
ubptgbotGud_kom_fra_vest was added by: Gud_kom_fra_vest01:23
ubptgbot<Gud_kom_fra_vest> Hi! I want to buy Nexus 5 but in my city there is only lg version, is it compatible with UT? And with nexus 5x?01:26
ubptgbot<Gud_kom_fra_vest> (Photo, 391x55) https://irc.ubports.com/cZbaolQk.png Oh sh..01:30
ubptgbot<j2g2rp> nexus 5x is not supporte01:31
ubptgbot<j2g2rp> [Edit] nexus 5x is not supported01:31
ubptgbot<Gud_kom_fra_vest> What about the Lg nexus 5?01:32
ubptgbot<dohbee> Yes, d820 or d82101:35
ubptgbot<Gud_kom_fra_vest> Thank you, that feeling when you get a phone for OS and not OS for a phone))01:35
ubptgbot<Gorsh2> I'm writing on one!01:35
ubptgbot<Gud_kom_fra_vest> wow01:36
ubptgbot<Vijay Murugan> I am having mi pad 1. I wanted to install Ubuntu touch in it. Can anyone please help me install Ubuntu touch in the mi pad 1 st generation. I have seen the ubports website, and there I came to know that through ubports I can't install Ubuntu touch on my pad 1. Can any one suggest me or help me.01:58
ubptgbot<Vijay Murugan> Or can any tell me how to install Ubuntu touch on any android device.02:00
ubptgbot<Gud_kom_fra_vest> If your device isn't on the list then you probably wouldn't like the results even if you put the UT02:00
ubptgbot<Vijay Murugan> I am OK with the results. I want to experiment with the Ubuntu touch on my mi pad 1. That's all. Can any one help me in porting android to it.02:05
ubptgbot<Vijay Murugan> I am OK with the results. I want to experiment with the Ubuntu touch on my mi pad 1. That's all. Can any one help me in porting Ubuntu touch to it.02:06
ubptgbot<djsoyboi> looks like a cool phone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9uI-XdP8B803:23
ubptgbot<djsoyboi> support ut, and android03:23
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Vijay Murugan [Or can any tell me how to install Ubuntu touch on any android device.], its not that simple, its takes a months of trial and error, and while many started with zero experience, there's step by step guide because every device is unique. what we have is documentatation at docs.halium.org and a support group @halium.03:36
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Vijay Murugan [Or can any tell me how to install Ubuntu touch on any android device.], [Edit] its not that simple, its takes a months of trial and error, and while many started with zero experience, there's no step by step guide because every device is unique. what we have is documentatation at docs.halium.org and a support group @haliu03:36
ubptgbot<djsoyboi> I wish someday UT will support essential phone03:42
ubptgbot<ozu_0110> @djsoyboi [I wish someday UT will support essential phone], Why not if u try to make a port03:48
ubptgbot<djsoyboi> @ozu_0110 [Why not if u try to make a port], coz I don't know how03:49
ubptgbot<ozu_0110> @djsoyboi [coz I don't know how], http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/03:52
ubptgbot<djsoyboi> plus atm I have to finish my visual novel, then my second book then study for microsoft power exam03:53
ubptgbot<Erik> Unlock failed06:56
ubptgbot<Danfro> @Vijay Murugan [I am OK with the results. I want to experiment with the Ubuntu touch on my mi pa …], ## Porting: getting started ## … http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/Intro.htmlhttp://docs.halium.org/en/latest/index.html … For questions join @halium or @UBports_porting07:34
ubptgbot<Danfro> @djsoyboi [plus atm I have to finish my visual novel, then my second book then study for mi …], That's fine if you havn't got time to do a port on your own. But you keep complaining about not more ports being existent. Well, other people do have a life on their own too. Just leave it at that and please stop complaining constantly.07:35
ubptgbot<djsoyboi> @Danfro [That's fine if you havn't got time to do a port on your own. But you keep compla …], fine enough07:36
ubptgbot<Danfro> Thanks. It just leaves a bad impression. We are not happy with that either but can't do much about it. And actually lots of ports ARE happening and during the last year really lots of new ports have been added to the installer. I think start last year we had maybe 7 or 8 devices there? Now what? Over 50?07:37
ubptgbot<Danfro> I am actually quite impressed with porting results lately.07:38
ubptgbotEve Usa314 was added by: Eve Usa31407:54
ubptgbot<Eve Usa314> (Photo, 591x935) https://irc.ubports.com/b1QsS1wM.png07:54
ubptgbot<Danfro> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/HlZyPc1d.mp407:55
ubptgbot<Danfro> @Flohack could you please relief us ^^?07:55
ubptgbot<Flohack> Lol annoying yes07:57
ubptgbot<Danfro> Thanks.07:58
ubptgbot<bhushanshah> @Danfro [<reply to media>], Wouldn't recommend buying it ... 1/1007:58
ubptgbot<Danfro> Not available here, so no temptation at all. 😁07:59
ubptgbot<Danfro> [Edit] Not available in shops here, so no temptation at all. 😁07:59
ubptgbotAISUELTHCEB was added by: AISUELTHCEB12:15
ubptgbotjazahalka was added by: jazahalka12:57
ubptgbot<jazahalka> Hi. I actually have huawei nova 3 phone (that meets all the requirements), but there is not a point for this device. I am pretty nooby user (I use Linux Mint on my laptop and I can do mostly only basic things). Should I try installing Ubuntu touch on it or I do not have any chance of making it working? Also I want to ask about Anbox, do13:01
ubptgbotes it work good on ubuntu touch? Thx.13:01
ubptgbot<amyosx> @jazahalka [Hi. I actually have huawei nova 3 phone (that meets all the requirements), but t …], It won't work cause huawei13:07
ubptgbot<jazahalka> Huawei phones do not support ubuntu touch at all?13:08
ubptgbot<amyosx> Cause bootloader locked they can't be ported13:08
ubptgbot<jazahalka> Ok, thanks.13:09
ubptgbot<amyosx> @Ra0ne [/antistorm@AntishitstormBot], Stop13:10
ubptgbot<Ra0ne> I'm Sorry🙏🙏🙏13:11
ubptgbot<jazahalka> @amyosx [Cause bootloader locked they can't be ported], And if I somehow unlocked it, then it will maybe work?13:16
ubptgbot<jazahalka> Then could it be made usable without deep underatanding of ubuntu and phones?13:17
ubptgbot<amyosx> @jazahalka [And if I somehow unlocked it, then it will maybe work?], We'd need kernel source too13:20
ubptgbot<amyosx> @jazahalka [Then could it be made usable without deep underatanding of ubuntu and phones?], Needs lots of technical knowledge to port13:20
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> @jazahalka [And if I somehow unlocked it, then it will maybe work?], still it will be hard to port since kirin devices are usually less worked on13:20
ubptgbot<amyosx> I'd buy a nexus 5 and use that13:21
ubptgbot<amyosx> Relatively cheap13:21
ubptgbot<jazahalka> kk, thx everyone13:35
ubptgbot<ozu_0110> @amyosx [Relatively cheap], Yeah u can get it at as low as 20$14:20
ubptgbot<Gud_kom_fra_vest> And how would UT behave if you put xfce on it and make it boot with it? Do we get a full desktop even without SlimPort?15:01
ubptgbot<mimecar> Ubuntu Touch can only work with Lomiri (Unity)15:03
ubptgbotBejo_wong_deso was added by: Bejo_wong_deso15:05
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @Gud_kom_fra_vest [And how would UT behave if you put xfce on it and make it boot with it? Do we ge …], UT isn't a traditional linux desktop distro … it's designed for mobile devices … you can try to install xfce in libertine and I think it'll run but would be slow due to the lack of hardware accelration15:14
ubptgbot<Gud_kom_fra_vest> @Javacookies [UT isn't a traditional linux desktop distro … it's designed for mobile devices … you …], Yes, I know, I just asked, but what if)15:15
ubptgbot<Javacookies> it won't work because unless you put a lot effort to make it work … I don't think xfce supports mir/mirclient15:16
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> didnt plasma mobile do just this when they first started, essentially made a 'distro' of ubuntu touch with the plasma mobile shell instead of unity/lomiri15:19
ubptgbot<calebccff> @Gud_kom_fra_vest [Yes, I know, I just asked, but what if)], You can use hybrisaports with postmarketOS to run phosh with halium, I'm pretty sure Xorg works too so xfce should be good15:22
ubptgbot<calebccff> Yup with xf86-video-hwcomposer you should have acceleration through hwcomposer HAL15:23
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @PiecerEdd [didnt plasma mobile do just this when they first started, essentially made a 'di …], not sure how they did it but yeah, I think they did,same core apps were even used back then. But I guess it was easier because Plasma Mobile is Qt-based as well and UT already has backend for that15:28
ubptgbot<RAJVMEHTA> And they gonna support UB touch,pine, nemo, sailfish applications15:58
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @RAJVMEHTA [And they gonna support UB touch,pine, nemo, sailfish applications], That was quite a while ago. The project has changed now.17:47
ubptgbotEx_Oblivione was added by: Ex_Oblivione17:55
ubptgbot<Ex_Oblivione> Hi guys, can anyone tell me the current situation with UB on the pocophone and also which phone right now is the best for running the OS. And is there a roadmap I can see?17:56
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
ubptgbotbiubbo was added by: biubbo18:52
ubptgbot<just_carlod> @Ex_Oblivione [Hi guys, can anyone tell me the current situation with UB on the pocophone and a …], you mean f1?18:53
ubptgbot<just_carlod> > supported phones … group description18:54
ubptgbot<Ex_Oblivione> Yes !18:54
ubptgbot<Ex_Oblivione> aha, thanks18:54
ubptgbot<just_carlod> @Ex_Oblivione [Yes !], afaik it's at development stage18:55
ubptgbot<Ex_Oblivione> Im shit outa luck18:55
ubptgbot<Ex_Oblivione> how stable is it on a supported phone?18:55
ubptgbot<Ex_Oblivione> could i use it for more daily phone... i dont use many apps18:56
ubptgbot<Ex_Oblivione> ?18:56
ubptgbot<NotKit> still it really depends on what do you need18:56
ubptgbot<NotKit> we do not have WhatsApp for example18:56
ubptgbot<NotKit> Telegram works18:57
ubptgbot<Ex_Oblivione> ah... need whatsapp19:04
ubptgbot<Ex_Oblivione> whats the chances that will get whatsapp working?19:05
ubptgbot<xander2m> @Ex_Oblivione [whats the chances that will get whatsapp working?], 0. If WhatsApp make the app then it'll work fine unless you use the WhatsApp web app.19:07
ubptgbot<tiedtoastar> Whats the name of that ecofriendly phone? I think they have a choice between ubuntu touch and android19:20
ubptgbot<Danfro> @tiedtoastar [Whats the name of that ecofriendly phone? I think they have a choice between ubu …], Fairphone. 2 is supported. 3 is WIP as far as I know.19:27
ubptgbot<tiedtoastar> Any eta for the 3?19:28
ubptgbot<Danfro> I don't know because I am not doing the port. Check the forum, there might be a thread. Or maybe someone else knows more than me.19:28
ubptgbotTolis Mak was added by: Tolis Mak19:56
ubptgbot<Braillynn> Welcome20:04
ubptgbot<Ex_Oblivione> @xander2m [0. If WhatsApp make the app then it'll work fine unless you use the WhatsApp web …], Yes, makes sense, I thought there might be some whatsapp API, but thinking about it, i guess not.20:23
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> looks like my phone just died. what recommendations would you guys have?20:25
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> i have a pinephone to replace it but i don't think that can be a daily driver for a while :(20:26
ubptgbot<mateosalta> what general area20:26
ubptgbot<mateosalta> the sony xperia ones are nice, I have the x performance20:27
ubptgbot<mateosalta> volla phone looks promising20:27
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> EU20:27
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> volla won't be able to ship quickly i'm afraid though20:28
ubptgbot<mateosalta> true, mine is almost here20:28
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> so x, x performance or 10 then? i can probably get a 10 new ...20:29
ubptgbot<mateosalta> yeah, that might be the best new old stock - then you don't run the chance of it being a locked one20:30
ubptgbot<mateosalta> people will always sell as 'unlocked' aka carrier unlocked20:30
ubptgbot<mateosalta> but some of the ones can't have the bootloader unlocked20:31
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> does anyone know how well teh 10 port runs by chance? i'll ask on the forum as well ...20:31
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> yeah, i kind of trust sony on the bootloader unlocks but i'll certainly check :)20:32
ubptgbot<mateosalta> i think was mostly a risk on some branded ones20:32
ubptgbot<mateosalta> new old stock should be good to go20:33
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> i don't think they even sell those here20:33
ubptgbot<mateosalta> I just remember a chinese telcom had some of the x performance with their logo20:34
ubptgbotCoollllllllllllllllllllllllN was added by: CoollllllllllllllllllllllllN20:36
ubptgbot<CoollllllllllllllllllllllllN> Hi guys) how to install ubuntu with a graphical interface on a smartphone via terumux?20:36
ubptgbot<NotKit> Hi. Wrong channel, this one is about Ubuntu Touch20:37
ubptgbot<NotKit> [Edit] Hi. Wrong group, this one is about Ubuntu Touch, and it does not support Termux20:38
ubptgbot<CoollllllllllllllllllllllllN> How to install ubuntu on a smartphone20:38
ubptgbot<CoollllllllllllllllllllllllN> @NotKit [Hi. Wrong group, this one is about Ubuntu Touch, and it does not support Termux], Ubuntu touch is placed on top of the android?20:39
ubptgbot<mateosalta> nope20:39
ubptgbot<NotKit> no, we replace Android (though still use some lower level services to interface with HW)20:40
ubptgbot<CoollllllllllllllllllllllllN> Samsung S 10 Lite20:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> @CoollllllllllllllllllllllllN [Samsung S 10 Lite], there is no port of Ubuntu Touch for that device. And Termux doesn't run Ubuntu and no you can't get a graphical UI with it21:09
ubptgbot<Tolis Mak> Good evening and happy New year, i have a old smartphone xiaomi redmi 4a it is possible to run Ubuntu touch on this phone? Thanks21:13
ubptgbot<amyosx> @dohbee [there is no port of Ubuntu Touch for that device. And Termux doesn't run Ubuntu …], Well it can run Ubuntu (NOT TOUCH) and you can't get a graphical touch screen ui, you can vnc21:17
ubptgbot<amyosx> Its not the same and its a pain21:17
ubptgbot<amyosx> I used it for about 20 minutes then gave up21:17
ubptgbot<Tolis Mak> Thank you for your help21:25
ubptgbot<branja6> Has anybody tried using UT on Xiaomi Mi 6? How is/was the experience?21:37
ubptgbot<Sabri Burak Cihan> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/qy2Uz536.png Why ? :(22:55
ubptgbot<GiovanniStaiano> Hello everyone and Happy New Year! … A question for those who make calls on the Nexus 5: … I've noticed that if I turn the screen off during a call with the side button, the screen turns back on if I pass something near the proximity sensor. … Does this happen to you too?23:18
tr4ck3urhey, yes there is the screen that blinking during a phone call on my side also23:44
tr4ck3urbut only during the phone call, a bit strange23:45
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Sabri Burak Cihan [<reply to media>], This has nothing to do with Ubuntu Touch? I guess you are using Ubuntu on something? You should probably go to #ubuntu on freenode to ask23:54
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Sabri Burak Cihan [<reply to media>], [Edit] This has nothing to do with Ubuntu Touch? I guess you are using Ubuntu on something? You should probably go to #ubuntu on freenode IRC to ask23:54
ubptgbot<Sabri Burak Cihan> @dohbee [This has nothing to do with Ubuntu Touch? I guess you are using Ubuntu on someth …], Ty23:56
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Javacookies [UT isn't a traditional linux desktop distro … it's designed for mobile devices … you …], i honestly don't like saying its "designed" for mobile devices cause "convergence". i'd rather say its "desiged for consumers" or its "very integrated"  :p23:59

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