
MIFwhat are some good ways to block a IP system wide?02:10
MIFlike at the fire wall02:10
quadrathoch2an easy way would be using ufw mif02:12
MIFhow would I do that?02:12
compdocon the system that owns that address, block all incoming02:21
MIFhow do I do that/02:29
quadrathoch2man ufw MIF02:29
MIFthank you02:30
jayjo-I'm having trouble getting the autoinstall to work. I keep getting the error "Invalid dep_id (format-disk-dm-0) not in storage config"02:39
jayjo-Is there a simple reference where the autoinstall will take the entire disk?02:39
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MIFnet slpit02:44
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=== Napsterbater_ is now known as Napsterbater
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MIFHi, how can I copy a file over ssh?17:07
MIFI get this error17:16
MIFrsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/rsync/rsync-52.200.1/rsync/main.c(996) [sender=2.6.9]17:16
MIFnever mind I got it thanks tieinv17:22
MIFdo you know how to get php files to run with apache218:28
MIFfor me they are just downloading to my computer18:28
MIFor just not running and I can see the php code in the proswer18:35
tewardMIF: install the php module for apache.18:49
MIFI did18:50
MIFand enabled18:50
tewardthen enable it and restart apache18:50
tewardthen you have it misconfigurex18:50
MIFmisconfigued where?18:51
MIFgot it18:57
MIFI have no clue what I did but fixed18:57
MIFI just installed the OS and I have done NO config changes and ssh is not starting21:02
MIFall it says is Failed to start OpenBSD Secure Shell Servier21:03
tewardMIF: `sudo journalctl -n 50 -u ssh.service`22:03
tewardMIF: check for error output in the journal22:03
MIFI got it working, I just apt remove --purge the ssh server and reinstalled it22:03
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=== Napsterbater_ is now known as Napsterbater

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