
=== popey9 is now known as popey
jibelGood morning05:45
dufluMorning jibel 05:53
jibelHi duflu 05:57
callmepkhi jibel 06:22
jibelHi callmepk 06:25
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:17
dufluHi oSoMoN 07:18
oSoMoNhey duflu 07:18
jibelSalut oSoMoN 07:25
oSoMoNsalut jibel 07:26
didrocksgood morning08:03
dufluHi didrocks 08:08
didrockshey duflu 08:10
oSoMoNsalut didrocks 08:28
didrockshey oSoMoN 08:38
Laneyyo yo09:05
dufluHi Laney09:13
didrockshey Laney 09:14
Laneylut duflu & didrocks 09:15
Laneyquite frosty here today ❄09:15
Laneyjibel: any more stuff for ubiquity?11:02
jibelLaney, nothing urgent. 11:37
jibelLaney, however, I'd like your feedback on this mp https://code.launchpad.net/~mfo/ubiquity/+git/ubiquity/+merge/39063711:37
Laneyk, I will upload later11:37
Laneyoh yeah that11:38
jibelI don't really like this idea of having to seed "please consider this page in auto mode", but the page is just enabled for automatic mode, then it'll ask a new question once SRUed for automated installations and will require a change to the existing preseeds11:40
luna_Hello! Are we having a translators meeting in 15 minutes? as https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue664 says today or not ?14:45
ItzSwirlzFor all I know sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯14:46
ItzSwirlzBecause IRC I can't join #ubuntu-meeting anymore because I'm banned from it and sent to #fix_your_connection14:46
luna_alrighty, oh wierd it works for me14:47
ItzSwirlzluna_ only an admin can add +b flag to me. It happened during someone's MOTU application14:48
ItzSwirlzit's alright, i'll have it solved soon :)14:49
luna_yep its today15:13
hellsworthgood morning desktopers16:01
oSoMoNgood morning hellsworth 16:02
hellsworthhey there oSoMoN !16:02
Wimpresso/ hellsworth 16:02
hellsworth\o Wimpress 16:02
GunnarHjLaney: Looks like Debian was more picky about the key id mix-up than we hoped.16:27
LaneyI got the mail.16:31
LaneyHopefully that's better!16:54
GunnarHjLaney: Yeah.. Guess Seb needs to do something similar.17:34
jibelGood morning hellsworth 17:40
Laneyjibel: RikMills: I'll do the upload tomorrow and think about that MR, sorry I was too busy thinking about influxdb17:53
Laneywhat a life17:53
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson

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