
lotuspsychjegood morning03:03
ducassegood morning07:10
guivercsanbot, I use development cycle, ie. currently hirsute, it's not quite rolling, but close (been on dev cycle since 17.10/artful)08:03
sanbotHow will be rolling release distro ,if i distro hop08:03
sanbotI guess fedora is rolling release .08:03
guivercrolling rhino is the Ubuntu rolling release08:03
sanbotguiverc:  oh didn't knew .08:04
guivercfedora rawhide is equivalent to my dev cycle as I understand it08:04
Maiksanbot: fedora is not a rolling release08:04
sanbotMaik:  so what is it's release model ?08:04
guivercsanbot, https://github.com/wimpysworld/rolling-rhino08:04
MaikArch, KaOS, Manjaro, PCLinuxOS are rolling releases08:04
* guiverc is away again08:05
sanbotguiverc:  looks cool ,i can mess around ,becoz i have now proper backup :)08:05
Maikguiverc: rolling rhino good if he's a developer and very experienced user, not for daily usage08:05
Maiksanbot: fedora releases a new version every six months and each version is supported for about 13 months iirc08:06
Maikwant a stable rolling release then go for Manjaro08:07
guivercMaik, behind rolling is the development cycle; more stable (Fedora Rawhide is the development cycle too, not quite rolling)08:08
sanbotI have a arch installed ,but didn't used much ,i installed it in hacky way ,first i installed it in qemu vm ,then cloned img to hdd partition ,but didn't used it for long time and now it's broken ,xd 😂08:08
guivercMaik has good points though... you're more likely to have issues, and need to know how to fix things (and for Ubuntu, askubuntu & some sites don't allow development/rhino)08:08
sanbotOk thank you guys ,i guess i will install a lts version08:10
sanbotOf ubuntu08:10
Maiksanbot: in the almost 14 years in the linux world, i came back to Ubuntu (7.04 is where i started) last year because it's userfriendly and stable. I came full circle and didn't regret my return. I use two devices with a LTS release and one with Ubuntu MATE 20.10 because it's a Pi 4 and other laptop will be put to use for QA.08:15
MaikLTS releases are the way to go for sure08:15
sanbotYeh i agree latest ubuntu has become way better then previous ,one it's running great in my friends laptop ,which used to struggle running any linux , battery life is better ,thermal heat is cooler then windows ,i helped him to enable hibernation in ubuntu ,and he has ditched windows .08:17
Maiknice :)08:18
sanbotWhat desktop environment you guys use ?08:34
sanbotDo anyone use tiling window manger ? (I am planning to learn it)08:35
Maiki went from Ubuntu Unity Remix back to vanilla Ubuntu (Gnome) but now use Ubuntu MATE. The good old Gnome 2 look which i learned to use when i first started out with Ubuntu back in 2007. However i know my way around in all the major DE's (KDE, Xfce, Gnome, LXDE/LXQt, MATE, Cinnamon).08:38
lordievaderGood morning08:46
sanbotMaik:  nice ,i heavily customize gnome ,and kdeplasma08:51
marcoagpintodaftykins: morning11:48

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