
ExcessiveAggroEvening all!  I set up shutter to screenshot for me...  I then tied it to my print screen keyboard button but everyone i use it I have to press the button twice.  The first time kills the process and the second time launmches a new one00:07
ExcessiveAggroAny ideas on how you can tell it to use the currently running process instead of killing it first?00:07
pyeverythingwhat are the internationally and also nationally (within USA) recognized certificates for Ubuntu knowledge? (such as LPIC)00:08
pyeverythingwhat are the internationally and also nationally (within USA) recognized certificates for Ubuntu knowledge? (such as LPIC) -- sorry I closed the tab by mistake (my touchpad is acting weirdly today)00:09
ExcessiveAggro@pyeverything I don't know of any certifications that are specific to Ubuntu that companies would be looking for.00:10
pyeverythingI wish there was one00:11
ExcessiveAggroI know Ubuntu offers training and completing those courses nets a completion cert of some kind00:11
pyeverythingbtw do you know why my touchpad is being weird today? it keeps closing tabs on browser, terminal, and here00:11
ExcessiveAggroBut I've always seen companies looking for general Linux certs and experience00:11
pyeverythingwhich certificates? ExcessiveAggro00:12
ExcessiveAggroMaybe it doesnt want to leave 202000:12
pyeverythingI wonder if any of the updates I had today is causing it00:12
ExcessiveAggroThat's a random google I did... others here will have to weigh in if there are others00:13
ExcessiveAggroIf you were looking for Ubuntu specific training you can look here: https://ubuntu.com/training (Although I doubt companies would be specifically looking for this unless they had a pile of Ubuntu servers :)00:15
foxidepyeverything: I've found, including as a hiring manager, that when hiring for a Linux admin/engineer position, "Linux" understanding is more valuable to me than "RHEL" or "Ubuntu" knowledge.00:15
ExcessiveAggro@foxide - Agreed00:16
pyeverythingthank you foxide00:16
foxideThose who understand RHEL only know how to work with the system in the confines of how Red Hat thinks you should, as an example. Those who understand Linux systems understand how the system functions outside of the distro-specific tooling that's provided.00:16
foxideBecause, as should surprise no one, that tooling can break, and if you don't understand what that tooling is doing to the system under the hood, you're in trouble.00:17
pyeverythingis there a certificate for 'linux understanding' you'd suggest? foxide00:17
foxideIf you were going to do any at all, I'd say the Linux Foundation series.00:18
pyeverythingthanks a lot foxide00:18
foxideI've found a more significant correlation between certification and useful skills with those certs than with others.00:18
foxideHowever, at the end of the day, you're being hired for what you can do, not what paperwork you have.00:18
foxideStudy to UNDERSTAND, not to pass the test.00:18
foxideI cannot stress that enough.00:19
foxideAnd, in near-2021, having a demonstrable foundation in security is absolutely critical.00:21
ExcessiveAggro@foxide \ well said00:22
foxideSo if you were looking for a starting point, and wanted a certification to go with it, go for the LFCS (Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator), which is course LFS201 and its exam, and the Linux Security Fundamentals course (LFS216).00:24
pyeverythingunfortunately they didn't teach us security at school I wish it was obligatory00:24
foxideUgh, it should be.00:24
pyeverythingthough heard a while back they are making it obligatory in Arizona00:25
foxideI suspect that this channel is FULL of people that could direct you to good resources. I'm one of them.00:25
pyeverythingI was at UW-Madison and now at BU and none is obligatory00:25
foxideTo be truthful with you, though, its becoming more and more prevalent that managers are looking for skills and not certifications.00:25
foxideYou're talking about a near thousand dollar investment in what I just listed.00:25
pyeverythingI found linux for sys admins and that is $400000:26
foxideA course for $4000?00:26
pyeverythingLFS301 --sorry $325000:26
foxideOh, that's an in-person course.00:27
pyeverythingI know things like kubeflow are super necessary for my work00:27
pyeverythingoh I see00:27
foxideLFS201 AND the LFCS exam is $499.00:27
foxideSecurity is $299.00:27
foxideIf you are at all capable of managing your own time and focus, never do in-person stuff.00:28
pyeverythingI'll note these thanks00:28
foxideIt's a total ripoff.00:28
tacomasterI am not sure what I am doing wrong here. I am trying to setup private internet access in openvpn but after I generate the openvpn config file and import it, it will not connect. I am getting "network connection failed". I installed wireshark and filtered by udp.port == 1198, which is the port that the openvpn config file has as the default but I am not seeing any traffic at all. I have also checked by udp.port == 53 to see if I see the00:31
tacomasterdns traffic but I am not seeing anything here as well00:31
foxidetacomaster: Obligatory warning that VPN services like PIA do almost nothing for you in terms of privacy or security.00:32
foxidetacomaster: That aside, have you tried increasing openvpn's logging verbosity (3 should do it) to see if any particular issue jumps out?00:33
tacomasterfoxide: I use it to bypass geo restrictions not for privacy. I understand all I would be doing for privacy is taking the trust away from my isp and giving it to another company.00:34
foxidetacomaster: It's a blanket warning I give everyone. :)00:34
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Elw3Are there ways to resize a currently mounted disk, my root to be exact?00:46
foxideDepends on certain things.00:47
foxideWhat is your current setup in terms of disk partitioning, etc?00:47
Elw3Its two basic partitions on the disk, and 15gb space where i just deleted ubuntu 1000:49
foxideCould you paste the output of fdisk -l so I can get a better picture?00:50
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:50
foxideAnd which is the one you're wanting to expand?00:53
foxideSo, NORMALLY, I'd say that's a problem, but your partition order isn't in disk order, so this may be easier.00:55
foxideFirst: Do you have BACKUPS of important data00:55
foxideBecause any operation that modifies the disk layout can cause loss.00:55
Elw3I am no beginner...00:55
foxideI have 20 years of experience, and things can still go wrong.00:56
Elw3Then i would not touch it in the first place.00:57
foxideBackups are a good idea regardless, but alright.00:57
Elw3Thihi my backups are 5 years overdue...00:57
Elw3But my problem is this is the only drive i have.00:58
foxideAfter you back up important data, you'd delete the existing partitions using fdisk, then create a new single partition that starts in the same spot that sda3 does now, and spans the entire disk. Then you'd perform a resize operation (resize2fs, xfs_grow, etc.)00:58
Elw3So wait, i cannot resize the disk directly but have to overwrite it with a new one of different size?01:00
foxideYou're not overwriting the disk. You're just changing the partition boundaries so that when you resize the filesystem, it sees a larger partition.01:00
foxideGiven that you only have one disk, though, this is something you'll need to do via a live image, because the system won't honor partition table changes whenever the disk is mounted.01:01
Elw3I specifically asked if its possible to do that without a live disk tho...01:01
foxideYou asked if its possible to resize it while mounted. Yes, just not in your case.01:02
Elw3Ah, in what cases is it possible then?01:02
foxideWhen using logical volumes, or when only partitions other than your currently mounted root have to be modified.01:03
Elw3Huh, i thought logical volumes make everything worse.01:04
foxideNot at all.01:04
foxideMakes it much easier to manage your available storage.01:05
foxideI use LVM in all but the simplest setups.01:05
Elw3Wont this add another layer of possible problems? Eg one space more that can get corrupted, and IF corrupted you lose more partitions than without?01:06
foxideData managed within logical volumes is still written directly to the disk. LVM has been around for YEARS, and is extremely robust and stable.01:07
Deano59hi! happy new year... question, I'm trying to use samba! I try and connect via a file manager and I get connection refused. if I try and mount the dir with cifs it works fine. what am I missing?01:08
foxideDeano59: Is the samba server firewalled?01:09
Deano59foxide: nope, I disabled ufw.01:09
foxideIs the client system on the same subnet?01:09
foxideSorry, just going through a checklist of Crap I've Seen With Samba(tm).01:09
foxideFile manager and cifs client are the same machine, I'm guessing?01:10
Deano59works great with cifs, just can't click through the file manager.01:10
foxideWhich file manager?01:10
Elw3well thanks for your opinion.01:10
Deano59thunar and pcmanfm01:10
foxideDo you have thunar-shares-plugin installed?01:11
foxideI THINK that's required for SMB support in Thunar.01:11
Deano59it worked fine before, but all of a sudden I get connection refused.01:11
Deano59only thing I changed was installing an ad-blocker (adguard home)01:12
foxideWait, I'm dumb, ignore me.01:12
foxideThat's not a separate package in Ubuntu.01:12
Deano59lol :D01:12
foxideUgh. Samba should be called Heisenberg's Uncertainty Service.01:14
onomatopieIs there any reason on the latest version of Ubuntu the volume control only works at the last 5% or less?01:14
onomatopieIf I move it past that it goes silent01:14
Deano59foxide: I done: sudo mount -t cifs // rootdir -o; just can't copy/paste anything.01:14
Deano59but connection refused via thunar/pcmanfm01:15
foxideAre you trying to mount actual '/root' on the remote end, or does the share just happen to be named 'root'?01:16
dman777hello, I am installing ubuntu 20 lts live server. on the storage configuration, I have a partition set with / and with ext 4 but the done is still greyed out. what I am missing?01:16
foxidedman777: How large is the disk?01:16
Deano59named root, tried other names too.01:16
foxideDeano59: What is the path that corresponds to that share on the server?01:16
Deano59path = /mnt/3TB/01:17
dman777foxide: the disk is 500gb and the partition I am using is 110gb01:17
foxidedman777: Is this disk used for anything else, or ONLY Ubuntu?01:18
Deano59foxide: IF I do: sudo mount -t cifs // external -o it says no such dir... but if I do /home or /root it works?01:19
foxideDeano59: Could you !paste your smb.conf?01:19
dman777foxide: I have windows 10 on it the disk also. partition 1 is unused ESP.... it's for the EFI bios. I suspect that maybe I need to mark the disk as bootable somehow? I do not see the option01:20
foxidedman777: Yes, you need to specify that partition as the ESP. Both Ubuntu and Windows will "share" it.01:20
Deano59foxide: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dGJgPwCfrc/01:21
dman777foxide: well, the storage configuration shows partition 1 as 'existing, unused ESP, already formated as vfat.'01:21
dman777foxide: in the edit menu it shows as bootloader parition01:22
dman777oh...I see the text on the top that saids to conitune I need to select a boot disk01:24
Deano59foxide: keeps saying mount error(2): No such file or directory but /home and /root works?01:24
dman777foxide: how do I select a boot disk in the storage configuration? so far when I go to edit on the partitions I don't get the option01:26
foxidedman777: Go to the ESP in the partition menu and tell it to use it as the ESP.01:30
foxideDeano59: You have the 'root' share specified as /, not /mnt/3TB.01:30
foxideDeano59: /mnt/3TB is presented as the hdd share.01:30
Deano59foxide: yeah01:32
Deano59I tried changing and it's a no go.01:32
HashBefore I begin, how does custom kernel in ubuntu work? Can I just get the kernel source, customize, build and install or does it have to be ubuntu way somehow01:33
JFox762I need help figuring out how to set up a cron job that will periodically check a directory for a new file... if no new file has been created in an hour's time... it gives me a notification01:49
JFox762The purpose is to act as a sort of notification system that my NVR software has stopped recording one of my cameras01:50
foxideJFox762: I would check the modify time of the newest file in the directory. If its older than an hour, yell.01:51
JFox762thing is, I dont know how to do cron jobs01:51
foxideAhh, gotcha.01:51
JFox762I'd like a tutorial or guide if there exists for the task I'm trying to accomplish :)01:52
Deano59foxide: why doesn't this work? //  /media/server  cifs   uid=pi,credentials=/home/pi/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm   0       002:05
Deano59mount error(22): Invalid argument02:06
Deano59I'm following the ubuntu man page and it won't work!02:06
foxideI hate samba's indecipherable error codes.02:06
Deano59yeah this is cifs lol02:06
foxideTo be honest, I'm not sure where to go from here.02:06
Mystified1234need help with this issue. there is no enties in  the file of apt/sources.list.d or any other source list for the missing entry02:10
Mystified1234N: Ignoring file 'balena-etcher' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has no filename extension02:10
Mystified1234i'm unable to run updates till i resolve this issue02:11
Mystified1234its missing gpg key02:11
Mystified1234for balena etcher02:11
Mystified1234i've tried purging the source. but there is nothing to purge02:11
dman777foxide: I get through the installation all the way until the end. It saids that there was a problem with the installation and it resets the installer to the first step02:12
Mystified1234dman777: https://itectec.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-mounting-cifs-drive-gives-mount-error22-invalid-argument/02:14
dman777Mystified1234: no.... I didn't get that. I got a message box saying it was gather stats to send02:15
Mystified1234oops, sorry02:15
dman777np :)02:15
Mystified1234just joined the channel02:15
dman777but there is no way for me to view that log before it resets02:16
Mystified1234no one here to help with my issues02:17
pyeverythingthis is supposed to be a 8G file but when I download using wget --no-check-certificate 'https://docs.google.com/uc?export=downloa&id=1QZcJmGVlF9f4h-XLWe9Gkmnmj2z1gSnk' -O hico_20160224_det.tar.gz --> it only downloads 32k you know how I could fix?02:20
vulpinepyeverything: -o sets the location to log, not the location of the downloaded file02:21
dman777foxide: looks like a error with curtin02:22
pyeverything https://docs.google.com/uc?export=downloa&id=1QZcJmGVlF9f4h-XLWe9Gkmnmj2z1gSnk vulpine02:23
Deano59foxide: // /home/pi/homeserver cifs rw,credentials=/home/pi/.smbcredentials,uid=1000,nofail,gid=1000 works. but can't mount /mnt/3TB but can /root and go into /mnt/3TB so thanks. :)02:23
pyeverythingwget --no-check-certificate 'https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=FILEID' -O FILENAME --> I am following this vulpine02:24
pyeverythingwhat am i missing?02:24
vulpineoh apperently thats not a direct download link, theres a confirm page that says google cant scan it for viruses02:25
pyeverythingso how can I download it?02:25
pyeverythingin terminal02:25
rjwiiiubuntu 18.04 ... on the task bar I have an icon for Thunderbird ... How can I see what command the icon is issuing to start Thunderbird?02:25
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pyeverythingthis didn't work too ---> wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=$(wget --quiet --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate 'https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1QZcJmGVlF9f4h-XLWe9Gkmnmj2z1gSnk' -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')&id=1QZcJmGVlF9f4h-XLWe9Gkmnmj2z1gSnk" -O Data/hico_20160224_det.tar.gz && rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt02:31
pyeverythingopted to transferring it via rsync from my local machine02:33
Mystified1234if anyone can help, switch the gnome default virtual keyboard to "ONBOARD " keyboard, i'd appreciate that. running 20.10 groovy02:40
Mystified1234i have a 2in102:41
rjwiiiNew question: I can't seem to ssh to my laptop anymore ... connection refused ... ubuntu 18.04 (on the laptop)02:44
Mystified1234rjwiii: goto your home folde .ssh/known_hosts and delete the entry and try again02:46
rjwiiiMystified1234: laptop or desktop?02:50
Mystified1234gnome virtual kbrd suxs02:51
rjwiiiMystified1234: there's a bunch of cryptic looking lines in there ... not what I'm used to seeing ...02:51
Mystified1234keyboard & sucks02:52
rjwiiiMystified1234: what am I looking for? Or should I just nuke everything?02:53
Mystified1234delete all the lines02:53
Mystified1234save, then ssh back into again.02:54
rjwiiiMystified1234: My thought, too ... mv known_hosts known_hosts.old; touch known_hosts ...02:55
Mystified1234it will allow you to reset , by entering the correct user password02:55
rjwiiiMystified1234: restart ssh?02:56
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Mystified1234yes, but only from the pc using to access the server02:57
Mystified1234ssh name@192.123.642.55502:58
Mystified1234what ever you use to login with.02:58
Mystified1234you will enter'yes' the enter the password02:58
Mystified1234btw do you have port 22 open on both pc's02:59
rjwiiiMystified1234: still getting connection refused ... username is the same on both machines, so I'm using ssh -X IPADDRESS02:59
Mystified1234post the exact messsage03:00
Mystified1234have you changed any paswwords lately on the server03:00
rjwiiiMystified1234: hmmmm ... I think something is hosed on the laptop ... tried a restart there and got: Failed to restart ssh.service: Unit ssh.service not found.03:01
Mystified1234renable ssh03:01
Mystified1234are you running a systemd or non systemd03:02
rjwiiiMystified1234: stock install of 18.0403:02
rjwiiiMystified1234: how do I renable?03:03
Mystified1234sudo systemctl status ssh03:03
Mystified1234interesting, i'm having the same issue..03:04
Mystified1234but i thought it was becaused i changed my password on the server03:05
rjwiiiMystified1234: "Unit ssh.service could not be found."03:12
foxideConfirm that the openssh-server package is actually installed.03:14
Mystified1234mine is exactly the same03:20
Mystified1234sssd-ssh.service                                      loaded    inactive dead    SSSD SSH Service responder03:20
Mystified1234usage: ssh [-46AaCfGgKkMNnqsTtVvXxYy] [-B bind_interface]03:21
foxideThat's not the ssh service.03:21
Mystified1234well, it was there and working 2 days ago03:22
Mystified1234im running 20.10 testing03:22
foxideConfirm that the openssh-server package is actually installed, please.03:22
foxideAnd 20.10 is a stable release.03:23
Mystified1234whats the apt '-' variable to list if its installed03:24
foxidedpkg -l03:24
foxidedpkg -l | grep ssh03:24
foxideWhich is not the server.03:27
Mystified1234correct, ill install now..03:27
foxideThough that was more for rjwiii .03:27
rjwiiifoxide: openssh_client is installed ...03:30
foxideIs openssh-server installed on the system that you are trying to connect to?03:30
foxideThe one on which you're trying to enable/start ssh.service?03:31
rjwiiifoxide: I believe so ... when I try to install it with apt install ssh_server, I get "not available"03:33
foxideBecause that is not the package name.03:33
foxideopenssh-server is.03:33
rjwiiifoxide: so I tried to install "ssh-askpass-gnome" and it says already at current version03:34
Mystified1234systemctl -l --type service --all|grep ssh03:34
Mystified1234  ssh.service                                           loaded    active   running OpenBSD Secure Shell server03:34
foxiderjwiii: The server that you are trying to connect to must have the openssh-server package installed.03:34
foxideThat is the package that provides ssh server functionality, so that other systems can connect to it.03:34
Mystified1234openssh-sftp-server  1:8.3p1-103:35
foxideI did not say that package.03:35
foxideI said openssh-server.03:35
Mystified1234openssh-server                                1:8.3p1-103:35
Mystified1234sorry pasted wrong 103:36
foxideGah. I'm talking to rjwiii ! :P03:36
Mystified1234sudo apt install openssh-server03:36
Mystified1234sudo systemctl start sshd03:37
foxideOn Ubuntu, installing the package enables and starts the service, and its ssh.service on Ubuntu.03:37
rjwiiifoxide: I get "refered to by another package" & "has no installation candidate" ...03:38
foxiderjwiii: Exactly what did you enter?03:38
rjwiiifox "sudo apt install openssh-server"03:38
rjwiiifoxide:  "sudo apt install openssh-server"03:39
foxideWell, that's the name of the package.03:39
rjwiiifoxide: I have ssh'd to this laptop before without issue ...03:39
foxideWhat is the output of dpkg -l | grep openssh-server?03:39
Mystified1234i need to reset the password on my server.. i forgotten it03:41
Mystified1234back soon03:41
rjwiiifoxide: nada03:43
foxiderjwiii: Then you don't have the correct package installed. Please !paste the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list file and anything in /etc/apt/sources.list.d03:44
Mystified1234pastebin or dpaste.com03:46
Mystified1234any of those03:46
foxidePastebin is a bit trash, so please not.03:46
rjwiiifoxide: progress ... sort of .... my sources.list file seems to be missing ...03:48
foxideThat would indeed present a problem, yes. :)03:49
rjwiiifoxide: I had a .bak and .sav file ... copied the .bak file to sources.list and got a boatload of errors ...03:49
foxideWhich release of Ubuntu are you running?03:50
rjwiiifoxide: laptop is running 18.04 ...03:51
rjwiiifoxide: updater is working ...03:51
foxideThe server you're trying to connect to is the one that matters.03:51
rjwiiifoxide: I'm trying to ssh TO the laptop ... :)03:52
rjwiiifoxide: I have Thunderbird on the laptop because it's portable ... I want to run Thunderbird via ssh on my desktop ...03:53
foxideAlright, then yes, the laptop will need openssh-server installed.03:58
foxideRunning Thunderbird over SSH will require X forwarding as well, which is a whole new pile of stuff.03:59
rjwiiifoxide: understood ... I've run X apps via ssh before ...04:00
foxideThen have fun!04:01
rjwiiifoxide: I still need to get ssh running (again) ...04:02
rjwiiifoxide: is there a way to restore the default sources.list?04:03
foxideThat's the default for 18.04. Someone was nice enough to post it online. You could easily just paste that into sources.list.04:06
Mystified1234back, ssh to my server04:10
Mystified1234works fine04:11
Mystified1234the question is why did openssh server disapeaar04:12
rjwiiifoxide: pasted ,,, still no luck installing openssh-server04:12
rjwiiifoxide: still getting "package is not available" "referred to by another package" and "no installation candidate" ...04:14
ArthurStrongHappy New Year everyone!04:15
Bashing-om!info openssh-server04:17
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Version 1:8.2p1-4ubuntu0.1 (focal), package size 368 kB, installed size 1491 kB04:17
Mystified1234ahh foxide; what version are you running04:18
ArthurStrong!info test04:18
ubottuPackage test does not exist in focal04:18
Mystified1234uname -a04:19
Mystified1234uname -a04:19
rjwiiiMystified1234: wrong window ... :)04:19
foxideThat package is in every Ubuntu release as far back as I can remember and all the way up to now, without exception.04:21
rjwiiifoxide: I believe you ... my laptop is not letting me install it ...04:21
Mystified1234ubuntu release04:21
rjwiiiMystified1234: I'm using 18.04 on the laptop ...04:22
rjwiiiMaybe if I upgrade to 20.04 things will start working again ...04:22
Mystified1234from command line or software(snap)04:23
rjwiiiI'll just byte the bullet and upgrade it on Monday ...04:25
Mystified1234apt install --fix-missing04:27
=== vai is now known as Jari--
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linuxmintanyone know a good hypervisor?06:25
Mystified1234can anyone pls help with a 2in1 laptop changing the default virtual keyboard from gnome to onboard. Running  20.10 groovy thanks in advance.06:41
Mystified1234BTW i have the pkg installed but dont know to configure it as default and remove gnome06:42
Mystified1234BTW i have the pkg installed but dont know to configure it as default and remove gnome keyboard as the default virtual keyboard06:43
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ducasselinuxmint: kvm?08:38
aldcorHi. After installing primus, Nvidia settings shows only one tab - Prime profiles. And glxinfo shows that I'm using Intel again but I want to use nvidia.10:22
oerheksHappy NewYear all'10:50
* Jari-- & Locomotion Tango - Modern Talking11:15
TJ-Anyone aware of a Debian/Ubuntu build of iputils-ninfod ? neither distro is building it currently which is a bit stupid when we have ping6 that can send IPv6 NI requests but nothing to reply to them!11:16
Jari--beer day here11:16
Jari--a friend is bringing up 24 pack11:16
TJ-bug #190980211:23
ubottubug 1909802 in iputils (Ubuntu) "Should build ninfod to support IPv6 Node Information requests" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190980211:23
Jari--where in Ubuntu I can change the stereo settings ?11:29
Jari--I mean dolby, etc. advanced11:29
Jari--some settings are breaking up the Spotify Premium playback11:30
Jari--I read from the Google it might be dolby, etc. stereo settings11:30
bitblitwhen i play a video with nnn file manager, nnn waits for the video to exit before i can use it again. it is using xdg-open. any idea how to get it to return immediately?11:37
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dsofeirHello, can anyone explain why when I install https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/focal/current/focal-server-cloudimg-amd64.img on KVM does 18.04.5 get installed?12:08
ice99why the Ubuntu installer (full disk encryption) doesn't encrypt the /boot partition too?12:09
jeremy31ice99: Because grub needs it unencrypted12:16
ice99jeremy31, negative, grub can unlock luks encrypted partition12:16
dsofeirPlease, can anyone explain why when I install https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/focal/current/focal-server-cloudimg-amd64.img on KVM does 18.04.5 get installed?12:18
jeremy31ice99: what is in /boot?  I would suspect the grub files12:20
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TJ-ice99: see my tutorial for (almost) FDE https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_201912:52
=== CyberHacker_ is now known as CyberHacker
ice99TJ-, nice tutorial, thanks; but my question is why this cannot be accomplished by the installer automatically? why canonical hasn't done it yet?13:14
TJ-ice99: I'm not sure; inertia partially, but also possibly it being incompatible with some use cases13:17
gravitoshello there, installed half life 2 on bionic, get this error, how to fix? russian means 'no such file or directory' https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/tsf1j9RQ/stdout13:39
summonnerdoes the file exist? if not, try reinstalling the app?13:43
gravitostried, still got this13:43
summonnerProbably reach out to the developers and ask there13:49
grndslmcan someone help me figure out how to run a script in /etc/rc.local bootup with the screen command??14:07
grndslmbasically, /etc/rc.local looks like this to where it matters.... "screen -d -m -S scriptName ./scriptFile"14:08
grndslmit works on a regular command prompt, but not in /etc/rc.local, even tho it *is* executable14:09
grndslmsays something like.... "rc-local.service:  Failed to execute command:  Exec format error14:09
grndslmFailed at step EXEC spawning ..... Exec format error.... Control process exited, code=exited, status=203/EXEC... Failed with result 'exit-code'.14:11
jeremy31grndslm: is the first line of the script>   #!/bin/bash14:11
grndslmjeremy31: yes.  :-)14:11
alanbellgrndslm: I would be suspicious of the ./scriptFile relative path and any other relative paths going on14:12
grndslmit's #!/bin/sh, actually14:12
Guest92650I have Ubuntu 20.04.1. My problem is, I cannot any file transfer from FileZilla to the only root directory. It says: "open for write: permission denied"14:12
grndslmalanbell:  the only other command in the script is to "cd" to the working directory14:12
alanbellgrndslm: /usr/bin/screen possibly14:14
grndslmhmm.. lemme try14:15
grndslmalanbell:  just adding /usr/bin/ to the front of that line doesn't seem to get it started either.... still same errors about format, compatibility issues14:19
grndslmalanbell:  i'm not a bash expert, but what if i did....... exec "/usr/bin/screen -d -m -S scriptName ./scriptFile"??14:22
grndslmthink that might help?14:22
alanbellgrndslm: seems to be working for me, I set up an rc-local.service file in /etc/systemd/system and an rc.local file containing just #!/bin/bash echo "hi"14:36
alanbellstarting the service and doing sudo systemctl status rc-local.service shows "hi" in the log14:37
alanbellthen I added "/usr/bin/screen -d -m -S fromservice"14:38
alanbelland restarted the service and now have screen running14:38
grndslmalanbell:  i don't get it.... mine won't work14:46
BluesKajHappy New Year everyone14:50
foxideYou too!14:50
CrimsonRoguehello. I am requesting an invite to #ubuntu-dev, #ubuntu-touch and #ubuntu-devel. could someone please relay these messages to the appropriate channels? thanks in advance.15:02
alanbellgrndslm: I got the rc-local.service from here https://www.linuxbabe.com/linux-server/how-to-enable-etcrc-local-with-systemd15:06
alanbellI am having a bit of a DNS resolution problem, this domain bumpinto.eu stopped working, not sure why. Looks OK at my registrar but I can't seem to resolve it any more, can anyone see it or help explain what is going on?15:07
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foxidealanbell: What DNS server are you using? Is this a domain that you own/control?15:14
BluesKajalanbell, not loading here either15:14
oerheksalanbell, not really an ubuntu issue.15:15
alanbellyeah, my domain, was working for ages. dig bumpinto.eu. @ns1.blacknight.com seems OK15:15
oerheksalanbell, if you ar in the UK ...15:15
foxideIt's not, I can't even retrieve its NS records.15:15
alanbelloerheks: yeah, I am thinking it isn't an Ubuntu issue, thought i was doing something wrong but it seems elsewhere15:16
oerheksalanbell, so, are you in the UK?15:16
alanbelloerheks: I moved to Ireland (didn't want to go for that ride) and the domain is registered to an Ireland address15:16
alanbelland with an Irish registrar15:17
Woetalanbell: https://www.whatsmydns.net/#A/bumpinto.eu15:17
oerheksmaybe NI is the same, no EU domain for UK people in 202115:17
alanbellWoet: thanks, nice tool, and it is broken everywhere.15:17
alanbelloerheks: probably, but I am in County Clare so definitely still in the EU15:18
relipsehow do I know if my cron ran15:18
relipsei tried journalctl15:18
relipsei'm on ubuntu 2015:18
oerhekscontact them, businesshours15:18
alanbelloerheks: yeah, I think that is the way forward, thanks for confirming it isn't just me!15:19
dongshow do i stop systemd from redirecting console output of a service process to syslog15:27
dongs(for some insane reason asterisk ubuntu package is setup like that, despite the fact it has a perfectly usable logging system already on its own)15:27
alanbelloerheks: it is to do with Brexit, I lost two .eu domains, probably they looked at citizenship not addresses15:37
foxidedongs: I believe you can enter an override in the service definition to change its logging behavior.15:37
dongsyeah i just found that. StandardOutput/StandardError needed to be set to null.15:37
dongsin asterisk.service but how will that affect future upgrades?15:38
foxidedongs: Don't edit the service in /usr.15:38
dongs. then where would i edit it.15:38
foxidedongs: Future upgrades may wipe out those changes. systemctl edit asterisk will take you into an override editor.15:38
foxideIt will drop a separate file in /etc that will override the default service definitions without changing the original file. :)15:39
dongsthat jsut gives me a blank text editor using freaking nano, wtf. why isnt it VI15:39
foxideEDITOR=vi systemctl edit asterisk15:39
foxideAnd yes, it will be blank. Only enter the items you want to change from the original unit, not the entire unit.15:40
dongsand what do I add in the blank thing? the StandardOutput overrides I made in teh other file?15:40
dongsdo i need to add [Service] part too?15:40
foxideYup, you got it.15:40
dongshow do i make the editor thing permanent system wide.15:41
dongsi have neverf used nano and dont plan to15:41
dongslooks like update-alternatives. k ill screw aroudn with it15:42
foxideI think that's the one, yes.15:42
dongsok, asterisk no longer spams syslog.15:44
dongsi went ahead and reported the situation as a bug as I don't think it should be happening.15:58
dongsif asterisk didn't have its own logging system it would make some sense15:59
foxideMakes sense. Or at least some easy configurable to log to the journal OR using its internal logging.15:59
foxideOr report service status to the journal, and all app activity goes to the asterisk logs.16:00
foxideA few ways you could slice that one.16:00
dongstehere's no or really, because its usually started as a daemon and you can connect to it's console remotely via asterisk -r, and yeah, it has its own log setup which can be directed to files/databases/or even syslog itself16:00
dongsand by default it sticks its own messages in to /var/log/asterisk/messages, so the double-reporting in syslog is just wasting space16:01
foxideI have near-zero experience with asterisk - IP voice stuff gives me a rash.16:01
dongsyeah, ive avoided touching it for > 10 years since i last setup a machine with it, but its been dying so i upgraded to a newer system and took time to cleanup configs meanwhile.16:02
foxidemakes sense16:02
dongshopefully after this i dont have to touch it for another 10+16:02
oerheksmax support is 5 years + 5 years paid..16:04
dongstell that to some of my machines running kernel 2.6.3116:04
leftyfbdongs: just because it's still running, doesn't mean it's supported or secure for that matter16:17
dongsi'd wager something custom-configured 10 years ago to do a single task is probably more secure than today's shitbox with 5000 things running that nobody knows why or how they operate16:20
dongsbut yeah im not gonna get into this argument. i just want shit to work.16:20
oerhekslolz... unrealistic16:20
leftyfbdongs: did you custom configure that 2.6 kernel with the patches for the dirty cow exploit?16:22
leftyfbor the other 343 vulnerabilities? https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-33/product_id-47/version_id-123682/Linux-Linux-Kernel-2.6.32.html16:22
dongsno because its a single user system16:22
dongswith no internet access16:22
dongsso who gives a shit.16:23
leftyfbdongs: please watch the language16:23
merimusIFF the machine is not connected to the internet, or a lan which is connected to the internet, and never has data transfered to it.  Then is it "mostly" safe16:25
merimusI'm attempting to follow the docs at https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/samba-domain-controller but they don't seem to work.16:26
dongsthe fact that its still running and im only shutting it down because the hardware itself is dying (its some ancient Atom thing with a spinning rust drive) clearly shows it has done perfectly fine for the last 10+ years.16:26
merimus$  net rpc rights grant -U merimus "JAGGERBUSH\Domain Admins" SeMachineAccountPrivilege SePrintOperatorPrivilege SeAddUsersPrivilege SeDiskOperatorPrivilege SeRemoveShutdownPrivilege16:26
dongsanyway, my problem is solved, bug is opened, time to sleep16:28
merimusnet rpc user shows merimus16:30
merimusnet rpc group shows Domain Admins16:30
grndslmok.... so i'm trying to start a script thru the screen command..... at startup.... but it won't work.  the screen command w/ script works just fine at a regular command prompt.... but it does NOT work when placed in rc.local and made executable, NOR does it work in crontab -e16:51
grndslmthere's something special about launching screen outside of a regular terminal that is giving me a huge headache16:52
grndslmi've tried so many different variations, but none of them are working....   :-(16:52
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oerheksgrndslm, make a proper systemd unit for that?16:59
grndslmoerheks:  don that already16:59
grndslmat least a proper rc-local.service16:59
grndslmoerheks:  doesn't work... keeps spitting out an error saying that it's incompatible, failed to execute or whatever...17:00
oerhekssome example; https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1207664#p120766417:00
melodieI would like a hint or help around users/right-permissions/polkit17:03
melodieI had to create a new user to make my computer work right, because something in my initial profile got corrupted and my session was freezing all the time. I had not found what was wrong, and a new profile did the trick.17:04
melodiebut since a pair of weeks I can't use the programs that need pkexec anymore in my new profile : ie: synaptic, gnome-admin-tools.17:05
melodieI just tried to start my old profile session, and there, it works.17:05
melodieboth profiles belong to the same groups, both are admin (with of course a different password, strong ones)17:05
melodieI wonder if this could have something to do with the files under "/etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/" :17:06
melodiesuch as 50-localauthority.conf with has "[Configuration]17:07
melodieI am not very keen with polkit tools, this is why I am asking here for help and pointers, if someone knows about that?17:07
grndslmoerheks:  doesn't work.... perhaps running screen alone works at boot.... but running screen in -detached mode with a script that has 10 or so switches... does not seem to work, no matter what17:15
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geosmileapt upgrade -> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bWnFHf57cm/ - how can i fix this?17:28
pillager86I think my Ubuntu 20.04 installation has a virus because since this morning, it keeps freezing up in VS Code.17:50
pillager86I changed the autorefresh settings on git files and still no luck.17:50
oerhekswhy would you think of a virus?17:51
pillager86My whole system freezes and requires a hard reset even though I have 16 GB of RAM.17:52
oerheksvscode is a proprietary blob, btw17:53
mefistofelespillager86: I'd try checking for memory errors or maybe something related to your graphical processing unit17:53
pillager86OK but another thing is I can't use "dub" to build my project in a separate terminal. That has nothing to do with VSCOde.17:53
pillager86It just started happening this morning it was fine last night.17:53
mefistofelespillager86: also, is there anything in the logs?17:54
pillager86How do I check the logs if it keeps freezing up?17:54
pillager86I'm on Windows right now17:54
mefistofelespillager86: you can check after next boot17:54
mefistofeleslooks for previous boots are stored (up to some point)17:55
pillager86where in /var/log do I look?17:55
mefistofelesI can't remember if there'sa dmesg there (I'm not currently using ubuntu so I cannot tell for sure)17:56
mefistofelesthey left :P17:56
pillager86ok i'm back, i didn't find anything in var/log but i reverted my code's changes to the last commit and it seems to work so it's a problem with dub18:04
pillager86i guess i have no virus on ubuntu18:04
sgenIs it just me or are some packages really bad at cleaning up after themselves? like leaving piles of files behind18:07
TJ-sgen: possibly just you - what are you expecting, and which packages?18:08
TJ-sgen: package removal will NEVER touch any files created in user home directories for example18:08
TJ-sgen: and any config files in /etc/ /var/ will not be removed without --purge18:09
sgenMono and I guess most are in /etc so that explains a lot of it18:10
douglaswinshipPossibly the wrong chat, but does anyone have any advice on buying a laptop to run linux on? I'm in the UK, and the most demanding thing I'd ask it to do would be to hand high-quality video calls.18:22
Maik!discuss | douglaswinship18:22
ubottudouglaswinship: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!18:22
douglaswinshipoh, thanks18:22
LutinIs there a online tool/site which shows package versions of 3rd party companies their repo's ?18:35
oerheksif they publish on launchpad, they will be listed.18:35
qbdownwhy does my Ubuntu 20.04 have a cloud-init when I'm installing manually in a VM ?18:47
jidarqbdown: I'd assume you picked the cloud image?18:48
qbdownI picked the Ubuntu Server 20.04 live install18:48
oerhekscloud-init is basicly a standard tool now?18:49
oerheksto remove it, a short howto https://gist.github.com/zoilomora/f862f76335f5f53644a1b8e55fe9832018:50
qbdownI read that it can execute user data etc on EC2 but I don't need all of that for a local install so was wondering why its running anyway18:50
qbdownoerheks: thanks18:53
tgarderFirst time on IRC in like 20 years, glad to see there's people here :D19:27
Maik!ask | tgarder19:29
ubottutgarder: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:29
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!19:29
Maikjust for information so you know :)19:30
tgarderOh, sorry, thought this was meant for general chat. Gotcha!19:30
Maikno problem :)19:30
Maiktgarder: well, the topic says  Official Ubuntu Support Channel... :D19:31
Hackwarhi folks, happy new year. I'm trying to debug a PHP script and to do that, I had to create a VM with ubuntu and LAMP. I did the usual setup, but when trying to access the server, I only get a generic 500 error. I created a phpinfo(); and that works fine, but the complex script fails and I get no error logs anywhere. Anybody got an idea how I can debug that?20:06
garyserjif you simplify the script and it works then maybe it's a php problem not an apache problem?20:10
TJ-Hackwar: 500 is a server error; check the web-server logs. location depends on the web-server and additional config for the site20:11
HackwarI did and it contains nothing helpfull...20:11
tomreynHackwar: depending on how you're using php (mod_php vs *cgi vs fpm) error logs may end up in separate file or with those of the web server. also there are php.ini configurations for (not) logging.20:11
Hackwarthe error log contains only a line "SIGTERM received, shutting down"20:11
TJ-Hackwar: then presumably something in the PHP side so you'd need to enable PHP debugging20:11
HackwarI set error_reporting to maximum and display_errors to ON20:12
Hackwarstill nothing.20:12
tomreynsetting display_errors to ON cn already break some php scripts, if they depedn on output buffering20:12
HackwarI wouldn't have an issue if the response would be a 500 error with the actual errors, but I only get a fancy error page from apache20:13
TJ-Hackwar: in which case it's likely the web-server<>php config itself20:13
TJ-Hackwar: possibly when the web server calls the PHP executable20:14
HackwarI'm unsure if there is a feature to hide such an error behind that page and I have to disable that fancy error page somehow20:14
TJ-Hackwar: are you calling the PHP via CGI or using an internal server module. Which web-server are you using?20:14
Hackwarsince <?php phpinfo(); works fine, it looks like something else.20:15
Hackwarapache and I'd have to look up how it is called. I only did sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php php php-mysql mysql-server  from https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/LAMP/20:15
HackwarI expected it to configure everything correctly.20:15
tomreynmixing php version and modules of different abi versions could also cause this20:16
TJ-Hackwar: "libapache2-mod-php" would suggest the internal module20:16
TJ-Hackwar: without seeing the actual PHP script it's hard to know; in the dim distant past when I used PHP I added debug messages in the script that were immediately flushed to the client so I could track this kind of issue; basically find out at which point the script fails, starting from line 1!20:17
Hackwaras I said, since calling just <?php phpinfo(); from the webserver works fine, it seems to be something else.20:18
tomreyn(there is also #ubuntu-de for german language support)20:18
HackwarPHP should return the specific error and not hide between a fancy HTML error page.20:19
TJ-Hackwar: if PHP is die-ing it cannot20:20
TJ-Hackwar: if you can make it send back reports before the point it dies you can track down the location just before it dies20:21
DeyaaKDE Vs gnome21:20
ax562Happy New Years to all!22:33
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* Augur is away: Gone away for now22:48
hi^-^i start xubuntu, and no ttys work. when i press ctrl+alt+F1, there is still the polymouth loading page.23:37
hi^-^"A start job is running until the boot process finishes up" for like 4 days23:38
ubottuIf your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode23:39
hi^-^also polymothd is at the top of top using a lot of CPU23:39
tomreynby "polymouth" and "polymothd", I assume you mean "plymouth".23:40
* hi^-^ looks at all the moths around23:41
tomreynstart in recovery mode, optionall mount file systems and enable networking, then drop to a shell and inspect the previous boots' system logs using    journalctl -b -123:42

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