
=== fabio is now known as Guest72601
=== carlos is now known as pinguinoemperado
indeedwatsonI just installed 20.10 on an old laptop and it's been in the initial lubuntu logo for 20 minutes. Any ideas before I try another distro?04:34
tomreynhit escape, see what happens04:35
tomreynor reboot, and hit escape earlier, and select failsafe graphics from the grub menu04:35
tomreynof course, you should also have verified your downloaded .iso file, and the the installation media you wrote from it.04:35
indeedwatsoni pressed escape and i had two options to boot, both named the same. The second booted fine, but if I reboot and just let it run it gets stuck on "powered by lubuntu" again05:01
tomreynindeedwatson: if you run   journalctl -b -1 | nc termbin.com 9999    this will upload your log from the failed boot to termbin.com , a pastebin-like website, so that you can share it.05:10
=== hedy is now known as Guest26160
lubot[telegram] <anonid> i paired a bluetooth headset with lubuntu and one day it doesnt get paired automatically also i cannot see my headset in list of available devices in bluedevil wizard app. i checked with my other devices the bluetooth device is shown there but its not shown in bluedevil wizard. i tried uninstalling the app and reinstalling also but it didnt work09:12
lubot[telegram] <anonid> someone please help me with this (re @anonid: i paired a bluetooth headset with lubuntu and one day it doesnt get paired automatically also i cannot see my headset in list of available devices in bluedevil wizard app. i checked with my other devices the bluetooth device is shown there but its not shown in bluedevil wizard. i tried uninstalling the app and reinstalling also but it didnt work. what should i do now.09:35
lubot[telegram] <anonid> version lubuntu 20.04.1 lts x86_6409:35
lubot[telegram] <anonid> kernal 5.4.0-58 generic)09:35
=== RTGuruThe2nd is now known as RisingTechGuru
inpaniccan someone please help me?13:07
indeedwatsoni couldn't solve my problem last night, after a fresh install my laptop gets stuck on "powered by lubuntu". If I press escape as it's booting and select the second option (even tho they're both named the same), it boots; but I need it to just boot regularly without having to do that13:08
indeedwatsonwould be helpful to know what that second option changes, but they're named exactly the same13:09
KGIIIYou could look at /etc/default/grub to figure it out, though I'd personally use the GUI tool grub-customizer.13:57
indeedwatsonwhat should I look at? The only thing that seems relevant is maybe GRUB_DEFAULT=0, if I change that to 1 would it select the 2nd option by default instead?14:10
indeedwatsonmm still stuck. I guess xubuntu it is14:20
KGIIIIt's much easier to use grub-customizer. Your favorite search engine will show you how to get it installed and how to use it. It's not difficult.14:22
indeedwatsonthere's no internet on it, does that come by default?14:23
indeedwatsonok got a lan cable. Turns out the 2nd option is recovery mode. Obviously I don't want to boot into that by default. Any other ideas?14:34
KGIIIDo you have multiple kernels listed?14:41
indeedwatsonno, it's the same kernel in both14:41
KGIIIAnd you're just now connecting it to the internet?14:42
indeedwatsonim guessing it's gpu drivers14:42
indeedwatsonbut the package manager program decided not to launch anymore14:42
KGIIIOh, then just start with 'sudo apt get update && sudo apt upgrade -y' from the terminal.14:42
KGIIIWhich version of Lubuntu is this, by the way?14:45
KGIIIThanks. When it's done updating, try rebooting normally. We can go from there. I should warn you that I'm still on 18.04 until the first part of next year. There are others here more qualified but we've all got different schedules.14:48
indeedwatsonis there a way to know for sure if this laptop has a wifi card? (from within lubuntu)14:51
indeedwatsonI don't know the laptop model14:51
KGIIICheck 'ifconfig -a'.14:57
kc2bezI am not sure that net-tools is installed anymore.14:59
KGIIIAh, see? LOL They really need someone with something newer than 18.04.14:59
KGIIII am not making the switch until early next year - 2nd week of January.15:00
kc2bez`lspci -nnk` will report pci devices15:00
kc2bezI don't have a laptop handy but you can likely refine that output with `lspci -nnk | grep Ethernet`15:01
KGIIIYou catching this indeedwatson?15:01
indeedwatsoni installed net-tools, i set up a lan cable for now15:06
indeedwatsonwhat do i look for in the outpot of ifconfig -a?15:06
KGIIIHow many devices do you have listed?15:09
indeedwatsonif there's no wlan it means there's no wifi card? There's only enp0s4 and lo15:09
apt-ghettoIt is maybe easier to start with `ip link` to see, whether a wireless interface exists or not15:09
* KGIII points up - listen to them15:09
indeedwatsonsame two with that command15:09
apt-ghettoTry `lspci -nnk | grep -i net -A2`15:11
indeedwatsonwell i'm rebooting normally after the upgrade and it's stuck in "powered by lubuntu" again. Only thing I can think of is boot back into safe mode and see what the package manager suggests in terms of gpu drivers15:13
apt-ghettoIf you see the plymouth splash screen ("powered by lubuntu"), then press the ESC key15:13
apt-ghettoYou should see some messages and maybe a reason, why it is blocked15:14
indeedwatsoni'll do that if this fails. I'm in the package manager rn, how do i figure out what to install in terms of video drivers?15:18
apt-ghettoYou should have the "correct" open-source driver for your GPU. If you have some problems with the open-source driver, you have to check the hardware and find out, what is the correct proprietary driver15:21
apt-ghettoOften, you have two different GPUs, one in the processor and one on a dedicated graphic card15:22
apt-ghettoUsually, only the GPU on the processor is used15:22
indeedwatsoni don't think this has a dGPU15:22
indeedwatsonI'm only assuming it's a driver issue15:22
indeedwatsonapt-ghetto nothing happens if i press Esc in the powered by lubuntu screen15:25
apt-ghettoThat is not good and quite unusual. In this case reboot into the working entry (recovery) and please upload the system log with `journalctl -b -1 | pastebinit` and share the link here. But first you should check, that your logfile does not contain any "sensitive" infos15:29
indeedwatsoni think i'm going with xubuntu, i'm setting this laptop for someone else and if i'm having so much trouble already it might not be the best to stick to lubuntu. However you've been helpful, so if xubuntu presents similar difficulties I'll go back to lubuntu and keep troubleshooting15:32
=== james is now known as Guest83332
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> hi guys21:07
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> I'm trying to launch Lutris but I get this error21:07
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> Unsupported locale setting. Fix your locales21:07
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> then I tried to configure my locals using the command21:07
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales21:07
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> and this is the output I'm getting21:08
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZM5g3KfxCM/21:08
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> I can't fix my locals21:08
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> But I have to confess that yesterday I removed LibreOffice-core21:09
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> I fear that I removed a file or two too much 😬21:09
lubot[telegram] <teward001> it sounds like you need to regen your locales.  Or generate the specific locale errors you're getting21:18
lubot[telegram] <teward001> (locale failures typically aren't caused by removal of libreoffice)21:18
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> so sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales21:19
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> is something else? (re @Michaël: then I tried to configure my locals using the command21:19
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales)21:19
lubot[telegram] <teward001> USUALLY you need to run sudo locale-gen or sudo locale-gen [YOUR LOCALE HERE]21:20
lubot[telegram] <teward001> and you've got two locales currently21:20
lubot[telegram] <teward001> so you need to make sure both are generated21:21
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> yes21:21
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> I wanted my terminal and GUI in English in case something went wrong21:21
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> I don't know always how to translate something to English (re @teward001: and you've got two locales currently)21:21
lubot[telegram] <teward001> well then you may want to double check that both locales're generated21:21
lubot[telegram] <teward001> sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 and sudo locale-gen nl_BE.UTF-8 (becuase the NL locale is not generated by the straight localegen you're using)21:22
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> so sudo locale-gen21:22
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> finished without errors21:22
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> I'll try those 2 (re @teward001: sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 and sudo locale-gen nl_BE.UTF-8 (becuase the NL locale is not generated by the straight localegen you're using))21:22
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> so21:26
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-821:26
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> and21:26
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> sudo locale-gen nl_BE.UTF-821:26
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> both completed without errors21:26
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> and yet Lutris complains with the same error ... (re @Michaël: hi guys21:26
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> I'm trying to launch Lutris but I get this error21:26
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> Unsupported locale setting. Fix your locales)21:26
wxldoes `locale -a | egrep '(en_US|nl_BE).UTF-8'` return both?21:36
wxler wait that's not right21:37
wxldoes `locale -a | egrep '(en_US|nl_BE)'` return both?21:37
lubot[telegram] <teward001> *gives wxl a second "You Failed" ribbon*21:37
lubot[telegram] <teward001> first was for not posting the original one here ;)21:38
wxlwow it's remarkable how many of those you have21:38
wxlLC_ALL being unset seems problematic21:40
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> both (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <wxl> does `locale -a | egrep '(en_US|nl_BE)'` return both?)21:42
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> it might just be an error with lutris too21:43
wxlsee if running it like `LC_ALL=C lutris` doesn't help21:44
wxlbut yes quite possibly an issue with lutris21:44
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> no probs then :) (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <wxl> see if running it like `LC_ALL=C lutris` doesn't help)21:44
wxlafaik that doesn't exist in the ubuntu repositories outside of the development version, so your best place for support would be via lutris21:44
wxlwait, that worked????21:45
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> yes :) (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <wxl> wait, that worked????)21:45
wxlok so you can add `export LC_ALL=C` to .bashrc or the like21:45
wxlit's possible that may cause problems elsewhere21:46
wxl(because that would set it globally)21:46
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> in that case21:47
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> I'll stick with LC_ALL=C lutris21:47
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> Thank you very much :)21:47
wxlif you want it to set that only when lutris runs, find the desktop entry (probably in /usr/share/applications, but perhaps in $HOME/.share/applications) and edit the Exec line21:47
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> I'll try that21:48
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> thank you :) (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <wxl> if you want it to set that only when lutris runs, find the desktop entry (probably in /usr/share/applications, but perhaps in $HOME/.share/applications) and edit the Exec line)21:48
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