
Curlysudo apt-get update00:31
CurlyWrong window. Sorry.00:31
JackFrost[sudo] password for Curly:00:31
JackFrost(Don't actually type it.)00:31
CurlyPassword is:  JackFrost. :)00:32
CurlyI have been working on this computer for 10 hours.00:32
CurlyI was uninstalling VBox and upgrading it. Purging; Upgrading; Updating.00:34
JackFrostOuch.  From the vbox repo or Ubuntu's?00:34
CurlyI am going to try Oracle's installation.00:35
CurlyI had00:35
CurlyWindows XP Pro installed. It worked just fine.00:35
CurlyThe only problem is that it did not see any USB devices. It was all greyed out. It requires dependencies and other installs.00:36
CurlyWhy go through all of the additions and other add-ons. Just purge and reinstall the latest version.00:37
CurlyI was able to copy and paste from the Guest to the Host but not from Host to Guest. That was another issue.00:39
CurlyJackFrost, Ouch! is the word.00:40
CurlyAbout 20 years ago I used Red Hat 6 and logged into the IRC in root. I was extremely cautioned on that. That was a hard lesson to learn.00:43
CurlyIn Windows one of the Best IRC Client/server was Pirch98. I still use it in some cases. It is also a UNIX-Like server. Programmable too.00:52
CurlyThe old Netscape Navigator had an IRC Client built in.00:55
CurlyOn Dalnet there is a #Linux Channel I used to be on. Now you need to identify on Dalnet with an email address. I suppose it is for security and keeping out the Script Kiddies.00:56
JackFrostIf you register or identify with nickserv, you can join ##linux here.00:57
CurlyHow is done? Port Forwarding?00:58
CurlyI left out the word  that. :)00:59
CurlyI set up years ago on my website an interface which is a link to my Domain Name and it forwarded it to Kiwiirc Server to my IRCD generic server. What I didn't like about it was there was no Chanserv. If I left or rebooted the server Whoever was on the server had OPS.01:01
CurlyI was looking at IRCD-Seven Bahamut is OK but you need to install:  Anope01:02
CurlyIRCD-Hybrid has Anope built in.01:03
raccoon_dogAtheme >> Anope.01:03
JackFrostCurly: You may also want to try a social channel such as ##chat, though you'll need to register (see /msg nickserv help register)01:04
CurlyTrue. One older one was:  Church.01:04
JackFrostThat one is very unmaintained.01:04
CurlyA programmer friend uses Church with Bahamut. It seems to work OK. Primitive though.01:05
CurlyI found this server with IRSSI  /server list  command.01:07
CurlyBy the way I found this webisite on the best way to install Virtualbox:  https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-install-virtualbox-on-ubuntu-20-04-linux-lts/#Installing_VirtualBox01:51
CurlyThe only thing I tried the sudo apt-get and that didn't work. I tried sudo apt install and that worked. Interesting command difference between previous versions of Xubuntu.01:52
CurlyI guess it is interchangeable with:  aptitude install01:53
CurlyI think the answer to the latter is that I installed aptitude which wasn't install by default.02:30
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jdwwattshello everyone03:28
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CurlyGreetings Jdwwatts  :)04:09
xu-irc21wi'm Korean08:37
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mrd2689aHello everyone.  This is my first time coming here.  I am new to Xubuntu and am having trouble getting my bluetooth activated/working.  I've gotten as far as determining that apparently there is no drive installed.20:41
mrd2689aCan anybody please help me get my bluetooth working?20:41
diogenes_mrd2689a, what laptop?20:48
mrd2689aHi.  It's an Asus X551M20:49
mrd2689aApparently the wireless adaptor/bluetooth is an Atheros AR948520:49
diogenes_mrd2689a, run in terminal: sudo rfkill list | nc termbin.com 999920:51
mrd2689aok, will do20:51
diogenes_share the url20:51
mrd2689aI don't see any mention of bluetooth20:52
diogenes_dmesg | grep -i blue20:53
diogenes_any output?20:54
mrd2689a[    5.525480] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.22[    5.525511] Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized[    5.525517] Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized[    5.525521] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized[    5.525527] Bluetooth: SCO socket layer initialized[    5.645751] Bluetooth: HCI UART driver ver 2.3[    5.645755] Bluetooth:20:54
mrd2689aHCI UART protocol H4 registered[    5.645756] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol BCSP registered[    5.645778] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol LL registered[    5.645780] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol ATH3K registered[    5.645800] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol Three-wire (H5) registered[    5.645849] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol Intel registered[20:54
mrd2689a5.645899] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol Broadcom registered[    5.645913] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol QCA registered[    5.645915] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol AG6XX registered[    5.645933] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol Marvell registered[   19.491215] Bluetooth: BNEP (Ethernet Emulation) ver 1.3[   19.491219] Bluetooth: BNEP filters: protocol20:54
mrd2689amulticast[   19.491225] Bluetooth: BNEP socket layer initialized20:54
diogenes_!pastebin | mrd2689a20:55
ubottumrd2689a: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:55
diogenes_systemctl status bluetooth | nc termbin.com 999920:58
mrd2689ano output, diogenes20:59
diogenes_hmm: sudo systemctl restart bluetooth21:01
diogenes_lsmod | grep -i blue21:04
diogenes_see bluetooth there?21:04
mrd2689abluetooth             548864  12 btrtl,btqca,btintel,hci_uart,btbcm,bnepecdh_generic           16384  1 bluetooth21:05
diogenes_type: bluetoothctl21:06
diogenes_then enter21:06
diogenes_then type: power on21:07
diogenes_hit ented and what you get?21:07
mrd2689aNo default controller available21:07
diogenes_hmm that's weird, are you dual booting with win10?21:08
mrd2689ayes, unfortunately.  but months ago right after I installed Xubuntu (2nd operating system), I became unable to boot into Win10, and never figured that out.21:09
diogenes_i've seen such problems when dual booting, i'd advice you to write the most recent Xubuntu iso on a USB drive or DVD and try it without installing and see if it works there.21:12
mrd2689aHmmm.... OK.  I unfortunately am out in the middle of nowhere, without a USB key, so I won't be able to get back to you.21:13
mrd2689aBut I can try that later for sure.21:13
diogenes_as of right now i have to leave but there are many ppl who could assist you further on.21:13
diogenes_good luck.21:13
mrd2689aI'm going to save our convo so that others can take a look at it and see what we've done  Thanks for your help!!!!!21:14
mrd2689athank you21:14
diogenes_you're welcome21:14

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