
GalzuFromQAnyone know how to roll back the installed version of PHP?03:51
lordievaderGood morning06:48
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iceyjamespage: the two dependencies on sqlalchemy-utils are test / build depends || optional things15:43
iceyspecifically, psycopg2 is a test requirement, and infinity is an optional thing if a user wants that feature15:44
jamespageOK but are they represented in the Recommends or Depends of the binary packages produced as well?15:45
jamespageSuggests avoids MIR, Recommends enforces it15:45
iceyjamespage: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/NWQrKyWdDQ/15:52
iceyso the psycopq2 and infinity are coming in implicitly, we should make them explicitly a Suggests15:52
iceyjamespage: annoyingly, the psycopg2 is coming in via a 'tests' section of extra_requires in the package's setup.py15:53
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rangergordHiya. For an embedded system, if I have x64 hardware (Intel Atom), what's the point of running Ubuntu Core instead of Ubuntu Server?19:27
rangergordthere's no #ubuntu-core to ask this, thought I'd ask here since server is the closest analog19:27
sarnoldrangergord: ubuntu core is more intended for appliances: think set top box, networking gear, printer, fridge, toaster, etc.19:36
kinghatif i wanted zfs or btrfs on root install, would it be better to just install desktop and remove the DE after?19:53
sdezielkinghat: you can do btrfs as rootfs with the server installer19:54
sdezielyes, it's what I run on all my hosts19:55
kinghatis there zfs in 20.10?19:55
rangergordsarnold, so if I have a tiny embedded board, but it's an Atom with 2GB of RAM, I'm better off with Server, right?19:57
sarnoldrangergord: it really depends more upon what you want to do with the system and how you intend to manage it19:59
rangergordI want it run my app 24/7, crash as little as possible. Not managed at all. However I do collect coredumps on crash and occasionally the user sends them to me.20:01
rangergordrun 24/7 for 247 years20:03
rangergordor hopefully, 2.47 years20:03
sarnoldheh, that's an interesting position to be in .. completely unmanaged is unusual :) normally folks want to get updates, push updates, etc sometime..20:04
rangergordnope, it's offline20:05
rangergordunless the user hooks up a laptop to it directly20:05
rangergordthen it's still offline, but they can SSH to it20:05
sarnoldI could see either one for this; server will be a lot more familiar, core might be easier to turn into an application host that just does the one thing.20:05
rangergordyeah what's making me tilt towards Server, is that Core seems like some random product that just happens to have the same name. Like Angular 1 and Angular 2.20:06
rangergordso all my familiarity with Ubuntu might be lost if I go with server20:06
rangergord*go with Core20:06
rangergordI dont know anyone who uses Core. They dont even have an IRC channel.20:07
sarnoldheh, you *do* know people that use core, they just don't advertise it as part of their product :)20:09
rangergordI meant, people on IRC20:09
rangergordsysadmins, etc20:09
rangergorddifferent crowds maybe :)20:09
sarnoldyes :)20:10
rangergordhave you met one?20:10
rangergordI guess the question is answered. I'll play it safe with Server. :)20:10
sarnoldheh, excellent question; I probably haven't, I've only done a handful of customer engagements..20:11
rangergordallright, no worries.thanks20:12
kinghatdo you guys know about the change that happened in the /dev/disk/by-id? like the format or something changed in 20.04 from 18.04.20:45
TJ-kinghat: that'd be a udev rule if so20:47
sarnoldkinghat: try starting with grep disk/by-id /lib/udev/rules.d/*20:47
kinghatit can be changed back to the 18.04 default?20:48
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kinghatwhat is grep /dev/disk/by-id /lib/udev/rules.d/* doing?21:44
sarnoldkinghat: it's showing you which udev files may be involved in whatever it is you're trying to research21:44
kinghatdo you guys see zfs getting integration like btrfs has on server?21:45
sarnoldI think it's likely, yes, but I don't know a timeframe21:46
kinghathave you setup zfs at root for server before?22:02
sarnoldwell... my laptop, with zfs root, was installed before the installer got zfs support22:04
sarnoldI followed an earlier version https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/Getting%20Started/Ubuntu/Ubuntu%2020.04%20Root%20on%20ZFS.html22:04
sarnoldit's significantly more work22:04
kinghatwould you just use the desktop installer and remove the DE for a server experience?22:07
sarnoldyou'd also need to clean up networkmanager; I'm not sure what else you'd want to fiddle with22:08
kinghatfound this: https://github.com/saveriomiroddi/zfs-installer22:12
kinghatyou have to use the desktop installer for that guide above even if you want server?22:54
sarnoldkinghat: you get a certain amount through with the live desktop installer, I think for the zfs things, and then you will use debootstrap to do the actual install to disk22:59
kinghatthat guide seems pretty intense 😬22:59
sarnoldit's been developed over many years, a lot of things have been covered :)23:01

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