[03:33] hey issue, I just accadently remove /bin/ls [03:40] Don't do that. [03:41] is there anyway to get it back? [03:41] reinstall coreutils? [03:41] is the source code available online for ls? [03:41] Well, d'uh, but... Why? [03:42] just so I can copy and paste [03:42] ... [03:42] what? [03:42] Troll much? [03:42] me, why are you askin? [03:42] becuase the answer is no [03:43] I don't want to mess anything else up if something goes wrong reinstalling coreutils [03:43] reinstall coreutils. [03:43] Can't get much simpler than that. [03:43] ok [03:44] apt-get --reinstall install coreutils [03:45] Or, apt --reinstall install coreutils [03:45] ok [03:46] heh, source code.. You'd have to compile it, and then it wouldn't be the packaged one. That's why that was so absurd, earlier. Copying and pasting ls source code. heh [03:47] oh, ok [03:47] I thought it was a good idea, but then I guess not [03:47] becuase I found it [03:47] https://github.com/wertarbyte/coreutils/blob/master/src/ls.c [03:47] ironically, it's part of the.... coreutils.. Yes. [03:47] LOL [03:48] I have a update, then as soon as the update is done, I will do that [03:48] And that's not /the/ coreutils. [03:48] ? [03:48] About [03:48] Enhancements to the GNU coreutils (especiall head) [03:48] Heh [03:48] A fork. [03:49] ok [03:49] oh ok [03:51] it works [03:52] thanks Psi-Jack [03:52] Usually you'd want to fix the issue you caused, before doing system updates, but whatever. [03:53] my server crashed during the install, (I call anything with apt a update) so I had to run that before I could do anything else with apt [03:54] now is there a way for me to prevent me from doing this again? [04:40] Yeah, don't abuse root, don't do stupid things. And...... Backups. === cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer === Woet_ is now known as Woet === denningsrogue5 is now known as denningsrogue [11:00] @cpaelzer morning - I'm working snapshots of the upcoming 2.15 release of OVS - do I need a newer DPDK version to support that? [11:01] jamespage: yes you do [11:01] jamespage: we have DPDK 20.11 prepared in Debian experimental [11:01] great - I'll pull and tests from there [11:01] \o/ [11:02] jamespage: if you need me for anything let me know, this is as much my task as it is yours [11:02] thanks [11:02] once it builds I'm happy to run some tests on my side as well [11:02] and happy new year :) [11:02] yeah, to you (and everyone else here) as well! [11:05] jamespage: once things work in a PPA let me know I'd then do the sync of DPDK to hirsute [11:05] jamespage: there are a few more related PKGs that need rebuilds then, but all except OVS are ready for it [11:05] got it [11:05] if I do the sync it is clear that it is my task to resolve all these :-) [12:18] @cpaelzer hmm [12:18] "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/dpdk/rte_config.h" [12:18] is that normal? [12:18] the autoconf for OVS fails to find that [12:21] jamespage: might be related to pkgconfig - there was something recently [12:21] also https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=978248 [12:21] Debian bug 978248 in src:openvswitch "openvswitch: FTBFS: configure: error: Could not find DPDK library in default search path, Use --with-dpdk to specify the DPDK library installed in non-standard location" [Serious, Open] [12:21] jamespage: can you point me to your PPA rebuild of 20.11 - then I can give things a try [12:21] jamespage: I guess you have put the OVS you try to build into git already? [12:22] @cpaelzer https://launchpad.net/~james-page/+archive/ubuntu/openvswitch [12:24] @cpaelzer I have pushed my work to git as well - its in the master branch [12:25] found it, build started [12:57] hmm "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldbus-1" [12:57] is the actual issue [12:58] my local build in a hirsute container works so far [12:59] installing libdbus-1-dev resolves my issue [12:59] but it might be at the non dpdk build still [13:00] jamespage: it is dpdk that makes libdbus to be needed (i.e. do I need to add it to libdpdk-dev dependencies)? [13:00] or is it something else? [13:00] just scratching at that now [13:01] its appearing in the middle of the dpdk libs [13:02] but I can't see a dep from DPDK->DBUS [13:02] odd [13:09] cpaelzer: might be libpcap actually [13:10] jamespage: dbus is no direct build dependency of DPDK, but libpcap we do have [13:10] yeah # [13:10] libpcap-dev is a dep of libdpdk-dev [13:10] so if this turns out to be true then libpcap-dev might need that dep then [13:11] I now can at least recreate your issue over here [13:11] giving this a second look [13:13] libpcap0.8 -> libdbus-1-3 [13:13] but no libpcap0.8-dev -> libdbus-1-dev [13:18] jamespage: the https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=978248 that I mentioned before seems to have the same root cause btw [13:18] Debian bug 978248 in src:openvswitch "openvswitch: FTBFS: configure: error: Could not find DPDK library in default search path, Use --with-dpdk to specify the DPDK library installed in non-standard location" [Serious, Open] [13:20] jamespage: nothing on https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?repeatmerged=no&src=libpcap yet, bluca will file a bug on libpcap for it [13:20] jamespage: will you for now in OVS 2.15 just add libdbus-dev to the build deps ? [13:20] maybe with a comment to remember dropping it later ? [13:21] jamespage: in the other discussion we've seen that it only happens if you use pkg-config --static which is uncommon [13:21] that is why it went unnoticed I guess [13:49] jamespage: FYI bluca filed https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=979229 for this [13:49] Debian bug 979229 in libpcap0.8-dev "libpcap0.8-dev: missing dependency on libdbus-1-dev causes build failures" [Serious, Open] [13:59] cpaelzer: can do - just looking at a subsequent build failure [14:26] Hello, deciding on VM OS Ubuntu-server or Debian. Just after smallest resource use, to install ZoneMinder on the OS. [14:28] This helps https://thishosting.rocks/debian-vs-ubuntu/#:~:text=Unlike%20Ubuntu%2C%20Debian%20requires%20more,a%20better%20choice%20for%20you. [14:29] Never heard of Debian servers, usually used CentOS and Ubuntu servers. [14:29] Seems like Ubuntu server might do it. [14:54] linuxmint: Debian 'servers' are basically booted from the Debian netinstall ISO and installed without a Desktop interface. Debian doesn't have a specific 'image' or 'installer' for just server components, unlike Ubuntu. [14:55] if your consideration is 'smallest resource usage' you have to be more specific about what resources you're trying to conserve. [14:55] yep, and both debian and ubuntu are rather large compared to distros designed to be minimal [14:55] ^ this [14:55] also [14:56] an absolutely minimum Debian install and an absolutely minimum Ubuntu install take up about the same resources in idle state, give or take maybe 25-50 MB of RAM so unless you *really* are nitpicky about RAM, be more concerned with what resources exactly you're trying to conserve and state what your goal is here [14:56] yeah [14:56] (I've effectively run Ubuntu 18.04 on a 256MB RAM VPS for two years without downtime except for when i update the kernel) [14:57] I wouldn't pick one over the other based strictly on resource usage, there isn't enough difference between them, it's more about preference and ease of use for a given application [14:57] if resource use is a big concern, there are other options that use significantly less [14:58] (at the expense of some ease of use) [14:58] and considering RAM is pretty cheap nowadays (relatively speaking) it's really more CPU and disk space constraints that you're going to run into [14:58] CPU especially if you're ZoneMindering [15:04] it's been a while, but the last time I tried to set up zoneminder it was kind of a nightmare, so based on that, I'd go with whatever distro zoneminder recommends you use, since it will probably have the least issues running it [15:16] cpaelzer: could I defer triage of bug 1908512 and bug 1908577 to you please? [15:16] Bug 1908512 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "VNC unusable when booting ubuntu-20.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1908512 [15:16] Bug 1908577 in qemu (Ubuntu) "QEMU crashed after last update" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1908577 [15:17] For the former I'm not sure whether that's something we should support. [15:17] For the latter, I would ask for exact package versions involved and to confirm by trying a downgrade, but I thought I'd check with you in case there's anything else to say/do first. [15:19] yeah rbasak I can look at these [15:20] actually I already have tabs on them open since I monitor all virt bugs anyway [15:20] usually I have them triaged before they are seen [15:20] but due to the break I was not yet up to them :-) [15:21] Thanks! [15:46] @cpaelzer: https://launchpad.net/~james-page/+archive/ubuntu/openvswitch/+packages I'm happy with that lot [15:46] do you want to sync over dpdk and start the process? I'll follow with OVS and OVN uploads [15:54] jamespage: yes that LGTM as well, and as I said the rest we've made ready as well [15:55] great [15:56] jamespage: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpdk/20.11-1 [15:56] lovely job - thanks [15:56] jamespage: tomorrow (once this is fully built) I'll no-change rebuild the other deps [15:56] and whenever we have the OVS build I'll run my testsuite so that we can fix remaining issues further down the road before 21.04 releases [16:00] OVS uploaded - has a versioned BD's so will depwait until DPDK is built and published [16:37] do you know why a perl script will not run from cron [16:38] but I can run the line from cron and run it on the cli and it works [16:38] * * * * * /bin/perl -w /var/www/html/stats/pisg -co /var/www/html/stats/pisg.cfg [16:38] /bin/perl -w /var/www/html/stats/pisg -co /var/www/html/stats/pisg.cfg [16:38] ^ works on cli [16:38] but not on cron [16:39] MIF: here perl is at /usr/bin/perl [16:39] ok [16:39] changed it [16:39] in cron, you need to put the full path, define the env etc [16:39] ? [16:40] either spell out the full path, or wrap it in a script that defines the env and path to use [16:40] how do I spell out the full path [16:41] that is what I did [16:41] it is now /usr/bin/perl -w /var/www/html/stats/pisg -co /var/www/html/stats/pisg.cfg [16:44] and it still dose not work [16:45] type which perl [16:46] /usr/bin/perl [16:46] and I changed it to that [16:46] crontab -l [16:46] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/Pzgm9yN7/image.png [16:47] * * * * * /usr/bin/perl -w /var/www/html/stats/pisg -co /var/www/html/stats/pisg.cfg [16:47] that is the only thing in my cron [16:47] what error do you get when that is supposed to run in cron ? [16:47] I don't get a error [16:47] and um..... * * * * * [16:47] do you mean what is suposed to happen? [16:48] How often do you want this to run ? [16:48] every minute [16:48] of every hour [16:48] of every day [16:48] of every day of the week [16:48] of every mouth [16:48] of every year [16:49] put the entire thiong in quotes [16:50] the entire /usr/bin/perl -w /var/www/html/stats/pisg -co /var/www/html/stats/pisg.cfg [16:50] or * * * * * /usr/bin/perl -w /var/www/html/stats/pisg -co /var/www/html/stats/pisg.cfg [16:50] also, is that root's crontab ? [16:50] why? [16:50] it needed to be [16:51] *needs [16:51] becaue it looks like youre tryiong to write to a place that a normal user would not have perms [16:51] ^ and that is why it needs to be root [16:51] so I would think it shoiuld be roots [16:51] it is [16:52] type mail and see if there is any errors. [16:52] cron should mail root if there are errors [16:52] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/Jx2ebf60/ [16:52] I don't have a email server set up yet [16:53] you dont need an email server [16:53] ok [16:53] what will it look like? [16:53] just mail [16:54] are you SURE you should be doin this, I mean....setting up an email server.....a public web site ? [16:54] This is some basic stuff youre asking [16:54] my website is up [16:55] all I am trying to do is just ask, a simple question that google will not anser [16:55] *answer [16:55] I have had a relly bad week, so I don' need you asking me questions like that please [16:56] really [16:56] make your crontab look like this */1 * * * * [16:56] ok [16:56] we all have bad weeks...... [16:57] sorry, I did not mean to flip [16:57] Also, what outcome do you expect ? [16:57] it to update the stats page [16:57] and how do you know its not working ? [16:58] because the date on the stats page is not updating [16:58] and I know it is not cache [16:58] because when I run the command and refresh the page it works [16:58] ok so make that change in crontab [16:58] I did and it did not update [16:59] it still says 10:38:47 [17:00] create a log file and redirect the output there, and take a look, like this example: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34967093/how-to-redirect-stderr-to-a-file-in-a-cron-job [17:01] ok [17:02] ok [17:02] nothing [17:02] in the log file and it is chmod 777 [17:02] the new cron looks like this [17:02] */1 * * * * /usr/bin/perl -w /var/www/html/stats/pisg -co /var/www/html/stats/pisg.cfg >> /NSCS/logs/cron/pisg.log 2>&1 [17:05] still empty [17:09] sorry if I have been rude Ussat [17:10] Thats fine, I am busy at work [17:10] ok [17:11] do you think a systemd timer would be better? [17:11] I have no idea, can try ? [17:11] ok [17:12] It seems like the problem is a mismatch between cron's env and your interactive environment [17:13] which, is why I suggested wrapping it in a script [17:13] MIF: I'd try running this interactively as root: [17:13] env -i PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin /usr/bin/perl -w /var/www/html/stats/pisg -co /var/www/html/stats/pisg.cfg [17:13] try that as cron? [17:13] I have to do that with a lot of commands in cron [17:13] MIF: no, interactively as that kind of mimics cron's env [17:14] so Ussat what you are saying is write a script with the contents that sdeziel gave me, then /bin/sh ? [17:14] after chmod +x