[02:37] how can i load a module that doesnt come by default in a ubuntu kernel [02:42] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Loadable_Modules [02:53] uofm49426: this is my problem i have a lenovo legion 5 laptop with touchpad problems [02:55] Elan eKTH I2C touchscreen must be configure as a module to get touchpad to work [02:58] if kernel is compile with make with Elan ekth i2c touchscreen as modularizes it with not work [02:59] Basically modules are like Windows Drivers by comparison. [03:00] Have you gone to Lenovo to check their drivers? Also the best way to install drivers is to: sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade after that try the sudo apt-get update again. [03:00] only why i can get it to work is to install from a tarball and [03:01] Which means you need to compile them. [03:02] right but then i have problem getting my nvidia driver working with the new kernel [03:02] I found the best installations is via Console. Find on Google Ubuntu sudo apt-get install lenovo modules to start with. [03:04] Or Lenovo touch screen modules at the end of sudo apt-get command. You may have to add to the repositories on your box. [03:05] thing is this laptop hasnt be verified to work with linux [03:06] ie ubuntu [03:06] How old is it. I have a few Lenovo laptops here. [03:06] 6 months [03:06] Mostly with Windows though. [03:08] Try installing NOT UBUNTU but Xubuntu. Don't use the experimental versions. Use versions that are known to work. [03:08] Think of it as when Windows releases Service Packs. [03:09] i have xubuntu 20.10 [03:09] Did you try Xubuntu 16 or 18 versions? [03:10] I ran into some issues with the latest versions of Xubuntu. [03:10] the laptop will not work at all with a kernel older then 5.6 [03:10] I installed the Server with Desktop. [03:12] Find the exact MODEL # & Part # of the laptop and use Google to find Xubuntu with Lenovo in the search. It just may take a while to search. I have a bunch of Xubuntu DVD install disks and most of the versions work but there are other issues. [03:13] MSFT0001:00 04F3:3140 [03:14] this is the touchpad xinput [03:16] This is the only entry for Google: https://askubuntu.com/questions/528293/is-there-a-way-to-restart-the-touchpad-driver [03:17] I typed the following in Google: [03:17] MSFT0001:00 04F3:314 xubuntu touch screen sudo apt-get install modules [03:18] Do research like that. [03:23] By the way if you notice, most ways to correct Ubuntu problems is by the Terminal. [03:23] the problem with the ubuntu kernel is they force the elants_i2c to be built in when it should be modularized [03:23] The GUI will not replace the Terminal. [03:25] The web page I posted explains that if you use a USB either mouse or keyboard in which you have a touch-screen as you mentioned, you may have to reset the switches rather than rebooting. [03:26] I don't like using the built in mouse on my keyboard. Only in emergencies. [03:26] well i travel a lot im a truck driver [03:27] I personally would get a USB keyboard and a wireless USB mouse. They are portable. The mousepad on the laptop is to me useless. [03:28] its just a pain dragging a mouse everywhere for everything [03:29] The mouse is used with a DONGLE which can be put in your pocked. [03:29] pocket [03:29] Put the USB keyboard in your suitcase or carry bag. [03:30] sure when im sitting gaming but when im just sitting watching youtube touchpad is useful [03:31] This way you can install a later version. I recommend the server version with desktop. The touch screen may have interrupts or conflicts with the keyboard or mouse. [03:32] In your truck do you use the laptop at truck stops wireless? [03:33] Is your Lenovo a 32 Bit or 64? [03:35] Also on your touch-screen make sure you set the screen resolution to the recommended settings. [03:37] For most purposes you don't have to set your BIOS settings, however, in some instances, your BIOS may have to be set accordingly. [03:39] With YouTube videos, you may have to set the audio controls. You may see the video but the audio may be garbled. [03:39] where would i find a channel with those how compile ubuntus kernels [03:40] There is a website: http://wwww.linuxfromscratch.com Google how to compile the kernel but that is a lot of experience and work. [03:41] Compiling the kernel can be very time consuming. [03:46] . [03:48] http://linuxfromscratch.org/ [03:48] not .com [03:49] https://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu [03:50] Again it is all done with the Console. [03:52] I recommend finding the correct ISO version. Not all versions are the same just because it says: Ubuntu or Xubuntu. [03:59] I hope that helps. [13:05] Hi folks, bit of a random one but with Xubuntu is RDP installed by default? I need to get remote access to my machine and all of the guides online for Ubuntu refer to sharing settings I can't for the life of me find in my Xubuntu install [13:12] xu-irc80w: https://medium.com/@aldo_mx/simplest-way-to-configure-vnc-server-in-xubuntu-16-04-lts-and-newer-6c0b3ae21fe5 [13:12] i think '2b.' also applies to all later releases [13:17] Brilliant - thanks tomreyn [13:17] you're welcome [13:18] xu-irc80w: oh and i should tell you this set up a VNC server, which is not an RDP server. VNC is the common protocol for this purpose in unix-land [14:00] tomreyn That guide worked great, only issue I had was setting the password, it was adding some chars to the end so ended up using an online base 64 converter and doing it manually - thanks for the help [15:23] Kronenbourg: hmm weird - but good that you worked it out. note that you should not use vnc directly on the internet, but tunnel it trhough ssh [15:25] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC discusses some of this [17:04] hi! === pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka