
guivercwxl, fyi:  echo $UID $GROUPS shows 1000 for each; /etc/passwd & /etc/shadow both how only 1000 for new hirsute install (20200104.1)01:59
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> nice, the swap option should be there on an erase disk too.02:01
lubot[telegram] <teward001> *erases a VM just because for tests*02:01
lubot[telegram] <teward001> :)02:01
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> *poof*02:02
guivercI only 'install alongside' so didn't notice the swap option..02:02
lubot[telegram] <teward001> @kc2bez ooopsies I deleted CI xD02:02
lubot[telegram] <teward001> JK02:02
* guiverc only being install done today02:02
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> ah, fair enough. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <guiverc> I only 'install alongside' so didn't notice the swap option..)02:02
* guiverc expected $ID/GROUPS to be fixed; left last install presen if comparison is needed.. that was purpose of install for me02:03
lubot[telegram] <teward001> this is the 21.04 iso right?02:03
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Yes02:03
guivercyep hirsute 20200104.1  (latest, rebuilt a few hrs ago)02:04
lubot[telegram] <teward001> ... was there a secondary respin today?  I see a .1 folder o.O02:04
lubot[telegram] <teward001> ah so there was :P02:04
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> yup02:04
guivercyep, @Leokolb & wxl detected issues.. corrected via respin02:04
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> The lockscreen should have the proper release number too.02:05
lubot[telegram] <teward001> *zsyncs the image*02:06
lubot[telegram] <teward001> 22MBps makes it fast02:06
guivercthanks kc2bez, I'll look (it's running in another room) once I've completed $UID comment02:06
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Indeed. I get 30's at work. That is pretty nice. (re @teward001: 22MBps makes it fast)02:07
-lugito1:#lubuntu-devel- [T181: GID/UID mismatch for users.] guiverc (Chris Guiver) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T181#401002:08
lubot[telegram] <teward001> well i'm on my wifi, so there's some speed difference (re @kc2bez: Indeed. I get 30's at work. That is pretty nice.)02:08
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Sounds good, thanks for checking. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <guiverc> thanks kc2bez, I'll look (it's running in another room) once I've completed $UID comment)02:08
lubot[telegram] <teward001> if I jack in I can get ~35MBps02:08
lubot[telegram] <teward001> > Create new MSDOS partition table on /dev/vda02:09
lubot[telegram] <teward001> shouldn't we be using GPT nowadays :P02:09
lubot[telegram] <teward001> granted, no difference on a 50GB drive but still02:09
lubot[telegram] <teward001> a valid question ;)02:09
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> You can switch it.02:10
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> It is an option02:10
lubot[telegram] <teward001> not... that I can see02:10
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Might have to go manual partitioning02:10
lubot[telegram] <teward001> well yeah but i'm testing autoerase02:10
lubot[telegram] <teward001> hence the question02:10
lubot[telegram] <teward001> :)02:10
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Right02:11
lubot[telegram] <teward001> if I do everything manually I get it perfect, but my question is: why is the installer preferring DOS style partition tables instead of modern GPT?02:11
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Probably because no one has changed it since the beginning of time.02:12
lubot[telegram] <teward001> hmm02:13
lubot[telegram] <teward001> well02:13
lubot[telegram] <teward001> unrelated the thing should not be popping this up if i already have everything set up via manual partitioning:02:13
lubot[telegram] <teward001> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/bc8c6868/file_1527.jpg02:14
lubot[telegram] <teward001> 'cause i already created the partition it's asking for ;)02:14
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> No, it shouldn't do that. Sounds like a bug.02:15
guiverckc2bez, yep lockscreen reports "Lubuntu 21.04"02:17
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Nice. Thanks again.02:18
lubot[telegram] <teward001> @kc2bez yeah i'm going to test and see if i can confirm it again02:19
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Ok02:19
lubot[telegram] <teward001> and if this is the case that it's a bug there'll  be a nice phat phab task / bug for someone to handle :P02:19
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Sounds good.02:19
-lugito1:#lubuntu-devel- [T183: Calamares should NOT prompt repeatedly if a partition matching (or exceeding) the required bios_grub partition is already configured for manual partitioning] teward (Thomas Ward) just created this task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T18302:28
lubot[telegram] <teward001> hmmm, lugito didn't echo to here.  Guess that's by design.  *shrugs*02:29
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯02:30
lubot[telegram] <teward001> well regardless https://phab.lubuntu.me/T183exists now02:30
-lugito1:#lubuntu-devel- Error: T183exists is an invalid task reference.02:30
lubot[telegram] <teward001> oopsies i mistyped xD02:30
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Okie dokie02:30
lubot[telegram] <teward001> more an annoyance than a bug xD02:31
lubot[telegram] <teward001> but still02:31
guiverccalamares font (size) change too??   looks smaller on this screen02:36
guivercwe maybe need to add WITH.SWAP/NO.SWAP to https://phab.lubuntu.me/w/release-team/testing-checklist/\02:37
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> I hadn't noticed the font changing.02:37
guivercI hadn't either on prior box/install.. this one has higher res screen.. maybe it's just me (not wearing glasses)02:38
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> I think we probably should. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <guiverc> we maybe need to add WITH.SWAP/NO.SWAP to https://phab.lubuntu.me/w/release-team/testing-checklist/\)02:38
guivercI'll give some thought as to adding to checklist (I don't want to double all the tests needed to pass)02:39
guivercthe summary screen (final before INSTALL is pressed) doesn't mention SWAP - should it? and easy to achieve that?02:41
* guiverc actually this install is NO SWAP; maybe because I didn't say SWAP the lack of mention is my mention (tongue-twister??)02:43
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> It might only mention on a partition or at least when it is selected.02:44
guivercyeah... I'll look again next install (with swap)... [assuming I remember]02:45
* guiverc chose no-swap as I noted @Leokolb had already done swap install on BIOS box02:46
=== ddevault_ is now known as ddevault
RyuKurisu[m]<kc2bez "It created a swapfile and my use"> Does that swapfile also work with Btrfs? 🤔08:01
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> I think it would if the default file system was BTRFS. On an erase disk install it doesn't let you choose the file system, it just uses the default. In our case it is ext4. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <RyuKurisu[m]> <kc2bez "It created a swapfile and my use"> Does that swapfile also work with Btrfs? 🤔)09:27
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Performed "install alongside" and swap file created but no selection  when installing - all went well (re @kc2bez: It might only mention on a partition or at least when it is selected.)10:32
Alex70Hey, any devs here ?11:29
kc2bezYes, I am here and most idle and read the backlog11:30
Alex70Do you have experience with NM ?11:31
kc2bezNetwork manager?11:31
kc2bezsome, never any development though11:32
Alex70I think there is some kind of a bug with it. Wondering is some of you could reproduce it. Whenever a new VPN connection is created either via nmcli or applet and the password is stored only for the user, it never gets stored.11:33
Alex70Thus, when attempting to enable the vpn the journal log contains the following: Failed to request VPN secrets #3: No agents were available for this request11:35
kc2bezIs this just on Lubuntu or do you get the same results on other flavors?11:36
Alex70POP os11:36
Alex70ubuntu, mint, debian all ok11:37
lubot[telegram] <princeofclay> @PopOs_en (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <Alex70> POP os)11:37
lubot[telegram] <princeofclay> TG Group11:37
kc2bezSo this channel is for Lubuntu development11:37
lubot[telegram] <princeofclay> +111:37
lubot[telegram] <princeofclay> Not support.11:37
Alex70Yeah well just wanted to check if some of you were aware of this or not first.11:38
lubot[telegram] <princeofclay> Yeah. Fine, np. Its public for a reason👍 (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <Alex70> Yeah well just wanted to check if some of you were aware of this or not first.)11:39
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Welcome. I understand that you are looking to help. Which areas of interest do you have? (re @jazahalka: )11:43
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> You mentioned artwork assistance. It is an area we could use help.11:43
wxlok anything new and interesting today i need to deal with?18:30
* tsimonq2 throws a curveball at wxl18:31
* wxl dodges18:33
lubot[telegram] <teward001> *hands wxl a bill*18:34
lubot[telegram] <teward001> yeah you have this to handle18:35
The_LoudSpeakerwxl: you mentioned something about sddm. have a task on phab?19:08
wxlok look what i did there19:16
wxli didn't even notice XD19:16
wxlstupid bot19:16
wxl^ @The_LoudSpeaker 19:17
The_LoudSpeakerI will look into it. 19:38
The_LoudSpeakerNot sure if I understand everything that's written there but I will try.19:38
wxljust ask questions where needed19:40
wxlit took me a while to unravel19:40
wxlreading the original thread on discourse (linked) might be useful19:40
* The_LoudSpeaker proceeds to install lubuntu in a vm.19:41
wxlyou will need to know this: `sddm-greeter --test-mode --theme /path/to/theme`19:46
wxlthat will save you the trouble of logging out and back in again19:46
The_LoudSpeakergtg rn tho. waay too sleepy. dozed off even during the vm install. 20:02
wxlif you don't specify `--theme` it will default to the embedded theme (maui, from which our theme derives from)20:02
wxlit can be useful to check, e.g. if you've managed to change the default face icon20:03
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL4add1650cc39: Improve wording on opening a folder] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL4add1650cc3923:29
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL26b86f6c8429: Add missing right click in creating new file] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL26b86f6c842923:37
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL31f5048302fd: Add right click create folder] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL31f5048302fd23:40
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUALac5f0f4f4c2d: Improve wording on deleting files] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUALac5f0f4f4c2d23:41
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUALf11a2f069caf: Fix conjugation] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUALf11a2f069caf23:58

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