
Freshdudegood day08:32
FreshdudeI think I messed up my xubuntu installation, by removing some python3 packages :(08:33
FreshdudeI checked the apt log and reinstalled them, but it's still borked08:33
Freshdudeonly option is to re-install?08:33
JackFrostFreshdude: What output does  apt install xubuntu-desktop^  give?08:46
Freshdudeit's asking to install more packages08:47
FreshdudeI will run it08:47
Freshdudeoh nice, some missing stuff has come back08:49
Freshdudelooking good08:50
FreshdudeThanks JackFrost08:53
JackFrostSure thing.08:53
=== sorinello1 is now known as sorinello
Guest4946How can I fix screen tearing on my laptop? I have a hybrid gpu GTX 1650 and i5-10300H10:51
=== Guest4946 is now known as CandidChicken
=== az is now known as Guest37920
DarkTrickWhere do I find an image of xub 21.04?14:09
DarkTrick(or any some other image containing xfce 4.1614:09
brainwashDarkTrick: you tried a google search? :)14:48
DarkTrickbrainwash,  I tried https://xubuntu.org/download14:49
DarkTrickhm.. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/14:49
DarkTrickWhy is there no information on xubuntu.org? to not confuse people?14:50
MaikDarkTrick: no, because 21.04 is in development and not suited for daily usage15:10
DarkTrickMaik, sure, but wouldn't something like "daily builds can be downloaded here" or Menu -> Development -> daily builds be an option?15:11
Maikonly Beta's and final iso's are shown on the webpages of every ubuntu flavor15:11
Maiki wouldn't set it as option especially to prevent confusion among newbies15:12
Maikthere's no support for such daily builds15:13
Maik or say pre-releases15:13
Maikon twitter there were two people who stated they installed and used the Beta of 21.04 while it's not even Beta yet, it's more like a Alpha15:15
Maiki showed them the release schedule and pointed out that the beta will be out on April 1st15:16
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
=== xtao_ is now known as xtao

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