[01:01] good morning [01:02] Morning callmepk [01:02] good morning duflu [01:09] seb128: Happy new year! If you'd like to get colord off the desktop-excuses list, 1.4.5-3 is available for sponsoring from salsa :) [01:51] RAOF: Anything exciting in that update? [01:51] Or just resolving excuses? [01:51] Colord? It builds on s390x again :) [01:51] Meh [01:52] I don't really expect anything particularly interesting to happen in colord releases from here out, with the exception, perhaps, of more colorimeter support. [01:53] (Or the re-instatement of argyll support, bringing back a bunch of colorimeter support) [01:53] RAOF: BTW in case you're not subscribed already, bug 938751 is a popular issue, and not one I have had time to dive into [01:53] bug 938751 in inkscape (Ubuntu) "Images are washed out or colors are skewed in some apps (particularly Image Viewer and Chrome)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/938751 [01:57] I suspect we are applying the gamma curve twice in some apps [01:58] That is possible, I guess? [02:00] like, in an application + in a library, or something like that? [02:04] More like in the shell + in the app/library [02:07] I don't think it's the shell applying a monitor correction calibration and then the app doing the same, because it seems to apply to autogenerated profiles which cannot have correction data. [02:08] It might be that the autogenerated profile has an incorrect gamut for the monitor, so the application is inapropriately restricting the colour space. [02:09] It also might just be that the profile has a correct gamut, and the images people complain about have an sRGB profile embedded, so the when the monitor profile is applied colours are correctly muted. [02:10] I suspect the shell because the profile seems to affect shell elements as well as app windows [02:26] If you have an example of such a profile, gcm-inspect (from the gnome-color-manager package) might provide interesting information. [02:26] Or, you could send one such profile to me, and I could poke around. [02:28] RAOF: All profiles :( [02:29] Even the default one, which is curious because that should be a no-op right? [02:30] The default one may not be a no-op - it definitely won't include the information necessary to do global colour-correction, but it could contain gamut information and such that would be usable. [02:31] RAOF: I haven't looked at it in years. Just suggested you subscribe to the bug :) [02:32] But the “all profiles” bit suggests to me that maybe the problem is that you don't like the sRGB color space. :) [02:33] That's not impossible, but very curious it's been such an annoying issue across many different monitors/laptops/users [02:36] In the most extreme cases, white areas appear as green or pink. I think mpt and robert.ancell experienced that but haven't seen it myself [02:36] The fix was to disable all colour profiles [06:21] Good morning [06:34] morning jibel [06:53] Hi callmepk [07:19] Hi jibel [07:29] goood morning desktopers [07:30] Morning seb128 [07:30] hey duflu, happy new year! do you feel better today? [07:31] seb128, happy new year. Yeah much better thanks. I had a killer headache, nausea and shivering despite it being summer. But I am good now. How are you? [07:36] I'm great thanks! Glad to read that you feel better today [07:39] good morning [07:39] Morning didrocks [07:39] hey duflu! === didrocks999 is now known as didrocks [08:00] morning seb128 diddledan [08:00] morning seb128 didrocks [08:00] hey callmepk :) [08:00] oops [08:09] diddledan, getting all the love again [08:43] https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/84.0.2/ [08:43] @ ricotz [08:48] luna_, thanks, osomon is likely on it soon [08:49] I am looking after trunk, beta and esr [08:49] gooooood morning desktopers! :) [08:50] Morning ricotz [08:51] hey hey ricotz [09:02] morning ricotz [09:02] yooooooooooooooooooooooo [09:03] hey Laney [09:04] ricotz: heh there was a new ESR and Beta too [09:07] hey duflu didrocks callmepk Laney [09:07] luna_, I known ;), already built or just uploaded :) [09:10] Hi Laney [09:11] moin didrocks ricotz & duflu [09:12] (/me is so tempted to say again hey Laney :p) [09:24] ricotz: oh alright nice [09:25] didrocks: oh god, we'll never break out [09:51] hey callmepk, didrocks, ricotz, luna_, Laney [09:54] hey seb128 [09:57] wb seb128! [09:57] Salut seb128 [10:03] lut jibel [10:59] hey seb128 [11:38] Laney jibel : Hi. Id that ubiquity upload possible this week? [11:38] *Is [12:05] yeah, thanks I forgot! [12:11] ty :) [15:32] good morning desktopers [15:48] Good morning hellsworth [15:48] hey hellsworth [15:48] hi there jibel didrocks !! === ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch [19:13] speaking of ubiquity... would anyone like to answer a Q or 2? :) hmmm...? === ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson