
=== foxide is now known as Guest89247
Kizanohi all00:42
KizanoI am running Ubuntu/Groovy and having issues getting DisableWhileTyping to turn off when playing games on Steam.00:43
KizanoSeems I don't have syndaemon support00:43
KizanoNo synaptics properties on device 'SYNA1202:00 06CB:CD65 Touchpad'.00:43
Kizano^ When trying to run `syndaemon`00:43
Kizanoxinput list-props on all of my mouse-related devices doesn't show any options for DisableWhileTyping as an option/property to set to disable it.00:44
KizanoPut a config file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/41-touchpad.conf to modify an option as well, restarted X (even tried full reboot) and no dice00:45
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tacomasterIs there a way to see if doing an apt upgrade will require a reboot or not?03:34
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ducassetacomaster: if a reboot is required, the file /var/un/reboot-required is created, and /var/un/reboot-required.pkgs contains the packages demanding reboot06:13
ducassebut in advance of an upgrade, no, not apart from experience06:14
HashI am happy to report that 18.04 to 20.04 upgrade on vps went fine, after which I enabled the custom repositories again06:23
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twmaffunhi, i recently moved my Ubuntu workstation and forgot an external monitor.  all i have is my laptop.  is there a way to use my laptop monitor as the primary monitor for my workstation?07:22
twmaffuni've tried directly connecting my laptop to my workstation via HDMI, but i have no way to access my Ubuntu workstation to configure any display settings...07:22
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TheprogrammerI am trying to figure out what exactly triggers the "Install Ubuntu" window in a ubuntu iso installer07:59
TheprogrammerI checked the /etc/rc*.d scripts07:59
TheprogrammerAs well as the /etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/getty@tty1.service07:59
Theprogrammer.Can someone point me towards the right directory and files to look at?07:59
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sanbotHi guys i need help ,my ubuntu distro has reached end of life  for long time (18.04) is there any way to upgrade?10:01
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guivercsanbot, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS reaches EOL in 2023-April, flavors of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS reach EOL in 2021-April (Ubuntu-Studio 18.04 had extended support available via PPA until 2021-April too)10:21
sanbotguiverc: omg! Now i remember ,mine ubuntu is server edition 😑10:22
guivercUbuntu 18.04 LTS (Server & Desktop) were released 2018-April (thus 18.04) with 5 years of support; which can be extended further via ESM.. it's still supported; use `ubuntu-support-status` to confirm for your actual system10:23
* guiverc note packages on install media, or from 'main' repo have 5 years of support; other 'universe' packages have shorter lives so depending on what you've added to your system, not all may have 5 years..10:25
sanbotguiverc:  ok thanks ,let me see ,why its showing me not supported10:25
Kurozenwondering how is linux ntfs hardlink support ?10:26
KurozenI need to customize some windows file and on windows touching one of the hardlinks will ofcourse update all of them automatically because they all point to the same data right10:27
guivercKurozen, this is a Ubuntu support room, not a Linux support room10:31
Kurozenwhatever, i'm using ubuntu10:33
Kurozen20.04 LTS to be precise10:33
guivercsorry, you should say that (over a generic Linux)10:34
KurozenI used that because I meant it to sound more linux-es vs windows, and not between linux distros10:35
KurozenBasically I don't need support in viewing or anything, just in editing10:36
tomreynKurozen: ntfs-3g, the default ntfs driver Ubuntu uses, supports hard links according to its manual page.10:37
tomreynbut the best approach you could take is probably to just give it a try.10:37
KurozenSo I have this Bless Hex editor and I'll be editing several binary files which are hardlinks, they have 2 links usually, rarely 3.10:37
KurozenHeh, in this case it's a live Windows instllation, this "giving a try" may ruin the whole windows installation so that's why I came here to talk a bit :)10:38
KurozenErr, not a live, it's not running tho, I have it mounted on a Sata-to-USB3 adapter10:39
Kurozenman: By default, ntfs-3g will only read the unnamed data stream.10:44
KurozenSo that has to be configured for Ubuntu too ?10:44
Kurozen I don't have a problem editing things twice to make it "stick" if that's the case, as long as I don't ruin something10:45
tomreynyou could just create a separate ntfs file system.10:45
tomreynand experiment with that10:45
KurozenOh, right10:46
KurozenI think using another Windows machine patch a windows instllation is actualy the way to go, why I'm even bothering with this.10:47
KurozenIt's all doable live, but the hex editor there would give me error that file is in use and can't be modified even tho it really isn't, it's some bug or something, but fundamentally it's permissions and trying to manually fiddle setting up permissions to editing and then setting them back to default is a time consuming process so that's why I need a faster alternative10:50
KurozenAnother OS just won't care about permissions if you mount it as a non-live system10:50
Kurozeni mean non-live usb/disk10:51
rightnowI did a do-release-upgrade to 20.04. And now i cant install php. It says The following packages have unmet dependencies:php : Depends: php7.4 but it is not going to be installed11:47
rightnowANyone has any idea?11:47
tomreynshow the full output of    sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade -sV11:49
rightnow@tomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/X6bXpQ8fm6/11:50
tomreynrightnow: how about:   apt-cache policy11:53
rightnow@tomreyn https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jqZMPFcNg4/11:54
tomreynrightnow: okay, install   apt-forktracer, run it, show its output11:55
faLUKEhey: on Sound and Video---> Pulseaudio Volume Control I only see "Dummy output" for output devices. No HDMI. How can I fix this? (I can't hear audio)11:56
DragonRiverfaLUKE, what's your graphic card? Are drivers installed?11:58
rightnow@tomreyn thank you! found the broken package. removed it. and now apt-get install php worked11:58
faLUKEDragonRiver: it's embedded in my Gigabyte mobo11:59
tomreynrightnow: you're welcome. can you tel me what it was?11:59
rightnow@tomreyn i removed php7.4-common and php-common12:00
DragonRiverfaLUKE, so what? What is it?12:00
tomreynrightnow: hmm, i see, so i guess one of those were leftovers from what you upgraded from12:00
rightnowyeah i guess i had that before12:00
DragonRiverfaLUKE, lspci if you need to identify it. Or the CPU model.12:00
rightnownow i just need to figure out what is wrong apache212:00
rightnow Syntax error on line 189 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf:189: <FilesMatch> was not closed.12:00
faLUKEDragonRiver: 00:0e.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Celeron N3350/Pentium N4200/Atom E3900 Series Audio Cluster (rev 0b)12:01
rightnowIs there any way i can install a new apache2.conf ? i think this one is broken12:01
DragonRiverfaLUKE, you're GPU is an Intel HD 505. If you don't see it under pavucontrol, good luck. Intel is the best supported hardware.12:03
faLUKEDragonRiver: so basically I have to find intel's drivers, right=12:03
DragonRiverfaLUKE, no. Intel is really well supported. You shouldn't need drivers. Mesa should handle all. It's an ALSA/PulseAudio problem, maybe.12:04
DragonRiverYou can reboot, disconnect the cable and reconnect it. Maybe that works. Otherwise, I have no advice. Intel Audio usually always works out of the box.12:05
tomreynrightnow: rname the existing file, then   sudo apt install --reinstall -o 'Dpkg::Options::=--force-confmiss' apache212:05
tomreynfaLUKE: which ubuntu release is this ( lsb_release -ds ), which kernel version and options ( cat /proc/{version,cmdline} )?12:08
tomreynalso provide what'S returned by    lspci -knnv | grep 'Audio device'12:10
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:10
rightnow@tomreyn worked thank you!12:10
tomreynyou're welcome12:10
rightnowyou're awesome! will write up forktracer for the future12:11
faLUKEtomreyn: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS,  00:0e.0 Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation Celeron N3350/Pentium N4200/Atom E3900 Series Audio Cluster [8086:5a98] (rev 0b)12:11
tomreynfaLUKE: hmm this doesn't say anything about hdmi. do you actually have an hdmi connected display with an audio device?12:13
tomreynfaLUKE: also, you didn't provide all the info, yet12:13
faLUKELinux version 5.4.0-58-generic (buildd@lcy01-amd64-004) (gcc version 9.3.0 (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04)) #64-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 9 08:16:25 UTC 202012:15
faLUKEBOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-5.4.0-58-generic root=UUID=6d0f0646-fce0-4bc9-a9f5-5f52844808e4 ro quiet splash vt.handoff=712:15
faLUKEtomreyn: yes, I have that display12:18
tomreyndoes it work after running this in a terminal window?  xrandr --output HDMI-1 --set audio on12:19
faLUKEtomreyn: doesn't work yet but something has changed (I see more controls now). Thanks for your help! I have to go now, be back in one hour12:22
tomreynfaLUKE: maybe give this a try later on https://bkhome.org/news/201912/sound-fix-for-54-kernel-on-apollo-lake.html12:49
VinnySaucehi all, having real trouble getting an integrated webcam to work on Lubuntu, anyone fancy a challenge?12:56
DragonRiverWhy not. Go ahead VinnySauce12:58
VinnySauceso it's an HP Pavilion X2 notebook, which uses an Intel Atom chip12:58
VinnySaucewe've identified the device via lspci:12:58
VinnySaucewe've disabled secure boot, and loaded the atomisp module12:59
VinnySaucethe module is showing as loaded, but we still have no /dev/video* devices, and v4l2 can't find any video devices13:00
VinnySaucelspci -k shows that the module atomisp is in use by the PCI device13:00
DragonRiverWhat's your kernel version? uname -a13:02
DragonRiverPrior to 4.12 there were issues13:03
VinnySaucei'm afraid I have to be "that guy", as I'm acting as a middleman for someone else who isn't tech-savvy, so I am relaying things back and forth (sorry!)13:04
VinnySaucewill get uname shortly but I know we're on kernel 5.813:04
DragonRiverOk, that eliminates things.13:05
VinnySauceas I read a Phoronix article about atomisp being added back into the kernel for 5.8, so we upgraded to latest Lubuntu stable13:05
DragonRiver5.8 is enough info for that13:05
DragonRiverVinnySauce, I heard you might need to reboot, go into BIOS (F12 when booting), and System Configuration > Miscellaneous Devices > Enable Camera13:12
VinnySaucenice one, trying now13:14
DragonRiverBTW, VinnySauce, if that actually works, please do us a favor and never buy HP hardware again.13:15
VinnySaucehaha, unfortunately that's not in our BIOS13:17
VinnySauceno option for Webcam13:17
VinnySaucerebooting back into Lubuntu now13:17
cbreakhmm... this "Encrypted ZFS" install method in 20.10 doesn't seem very reliable13:19
VinnySauceDragonRiver, here's the uname: Linux hppavilionx2detachable 5.8.0-33-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 9 09:14:40 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:19
cbreakafter the first update, I can no longer boot :)13:20
sammyg1321Hi everyone, happy new year! im wondering, i installed fprint and enrolled my finger but on login the fingerprint sensoris not prompted on ubuntu and it only aks me to enter my password. ubuntu 20.10 unityt13:23
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coconut 14:39
foxide 14:39
VinnySauce2Linux 5.8 supposedly contains kernel-level support for integrated Intel Atom webcams, called atomisp. We've been able to load the module on boot by making a file in /etc/modprobe.d, and the module is associated with the relevant PCI device (as per lspci -k), but v4l2 still can't see any webcams. Am I missing anything? It's an HP Pavilion x2 Detachable.14:47
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oerheksVinnySauce, what is the lspci output for that device?14:48
VinnySauce@oerheks, thanks for picking this up. I'm the middleman for the end-user as they're not that tech-savvy, so I don't have all info available at the moment, but here you go:14:49
VinnySauce@oerheks, https://i.imgur.com/EISCAfS.png14:50
VinnySaucethe relevant device is the Multimedia Controller14:50
oerhekshard to read that way14:51
lotuspsychjetry using a pastebin VinnySauce14:51
oerheksmaybe it is the non-vga14:52
VinnySauceaye, asking the end-user at the moment. we know it's the Multimedia controller14:52
VinnySauce"Intel Corporation (...) Series Imaging Unit"14:52
VinnySaucehere's the device on linux-hardware.org https://linux-hardware.org/index.php?id=pci:8086-22b8-103c-813e14:52
VinnySauceafraid I only have what screenshots I've already taken :( just some pointers into anything we may have missed are more than welcome, I appreciate the difficulty without direct pastes14:53
VinnySaucewhat I can tell you is that when running lspci -k, it shows "Kernel modules: atomisp" under the correct device14:56
VinnySaucebut it doesn't show "Kernel driver in use:"14:56
jeremy31VinnySauce: what happens if you do this in terminal>  sudo modprobe -v atomisp14:57
oerheksthat hp x2 is surely a trouble maker, sound and webcam issues, i find no fix14:57
VinnySauceah, we never ran that with the verbose flag jeremy31 unfortunately14:57
jeremy31what about without? VinnySauce14:58
VinnySauceinitially it returned an error message because Secure Boot was enabled. after disabling it in the BIOS, it ran with no output (successful?) jeremy3114:58
VinnySauceoerheks, yup it's a total lemon :P14:58
VinnySaucejeremy31, after disabling Secure Boot in the BIOS *14:59
jeremy31VinnySauce: might have to check the logs to see what is going on14:59
VinnySauceyup, probably worth waiting until the end-user is free, eh? jeremy3115:00
faLUKEtomreyn: I'm back and now I can follow your tips.15:00
lotuspsychjeVinnySauce: journalctl -f while you playing around, maybe test cheese aswell instead of lubuntu cam package15:00
VinnySauceI remember that lsmod was returning atomisp as one of the loaded modules. does that mean that it was successfully associated with a device? or can kernel modules be loaded without a device to talk to? jeremy3115:01
faLUKEI have only "dummy output" on the "output devices list" of pavucontrol15:01
faLUKEand I can't see the HDMI output15:01
VinnySaucelotuspsychje, thanks, will write that down. Cheese wasn't seeing anything, nor v4l2-ctl15:01
faLUKEI don't  know where to start...15:02
oerheksit he user on that x2 member of the video group?15:02
oerheksVinnySauce, ^15:02
VinnySauceoerheks, I KNEW there was something we didn't check! remember reading but not trying it15:03
VinnySauceit's a fresh Lubuntu install, so perhaps not by default...15:03
faLUKEwell, let's try to upgrade to 20.1015:06
VinnySaucemany thanks jeremy31 oerheks lotuspsychje we will try those suggestions, and see how we get on. happy new year!15:08
ForeverNoob[m]Hi, on 18.04, does anyone else notice latest Chromium (v87.0.4280.66) to now automatically suspending some tabs? When I bring a tab in focus it automatically reloads. How can I turn that off?15:53
oerheksdepends on what tab, news site refresh indeed16:05
basenodehow can i get my workspaces from re-arranging themselves every time i plug in/out an external monitor?16:20
andiSince the old netboot images are not supported anymore I failed to install an ubuntu 20.04 instance on my centos 7 kvm server using virsh-install --location http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal/main/installer-amd64/ ... and some other parameters.16:34
andiWhat's the best way to install ubuntu 20.04 on this centos 7 kvm server using an automated preseed file?16:35
jenniehello, I am curious that if ubuntu is still sending data from my computer after installation? I heard it couple years ago, not sure if its fixed?16:35
lotuspsychjejennie: are you talking about amazon on ubuntu or send system info to canonical after install?16:37
jeremy31jennie: check in terminal>  ls ~/.cache/ubuntu-report16:38
jennielotuspsychje, yes16:39
tomreynandi: autoinstall. https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/netboot-amd64 https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall16:39
lotuspsychjeyes to wich jennie ?16:40
jenniealso does ubuntu allow to login as root?16:40
jenniesend system info to canonical after install - yes to this16:40
ioriaandi, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal/main/installer-amd64/current/legacy-images/netboot/16:41
lotuspsychjejennie: send info to canonical is a feature, not something that needs to be fixed, its optional and the users choice16:41
jeremy31jennie: login to root as su is disabled16:41
jenniethanks jeremy3116:42
Lutinis someone willing to test this out ? I get an error on (  touch "foo.bar-a:g"; echo +([a-z]).+([a-z])-[a-z]:[a-z]16:51
lotuspsychjeLutin: a question more for ##linux perhaps?16:52
Lutinlotuspsychje possible but as Im running Ubuntu I thought16:53
zeeksalut, vreun roman pe aici ? : )17:16
Deano59!english | zeek17:16
ubottuzeek: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList17:16
Deano59maybe not. :D17:16
Deano59zeek: see above.17:17
zeeki need help to install wifi driver on a laptop without eth cable17:17
oerheksfind a cable, easiest way.17:17
phcusb stick?17:17
phcoh the laptop doesnt have an ethernet port17:18
zeekthat laptop doesent have any eth17:18
phcshit tay17:18
Deano59!english | phc17:18
ubottuphc: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList17:18
zeeki did found an tutorial.. but im stuck on it17:18
oerheksunlikely .. what laptop is this?17:19
zeekhp 15s-fq0024na17:19
zeekwifi card is rtl8821ce17:19
Deano59it has ethernet then.17:19
ForeverNoob[m]oerheks: I'm talking about any tab, usually I have JS disabled in tabs, but they still reload. I also can't seem to find chrome://flags/#automatic-tab-discarding or chrome://flags/#enable-tab-discarding ... I did find a post which is last updated in 2019-01-14: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2015/09/tab-discarding - but there it references chrome://flags/#enable-tab-discarding (which I also don't have it17:19
ForeverNoob[m]So it looks like Chromium made this feature default behavior with no possibility to turn it off.17:20
Deano59zeek: this is #ubuntu, NOT Kali.17:20
zeeki know , but on kali channel died all of them17:21
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD17:21
Deano59so? read the topic zeek...17:21
zeeklets say i install ubundu on thtat laptop17:21
zeeksame issue17:21
Deano59let's say this isn't Kali.17:21
oerheksi agree you could have given the ubuntu tutorial https://askubuntu.com/questions/1071299/how-to-install-wi-fi-driver-for-realtek-rtl8821ce-on-ubuntu-18-0417:22
oerhekskali drives are mostly a hack.17:22
Deano59zeek: "Unofficial derivatives: use your distro's support channel, not here."17:22
zeekon that tutorial they allready have eth17:22
oerheksif it does not work, don't bother us.17:22
Deano59what oerheks said.17:23
oerheksno, see the !offline tutoria first17:23
oerheksthen do the git install ad such17:23
lotuspsychje160 users in #kali-linux17:23
zeekok ,thx17:23
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Blade-Runneri'm looking for Chris anyone seen him?18:10
lotuspsychjeBlade-Runner: re-ask your ubuntu issue here where you left, other volunteers can also help you18:13
Blade-Runneri have and got no response and a varied bad response18:13
oerhekslikely he is not here18:14
Blade-Runneri know its volunteer so i have no issues with that18:14
Blade-Runnerhe just left me in a lurch18:15
Blade-Runnerok i'll try it one more time18:15
mefistofelesBlade-Runner: well, you can either continue talking about it or re-ask your question/doubt and increase the chances of getting help18:15
lotuspsychjeBlade-Runner: usualy bad responses get corrected by other volunteers if bad18:15
Blade-Runnerok here goes18:16
oerhekswhat a drama..18:16
Blade-Runnernevermind then18:16
Deano59oerheks: what a drama queen* fixed it for you. ;P18:17
Blade-Runnerand your a jerk18:17
Deano59oh :( left before I could say it's "you're" lol18:18
mefistofeles"kids these days"18:19
WaVpoor guy :(18:19
Maikwell done guys... well done18:35
Deano59Maik: oh, why so serious????? :D18:35
MaikDeano59: don't start again. Thanks in advance18:36
Deano59Maik: it's *NOT* my fault you're always grumpy :/18:36
mefistofelesubuntu loves drama :P18:36
frendaHi, By creating any Ubuntu machine within VMware (vCenter), another IP is automatically assigned to the machine! Then we should go to /etc/netplan and remove related config to remove that IP! Do you know why this happens?18:36
Maikmind stop the trolling in this support channel?18:36
Deano59Maik: trolling? how?18:36
oerheksfrenda, why would you block assigning an ip to a vm?18:37
Deano59have a beer, stop being so damn grumpy all the god damn time. bye. :D18:37
Maik1. You guys made a user leave and 2nd it's getting annoying Deano5918:37
Deano59Maik: /care - it was a kid who wouldn't ask his question. no loss here.18:38
frendaoerheks: during creating I assign an IP manually, another one is assigned automatically --> machines gets 2 IPs!18:38
mefistofelesfrenda: how are you assigning them?18:39
MaikDeano59: go have fun in offtopic but not the support channel. Thanks.18:39
Deano59Maik: you really are a grumpy old man. lol18:39
Maiksee, troll18:40
mefistofelesMaik: don't feed it18:40
Deano59Maik: I'm not a troll. mefistofeles: again, not a troll.18:40
Maikthen cut the crap for once18:40
mefistofelesMaik: don't feed it ;)18:40
Deano59mefistofeles: pleas explain how I'm a troll in #ubuntu-offtopic - thanks.18:41
frendamefistofeles: I assign the IP (given by the Network team) when I arrive to the 'creation of customize file' step in the process of creating a VM in VMware.18:42
mefistofelesfrenda: yeah, not sure if ubuntu is aware of that, probably not18:42
mefistofelesI don't know about VMWare18:43
blahboybazCan anyone advise? I'm having difficulty connecting my wireless headphones on ubuntu 18.04. Bluemon does not pick them up and the other/regular bluetooth settings does not pick them up but I do hear the headphones say "pariing" after powring them up. Just that they never show up in the list and don't actually work when testing by playing something on the computer.19:35
blahboybazBueman I mean19:35
blahboybazI found this: https://freedompenguin.com/ubuntu-bluetooth-headphones-fix/  and was starting to read it but it sounds pretty invasive19:37
oerheksblahboybaz, for BT issues on 18.04, i installed bluez package ( works better IMHO)20:00
oerheks!info bluez bionic20:00
ubottubluez (source: bluez): Bluetooth tools and daemons. In component main, is optional. Version 5.48-0ubuntu3.4 (bionic), package size 924 kB, installed size 4488 kB20:00
blahboybazoerheks: ty. I'll check that20:01
blahboybazoerheks: is it best to remove blueman then (so that only one of them are installed)?20:01
oerheksno need for that.20:02
jayjo-does anyone know if the autoinstall-editor snap mentioned for 20.04 in this question is available yet? https://askubuntu.com/questions/126230120:53
snakeis multipass hosted? or is it self-hosted?20:54
snakefor ubuntu server20:54
snakei want to replace proxmox20:55
JayDoubleusnake: multipass is not really a solution to be hosted as a server21:07
JayDoubleusnake: but to answer, it's self-hosted21:08
JayDoubleuif you want to replace proxmox with multipass you might as well just use libvirt21:09
snakeoh ok, i found out i can install the proxmox web thing over another distro like debian and possibly ubuntu server i assume21:10
snakeits called proxmox ve21:10
JayDoubleuand multipass is essentially small wrapper with cloud init support which creates VMs21:10
snakemight do that to get full disk encryption21:10
JayDoubleusnake: you could, but why would you do that tho21:10
JayDoubleufull disk encryption .... isnt it better to encrypt vms ?21:11
JayDoubleuinstalling proxmox-ve on ubuntu is going to be a nightmare not even mentioning it will most likely break21:12
JayDoubleu+ you can have full encryption on proxmox itself, I dont see your problem21:12
JayDoubleuencrypting hypervisor seems a bit weird tbh, just encrypt VMs21:12
JayDoubleuor just encrypt entire data volume with zfs https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/ZFS_on_Linux#zfs_encryption21:13
snakeok i didnt realize there was any option to do full-disk encryption on proxmox itself21:14
JayDoubleuyou can definitely encrypt the data volumes thats for sure21:14
snakethough i might consider just encrypting the vms now that you mention it21:15
JayDoubleuin terms of encrypting the proxmox intself you can also do that just the same way you would encrypt debian21:15
JayDoubleuin fact you can install proxmox on top of debian so you could just go with debian installation with encryption + install proxmox on it21:15
snakemany options, think i need to weigh the pros and cons21:16
JayDoubleuIf you have separate disk for VMs I would eithere create ZFS pool and encrypt that using their guide. This way all your vms will be encrypted. Or just encrypt each VM separately21:16
snakewith encrypted guests i would have to remember twice as many passwords unless i make them all the same or something21:20
snakeim leaning either towards a zfs encrypted host disk, or an encrypted vm pool21:21
snakeon proxmox (sorry it's not ubuntu)21:21
blahboybaz oerheks: thanks21:30
snake<JayDoubleu> in terms of encrypting the proxmox intself you can also do that just the same way you would encrypt debian21:33
snakeJayDoubleu, what do you mean? I didn't see an option in the proxmox installer... well that's what ubuntu usually offers, but i'm not sure about debian21:33
JayDoubleubecause proxmox is based on debian buster they provide you with a guide on how you can install on your on debian21:34
JayDoubleuso essentially, install debian, encrypt it, add their repos and follow instructions21:34
snakeah right21:35
JayDoubleuwhich is essentially what you wanted to do on ubuntu but sane way ;)21:35
JayDoubleuhow stable would it run I'm not sure. It's better to go with encrypted VM pool tbh21:36
JayDoubleuI have a normal proxmox install from the iso and datasets created from web ui with ZFS(not encrypted) and it works like a charm21:38
snakeJayDoubleu, zfs native encryption is software level encryption right? not hardware?21:41
JayDoubleusnake: zfs encryption is just the same as luks which is software level encryption. It might be backed up by whatever security chip or CPU instructions available on the system21:44
snakeah ok21:44
foxideIf its backed up by hardware instructions, then its encryption in hardware.21:53
snakeah really?21:55
snakehonestly im not koalafied for this stuff21:55
snakeit's too hard21:56
snakei used to use linux all the time, but now i just use windows and only use linux for a server i have. not sure why i have this server though... it's kinda a hobby project i suppose21:56
foxideHardware encryption really just means that there is a processor or subset of one (in the case of AES instructions) dedicated to those crypto functions.21:56
oerheksindeed, one could tweak luks with hw AES .. https://serverfault.com/a/51099521:57
snakefoxide, yeah i heard those are often badly implimented though21:57
snakeor um, insecure21:57
foxidesnake: Not sure where you heard that.21:57
foxideThat is a specific case of bad implementation.21:59
foxideThe AES instructions in modern processors have nothing to do with that advisory.21:59
snakeyeah as i said i don't really understand all this stuff21:59
snakethere's so many details and ambiguous terms21:59
snakei could be reading manuals all day and still not know what the best strategy is21:59
JayDoubleuit depends if you are are hiding from NSA or just want to encrypt your system22:01
foxideIt's a matter of study and experience, really. I've been in the security/crypto realm for about 20-odd years, now.22:01
foxideAnd there's still stuff that makes me go "huh."22:01
JayDoubleuif the latter just install proxmox on main partition without encryption then create encrypted ZFS volume for vms22:01
foxideIf you're hiding from the NSA, you've already lost. :P22:01
snakefoxide, lol22:01
JayDoubleuyeah lets not even go there ;)22:01
oerheksguys, lets get back to support please, thanks.22:02
snakeJayDoubleu, ah ok, that could be a partition i suppose, but i do have a new ssd coming. i have a 500gb now, and a 1tb one coming soon22:02
snakewonder if i should raid these22:02
snakehaving 500gb just for the host OS is a bit excessive..22:02
JayDoubleujust because you could doesnt mean you should22:02
JayDoubleuget yourself a small partition> install proxmox > create zfs volumes on the rest, then when new ssd arrives just create it as new volume and store stuff there22:03
JayDoubleuyeah i'm running proxmox on 16gb root22:03
JayDoubleuits better to install proxmox separately tho, it doesnt need any speed or nothing22:04
JayDoubleuso your best aproach would be a tiny hdd for the proxmox OS then two separate SSD's and you will be a happy champ22:04
cmdaltescapecan i make snapshots with proxmox? (snapshots of the linux vm?)22:04
JayDoubleucmdaltescape: yes both live and non-live snapshots22:05
JayDoubleusame for containers22:05
snakenah i'm done buying hardware. but i will go with your earlier suggestion. i'll reinstall proxmox on a small partition, and make a zfs for the pool, and maybe another pool on the other disk22:06
JayDoubleuyou also have backup functionality separately as well as VM templates (clonning) + cloud init support22:06
cmdaltescapeJayDoubleu, about the zfs pool: how do your VMs access it? with nfs?22:14
JayDoubleucmdaltescape: it doesnt. You can create another large virtual machine and share it's hard drive over NFS22:15
JayDoubleucmdaltescape: you can access directory from the host using containers tho22:15
JayDoubleuso technically if you would install ganesha nfs on a container you can share entire zfs pool out over nfs https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/mount-host-directory-into-lxc-container.66555/22:16
cmdaltescapei have one ubuntu box that does 2 things: 1) zfs pool, 2) my dev environment22:17
cmdaltescapemaybe i can do even more with that box if i put proxmox on it :)22:17
JayDoubleuyou can manually share the host directory with VM using Virtio-FS however it's a manual work and not supported by proxmox https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/virtiofs-support.77889/22:17
cmdaltescapeJayDoubleu, i suspect Proxmox can also pass through hardware22:18
JayDoubleucmdaltescape: you can definitely do a lot with it ;) I literally have my main VM running on proxmox with GPU attached to it and other VMs and containers I use for development22:18
cmdaltescape(perhaps you could feed your SATA drives directly to your vm)22:18
JayDoubleuYes you can, I have a dedicated SSD passed through for windows VM22:19
JayDoubleuVirtio-FS is cool tho22:20
dusthttps://www.modelio.org/ would be nice to have it in the repo22:22
cmdaltescapeProxmox looks really cool :)  - JayDoubleu, do you use your windows vm as a normal desktop? (gpu + ssd pass through? )22:30
JayDoubleucmdaltescape: I use linux as normal desktop with GPU passthrough and I have a second GFX also with GPU passthrough and then use looking glass to access it22:31
cmdaltescapereally fast cpu?22:32
cmdaltescapeJayDoubleu, interesting stuff. I feel you have "fixed" the 2 - computers in - 1 box problem. (i sometimes wanna do that too :)  ) - i always thought Proxmox was for servers only22:35
JayDoubleuwell actually more than 2 computers in 1 box but yeah :) I coudnt be happier with proxmox ( well maybe if they would add Virtio-FS into the web configurator) But other than that I am over the moon with it. If I want to develop something I can either create a VM from template or container with all my settings in it under few clicks, I can access my desktop using web ui, I have backups, snapshots etc. Its really the22:36
JayDoubleuultimate dev machine ;)22:36
JayDoubleuput tailscale on the host or vm it and you can be anywhere in the world and still acesss your stuff.22:37
JayDoubleuand if you have supported hardware for this type of stuff its a pleasure to configure as you dont have to install anything special on the host and keep it nice and clean and mess up the VMs when needed.22:38
JayDoubleuHighly recommended22:38
Squarismi struggle to find a guide on how to remap keys by user. All guides revolve around hacking away on /usr/share files22:39
Squarism...sure there are forum posts but they seem too hackey to be 202022:40
Squarismsorry 202122:40
JayDoubleuSquarism: what do you mean by remap keys? cant you just use the xmodmap ?22:41
SquarismJayDoubleu, i read xmodmap is made obsolte / not a recommended route?22:42
JayDoubleuSquarism: who cares, if package is there just use it22:42
Squarismi do care. Hacks just leads to entropy22:43
JayDoubleuif its packaged in your distro and it works there is nothing wrong with using it at all22:43
strixdioHi, I'm trying to figure out apparmor. I need to "add" a script into whatever profile is used for libvirt. How would I see what profile is being used for libvirt, and how would I add my script to that profile?22:46
strixdiogoogle seems to show me a lot about creating a _new_ profile, which I don't want to do.22:47
JayDoubleustrixdio: https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/-/wikis/Libvirt22:53
jjakobcan you do-release-upgrade without installing some of the new packages it wants to install?22:59
strixdioJayDoubleu Thanks, I'll have to read through that a few times, because I'm not sure if it actually explains how to do what I am looking to do.22:59
strixdioParticularly, it looks like libvirtd should already have access to it, so, idk.23:00
JayDoubleuso, are you getting some aa errors or what ?23:00
JayDoubleu`use virt-aa-helper to manipulate AppArmor profiles. virt-aa-helper23:06
JayDoubleuis a helper application that can add, remove, modify, load and23:06
JayDoubleuunload AppArmor profiles in a limited and restricted way` I dont know but it kind of answers the original question ;)23:06
JayDoubleualso this https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/virtualization-libvirt and section "Apparmor isolation" has a nice explaination23:08
fwef64Hi, I've noticed that after I close the lid on my Thinkpad T480 laptop, the battery will get drained pretty quickly, e.g. it would take ~12 hours for it to run out of battery. Any idea why this is happening? I'm running latest LTS (20.04).23:14
fwef64I've read I should turn on hibernation instead of suspend but I didn't find that setting anywhere.23:15
strixdioJayDoubleu well, with selinux, there's a way to view what "type" the file is23:28
strixdionot really seeing how to do that, or something similar, with apparmor.23:29
strixdioi.e. look at a specific file and find out what apparmor policy it falls under23:30
JayDoubleustrixdio: apparmor is using file paths rather than labels23:36
JayDoubleuits all described there on those links I gave you23:36
JayDoubleuits like whitelisting file paths23:36
JayDoubleuso in that manual you have the cat /etc/apparmor.d/libvirt/libvirt-a22e3930-d87a-584e-22b2-1d8950212bac.files23:37
JayDoubleulibvirt managed that directlyu23:37
strixdioright, and that's kinda how it seems, but what confuses me is: '/usr/bin/* PUx,' is in usr.sbin.libvirtd, and my script falls under there. IDK what "PUx" stands for, or what those are called?23:38
JayDoubleu #include <libvirt/libvirt-a22e3930-d87a-584e-22b2-1d8950212bac.files> this like tells it to look for those file paths23:38
JayDoubleuso you could include your own and add your file paths there23:38
JayDoubleujust add it as full paths23:39
strixdioso, #include </usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64.vga> ?23:39
strixdiono that's not right.23:41
JayDoubleuno #include </etc/apparmor.d/libvirt/mystuff.files>23:42
JayDoubleuthen in mystuff.files  "/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64.vga" rw,23:42
JayDoubleuor just use `virt-aa-helper --help`23:44
JayDoubleu            "    -f | --add-file <file>         add file to profile\n"23:44
JayDoubleu            "    -F | --append-file <file>      append file to profile\n"23:44
JayDoubleualso have a look at this guys section https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/1515791/comments/5   `  <seclabel type='dynamic' model='apparmor' relabel='yes'>`23:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1552241 in libvirt (Ubuntu Zesty) "duplicate for #1515791 libvirt-bin apparmor settings for usb host device" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:47
strixdioJayDoubleu okay I'll give that a try, thanks. Where can I see a list of the "rw," permissions?23:47
JayDoubleuhere: https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/-/wikis/Libvirt ;)23:48
strixdioWhat are those called? They're like file permissions in a way23:49
JayDoubleuhttps://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man5/apparmor.d.5.html , look under "link rules"23:51
JayDoubleuor better, look here: https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/-/wikis/AppArmor_Core_Policy_Reference#file-permissions23:52
strixdioThanks. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, still getting permission denied. I wish I didn't accidentally delete what I had done previously.23:56

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