[09:33] Bug #1909985 opened: Add commission timestamp to machine websocket api [09:36] Bug #1909985 changed: Add commission timestamp to machine websocket api [09:39] Bug #1909985 opened: Add commission timestamp to machine websocket api [09:51] Bug #1909985 changed: Add commission timestamp to machine websocket api [09:57] Bug #1909985 opened: Add commission timestamp to machine websocket api [19:20] hi, is there a way to set swap to 0 in the newer maas version? [19:20] before we used to set it in /etc/maas/preseeds/curtin_userdata, but now maas is in read-only snaps [19:50] is it still possible to install the latest maas packages separately? we used to install the rack and the region controller separatelly from apt packages, is this still possible?