I do have one in another group. 🤔16:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Oxy Kali [Sudo apt remove anbox-ubuntu-touch or Sudo apt -r i anbox-ubuntu-touch], No, this will only remove a few tools used to manage anbox. It won't necessarily get rid of anbox itself, nor the image and installed apps. Also, this is now included in the devel (and maybe rc now) image, so one will not need to remount rootfs and install16:13
ubptgbotto set up anbox any more.16:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> @J W [The error is still happening on the AppImage and when I run it under npm.], what happens if you run `adb -P 5037 kill-server` ?16:15
ubptgbot<dohbee> @yiidnewsted [any way to fix wifi after anbox boot on Nexus 5?], install UT again from installer. there's no need to flash any special anbox boot image any more. also if you're on devel (and maybe rc too now), the `anbox-tool` script is already available so you can skip ahead to just doing `anbox-tool install`16:16
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Danfro [How do you remove a stuck ping? I do have one in another group. 🤔], dang missed the chance; what i do is have someone ping me and open it in webtelegram16:16
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> @dohbee [install UT again from installer. there's no need to flash any special anbox boot …], yeah i fixed it already16:17
ubptgbot<Danfro> @Fuseteam [dang missed the chance; what i do is have someone ping me and open it in webtele …], I tried that in the other group. Did not work.16:17
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> hmm weird16:17
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Danfro [I tried that in the other group. Did not work.], worked thanks16:18
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> wonder if its the reply that did the trick16:18
ubptgbot<Danfro> @Fuseteam [wonder if its the reply that did the trick], That' an idea. I will try that out.16:20
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> good luck 👍16:22
ubptgbot<J W> @dohbee [what happens if you run adb -P 5037 kill-server ?], Got an error: cannot connect to daemon at tcp:5037: Connection refused16:23
ubptgbot<dohbee> sounds like it's already running as root or something. i'm not sure. and i don't use arch :)16:34
ubptgbot<J W> I have tried running at user level and as sudo get the same thing.16:37
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> so adb __is\_ installed?16:40
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] so adb is installed?16:40
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @yiidnewsted [its booting], 🍓🍓🍓16:40
ubptgbot<J W> @Fuseteam [so adb is installed?], Yes it is installed.16:50
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> hmmm16:51
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> what do you get for `adb device` when your phone is connected16:52
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] what do you get for adb device when your phone is connected?16:52
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] what do you get for `adb devices` when your phone is connected?16:52
ubptgbot<J W> Nothing unless I enable developer mode.17:00
ubptgbot<J W> Just in case you missed what I am trying to do is getting the UBports Installer working on a Pinebook Pro running Manjaro. I am not using official builds but, pulling it down from github and building the package as an AppImage and running it under npm trying to get it to work.17:03
ubptgbot<J W> [Edit] Just in case you missed what I am trying to do, I am trying to get the UBports Installer working on a Pinebook Pro running Manjaro. I am not using official builds but, pulling it down from github and building the package as an AppImage and running it under npm trying to get it to work.17:04
ubptgbot<J W> I got an |A17:08
ubptgbot<J W> [Edit] I made an AppImage and also trying it using npm.17:09
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @J W [Nothing unless I enable developer mode.], yes developer mode needs to enabled17:11
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> as long as adb and fastboot are able to see the phone the installer should work afaik17:12
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> or is the error more related to bring the installer up?17:13
ubptgbot<J W> It happens on startup of the installer, with or with out a phone connected.17:14
ubptgbotmuhammadazhar08 was added by: muhammadazhar0817:27
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @J W [It happens on startup of the installer, with or with out a phone connected.], ah hmmm17:28
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> if the error message itself didn't change it sounds like its unable to find it for some reason17:29
ubptgbot<J W> I just tried to run as sudo thinking it maybe permissions, it still happened though.17:35
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> @J W [I just tried to run as sudo thinking it maybe permissions, it still happened tho …], what distro are you running it on17:46
ubptgbot<J W> Manjaro KDE17:55
=== el is now known as elwrappo
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> I can use my nail to press it, but it doesn't retract18:56
ubptgbot<SehjanS> Any update oneplus5 🍔19:58
ubptgbot<Flohack> @SehjanS [Any update oneplus5 🍔], We are working on something you can try to test, but will take some more days... Some important featurtes need final fixes, like WiFi works but its not visible in GUI20:00
ubptgbot<amyosx> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/EDgAoTHI.png20:18
ubptgbot<amyosx> Dark mode gang20:18
ubptgbot<Amitkranand> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/TrL0gyWG.webp20:18
ubptgbot<Amitkranand> @amyosx [Dark mode gang], Where white and brown gangs20:19
ubptgbot<amyosx> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc.ubports.com/sRpPFrIj.png20:19
ubptgbot<amyosx> My 2 tablets :)20:19
ubptgbot<amyosx> Nexus 7 2012 and bq m10 fhd20:20
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> ubports for t280 wen20:20
ubptgbot<amyosx> UBPorts for grouper wen20:21
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> why is the nexus 5 this good20:21
ubptgbot<xyn_dev> ubports wen20:21
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> i feel like if i ever get the screen repaired20:21
ubptgbot<amyosx> @xyn_dev [ubports wen], Now :)20:21
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> i'll switch to it as a daily driver20:21
ubptgbot<xyn_dev> I've been using UBPorts as a daily driver OS on my Redmi Note 8T20:21
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> ubports for m30s wen20:22
ubptgbot<Amitkranand> @amyosx [My 2 tablets :)], Nice oreo20:22
ubptgbot<amyosx> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc.ubports.com/hJYzjdXA.png Beautiful theme20:23
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> @yiidnewsted [ubports for m30s wen], if this ever happened btw20:23
ubptgbot<Amitkranand> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/EbcpJ2a0.webp20:23
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> nobody could make me use android20:23
ubptgbot<yiidnewsted> ever again20:23
ubptgbot<amyosx> @amyosx [<reply to media>], Purple mode eta wen20:39
ubptgbot<mateosalta> Anytime you want 😉20:51
ubptgbot<xander2m> @amyosx [<reply to media>], My Nexus 7 wasn't usable after about 18 months of purchase. It didn't matter what OS or apps I installed. But it felt like a lovely device. 😞21:45
ubptgbot<amyosx> @xander2m [My Nexus 7 wasn't usable after about 18 months of purchase. It didn't matter wha …], Cm 11 M12 is the way to go btw21:46
ubptgbot<amyosx> No gms21:46
ubptgbot<xander2m> I ended up giving in. Sold it to CEX for about £38, I think.21:47
ubptgbot<popeydc> @amyosx [<reply to media>], The 2012 Nexus 7 is awful. The 2013 is much better21:50
ubptgbot<amyosx> @popeydc [The 2012 Nexus 7 is awful. The 2013 is much better], Yes21:50
ubptgbot<xyn_dev> @amyosx [<reply to media>], ngl I kinda like this semi-skeumorphic design over the current design21:50
ubptgbot<xyn_dev> it feels like it has soul21:50
ubptgbot<xander2m> @popeydc [The 2012 Nexus 7 is awful. The 2013 is much better], I never bought another tablet after that one.21:55
ubptgbot<xander2m> @popeydc [The 2012 Nexus 7 is awful. The 2013 is much better], [Edit] I never bought another tablet after that one. Does UT work well on that device?21:55
ubptgbot<SomaSchicksal> only one way to find out22:07
ubptgbot<xander2m> @SomaSchicksal [only one way to find out], That's what I would say 😂22:44
ubptgbot<nekojet1> I have run UT on a Nexus 7 2013 WiFi (flo) in the past, it worked well.  I imagine it has only gotten better since. … https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/flo/22:48
ubptgbot<xander2m> 👍23:27

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