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deadromLibreOffice 7 for 18.04 - is it in any official repos?00:53
deadromsudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-7-0 <- trustworthy?00:54
sarnolddeadrom: you're pretty much giving root access to whoever controls that ppa00:56
deadromwell, that's the case with every ppa isn't it?00:56
aroonianyone here use unison to filesync? and had issues with unison not finding the unison executable ont he server you're connecting to even though its int he path ?01:18
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kinghatdoes anyone know if there are any improvements for the zfs installer on 20.10 compared to 20.04?02:12
shelcodHey everyone, I'm having an issue with my Xubuntu installation.02:16
asenmHello, folks! I have the following errors in dmesg [ 8277.175241] Buffer I/O error on device mtdblock0, logical block 0  [ 8277.186081] end_request: I/O error, dev mtdblock0, sector 0 [ 8277.191689] FAT-fs (mtdblock0): unable to read boot sector however i don't see this device being mounted ... mount output here: https://pastebin.com/NkE1cw8R02:16
asenmlsblk output here:https://pastebin.com/iy4kcbC3 how can i figure what the problem is and if this is in fact a problem?02:16
kotek14shelcod: You can join #xubuntu for xubuntu-specific help. So, what is the problem?02:17
shelcodI tried changing my resolution to an unsupported resolution, and now whenever I sign into my main account, I get a black screen.02:17
shelcodand when I try to use xrandr from a second account, it doesn't allow me to change my original accounts resolution.02:17
kotek14shelcod: What about other accounts?02:17
shelcodThey work fine02:18
kotek14Oh, I see. What does xrandr say?02:18
shelcodI'm currently using a 2nd account.02:18
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guivercshelcod, you could maybe try modifying ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/displays.xml and change resolution to what it was (should be), but I'd make a backup of that file for sure, in case of error.  You didn't give release details (I'm basing on my own release)02:20
shelcodSo if I sign into a different account, open the terminal, then switch to my main account and run "xrandr -q", it says "Cannot Open Display" and try to run "xrandr -q"02:20
shelcodSorry, forgot to delete the last sentence of that last post.02:20
shelcodAlright. I'll try that.02:21
guivercshelcod, since your current (2nd) accounts works, compare (diff) the difference between the file I mentioned of the existing (2nd) and initial account maybe safer (per my advice..)02:21
shelcodThat's a good idea.02:22
* guiverc if the diffrence is shown; just copy it to your existing & chown maybeeeeeeeee02:23
* guiverc shown - as it seen & make sense with your change..02:23
kotek14You can just use a different TTY under your own account02:25
kotek14Switch using Ctrl+Alt+F1 (Your desktop runs on tty7 which can be accessed with Ctrl+Alt+F7)02:26
cloudcellhello, is it possible to move the clock from the center to the right of my screen ? (in ubuntu 20.04)02:29
shelcodI tried that already, I got the same issue as the x server wasn't active.02:29
shelcodcloudcell Look into the unite plugin. I know it can out the clock to the right.02:29
cloudcellthanks shelcod02:30
shelcodYou're welcome02:30
pyeverythingcould someone please help me with this question? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1305387/getting-rid-of-protobuf-3-13-0-in-ubuntu-20-04-and-set-protobuf-3-6-1-as-default02:53
Delvienpyeverything: apt list | grep "proto" - then pastebin the results03:06
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KurozenSome site suggests to delete group of lines in a file to do: sed '1,100d' somefile.txt ... but in my case it prints into stdin some other piece of code03:27
Kurozenreally not what I meant03:27
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Wanderer-Is it possible to create a service for a gui application which keeps crashing? So basically restarting it everytime it crashes?04:07
Delvienseems like its a better idea to fix the app instead :P04:08
Wanderer-So I was thinking, If I ask the question and dont mention anything about crashing, maybe Ill get an actual answer04:10
DelvienI can say this, its absolutely possible04:11
matt_guestHi. My headless ubuntu server 18.04.4 LTS (on a HP microserver) can no longer access the outside network after being restarted yesterday. I can still SSH into it on my local network. I also updated my router firmware yesterday and I'm struggling to identify where the issue is. I can ping local IP addresses from the server. Ping google returns04:28
matt_guest'destination host unreachable'. I have link aggregation enabled on my router and a bond setup in netplan. Any troubleshooting advice appreciated! Thanks. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7wHbh4NyYm/04:28
Bashing-ommatsaman: I brainstorm with you - what results ' ping -c3 ' ?04:48
matt_guestThanks Bashing! 'Destination host unreachable'04:48
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Bashing-ommatsaman: Ouch - it has no route for that network ? -- what shows ' ip route show ' ?04:52
matt_guestYeah, I'm very confused. This: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZHnky3mTr3/04:53
matt_guestdocker is down (a vpn container, which makes sense) but the static IP for my server is still up for the bond04:54
Bashing-ommatsaman: Yukkie - will take one who is familiar with docker to re set the link as we have "src linkdown". I have no clue here :(04:55
matt_guestI expect that link should be down though, as it's unable to establish a VPN connection. I can't get external traffic on the bond which is what I can't understand.04:57
Bashing-ommatsaman: Is the bond set as in the example: https://blog.ubuntu.com/2017/12/01/ubuntu-bionic-netplan ?05:03
matt_guestBashing-om - It appears to be - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cqNQrGzT96/05:11
farsonichey all05:14
farsonicanyone here proficient with installing ubuntu server over a serial console?05:15
farsonicI'm trying to do a headless install but can't get console redirected to ttyS0 at all :(05:15
matsamandocker makes you sterile05:18
Bashing-ommatsaman: dunknow :( .. but 'sudo netplan --debug generate ' <-  test the configuration. says your configuration is sane ?05:22
matsamanBashing-om: okay, what's the problem then?05:24
Bashing-ommatsaman: No idea, just poking in the dark as I have no experience with docker and do not know what to expect in this environment :(05:27
matsamanno I mean05:27
matsamanwhat is the problem you're having?05:27
kotek14matsaman: a little birdie said that docker is for pussies05:30
Bashing-omoopps sorry matsaman - all this is misdirected to you :( .. was for original poster matt_guest. I not paying proper attention to what I am doing :(05:31
godane!ao https://www.theblaze.com/news/project-veritas-claims-to-expose-illegal-voter-registration-scheme-in-georgia-but-does-not-appear-to-show-illegal-activity05:37
matt_guestBashing-om - This is odd - it says recording are missing here https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jRDycF6vKP/05:37
godanesorry again05:38
Bashing-ommatt_guest: Maybe I am out in left field as I was expecting networkd to be the renderer - what shows ' systemctl status network-manager ' ?05:43
matt_guestBashing-om - Unit network-manager.service could not be found.05:48
Bashing-ommatt_guest: ' cat /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml ' renderer: is what ? just to confirm .05:50
SynfulAckon redhat stuff a user is a admin when added to the wheel group, is there something of equivalence on the debian/ubuntu side? A quick grep shows several different groups a user is added to at installation?05:54
kotek14SynfulAck: uid=1000(kotek) gid=1000(kotek) groups=1000(kotek),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),121(lpadmin),131(lxd),132(sambashare)05:55
SynfulAckfeel like adm and sudo should be good enough.05:56
matt_guestBashing-om good question - I need to look further into it. I'm going to call it a day. Appreciate your assistance in trying to working this out! Have a nice day.05:56
kotek14matt_guest: Have a good night!05:57
matt_guestkotek14 Thanks! Same to you.05:58
Bashing-ommatt_guest: I be learnong here also - we will change the focus to networkd -config's under /etc/systemd/network/ .05:58
kotek14SynfulAck: If you don't know what visudo is, look it up. You can control the groups that can, well, sudo stuff as root05:58
SynfulAckkotek14, im retrofitting an ansible playbook to work on ubuntu so i just need a list of groups :). thx tho.05:59
matsamankotek14: so true06:00
matsamanBashing-om: :D06:00
TomyWorkis there any way to get a more recent v4l2loopback-source package that is not incompatible with the 5.4 kernel from the HWE?06:00
TomyWorkubuntu 18.04 comes with v4l2loopback-source_0.10.0-1ubuntu1.2, but support for linux 5.4 was only added in 0.12.306:02
Bashing-ominfo v4l2loopback-source | TomyWork06:05
Bashing-om!info v4l2loopback-source | TomyWork06:05
kotek14TomyWork: Is building from source an option?06:05
ubottuTomyWork: v4l2loopback-source (source: v4l2loopback): Source for the v4l2loopback driver. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.12.3-1ubuntu0.3 (focal), package size 41 kB, installed size 56 kB06:05
OnceuponabanHello. I have a machine running Ubuntu Server 20.04, which I'm using to host a Minecraft server (as well as a SMB file server). I woke up to a message from a player sent during I was sleeping asking if the server was down. I tried SSHing into the server from local network, which failed. I physically went to the server and plugged in a monitor, no06:05
Onceuponabandisplay output. I pressed the power button, no reaction. I held the power button pressed to force it to shutdown then restarted it. It then booted correctly. Where should I start investigating what caused the crash?06:05
kotek14Onceuponaban: /var/log?06:06
kotek14TomyWork: You can always upgrade to 20.04, it has the version you need (and kernel 5.4)06:07
kotek14I'm moving pretty much everything to 20.04 because packages in 18.04 repos are older than I like. But if you can't upgrade, build from source on GitHub06:09
kotek14Onceuponaban: Also, I would check the log of the minecraft server itself06:10
OnceuponabanNothing relevant in either /var/log/kern.log or the minecraft server's logs. Anywhere else I could look?06:14
kotek14Onceuponaban: have you sacrificed a goat yet? It's a crucial step06:15
StarOnDHello everyone, my Ubuntu focal fossa keeps reporting that apps like Google Chrome are crashing. I used a live usb with the same operating system and the situation is better but still apps keep crashing06:24
StarOnDThe crash report says that I have old version of some packages. When I did sudo apt upgrade my icons have turned black06:26
StarOnDI forgot to do sudo apt update before sudo apt upgrade06:27
StarOnDWhat should I do now?06:27
TomyWorkkotek14, I found a guide for doing backports on the debian wiki: https://wiki.debian.org/SimpleBackportCreation06:27
kotek14Run sudo apt update and upgrade?06:28
TomyWorkworked nicely, after installing some dependencies (debhelper 12 from bionic-backports being one)06:28
StarOnDKotek14 ok let me try that thanks06:28
kotek14Good to know TomyWork, will check it out06:28
TomyWorkkotek14, I had previously built it from source, with a script and duct tape to automatically build it every time I used it, if not already built. I wanted to move away from that since I wanted to move away from using that script and towards using OBS for the virtual camera06:32
TomyWorkfor some reason (I'm guessing kernel params) that didnt work with the script, but it does work now, with the package and dkms and everything. I might need to autoload the module on boot though, but right now OBS just loads the module when first using it, which is fine. even gives it a nice name.06:33
StarOnDKotek14 I am not able to open a terminal06:37
kotek14You can use Ctrl+Alt+F1 to switch to a different TTY. You can get back to your GUI with Ctrl+Alt+F706:38
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Mimasis there an Ubuntu 20.04 nginx install that has geoip module?07:35
tangarorasigh.... why does the live install of ubuntu ignore the preseed late commands? They work in the net installer, and debian. The same exact lines. But with the live installer... nope.07:44
tangaroraIt installst and does everything else.... but not the late commands.07:44
deki_01hi to all!07:52
sanbotHi guys ,mine ubuntu 18.10 has reached end of life any suggestion to upgrade 😭07:54
matsamandakar: hi07:54
EriC^^!eolpgrades | sanbot07:55
EriC^^!eolupgrades | sanbot07:55
ubottusanbot: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:55
deki_01I try still to install MSql-server-2019 on Ubuntu 20.04 but the service will not start to run. I tested it on another Ubuntu 20.10 Virtual M. there it works immediately. Some solution how to get it run?07:57
guivercsanbot, if your architecutre is i386, go back to 18.04 LTS.  If you're using a desktop, I'd upgrade via re-install (to 20.04, ie. something else, existing partitions & do NOT format) .. if server (as system directories get wiped during re-install) backup system, install fresh & restore data...07:58
Maiksanbot: wow, you're a few years behind then. 18.10 has gone EOL a long time ago. The easiest and way is to perform a clean install of 20.04 LTS or 20.10.07:59
sanbotguiverc:  hi remember me ,i wrongly mentioned previously it was 18.04 ,but its 18.10 (ah**) .I guess time to distro hop07:59
sanbot@Maik 😅yeh i didn't upgraded in time ,but i cloned my installation as bootable backup ,i guess its now safe to wipe install new08:01
Maiksanbot: if it's a 64bit machine, why go distro hopping? Stick with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS...08:01
sanbotMaik:  i think rolling distro would be nice ,what do you think ?08:01
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!08:01
hendryI need to install Ubuntu on potenially a bunch of machines. Is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview the way to do that?08:02
hendryideally a machine net boots, bootstraps to a partioner, installs files, reboots08:08
matsamanhendry: like, identical hardware machines?08:08
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isomarigreetings, is there a repository for zabbix 5.2?09:29
pasizisomari: https://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/5.2/ubuntu/pool/main/z/zabbix-release/zabbix-release_5.2-1+ubuntu20.04_all.deb09:31
pasizalso dpkg -i zabbix-release_5.2-1+ubuntu20.04_all.deb09:32
pasizand apt update09:32
pasizhere you go09:33
razanhello all09:42
razanI have a question09:42
razansince i installed vmware workstation 16 on my Ubuntu 20.04, I got lot of issue support by freezing screen, error like "vmware not responding"09:43
razanI have done some research but didn't find things that can help09:43
razanso, please, could you help me on this matters ? thank you in advance09:43
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isomaripasiz: thanks09:45
sylarioHi. I have a problem at the intersection of Ubuntu, Tilix, XFCE and VIrtual box. The Tilix CSD has a shadow problem in seamless mode with VIrtual Box : https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/0cwbO3yv/image.png09:58
sylarioThe shadow effect around the tilix windows makes the seamless mode of VB draw a part of the ubuntu desktop09:58
sylarioAs you can see the shadow of XFCE windows works fine09:59
StarOnDHello I am unable to switch from GUI to Virtual Terminal by typing Ctrl + Alt + F1. It only locks the GUI screen, does not start the virtual terminal. Can someone please help me ?10:05
pasizStarOnD: try ctrl + alt + f210:06
StarOnDpasiz : nothing happens with ctrl + alt + f210:07
pasizshould happen, what happens with + f310:07
StarOnDI tried f1- f610:07
Ky0sh1r0StarOnD: on a laptop maybe you need to use fn-key additionally (fn+strg+alt+f{1-9}10:07
StarOnDI AM using that function key. ctrl + alt + fn + f1-610:08
Mystified1234hi guys, just ran some updates on 20.10 groovy. i was in settings my pc froze for a few seconds while i was in settings, i've now lost backspace function10:14
Mystified1234not sure what iwas actually doing at the time10:14
pasizStarOnD: what happens without the function key10:23
StarOnDpasiz :without the function key ---> F3 / F4 / F5 / F6 WORK. F1 returns to GUI.10:26
StarOnDpasiz : Many thanks10:27
Mystified1234ive somehow disabled the backspace key. how to reenable10:44
deki_01Is it possible to do some kind of reset to be after a fresh install have Ubuntu 20.04. Or how to figure it out where the problem is since I try since days to install mssql-server-2019  on a local device but the mssql-server.service will not start and on a docker images I can run it without problems10:50
pasizdeki_01: any logs when it tries to start?10:55
pasizdeki_01: have you followed microsoft documentation on installing it?10:56
pasizdeki_01: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/linux/quickstart-install-connect-ubuntu?view=sql-server-ver1510:56
KurozenSo Ubuntu 20.04 LTS doesn't use NTP anymore but a more modern time service right?11:05
KurozenOr I'm mistaken partially?11:05
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deki_01pasiz: I did it it is strange, in docker or other VM I can install it without problems on the device it tells me: /opt/mssql/bin/sqlservr: The package location [/opt/mssql/lib/secforwarderxplat.sfp] could not be opened.  Errno [13]11:06
KurozenOr the service was renamed or what, I remember something changing, but the URLs ntp.ubuntu.com remains the same?11:07
deki_01but the installed files for mssql-server-2019 showes everything the same like premissions, owner etc.11:08
deki_01I thougt RAM 4GB or CPU is an issue, but it is not since I can run it in a docker container on the same device11:09
quazimodowhy would my graphics card be 'card0-eDP-1' but my monitor is called eDP-1-111:11
deki_01I have some i386 packages which are the same with amd64 packages can that couse some problems11:12
pasizdeki_01: lots of troubles11:13
deki_01can I remove the i38611:13
arther181Hello everyone.  I have a DMP printer connected using USB. I have text files to print but when I give print command then some part of text file got missing in printout.11:15
arther181Please let me know if I can do anything.11:15
ekarlsoHi, anyone else here on ubuntu 20.10 and having issues with drivers?11:15
ekarlsoNvidia drivers that is 455 is failing on latest kernel it seems11:15
u_raHello can somebody explain this MESA / glxgears behaviour? https://imgur.com/a/xPJ92RT11:16
ekarlsohttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Y2vkrSV9B4/ it is failing on buildin dkms11:18
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arther181Hello everyone.  I have a DMP printer connected using USB. I have text files to print but when I give print command then some part of text file got missing in printout.11:29
arther181Please let me know if I can do anything.11:29
KurozenSorry, not familair with DMP printers11:32
arther181I have problem in scaling system.11:32
arther181Any idea how to change scaling things in cups.11:32
ekarlsoCan anyone tell me why the nvidia drivers requires autoconf.h to be present but it is gone in recent kernels ?11:33
pasizarther181: so you have read cups documentation and setted right media size11:34
arther181@pasiz yes, do you know any link that will help me in scaling?11:34
arther181Any docs or something will be great help11:35
pasizarther181: https://opensource.apple.com/source/cups/cups-30/doc/sum.shtml11:35
pasizlp ar lpr have parameter scaling11:35
arther181i'll try.11:35
pasiz-o scaling=factor11:35
arther181@pasiz thank you11:36
pasizarther181: you are welcome. Please don't use @ in front of nicks, many clients (including my irssi) doesn't hilight when there is carbage around the nick11:38
arther181Sure, I will not do that again.11:39
jetterI thought it was called at11:40
Deyaa I'm using mplayer to connect to rtsp stream but the stream is gray with big pixels only show the first 1 cm of the picture11:55
giacomy sdcard reader works only once per reboot, just the first time, then stops detecting the sdcard11:56
giacoBus 001 Device 003: ID 0bda:0129 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTS5129 Card Reader Controller11:56
giacoudevadm monitor shows nothing when I unplug/replug the sd11:57
giacoI'd like to "reset it" without rebooting (as a workaround), or better solve the problem11:57
giacohow can I detect the module in use?11:59
tilerenderinganybody fluent with lxc here?12:00
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giaconevermind, solved with "sudo modprobe -r rtsx_usb_sdmmc && sudo modprobe rtsx_usb_sdmmc"12:02
zetherooMy laptop is recently taking a long time to boot after entering the LUKS passphrase. When I press esc to see the text output there is something in orange or red which appears for a split second as it finally continues to boot ... how can I see that info?12:32
zetherooI have the output of dmesg and journalctl --boot=012:33
Habbiezetheroo, i sometimes make a video with my phone camera :)12:33
zetheroowould it be in there somewhere?12:33
EriC^^zetheroo: /var/log/boot.log possibly12:33
zetherooEriC^^: ah perfect ... got it  https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/cRkKNWyzVg/12:35
zetherooleftovers from a previous softraid restoration12:36
ducassetilerendering: what is your question?13:01
tilerenderingducasse: well I was wondering whether a host update will update the containers as well, but from what I researched one must upgradde host AND containers13:07
ducasseyeah, you must. they're entirely separate13:08
interrobangdhello - i've updated to ubuntu 20.10 and now one of my two screens start with different (wrong brightness) settings during start-up. One of them are the primary screen. If i change die primary to the other screen all settings keep correct, even afetr reboot. Any idea why???13:09
interrobangdif the left screen are the primary i have issues. i have no issue with the left screen if the right screen is the primary13:11
interrobangdi will try nomodeset ... i will restart again :)13:13
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artickHi! I just installed ubuntu 20.04. I made an 8gb swap partition but the system tells me that there is only 2gb of swap, do you know why?13:34
artickdoes ubuntu use a swap file on / instead of my swap partition ?13:35
pasizartick: free command tells you how much memory and swap you have available / used13:37
Habbieand 'cat /proc/swaps' will tell you your swap places13:37
pasizi have none13:38
artickFilenameTypeSizeUsedPriority/swapfile                               file20971480-213:38
artickso it use a file instead of my swap partition ?13:39
pasizseems to be like that13:40
pasizswapon is the command to enable swap space in disk13:40
pasizand /proc/sys/vm/swappiness controls how easily kernel takes swap to use13:41
artickdo you recommand to use  swap on ssd ?13:42
artickI have only ssd13:42
tarzeauonly if you need it, prefer zram over ssd swap13:42
tarzeauartick: how much real memory? and how is it used?13:42
artick8 go, web dev c++ qt13:44
tarzeauhow much is usually used?13:44
artick2 go13:44
tarzeaui'd also recommend using nohang13:44
tarzeaui prefer to not use swap at all, but go with zram, but sometimes it's not avoidable13:44
tarzeaui've found zram-config+nohang to be fantastic (using it on 200 machines, with like 500 users)13:45
tarzeauoh you have to backport nohang yourself into reprepro or so (unless you have a single machine only)13:45
artickthank you for your answers, I will look at these solutions13:46
BluesKajHiyas all13:57
Nezimman long time sinds I started irc, feels good do13:59
Nezimblast from the past13:59
hendryHi, is there a way to install Ubuntu automatically through a net install? i.e. netboot, partition drive, install files, reboot?14:40
lotuspsychjehendry: are you looking for single automated install or a deploy multiple for server/workstations?14:41
leftyfbhendry: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/netbooting-the-live-server-installer/1451014:43
hendrylotuspsychje: deploy multiple on same hardware14:53
lotuspsychjehendry: ok, see also the #ubuntu-server channel for deploy advice14:54
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alexandrdvorkini mounted my Macbook to /mnt on Ubuntu and when i try to unmount it with sudo umount /mnt it says target is busy how can unmount the mnt16:40
leftyfbalexandrdvorkin: close all terminal windows and file managers and try again16:44
alexandrdvorkinso there is no command to unmount the /mnt16:45
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lordcirth__alexandrdvorkin, you can't umount it while something is still using it. If your shell is still in it, you need to cd out16:47
alexandrdvorkinalexandrdvorkin@alexandrdvorkin-VirtualBox:/$ sudo umount /mnt16:48
alexandrdvorkin[sudo] password for alexandrdvorkin:16:48
alexandrdvorkinumount: /mnt: target is busy.16:48
lordcirth__alexandrdvorkin, 'lsof /mnt'16:49
alexandrdvorkinalexandrdvorkin@alexandrdvorkin-VirtualBox:/$ lsof /mnt16:49
alexandrdvorkinCOMMAND   PID            USER   FD   TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF   NODE NAME16:49
alexandrdvorkinbash    17901 alexandrdvorkin  cwd    DIR   0,48        0 405626 /mnt16:49
alexandrdvorkinxchat   18102 alexandrdvorkin  cwd    DIR   0,48        0 405626 /mnt16:49
leftyfb!pastebin | alexandrdvorkin16:50
ubottualexandrdvorkin: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:50
alexandrdvorkinok sorry16:50
lordcirth__alexandrdvorkin, so, you have a shell and xchat open in that directory.16:50
alexandrdvorkinoh ok16:50
leftyfbalexandrdvorkin: you cd'd into /mnt then ran xchat from that directory16:50
alexandrdvorkini ll exit16:50
alexandrdvorkinand try again will be right back16:50
leftyfbthis is why I said close all terminals, this will kill xchat16:50
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Ntemisi upgraded just now to kernel 5.8 and i cant login17:50
Ntemisphysical and virtual keyboard cant write anything to the login box17:51
Ntemisrolled back to 5.317:51
lordcirthNtemis, what Ubuntu release? You upgraded to HWE?17:55
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Ntemis@lordcirth yes18:06
lilith93Hi, I'm having some issues with sporadic long DNS resolving time under Ubuntustudio 20.4 which is basically Ubuntu 20.4.  I installed last autumn before the point release 20.04.1 and ls -l /etc/resolv.conf links to  ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf on my system. I just tried the latest ISO (20.04.1) and there it point to  ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf. Could this be the problem? And how can I change this manually? Or should I keep18:07
lilith93it as it is?18:07
Ntemisit did it by it self18:07
lilith93<Ntemis>: out of the box, yes. I dodn't change anything. There seems to be a difference between the two images18:08
oerhekslilith93, this is the case since 18.04, reinstall might fix this? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1243114/dns-resolver-stopped-working-after-upgrade-to-20-0418:11
lilith93oeheks: I installed 20.04 from scratch, it's not an updated Ubuntu... apt install --reinstall resolvconf network-manager libnss-resolve is what I did 10 minutes ago.. I still have the symlink ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf18:14
pavloslilith93: what's the status of, systemctl status systemd-resolved.service18:17
lilith93pavlos: https://paste.debian.net/1179922/18:18
lilith93it happens 99% of the time, but sometimes it takes 5.01 s to resolve the host.18:18
lilith93When I set Firefox to DNS over HTTPS everything is fine18:19
coconutupdates from yesterday or today made my desktop not load anymore on 20.04.1, i reinstalled with same issue. Now on 20.10 without the issue. Anything known?18:19
lilith93coconut: You could try an earlier kernel.. I guess there was a kernel update yesterday18:20
lilith93so, maybe try 5.4.0-5818:21
coconutlilith93, there was, but the edge kernel which did not have an update did not work either18:21
lilith93and forget the lowlatency18:21
coconutso i guess it was something else18:22
coconutit did load until the dm, after that black screen...18:22
lilith93there were also some mesa updates (e.g.  libegl-mesa0:amd64) .. at least im my case18:23
lilith93so graphic related stuff18:23
coconutthat looks more logic to me18:24
coconutanyway... 20.10 here i am :)18:26
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spiriany suggestions about pivpn on ubuntu residing on raspi?19:06
luglioI can't hear any sound by using the line audio autput on my NUC10i5FNK with 20.04 LTS.19:07
luglioThere is just the "dummy" output under setting.19:07
luglioAny suggestions?19:10
oerheksluglio, pulseaudio -k && sudo alsa force-reload19:10
oerheksand hit update, maybe there are fixes waiting, not sure..19:11
lugliooerheks, didn't help. Still just the dummy output.19:13
jpdsluglio: Kernel probably isn't new enough for it19:14
oerheksone could install pavucontrol, sudo apt install pavucontrol19:16
oerheksi fixed sound with reloading alsa19:16
tangaroraso if I want to auto install the ubuntu live image: do I have to use both ks.cfg and preseed files to get the job done completely?19:17
lugliooerheks, you have a nuc?19:19
lugliooerheks, is the problem that the Ubuntu kernel doesn't support the new intel chipset?19:22
luglioI updated the system, I sill got no audio. The nuc however seems not so recent.19:29
jelangkungsorry if oot but can anyone download anything from java.com? been trying for weeks, no luck19:35
lugliojpds, what do you mean by kernel isn't new enough for it? I just updated my system and it downloaded a new kernel.19:37
lugliooerheks, pavucontrol won't show the speaker either.19:39
lordcirth__luglio, what kernel version?19:39
lugliolordcirth__, 5.8.0-34-generic19:41
lordcirth__luglio, and what year was the NUC released?19:41
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luglioQ4'19  according to https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/products/boards-kits/nuc/kits/nuc10i5fnk.html19:43
lugliolordcirth__, should be old enough, not?19:52
lordcirth__luglio, and what Ubuntu release are you on?19:58
lugliolordcirth__, 20.04 LTS.20:00
pyeverythinghey there how can I force protoc to use the second path?  $ which -a protoc  1) /home/mona/anaconda3/bin/protoc  2) /usr/local/bin/protoc20:00
lugliolordcirth__, Gnome 3.36.820:00
coconutI heard that filezilla contains malware. Does the linux version has that too?20:04
fribUbuntu 20.0 has suddenly started to hang for about 1 minute at startup with the spinning circle. Please help me fix it. Thank you.20:07
lordcirth__frib, if you hit ESC or TAB during this, does it change to the boot text?20:10
friblordcirth__, I Would have to reboot and try, but I don't think so20:11
EriC^^frib: anything interesting in /var/log/boot.log ?20:12
lordcirth__frib, ok. Pastebin the output of "systemd-analyze critical-chain"20:12
fribEriC^^, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5y3T3NnGRw/20:13
friblordcirth__, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/b6wXhQTSYQ/20:13
lugliolordcirth__, have you found out anything?20:16
lordcirth__luglio, no; but you could try 5.10: https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.10/20:17
lordcirth__(at your own risk)20:17
jpdsluglio: Doesn't necessarily mean that the 5.8 kernel has the necessary integration20:17
friblordcirth__, EriC^^ any suggestions?20:20
lordcirth__frib, there's an unexplained gap between backlight and sysinit of over a minute20:21
lugliolordcirth__, has this kernel not been testet with 20.04 LTS yet?20:25
lordcirth__luglio, it has probably passed some automated tests20:26
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lugliolordcirth, when will it be released to the public?20:29
lordcirthluglio, 20.09, I think.20:30
ogramainline builds do not get any testing (afaik, not even automated) ... they are just builds of linus' tree20:30
oerheksLTS will not get 5.1020:30
ograwithout any of the ubuntu specific patches or adjustments20:30
lugliowhat about kernel 5.9?20:30
ograthese packages should not be used in production, they are solely to verify bugs20:30
luglioSo 20.04 never will support my board?20:31
lordcirth22.04's kernel will be backported to 20.04 as HWE20:31
oerheksthis is the problem with too new hardware :-)20:33
oerheksjust wait for it.20:33
luglioI can't wait till we have another LTS version. :(20:33
luglioIt's not new, it's a year old.20:34
sarnoldluglio: you may be able to run an hwe kernel, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/RollingLTSEnablementStack https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack20:34
ioria!info xserver-xorg-hwe-20.04  focal20:36
ubottuPackage xserver-xorg-hwe-20.04 does not exist in focal20:36
ioriaspeaking of which, the LTSEnablementStack  link is wrong20:37
luglioso this isn't a solution?20:48
alexandrdvorkincd Dowanloads20:50
pillager86I'm on Ubuntu 20.04 and Minecraft keeps disappearing. I always have to reinstall the deb package21:18
lordcirth__pillager86, the package uninstalls, or just the files?21:18
pillager86lordcirth__, I think just the package. I still have my worlds21:19
pillager86It disappears from the launcher menu everytime I install something else.21:19
pillager86But this time it kept my settings.21:19
oerheksminecraft deb package? not in our repos21:23
oerheksthere is a mc-installer, as snap https://snapcraft.io/mc-installer21:24
pillager86i'll try that one next time21:25
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asdfghhello folks22:27
asdfghafter a new installation of motherboard and cpu (from intel to amd) should i "recompile" the kernel somehow?22:28
oerheksasdfgh, no, just boot and see if there are updates.22:29
asdfghoerheks, no, everything is working correctly i suppose...i just thought about new drivers or something like that22:29
alexandrdvorkinwhat is goin on22:30
oerheksubuntu support, alexandrdvorkin22:31
asdfghi am just seeing that nvidia is not well supported i suppose... i mean sometimes i see the mouse is slowing down22:31
asdfghlike an heavy system22:31
asdfghi do not know the reason22:31
alexandrdvorkinhow can i increase my vide settings my letters ar too small22:32
asdfghthe pc is very good22:32
asdfgh32 gb of ram, 1070 nvidia ryzen 5 360022:32
oerheksasdfgh,  see the driver menu in updates, for nvidia22:32
asdfghoerheks, but i suppose i need to install some repo first no?22:32
oerhekssudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall # this might do other drivers like wireless as well22:33
user217_hello. how I can found cache folder that used by snap application ?22:33
asdfghoerheks, ok22:34
oerheksuser217_, in ~/snap/<name>/current/var/cache22:35
asdfghok reboot22:36
asdfghthank you22:36
user217_oerheks, thanks , in my case it was "/home/user/snap/gifex/3/.local/share/org.keshavnrj.ubuntu/Gifex/localTempCap"22:36
asdfghnvidia 455 driver22:36
oerheksuser217_, nice22:37
oerhekssnaps are in strict confinement,s o the cache is also stored there22:37
vlmIs there no trim command availible on zfsutils-linux for 18.04?22:53
sarnoldvlm: no, trim was added to zfs about two years after 18.04 was released22:56
vlmsarnold: need update latest lts to get it then?22:58
sarnoldvlm: yes, the 20.04 zfs does have a trim command. funny, I've never used it. I wonder if the fstrim timer does the same thing or not22:59
vlmsarnold: or is it possible to install using backports or so? Fstrim doesnt work i tried =)22:59
sarnoldvlm: oh thanks :)22:59
vlmsarnold: would be great if it did though, guess ill head back to mdadm (,")23:00
sarnoldvlm: so, the userland utilities are closely tied to the kernel portion; you'd have to upgrade them both. I honestly haven't got a clue how our HWE kernels interact with our zfs utilities -- it's *possible* that using an HWE kernel with backported utilities will work great and let you issue the trims, or maybe it'll be an unsupported mess -- I'm not sure which23:00
RhorseHi, is it safe to run mke2fs on my mounted root fs just to get block info?23:01
vlmsarnold: oh thanks,hm didnt consider that, think ill use mdadm instead and keep going with fstrim dont like fiddle around to much23:02
sarnoldvlm: hehe, I can appreciate that :)23:04
oerheksRhorse, mke2fs is to create23:04
sarnoldRhorse: I bet tune2fs or dump2fs would be better choices to try first23:06
Rhorsesarnold right. Thanks :)23:06

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