
=== PowerTower_121 is now known as PowerTower_120
alexandrdvorkini am trying to download Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS already a few times but when i try to burn it to a USB says something went wrong make sure ISO is not corrupted HOW CAN I CHECK IF DOWLOAD IS NOT CORRUPTED?00:16
ikoniatry not typing in caps ?00:17
ikoniause the checksum process documented on the download site00:17
alexandrdvorkinoh didn't see that Thanks00:19
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alexandrdvorkinwell the cheksum returns OK but Etcher says something went wrong Make sure the download is not corrupted00:39
Bashing-omalexandrdvorkin: Maybe try rufus (Windows) ? : http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows .00:41
alexandrdvorkinits not on windows its on Mac00:42
Bashing-omalexandrdvorkin: Sorry no other experience wih which to say :(00:43
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owlpenhello everybody02:42
owlpenIm looking for some help02:43
owlpenI have an ubuntuDDE instaled in my system02:43
owlpenversion 20.0402:44
owlpenI instaled the Xchat02:44
owlpenit is working well, but I need to start it by terminal becouse the launcher icon dont work.02:45
owlpenDo you know how to fix it?02:45
eelstreborwhat causes the battery icon to constantly turn on and off? ipower shows no problem - syslog and dmesg shows no problems - ubuntu 18.0403:17
leaftypethe sell of that video annoys me. "With doctors and conventional medicine unable to help" - instant skepticism03:21
leaftypewrong channel03:24
matsamaneelstrebor: to show and not show? Or switch to a dedicated 'on' and 'off' icon? What does 'battery off' mean?03:24
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eelstreborMathisen, the icon displays then doesn't - alternates04:23
paperhawkHey folks, I've got an anacron entry here that seems to run but doesn't execute the script I want. Does anyone see any issues with the syntax? "1   0   coviddoh.daily  /bin/bash '/home/user/get_doh_covid_data.sh y'"06:18
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jo-erlend Does anyone know when GTK4 will hit Hirsute?07:54
Maikjo-erlend: best to ask in #ubuntu+107:55
flingHow to get lxd-agent running?08:37
fling[FAILED] Failed to start LXD - agent - virtio-fs mount. -> https://bpa.st/OIQA08:38
flingthis is 18.04 cloud image in lxd08:38
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KurozenI have 2 little questions, how come the default wired ethernet interface name has not recent years been eth0, it's some "enp0s25"11:22
Kurozenit's some enpNsNN kind of format name, why?11:23
KurozenAnd secondly, I had "baloo_file" process taking 50% of the CPU (quad core, so 2 cores at 100%) for a few minutes on this boot now, I've had it installed for quite a while and didn't notice this before, tho but I didn't monitor the boot process most of the time so I might have missed earlier occurences11:24
oerheksit is the new 'Predictable Network Interface Naming' , which is a breeze .. https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/11:27
oerheksand baloo, is indexing?11:27
oerhekslet it run, or disable that service11:27
SalatwurzelKurozen, roughly translated from the german wiki (they are talking about 100% cpu usage though) "it occurs when the search database is rebuild" ... shouldnt happen very often11:28
KurozenIf it's nothing malicious I don't have that much of a problem with it, it stopped atfter 2 minutes so it's not too bad11:28
oerheksSalatwurzel +111:28
oerheksi would give Baloo more memory on disk,11:29
KurozenBut I've seen HexChat + notifications being laggy, right now I had like a freeze for 3 seconds when I was being pinged, tho it's a rather old system I use this installation on, an i5-4690 and installed on a 2.5 inch 750GB 4500 rpm HDD and only 8GB of RAM11:31
KurozenI found some old threads about exactly this baloo_file thing, it caused more issues in the past, but they say initially it will take a longer time, I guess it triggers some kind of maintenance every now and then.11:33
KurozenRight, yeah, as long as it's not some kind of a bug that's what I was wondering.11:34
oerheksyes, fresh users do encounter the indexing bubble11:34
oerhekstons of guides out there, todisable this11:34
deki_01Hi to all!12:17
deki_01I installed mssql-server/bionic on a Ubuntu 20.04 focal, and I can't start the serviced get always  Failed to start Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine12:19
deki_01is there a repository for ubuntu 20.04 focal with the MS SQL Server12:20
oerheksinteresting, how did you install a bionic mssql on focal?12:30
oerheksand what makes you think mysql is not available in focal?12:30
oerheks!info mysql focal12:30
ubottuPackage mysql does not exist in focal12:30
oerheks!info mysql-server focal12:31
ubottumysql-server (source: mysql-8.0): MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 8.0.22-0ubuntu0.20.04.3 (focal), package size 9 kB, installed size 109 kB12:31
locsmif_workoerheks: why would he want MySQL>12:34
locsmif_workIf you want MSSQL, it's likely to be for a project which demands it12:35
oerheksi don't question motives..12:36
locsmif_workBut before we speculate, deki_01 should probably explain12:36
MrDeathWilderHello everybody. New Ubuntu fan here. Hope everybody got in to the new year.12:37
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)12:38
locsmif_workdeki_01: you might consider: https://hub.docker.com/_/microsoft-mssql-server]12:38
locsmif_workdeki_01: you might consider: https://hub.docker.com/_/microsoft-mssql-server12:38
MrDeathWilderAnybody who had experience with MyCroft or other A.I.s for the ubuntu 20.04?12:39
locsmif_workdeki_01: I also something that might be exactly what you want: https://computingforgeeks.com/how-to-install-ms-sql-on-ubuntu/ (See Step 3)12:40
locsmif_workalso saw*12:40
deki_01locsmif_work: I have a Microsoft Database and therefore  I need a MS SQL Server not MySQL12:41
locsmif_workdeki_01: figured as much. Hopefully you can work with those two tips12:41
locsmif_workDocker might be ideal if you want to just try/test and do it without fear of consequences12:42
deki_01I have to use it but it's and I don't know if it is stable12:42
oerheksfocal LTS gives stable packages12:43
locsmif_workThough I don't know enough about Docker to say that image will work on Ubuntu. It says so in the OS version, and obviously you'd first have to install Docker.12:43
locsmif_workoerheks: aren't we talking about Microsoft's repo now?12:43
deki_01Docker I have it already since I have to use wine also12:43
oerheksthere is no ms repo??12:44
oerheks!info mysql-server focal12:44
deki_01that was my next step if I don't get it to run on ubuntu 20.0412:44
ubottumysql-server (source: mysql-8.0): MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 8.0.22-0ubuntu0.20.04.3 (focal), package size 9 kB, installed size 109 kB12:44
locsmif_workoerheks: https://packages.microsoft.com/config/ubuntu/18.04/mssql-server-2019.list12:44
oerheksdeki_01, you started with a bionic mysql situation, very odd12:44
deki_01mssql-server-2019 NOT mysql-server12:44
oerhekslocsmif_work, that is not the answer to his question12:44
locsmif_workoerheks: what?12:45
locsmif_workNow I'm completely confused12:45
oerheksoh, no support for microsoft stuff here.12:45
oerhekswe *do* have mysql-server.12:45
locsmif_workdeki_01: never mind, you were already given two solutions12:45
oerheksgood luck with that12:46
MrDeathWilderNo one who tried an A.I for ubuntu?12:49
oerheksMrDeathWilder, not yet .. https://snapcraft.io/mycroft12:49
MrDeathWilderoerheks: I have an issue on mycroft. it seems as if its not listeningen form time to time.12:51
locsmif_workoerheks: is disallowing support for mssql server on Ubuntu some official policy or?12:51
locsmif_workThat is, merely helping somebody to install it?12:51
oerhekslocsmif_work, feel free to do so, but we are not obliged to support windows apps ( with wine)12:52
oerheksthere is a dedicated wine channel, #winehq12:52
ixdapisn't there native mssql anyway?12:53
ixdapwhich microsoft themselves support?12:54
locsmif_workdeki_01: might as well try the Docker image for testing, if you want it permantly, get the M$ repo12:54
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"12:54
locsmif_workpermanently* damn, what's up with my typing today :(12:55
Habbieixdap, yes there is - and i believe that is what deki_01 is trying12:55
ixdapas in https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/linux/sql-server-linux-setup12:58
ixdapperhaps the docker image might be easier?13:01
wingshi guys.. trying to set limit for nofile to 100,000,00013:02
wingsfollowing https://tecadmin.net/increase-open-files-limit-ubuntu/ but no real luck13:02
wingsah, i solved it13:06
wingssystemd strikes again13:06
wings(i think)13:06
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locsmif_workdeki_01: any luck?13:23
deki_01locsmif_work: I try it with docker it seems to run, and try to figure it out where is the problem since they use ubuntu 18 and I use ubuntu 2013:43
Maikdeki_01: ubuntu 20 what? 20.04 or 20.1013:45
deki_01ubuntu 20.0413:46
tacomasterIs it still correct to turn down swappiness by editing the sysctl.conf file under /etc? The reason I am asking is my computer is using 100% of my swap but I still have over 50GB of ram left unused.13:48
deki_01when I run the mssql setup I get: /opt/mssql/bin/sqlservr: The package location [/opt/mssql/lib/secforwarderxplat.sfp] could not be opened.  Errno [13]. But the file is there13:49
Maiktacomaster: yep, /etc/sysctl.conf is the way to go13:52
Maikand 50GB of RAM left? How much RAM do you actually have?13:52
locsmif_workdeki_01: that could have many reasons, from access rights to you conflating your real system's path/file with a Docker container trying to find the same file inside its own virtual filesysem13:53
tacomasterMaik, 64GB13:53
locsmif_workdeki_01: when you refer to your mssql server not working, the question is which one? The one from Bionic? From the MS repo? The Docker one?13:54
Maikiirc, with that amount you don't even need swap.... at least that's what i read from various user through the years. But you could set swappiness to 20 or 10 tacomaster13:54
tacomasterMaik, I have always been told that it is good to have it. I only put 1GB swap file but I am just bugged out that it is always 100% used with ubuntu.13:55
deki_01locsmif_work: the file is on the local machine, I try to get it run with the bionic repo, the instllation was ok no issue but wehn run the setup I get the error13:56
tacomasterIs there a way to change swappiness with out rebooting though? I will not be able to reboot until tonight13:57
Maiktacomaster: afaik not. Reboot is required.14:00
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locsmif_workdeki_01: it's a permission error14:07
deki_01<locsmif_work: I try it also changed the premissions14:08
locsmif_workdeki_01: then run strace and see where it goes wtnog14:08
locsmif_workBut it's a permission error.14:08
locsmif_workAt this point, I'm quite sure you are doing something wrong14:09
locsmif_workWhy are you not running it as root?14:10
deki_01I trayed this also as root and  ports are also open14:11
locsmif_workNo way it's given you a permission error then14:11
deki_01the errorlogs show that the database is running    SQL Server is now ready for client connections14:13
deki_01perhaps it is a problem with the registry:  Unable to retrieve registry value 'NodeRole' from Windows registry key 'Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Polybase\Configuration': (null14:15
oerheksmust be a wine issue..14:16
locsmif_workdeki_01: why aren't you using one of the two solutions recommended to you?14:17
locsmif_workI guess you have your reasons, but I'm not too surprised an outdate package doesn't work14:18
deki_01locsmif_work: yeah, I will try a docker container to see if it is working there, I thought if I can install it it will work but I was wrong, but thanks for help14:22
deki_01locsmif_work:I have to use the MS DB in production local on a linux device (ubuntu 20.04)14:24
BluesKaj'morning folks14:24
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pinkyanyone have a good doc for going from 19.10 to the latest LTS? not getting this to work so far https://tips.graphica.com.au/upgrading-from-retired-ubuntu-releases/14:43
lotuspsychjepinky: we highly advice to upgrade ubuntu versions before they go end of life14:45
pinkygood idea for the future but can't do anything about it now :)14:45
lotuspsychje!eolupgrade | pinky14:45
ubottupinky: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades14:45
pinkyso i will stick with LTS then14:45
pinkybut, i need to upgrade this box14:46
pinkyanyway i switched sources.list to old-releases.ubuntu.com and was able to apt update and upgrade14:48
pinkyso, nobody has done this?14:57
lotuspsychjepinky: yes some users do that, but that doesnt mean its reccomended15:00
pinkythis is what i'm doing i think, but do-release-upgrade refuses to do it15:00
pinkyi realize its "not reccomended", that doesn't help me, i need to do it15:00
pinkyits too late to do what is reccomended15:00
lotuspsychjepinky: on a clean install you can preserve your current /home if you like15:01
pinkyno, that won't work15:01
pinkyi'd rather just risk it15:01
lotuspsychjethe users choice pinky15:01
pinkywell it doesn't seem like the choice because it refuses to work15:01
pinkyunless i start hacking do-release-upgrade i guess15:01
pinkybut according to the docs i shoudn't have to15:02
lotuspsychje!usn | pinky see also15:02
ubottupinky see also: Please see https://usn.ubuntu.com/ for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.15:02
amalgameatehi, i recently plugged a new keyboard into ubuntu 16.04, and the windows key isn't being detected as Super.  instead, tghe win key seems to be doing nothing.  could anyone help me debug this?15:21
amalgameatei've tried googling, but all i've found is man ppl trying to map the win key to other behaviors (e.g. alt or ctrl).  i just want it to do the normal thing (be detected as Super).15:22
howudodatquestion on nautilus.  if I have a remote mount lets say sftp://nas/data/pictures, then  navigate somewhere else.  when I click on the mount on the left (not the bookmark, but the dynamic mount entry) it goes back to what the mount was originally (typically sftp://nas/home/peter).  How can I make it go back to my last location instead.  ubuntu 20.0415:23
howudodatamalgameate: are you using a different keyboard layout?  I vaguely remember a gnome bug on non qwerty keyboards15:26
troozersHi all, not really an "ubuntu" question, but you may have some experience in this... I have a QT5 based app that i'm running - if I run it as a standard user it opens up "file open" dialogues as the standard ubuntu dialogue but can't seem to find the files i want to open, if I open as "root" via sudo it opens up the QT5 based dialog and can find the files15:30
troozersam I doing something stupid (apart from running a qt5 app)?15:30
amalgameatehowudodat: hi, i'm using a standard keyboard layout.  i've read online that some keyboards have a "winlock" key that disables the super button.  my keyboard doesn't have this winlock key, but i'm wondering if this could be toggled on for some reason? not sure how to debug that. :(15:34
oerhekspull and plug again, unlikely your win key is suddenly changing..15:35
oerhekstroozers, only snaps have that behavior, there might be a permission menu for it15:36
troozersdefinitely not a snap - had to compile the thing myself from source15:37
amalgameateoo interesting, i just realized my RIGHT win key is working (as SUPER), but my left win key is not.15:38
amalgameateoerheks: i tried replugging to no avail :(15:38
oerheksthen there is a hardware issue..15:38
amalgameateon my last keyboard, i remember i remapped left super to alt (the keyboard had special buttons that programmed the remapping for me).  could this programming carry over to my new keyboard somehow?15:40
howudodatamalgameate: you can also run xev and test the keys.  when run from a terminal it will dump to stdout the keystrokes, might give you an idea15:40
amalgameatehowudodat: ah cool, so when i run xev, the left super key returns no signal (whereas all other keys including right super log an event)15:41
oerheksone can simply reset the keys in systemsettings15:42
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amalgameateoerheks: sry, dumb question but how do i reset the keys in systemsettings?15:43
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cousteauHi, I'm using the Nvidia driver version 390 (which is probably what was available back in the day), but I see that versions 450 and 455 are also available.  Which one should I install?15:51
mefistofelescousteau: what's your GPU?15:51
cousteauGeForce GTX 1050 Mobile15:52
cousteauthe Nvidia website is suggesting me a bunch of versions for that model, including 450 and 45515:52
mefistofelescousteau: I'd install whatever ubuntu installs and it's most up to date as possible, I'd say15:53
mefistofelessince that model is supported by the latest drivers15:53
cousteauok so 455 better than 450 :)15:53
cousteau`ubuntu-drivers devices` says the "recommended" one is 455, but I don't know what it bases its decision on15:54
cousteau(there are also server versions, which I guess are for using the GPU for CUDA and GPGPU stuff and not for gaming et al)15:55
cousteauok then... 455 it is!15:55
mefistofelescousteau: best luck :P15:56
cousteauI hope I don't need it!  :D15:56
cousteaubut thanks15:57
mefistofelesand that's how cousteau never returned...16:00
mefistofelesthere you go!16:01
mefistofelescousteau: all good?16:01
cousteauWell, the driver works!  Not sure if better or worse, but at least it does work16:01
mefistofelesok, nice16:01
cousteauif by February I haven't gotten another kernel crash then I'll know it solved the problem16:02
mefistofelesoh, you had crashes with the previous one? hmm16:02
cousteauyeah, so I decided to see if changing the version fixed that16:03
mefistofelesone can only hope it helps16:03
cousteauworst case scenario, it works as bad as the previous one16:04
cousteaubest case scenario, they found a bug and patched it in the latest version16:04
cousteau...worster case scenario they introduced regressions in the latest version, because Nvidia16:04
coconutAny reason for why i have ati and amdgpu installed by default while i have an GeForce GTX 1650 Mobile videocard?16:05
cousteauoh, and now "More drivers" says "This device is using the recommended driver", and not "This device is using an alternative driver" as it used to say, so I guess I did something right16:05
mefistofelescoconut: well, you probably installed it for whatever reason :P16:05
cousteaucoconut, are those Ubuntu packages or what are those?16:06
cousteauoh, you mean xserver-xorg-video-{ati,amdgpu}.  Yeah I have those too16:08
coconutofficial packages yes, https://pastebin.com/VESp7USa16:08
cousteauapt remove xserver-xorg-video-<tabulator> autocompletes with all, amdgpu, ati, fbdev, intel, nouveau, nvidia-455, qxl, radeon, vesa, vmware16:09
cousteauso I guess I have all those installed16:09
mefistofelesoh wait, those are the opensource drivers aren't those?16:09
lordcirth__Yeah, I think those are installed by default. If you replaced your card, you would want it to work, after all16:09
=== lordcirth__ is now known as lordcirth
cousteauhm, doesn't `apt` have a `why` operation?  `aptitude` has it16:10
cousteauit told you why a package is installed16:10
cousteauanyway, it seems to be installed because of xserver-xorg-video-all16:11
coconuti see16:12
cousteaubut I have no idea which package installs that one16:12
mefistofelescousteau: it's probably installed by default in ubuntu16:13
mefistofelesit comes with it, that is16:13
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cousteaunot directly but I guess16:14
cousteau(I mean, ubuntu-desktop doesn't directly depend on xserver-xorg-video-all, but it probably does indirectly)16:14
coconuti ask because i have not seen that before... ubuntu-mate 20.04.1 btw.16:19
cousteaumaybe it was there before and you hadn't seen it?16:20
cousteauI'm on 18.04.something and also have it16:20
cousteauand I have no ATI nor AMD here16:20
coconutpossible yes16:21
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Seidunahello ubuntu people,i have raspberry pi 4, and i am interested in having ubuntu arm64 version. I tried desktop version, but server version will do for me plus dwm. Now the 'problem' is, xinit pulls gnome in, with login manager, that takes over... if i purge xinit, autoremove does not offer to uninstall gnome or login manager... can i install xinit without gnome and login manager? thank you16:52
cousteauSeiduna, don't you need to autoremove for dependencies to be removed?16:56
lordcirthcousteau, they said they are using autoremove16:56
cousteauthey said purge, aren't those different?16:57
cousteauer, never mind16:57
lordcirthSeiduna, when installing, you can use --no-install-recommends16:57
cousteausorry sorry -.-"16:57
cousteauYes, I see that xinit seems to *recommend* x-session-manager and xserver, so installing without recommends as lordcirth suggested might be what you're after16:58
lordcirthNot sure why autoremove wouldn't remove them after purging xinit, though16:59
Seidunahey guys, hello! i went for a smoke thinking this will thake a while, bu this is really fast, i am sorry.16:59
Seidunaaha so i gather if i install with --no-install-recommends as good lord said, i should be ok17:00
cousteauyeah, me neither.  But I've seen cases where an autoinstalled package doesn't get autoremoved when no longer necessary.  I think it might be because another package recommends it.17:00
cousteauI recommend you at least try that, and if you see that it won't install a login manager then you know you're on the right track :)17:00
Seidunayeah, i do not need login manager i can type startx17:01
cousteaureminds me of the good ol' days when I had to type `win` in C:\> to start Windows17:01
Seidunaooooh, right, i remember that, might be you are right cousteau, and i am subconcously still looking at that cursor ;)17:03
Seidunaok, i will try latter on, when i can get to raspberry pi, and i thank you for your time and input. If you do not hear from me again, that means your advice helped and my mind is somewhere else, otherwise i assure you- i'll be back ;). thank you.17:08
uebera||Anyone managed to modify the ubuntu-20.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso ? Either I'm missing a step or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization is outdated; "file" tells me that the original has a "DOS/MBR boot sector […]" (and an EFI partition), while the result of the 'howto' yields an image which "file" identifies as "ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data".17:18
oerheksuebera||, surely outdated, there is a tool called cubic to do this17:19
uebera||oerheks: Many thanks, will have a look!17:22
chaslinuxTrying to pxe install 20.04, getting a "Syntax error: unable to determine template owner" for: append root=/dev/ram0 ramdisk_size=1500000 ip=dhcp url= ... is this a permissions issue?17:43
lordcirthchaslinux, can you wget the iso from your server?17:46
chaslinuxHmmn... will let it fail then try...17:47
chaslinuxYes I can wget the image using that URL.17:49
chaslinuxIt's the unable to determine the template owner that's wierding me out.17:50
lordcirthchaslinux, the only reference I can find to that error message is this channel's logs from 2010(!) and they didn't get an answer :P17:53
chaslinuxBasically what happens is the installer starts up, lets me enter details up to the hostname, then when it does the network configuration it says installer failed to process the preconfiguration file (it shows the link to the ISO). When I looked on console 4 it suggested I look at /var/lib/preseed/log which is where I got the syntax error message.17:54
lordcirthchaslinux, but can you pastebin your config file?17:54
chaslinuxSure.... I forget the ubuntu pastebin url though?17:54
lordcirthpaste.ubuntu.com, but any decent one works17:55
Mat63Hi. Which version, Ubuntu, x64, requires 2 <to 2 GB of Ram and with desktop?17:57
lordcirthMat63, Lubuntu is your best bet for low-RAM17:58
chaslinuxAck sorry ... have to run. Will keep at it myself for a bit.... maybe set something up at home.17:58
lordcirthXubuntu would run but probably slow down as soon as you open some browser tabs17:58
chaslinuxWe run Xubuntu on Core 2 Duo's with 2-4GB of RAM... it's okay, bit as lordcirth mentioned browsing isn't great on that small amount of RAM.17:59
Mat63I will be able to run without problems, Code Editors (programming)?18:01
lordcirthYeah, I prefer XFCE to LXQT, but I prefer having tabs more :P18:01
lordcirthMat63, depends on the editor. I wouldn't run the heavy ones.18:02
Mat63in Lubunto18:02
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Mat63To clarify the matter, I am thinking that a version of Ubuntu with less requirements, will make resources available to run programs with higher requirements.18:03
lordcirthMat63, to a point, yes18:04
Mat63Thank you. Have a nice day.18:06
oerheks64 bit needs 4 gb, your experience may vary with less than 2 gb18:06
Cursarionyo, I'm installing Ubuntu from a live image on pen drive, and it seems to be stuck on update-grub18:12
kotek14How long has it been stuck?18:12
CursarionI think about an hour by now18:13
kotek14Have you tried turning it off and on?18:13
Cursarionmid-install? :p18:13
kotek14Sure, you're doing a clean install right?18:14
CursarionI did pick the option where it upgrades packages while it installs, but there's no network usage so dunno what's with that. It does seem to think there's a floppy drive, which doesn't really exist18:14
CursarionI am. So turning it off doesn't break anything?18:14
kotek14Nope, nothing will break18:14
oerhekshold power 5 sec does not do harm to shut down18:14
kotek14Are you sure your image is good?18:15
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which a checksum is provided), see https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-verify-ubuntu18:15
kotek14Have you checked it?18:15
CursarionI verified the SHA256 signature, and also checked the pendrive for bad blocks while writing it18:15
TJ-Cursarion: did you use the Try Ubuntu method of starting the installer? if so, you can get to some logs before you restart to figure out the cause18:16
Cursarionno bad blocks were found, but Rufus did point out there are symlinks that might not work on FAT18:16
CursarionTJ-: former, so yeah, there are logs18:16
leftyfbif this is a fresh install and it's hanging on grub-install, there's no telling if it installed grub or not. Which means it won't boo.18:16
leftyfbCursarion: don't use rufus18:16
kotek14I don't have a lot of experience with Rufus. Try Etcher maybe?18:17
leftyfbCursarion: I would suggest Etcher.io18:17
Cursarionleftyfb: it hangs on update-grub. afaik grub is installed without errors18:17
CursarionI can go fetch the log if you'd like18:17
TJ-Cursarion: OK, so minimise the Ubiquity (installer) and open a terminal and look at logs. Start off with "ls -latr /var/log/" and you'll see the most recent dirs/files last... look for /var/log/installer/ (I think it is) but also /var/log/apt/18:17
Cursarionok, sec18:18
TJ-Cursarion: basically, you need to find the log files most recently updated, and then examine the last messages in those to find clues18:18
TJ-Cursarion: most logs will be timestamped for each message which makes it easier to cross-correlate them as well18:18
TJ-Cursarion: update-grub's primary job is to write /boot/grub/grub.cfg based on /etc/default/grub shell vars, and the scripts in /etc/grub.d/ so if it is stuck then maybe one of the devices/file-systems it was trying to access has caused an issue. BTW the installed image is mounted at /target/18:21
TJ-Cursarion: so you'd look at logs with "ls -latr /target/var/log/"18:21
CursarionI looked at /var/log first, and didn't see anything that seemed relevant18:24
kotek14Yeah, just restart it18:29
CursarionTJ-: here's grep -i "grub" * at /var/log: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/yYF9KSn3yR/18:41
Cursarionand here's the same thing for /target/var/log: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/dJxWXgMZ3t/18:41
Cursarionalso, there's no /target/boot/grub/grub.cfg, just /target/boot/grub/grub.cfg.new18:44
Cursarionthis is where it stops, roughly at 16:35: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/kk7rTN7dnc/18:49
Cursarionrestarting the machine got me stuck in bios, and second restart gave me a grub command line19:01
Cursarionso I guess there goes last three or so hours19:01
kotek14Cursarion: well, now just reinstall ubuntu19:03
Cursarionmkay. I was wondering during the installation, it asked about the boot loader or something and I picked /dev/sda as its target. Should I have picked /dev/sda1?19:07
Cursarion/dev/sda1 is my install target, and /dev/sda5 is a NTFS partition that I'd like to keep19:08
lordcirthCursarion, no, grub should always be on the drive itself19:08
Cursarionalright. so it didn't fail because of that19:08
TJ-Cursarion: sorry, was at dinner. grub.cfg.new tells me that update-grub was in the midst of creating the file but hadn't finished, because it would have renamed it to grub.cfg19:11
CursarionTJ-: makes sense. It was at it for couple of hours in the end, so it by all means should've managed to finish19:13
[Pokey]Hi there, I'm on 18.04 and trying to do-release-upgrade to 20.05 (running Ubuntu server so just a bare console) and the updater keeps crashing. When I get to the prompt to send a crash report, it spits out a python stacktrace and drops me to bash before I get the chance to make a selection to report my crash. What would be the best action to take at this time?19:22
lordcirth[Pokey], is your 18.04 up to date? Any unusual configuration / disk layout?19:23
lordcirthCan you pastebin the stacktrace?19:23
[Pokey]lordcirth: Fully up to date, with dist upgrade run. No held back packages. Disk layout is one normal disk. Abnormalities is this server is using my hosts' apt repos. Pastebin will be an issue as I can't select text but I can screenshot and imgur for you if thats suitable?19:24
jayjo-I just installed ubuntu using the default storage settings from the installer (using LVM). What's the best way to inspect this layout from a running system so I can convert the defaults to a curtin storage configuration?19:25
lordcirth[Pokey], imgur will do. Rebooted after dist upgrade? Are the Ubuntu repos accessible from your machine?19:25
lordcirthjayjo-, In general "lsblk -f" is great for figuring out a disk layout19:25
[Pokey]lordcirth: https://imgur.com/rav91wp Rebooted yes. I'm not 100% comfortable with editing apt sources so I would not be able to tell you if those would be accessible without a little pointer I'm afraid19:27
lordcirth[Pokey], I mean, if the installer rewrote your apt sources to the official ones, does the box have internet access?19:27
[Pokey]lordcirth: The machine has internet access yes. I just opened the sources list and do-release-upgrade has not overwritten it19:28
lordcirth[Pokey], wierd - try "touch /var/log/dmesg" and see if the error changes?19:28
[Pokey]lordcirth: This has not changed the error, just removed the directory not found above it. The file you just got me to touch is empty after running the do-release-upgrade19:32
lordcirth[Pokey], ok, I wasn't sure if it was related. I would try copying your customized /etc/apt/sources.list elsewhere and getting a default one. Or check if your mirror has the 20.04 packages fully synced19:43
[Pokey]lordcirth: If you don't mind would you be able to point me to where I can grab the default one please?19:44
ZajtI'm trying to run apt-get update on my ubuntu VPS, but get this https://pastebin.com/GL5DprVR - I've never got this error before. Anyone have some ideas what I can try?19:46
lordcirth[Pokey], here's the 18.04 default with comments stripped so you can read it easier: https://termbin.com/z1vk19:47
[Pokey]lordcirth: Thanks! Will get back to you after swapping them out19:47
lordcirth[Pokey], back. any luck?20:20
[Pokey]lordcirth: Yes! Having luck so far. I had more upgrades to do after switching out the sources, which required another reboot, and now the do-release-upgrade is running. When I disappear from IRC you'll know I have restarted. If I don't come back, you'll know its all gone horribly wrong XD20:21
[Pokey]lordcirth: 20.04.1 success! Thank you so much for your help!20:40
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lordcirth[Pokey], great! You are welcome!20:43
KurozenSo I have what appears to be a troublesome 16 GB (or 32GB) USB stick that felt unreliable from the get go, just some weird brand21:07
raccoon_dogKurozen: I don't know exactly what the exact issue with that USB stick could be, but a program like f3probe could help21:09
KurozenI think the brand is Strontium, but it appears in GSmart control and BIOS as "SRT USB"21:09
KurozenIt's USB3, I've been using, as most of my USB sticks are, to ocasionally transfer data between PCs (to avoid lengthy filezilla/sharing/ or when it's maintenance no network) and to install OSes21:10
sarnolda lot of hardware is just crap. sometimes it's better to just spend another few bucks and buy your way out of unreliable gear.21:10
lordcirthKurozen, if you are getting errors in dmesg from it, and not from other devices you plug into the same port, just toss it.21:11
KurozenSo it had linux installations, bootable utilites on, and it basically frezees and has errors when booting into Linux Live or installing, I think I redid it again and it still produces file corruption in same exact place21:11
KurozenSo I was looking if I could use smart tools or some bad block test to see if it's really the USB and it's permanent issue, but I don't have so many USBs lying around, I could salvage this one for some other use I need on a router as additional storage for scripts21:12
sarnoldthere is a badblocks tool21:12
raccoon_dogKurozen: Yeah; chances are it's a bad USB stick. If you want to see if you were sold a shady USB stick, see f3probe; if it isn't a counterfeit stick, you can test it for bad blocks with, well, badblocks21:12
sarnoldbut really, flash drives go bad with use and some start out as junk in the first place21:12
KurozenI was looking if the badblocks in flash are in the beginning of drive (usually soon after linux starts loading it's squashfs or whatever) I could create partition on the end of the space and get away with it ?21:12
KurozenI only need a like 1 GB of space if not much less.21:13
raccoon_dogThat's not a good idea; wear-leveling will thwart that method, Kurozen21:13
raccoon_dogLike, if the stick is bad, just probably toss it.21:13
lordcirthYeah, it's really not worth it21:13
KurozenUnlike some other sticks, this one doesn't report any instability issues when it just sits around and is being inserted, I dealth with such a stick just a while ago, I recovered and threw that one away, if I throw this one away I'm down to 3-4 sticks21:14
raccoon_dogThey're not particularly expensive lately. I'd consider getting one from a good brand name, like Kingston21:15
KurozenYes I would, thing is I don't want to buy a 30 dollar stick just to use 100 Megs that will have to be allocated at all times with all of that 32GB space useless, because I need a small stick for Router21:15
KurozenIf I buy a cheap stick then I again end up with the same problem right21:16
raccoon_dogThat is the issue; if the seller is questionable and no one's heard of the brand, you do run that risk.21:16
raccoon_dogThat's always a thing with electronics.21:16
sarnoldeven good sounding stuff can go bad21:18
raccoon_dogAnd does, eventually.21:18
sarnoldiirc I had a samsung SD card in my pandaboard es, it started giving corruption after a year or something21:18
KurozenThe first issue is, I can't enable SMART, GSMART control says "unsupported" while my Sandisk USB3 Cruzer is supported OK21:18
sarnoldit's just hte nature of the product21:18
sarnoldyeah, SMART over USB is iffy21:18
KurozenI can't perform any SMART tests, okay USB sticks weren't intended for that most likely anyway21:18
KurozenscsiModePageOffset: response length too short, resp_len=4 offset=4 bd_len=021:18
sarnoldnicer stuff often soupports it, junk stuff often doesn't21:18
raccoon_dogYou'd need SATA for SMART data, I think? Over USB it may not work.21:19
summonnerSMART is from the chips, you just need a driver which can communicate the information to/from the chips. if you cannot get this information, look at the vendors support page to see what driver they offer21:21
KurozenYeah this stick is like 2-3 years old if not more, but it was really mostly used as READ only, it was I think sitting in a radio as a music source.21:21
sarnoldsmartctl -d setting might let you get it to work21:22
summonnerUSB sticks don't have SMART from what I can think of. It's more of a rotating thing, temperatures, sector fails. I'm sure there is some sort of utility out there. Samsung has the wizard app for SSDs21:23
KurozenGSmartControl is a bit weird, based on the execution log it is supported, it asks for --capabilities and gets out the putput "SMART OK" but then in the GUI it says as if it's not21:24
summonnerI believe primarily the reason they don't is the auto scrubbing and auto-move when blocks of data fail, built into their system. As mentioned above, it really depends on the vendor21:25
KurozenYeah, GSmartControl first attempts without -d, then it gets output from smartctl "unknown USB bridge" and then it tries with -d scsi21:26
KurozenAnd that works for Sandisk Ultra apparently but hey I won't actually try running any SMART thing on any USB to not cause any more issue21:27
fribMy system has been delaying for a few minutes every time I start up for the last few days. What should I check first?21:38
sarnoldfrib: I suggest starting with journactl -b0 and seeing if there's anything strange in the logs21:41
summonnerwhat does it say on the screen when it starts up? have you looked at the logs? have you reviewed the  dmesg  output?21:41
LiveWireKurozen: thats not much cpu, maybe one of these smarter guys will answer, but i could see it21:53
Beeblebrox-BSD Hi, custom resolution setting for monitor question: 24" hdmi plugged in as joined display. GPU supports max 2560x1600_60. But laptop and external displays both set at 1920x1080_60. I would like the higher rez on the external 24" monitor. OS: Ububntu Groovy, + Gnome + wayland21:55
Beeblebrox-BSD I tried the Xorg version of Gnome and xrandr newmode/addmode etc, but they don't work either.21:55
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tacomasterwhen I run apt list --upgradable I see 16 packages that I can update. I am looking for a way before I install a patch to see if it is going to require a reboot or a log out and back in.22:00
lordcirthtacomaster, there's not really an automatic way to determine that. Generally I look at the packages and make an educated guess.22:00
kotek14tacomaster: You generally don't have to reboot for updates to take effect.22:02
kotek14Firefox will force you to restart the browser if it's running though22:03
oerhekscat /var/run/reboot-required.pkgs list of packages that need reboot22:04
tacomasteroerheks, Thank you!!!22:04
kotek14oerheks: I don't have this file. Where did you find it?22:04
tacomasterI just looked for this file as well and dont have it22:05
=== Glassjoe_ is now known as Glassjoe
kotek14tacomaster: What is the list of your packages? I can try eyeballing it if you need a solution now22:07
oerhekshmm, it is gone, indeed, /var/run/reboot-required should be there *if* an update needs reboot22:07
kotek14upgradable packages*22:07
kotek14oerheks: I see. Good to know, I'll check it before the next kernel upgrade22:08
oerheks!info needrestart22:08
tacomasterIts ok I will test in my lab to see if one is needed for this file.22:08
ubottuneedrestart (source: needrestart): check which daemons need to be restarted after library upgrades. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4-6 (focal), package size 41 kB, installed size 266 kB22:08
oerheksfrom: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-find-out-if-my-ubuntudebian-linux-server-needs-a-reboot/22:08
sarnoldthere's also a checkrestart22:09
TJ-needsrestart causes sometmes long delays after kernel upgrades22:10
kotek14tacomaster: Okay now I have the file22:11
kotek14You have to actually install updates and then it will appear if reboot is pending22:12
oerhekscheckrestart is also mentioned, from debian goodies22:12
kotek14oerheks: Do you need to install updates for checkrestart to trigger or it knows just from looking at --upgradable list?22:15
fribsarnold, Jan 04 16:37:24 glicina systemd-resolved[682]: Server returned error NXDOMAIN, mitigating potential DNS violation DVE-201822:20
sarnoldfrib: ignore those22:20
oerhekskotek14, i think you need to update first, yes.22:24
TerynHey, I'm having a problem with getting my Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS booting properly on my Raspberry Pi 4B.  Am I in the right channel to ask about this?22:39
linuxrhi there, anyone using "anbox"? I could need some help to get it up and running22:39
wolframHello, there is a feature in kernel 5.5 that I am potentially interested in and I am just not sure. Currently Ubuntu 20.04 is on kernel v5.4. I have never had to check it before, do LTS releases stay on the same patch level only or are kernels upgraded? I.e. will it be always 5.4.x or will it be 5.5, 5.6 etc. at one point? Thanks.22:40
wolframTeryn: Yes, although I am unlikely to be the person to assist you.22:40
Terynwolfram, Thanks. :)22:40
wolframTeryn: If you ask a question, someone will so go ahead freely.22:41
oerheksLTS will not bring 5.5 AFAIK22:43
oerheksone can test a higher kernel, without support22:43
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds22:43
TerynBasically, it freezes up and ejects a lot of garbage characters at the point uboot tried to initialize, so far as I can tell.  I have a screenshot from my phone, just need to wipe the EXIF and get it onto a paste site...22:44
wolframHuh, sure oerheks, it is rather the users of my software that will be on LTS, unwilling to change the default kernel.22:44
wolframI.e. I can test it but they will not upgrade :)22:45
waveformTeryn, would you happen to have a fan-shim attached?22:45
Terynwaveform, Yeah, is that relevant?22:46
waveformTeryn, yup - fan-shim abuses the serial pin and spews rubbish at u-boot - add enable_uart=0 to config.txt and it'll be fine22:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1873520 in u-boot (Ubuntu) "fan-shim interrupts u-boot" [Low,Confirmed]22:46
Terynwaveform, Wow, that little?  I'll edit the file and before the next boot.  Thanks. :D22:48
waveformyup, that's all - and I should say "abuses" - there are good reasons they've stuck that line there (mostly to keep the board size small) but it's annoying for anything with a serial console by default :)22:48
KurozenSooo umm22:50
Terynwaveform, A bit beyond my ken, but thanks for the info. :)22:51
KurozenI managed to break GParted with a USB stick poked with f3probe / f3write .... ?22:51
KurozenOh okay, now it finally opened up22:52
TerynOkay, gonna try booting up again.  Later.22:52
KurozenUnmounted USB stick with bootable Ubuntu, ddrescue, f3probe destructive, mount with dolphin, f3write for a few secs, realize it writes only to free space as some was used, gparted won't work if it's mounted so replug the USB, but then GParted takes a long time ... I was afraid I broke it and wouldn't be able to format it ever again lol.22:54
KurozenThere's always console utilities but I was thinking maybe those won't work either.22:54
KurozenThe GUI went through, but now, ERROR CANOT STAT DEVICE22:57
KurozenSo I  did break ... well not GParted, but perhaps the damn stick, which was looking fine so far22:57
Kurozenf3probe reported it as probably "the real thing" so not fake flash.22:58
raccoon_dogCould still have failing firmware and/or bad blocks.23:00
Kurozenddrescure reported no bad blocks23:01
Kurozenbut yeah, it may crapped out coincidentially when I mounted it and interrupted f3write23:01
raccoon_dogWhat method did ddrescue use to check that? badblocks is probably more exhaustive.23:02
KurozenI'm not sure what ddrescue did in the backgroun, i used -d and --sector-size 512, no other options tho23:07
Kurozendmesg: https://ibb.co/ZcdrSqY23:07
KurozenSo I'm going to try to replug it again and see if it makes errors by just plugging it in23:07
sarnoldKurozen: it might be broken USB controller / ports / cables in the machine; itmight be worth checking it on another computer, too23:08
KurozenThere was nothing wrong with it visibly, it was only making errors when booting into linux, last time I tried it on some very old 2006 pentium 4 PC with probably USB1 or what23:13
KurozenOkay now it got replugged without errors23:14
KurozenThis is the first time it was making any suh erros, the whole f3probe and ddrescue went okay just previously23:14
KurozenSo if it won't work in GUI, I hear it could be done using dd and fdisk to do it all manually23:18
KurozenKDE Partition Manager is also stuck on "scanning sdc"23:19
Kurozensame issue I guess23:19
TerynBack. Still wasn't able to get my Ubuntu Server 20.04 microSD to boot on the RPi4B, it's still spewing garbage characters at the point where a uboot prompt appears.23:26
TerynTried unplugging other devices I wouldn't have needed in case they were making the garbage characters: the touchscreen USB interface plug, the mouse, but still nothing.23:26
fribi tried to mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 to /mnt/sdcard and its just hanging23:32
waveformTeryn, anything still attached on GPIO14 & 15? those are the UART pins that u-boot uses as the serial console; if so, worth checking if there's enable_uart=1 in config.txt / syscfg.txt / usercfg.txt (the latter two are included from the former in focal)23:33
Kurozendd zeroing the USB works so far ... 30 % done23:34
fribhow can I kill a mount command that's just stalling?23:34
sarnoldfrib: you may or may not be able to kill it23:35
fribsarnold, well can I at least find out why its hanging?23:35
sarnoldfrib: ps auxw | grep mount  .. to find the pid, then use kill -9 on that pid23:35
fribsarnold, that's what I did23:35
fribbut its not working23:35
sarnoldfrib: maybe; check /proc/pid/stack of the hanging pid23:35
Terynwaveform, I have no other HATs or things like that on the pi, the Fanshim is the only additional device.23:35
friboh that's awesome23:36
frib[<0>] wait_on_page_bit+0x11c/0x20023:36
frib[<0>] wait_on_page_writeback+0x43/0x9023:36
TerynI believe the 'pinout' command currently says those pins aren't in use now, but I'm on RasPiOS currently.23:37
fribsarnold, any idea bout those?23:38
Terynwaveform, Ah, sorry, misunderstood.  I'm also checking syscfg.txt and usercfg.txt, the first *did* have enable_uart=1, checking the second file now.23:39
Terynusercfg.txt has no commands, just the default comments.23:40
sarnoldfrib: strange, I don't think I would have expected *writeback* in a mount path23:40
TerynSo should I give it another try at rebooting now?23:41
TerynWell, I changed the uart option to 0 in syscfg.txt, so I'll give it another try.23:44
arooniquestion; i'm trying to make unison connect via ssh to bash shell (system default is fish shell) ; i've read about forceommand but even with Match All23:57
aroonii can't seem to get outgoing ssh connections from ubuntu 20.04 to my mac mini to use bash23:57

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