
friblordcirth, any idea how I can figure out what the reason for the gap between backlight and sysinit is?00:20
cousteau_Hey it's me!  Remember when I was saying that I thought I had fixed my laptop freezing after I updated the graphics driver?  Well I hadn't :(00:23
cousteau_That's it; just wanted to let you know in case any of you were curious.00:23
cousteau_Jan  7 01:17:57 laptop kernel: [17740.937925] BUG: Bad page state in process firefox  pfn:18900100:31
cousteau_Now I know who's the culprit of my disgrace!00:31
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sarnoldcousteau: yikes :/00:34
cousteauyeah I've been getting these strange crashes since forever.  I suspect some foul play between Firefox and the Nvidia driver.00:37
SomeDamnBodyCan anybody help me to debug my networking configuration?02:00
sarnoldmaybe, what's wrong with it?02:01
MrDeathWilderHi peps, im lokking for a terminal with multiple terminals in, that will allow certain customization. allso should work for arm02:01
genii!info screen02:02
ubottuscreen (source: screen): terminal multiplexer with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.8.0-1 (focal), package size 563 kB, installed size 998 kB02:02
sarnoldscreen and tmux are popular, you can run them in any terminal emulator of your choice02:02
sarnoldthere's a bunch of terminals with gui tabs too, if that's your thing02:03
MrDeathWildergenii: i mean for my desktop version on pi. :-)02:03
SomeDamnBodysarnold: Basically, during boot up, the wireless card can't be brought up properly. I think it is configured wrong on the disk. I had to edit some configuration files (resolv.conf and network/interfaces I believe) a couple of days ago because it was giving really really slow name resolution02:04
SomeDamnBodyAnd then I think one morning I booted up, and suddenly ubuntu the OS and settings interface are saying there's no card.02:04
MrDeathWilderna, id like to have like irssi in one terminal ssh in another and so on. its purely for my ocd, i know i can open several terminal windows02:04
sarnoldSomeDamnBody: what release are you using?02:05
sarnoldMrDeathWilder: I've got irssi in one tmux window, a bash shell in another one..02:05
SomeDamnBodySo, I made a live usb, and I booted up and the live os was able to find it. So I know it's not a hardware issue02:05
sarnoldMrDeathWilder: but if you're looking for something with tabs, I hear good things about konsole02:05
SomeDamnBodyPop!_OS 20.04 LTS, codename focal02:05
SomeDamnBodyI'm pretty sure that pop os is just a small set of wrappers and additional software on top of ubuntu02:06
sarnoldSomeDamnBody: ah, you'll have to ask pop folks for help02:06
SomeDamnBodyBecause their versions...02:06
SomeDamnBodyno no no, it's ok02:06
sarnoldSomeDamnBody: no, they replaced the kernel, too, so drivers are different, etc02:06
SomeDamnBodypop os is ubuntu, I swear02:06
SomeDamnBodyThey did?02:06
sarnoldSomeDamnBody: yeah02:06
MrDeathWildersarnold: not taps. just a more estetic way to use several terminals02:06
raccoon_dogNo, it is not. It's different enough that you probably should ask them.02:06
SomeDamnBodyHow would I be able to just reset all my networking settings and reinstall drivers02:06
sarnoldSomeDamnBody: my general advice is to hunt through journalctl output and try to find something related -- missing firmware blobs are common02:06
sarnoldSomeDamnBody: also, check fwupd for firmware updates, that sometimes helps02:07
sarnoldSomeDamnBody: but anything beyond that would be better done with people who know pop os02:07
SomeDamnBodyI think it is something to do with networking settings, because it was working before and all of a sudden it's not.02:08
SomeDamnBodyNot drivers or the kernel02:08
SomeDamnBodyI'm going to have to reinstall the whole kernel, ugh02:08
SomeDamnBodythe whole OS, I mean02:08
sarnoldanother big change is that in focal, /etc/network/interfaces isn't used -- it was replaced by netplan.io02:09
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pi0is it possible on ubuntu 20.04 to run a .desktop app as root02:21
pi0trying to modify the .desktop with pkexec and that seg faulted02:21
sarnoldyou might be able to coax sudo into running it, if you configure your user to be able to run that command without a password prompt, and maybe convince sudo to run without a terminal maybe? dunno. it's pretty uncommon to run graphical programs as other users02:26
sarnoldyou might be able to run it via ssh X forwarding, maybe ssh -X root@localhost foo .. I've never actually seen anyone do that via a ,desktop file either, but maybe?02:27
catbeardi've seent it02:58
sarnoldhow did it work out? :)03:00
sarnoldsounds about right03:02
johns904hello, i'm trying to create a live usb with 20.10 but it won't boot. I have verified the image have tried gnome disks, ubuntu's Startup Disk Creator, Etcher and dd but nothing worked.03:33
johns90420.04 works with all of these apps03:34
johns904and every other distro03:34
johns904what changed in 20.10?03:34
johns904my laptop uses UEFI but secure boot is disabled03:36
RoseBuswill installing a package via snap instead of apt effect execution time?03:38
johns904and btw today i tried to write the iso from a windows pc with RUFUS and it was the only one that worked so the image is definitely not broken03:39
johns904i think something wrong with EFI partition in the USB that only rufus handles properly03:40
johns904I think this is related to my problem: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/groovy-to-use-grub2-for-booting-installer-media-in-any-modes-on-all-architectures/1687103:41
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sarnoldRoseBus: I think I've heard tha tthe first execution of an application in a snap is slightly slower than you might hope for, but once it's running I'd expect it to be about the same03:46
RoseBusoh okay03:47
RoseBusalso when i boot up ubuntu 20.04 it takes like 4-5 times as long as it did when i was running 18.04 is that normal?03:48
RoseBusonce it's running it's fine it just takes forever to boot up03:48
RoseBuswindows boots up way faster than ubuntu03:49
RoseBusidk if it's because grub is not stored on the same disk as ubuntu or what03:49
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sarnoldRoseBus: my laptop is kinda non-standard, but my most recent boot, I had logged in 24 seconds after boot. that's not the ten seconds from a dozen years ago, but it's not terrible considering that was a few weeks ago :) heh03:52
RoseBusi haven't timed it but i estimate maybe 1.5-2min to boot up 20.04 on this machine03:53
RoseBusall SSD, 16gig ram, decent MSI mobo03:54
RoseBusand when i had 18.04 on this machine it booted up really fast maybe like 20 seconds03:55
sarnoldRoseBus: check the systemd-analyze manpage for 'plot', it can help find many common startup issues03:56
RoseBusi will put that on my todo list03:56
guivercJari--, if you have a Ubuntu Support question, please just ask it.. People respond as they're able to (ie. be patient)  Chit-Chat belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic04:31
Jari--guiverc: thanks, joining #ubuntu-offtopic ASAP!04:35
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cjokewhy is terminal (ctrl+alt+F*) so slow? when I list something it render like a calculator from the 80's. and worse, if I cat a-file.txt, lets say it is 10 A4 pages, It can takes several minutes before its ready and theres no scrollback either. any thoughts, where do I start to look so I can fix this ?05:05
arther181Hi Guys, I have a text file. When I printing this file, some area of text file is missing in print out. When I reduce scale 100 to 80 then text is fit on printout but still a column is missing. Any idea where do I look to fix it?.05:12
arther181above is the right printout as i want to print.05:16
arther181https://pasteboard.co/JIukSzy.jpgThis is what my printer is printing.05:17
arther181https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/hgpZkyqPnV/My text file. Which I need to print.05:20
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arther181Guys please suggest anything.05:30
pasizarther181: i suggest you are using cups directly with lp or lpr05:45
pasizhave you setted your page size, margins etc. right05:47
arther181pasiz I have few things from user manual you shared last time using lp. They did not worked for me.05:47
arther181yes that is the first thing I did. I used 10x11 inch page size.05:48
pasizso you have really big papers there. I'm metric guy from finland, our a4 is 210x297 millimeters05:50
pasizso about 8 x 11 inches05:50
pasizdid you measure your paper05:50
pasiz20 percent error is explainable by paper size. Of course you may have non standard pages.05:52
arther181I can also use A4 paper size but my text file will not fit on it. I have tried printing or A4 also.05:53
arther181latter moved on 10x11 inch05:54
pasizso what is the physical size of your paper05:54
arther181My paper is very little big then A4 in width.05:56
pasizi would use: "lp -o portrait -o fit-to-page  -o media=A4 file_to_print"05:58
arther181okay, I did not used portrait option.06:00
arther181Let me try it.06:00
arther181I just got print  https://pasteboard.co/JIuGhZs.jpg06:10
arther181I used A4 paper.06:10
arther181You can check printout in above link.06:10
pasiz-o cpi=10 option means 10 characters per inch06:12
pasizand -o lpi=6 means 6 characters per inch06:12
arther181 I used cpi=12 and lpi=8. Now printout is little better.06:18
arther181pasiz: Got the right print out by using "-o cpi=17 -o lpi=6".06:47
arther181Do you know where I can set cpi and lpi as default?06:48
hipowhey i'm seeking help because my internet is not working on my linux pc anymore08:16
hipowi've been trying to install discord and viber and now it's not letting me connect anymore08:17
zetherooThe system freezing up problem seems to be quite prevalent with Ubuntu 20.04 - happens several time a week now and my co-worker with his X1 Yoga Gen5 is also experiencing them.08:22
zetherooExtremely frustrating because there seems to be no known way to debug it.08:22
MingsPingHello, I've got a question regarding Tweaks and keyboard CAPS lock behavior: I changed that to being an additional ESC key. Worked great on my laptop keyboard and additional external keyboard before upgrading from 18.04 to 20.04. Now it also works with the built-in laptop keyboard, but on every suspend / reboot / dis- and reconnect of the external keyboard, the external additional keyboard "forget" it and i have08:23
MingsPingto change it again in Tweaks. On 18.04 it worked without a flaw. Has anyone an idea?08:23
zetherooSearching online for 'ubuntu 20.04 freezes' brings up many similar reports, but no solutions and also no information as to the cause.08:24
FuraiDid 20.04 desktop update today to 5.8 kernel? I can't find any official release notes about it.09:26
MaikFurai: afaik not, the first HWE kernel will be with the 20.04.2 release. Juts heard something seems to be wrong with the mirrors. Best to remove that kernel as someone else just reported to have issues with it.09:28
FuraiI was using 5.9 anyway.09:29
FuraiSo someone pushed it out by a mistake, nice.09:29
Maiknot sure what's going on09:30
Furai20.04.2 is planned to have 5.8?09:30
Maiki didn't get it and am on 5.4.0-5909:30
MaikFurai: afaik yes09:30
FuraiI got the update today's morning and was confused.09:30
Maikyou're not the first09:30
FuraiAnyway, Maik, thanks for your replies. :)09:31
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alekksanderhello. i wasn't able to install ubuntu if i formated new gpt partition as ext4. mkfs.ext4 gave errors no matter if run from parted, gparted or calamares.btrfs worked, but ext4+luks also works. is this known issue?10:59
EriC^^alekksander: what exactly was the problem/error you got when trying gpt+ext411:15
EriC^^you need an efi partition if booting in uefi mode, and a bios-boot if using legacy, fwiw11:16
alekksanderthanks. yes boot partition was made fine. problem was ext4. let me look for logs if i still have them11:22
alekksanderhttps://i.imgur.com/vL4zL8a.jpg i only have this11:25
alekksanderbasically mkfs.ext4 didn't pass even from terminal. pic above is from calamares11:26
alekksanderthen i created partitoins from debian live usb went back to ubuntus installer and tried to go – it looked ok at first, but at 5% installed stopped with rsync error 1111:29
alekksanderforgot to mention it's ubuntu 20.04 LTS11:33
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john_ramboIs this software related or is my DVD burner malfunctioning ? https://ibb.co/Gc88MrS13:03
meandrainhi, any idea if MSR will work for CPU:   model name: AMD FX(tm)-6300 Six-Core Processor ? I am getting error:   rdmsr: CPU 0 cannot read MSR 0x000001a213:03
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coconutAnyone knows for a good quality external dvd burner with usb-c connector + ubuntu support?13:44
lotuspsychje!hardware | coconut13:47
ubottucoconut: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection13:47
rohang02Hi, if I have multiple OS installed on my system, can I change their order in GRUB?13:48
tony145rohang02 yes you can13:50
rohang02Can you guide me.. How?13:50
tony145search online for grub customizer - it is a GUI tool that makes this easy13:51
rohang02Okay. Thank you.13:51
mrdeathwilderHi how du i extract a file in ubuntu 20.04 desktop, that is split in several packages?14:05
peter22222hi folks, since i updated to 20.04.1, Kernel 5.8, my Qualcomm Atheros AR9287 Wifi adapter is not recognized any mmore. It worked like a charm in 5.4 Kernel. Anybody an idea what to do?14:17
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EriC^^peter22222: you could try to boot into the older kernel from grub to see how the system runs14:18
peter22222yes i booted in 5.4 to make it work again EriC^^14:18
peter22222it s kernel 5.8... seems atheros AR9287 is not supported any more..?14:20
EriC^^i'm not sure, but i think i saw someone mention 20.04.1 wasnt supposed to get 5.8 yet or something similar, maybe it's missing some files needed?14:20
peter22222EriC^^ well i run Ubuntu Mate 20.04 and i just did regular updates via GUI... automatically updated to 5.8, update from today14:22
peter22222it also doesnt show my ethernet adapter in 5.814:22
gebbionehi folks, any suggestions on what to do given that when i start a search in nautilus i just managed to type a letter and then nautilus hangs?14:25
leftyfbpeter22222: you're missing the modules package for your .8 kernel14:26
peter22222leftyfb thank you... how can I install them?14:27
leftyfbpeter22222: try installing linux-generic-hwe-20.0414:31
peter22222i ll try that, thank you leftyfb14:32
peter22222make -j8 KERNELRELEASE=5.8.0-34-generic -C /lib/modules/5.8.0-34-generic/build M=/var/lib/dkms/virtualbox/6.1.10/build....(bad exit status: 2)14:33
peter22222ERROR: Cannot create report: [Errno 17] File exists: '/var/crash/virtualbox-dkms.0.crash'14:33
peter22222does that mean i have to upgrade dkms..?14:33
peter22222leftyfb it worked, thank you!14:43
cpareExperiencing a problem with my USB mouse stopping anytime my USB speaker plays - can anyone suggest how to tell if this is a hardware or software problem?15:15
leftyfbcpare: plug the mouse into a different usb port. Preferably one not near where it's plugged in now .. if possible15:18
cpare@leftyfb - tried moving both around to multiple jacks, including USB 2 and USB 1 without any change.15:19
leftyfbcpare: the point is to plug them into separate usb buses15:20
cpareleftyfb - trying it now - on some ports the mouse laser turns on for a second, but then turns right back off...15:22
leftyfbthat sounds like hardware then15:22
cpareYeah, same problem USB 1.0, USB 2.0, Front Panel and Back15:22
bryanroderyckhi , im having trouble with wifi on ubuntu ..no wifi adaptor15:23
cpare@leftyfb - thats what I am thinking as well - I likely have one buss thats dead and one that's on its way out, or overdrawn on current15:24
cpareleftyfb - I am going to boot another distro just to be 100% sure it follows the hardware.15:26
bryanroderyckhello can someone help me15:26
cparebryanroderyck - Is Ubuntu failing to identify the device?15:27
cparebryanroderyck - what type of device (USB / Internal / PCI)15:27
cpareAny brand / model?15:28
bryanroderyckcpare, there is no wifi device ...BCM43142802.11 b/g/n15:30
bryanroderyckcpare, the brand is broadcom15:32
BluesKajHi folks15:33
coconutbryanroderyck, have you tried to update your uefi? (i had to do this too lately with my intel wifi 6).15:38
jeremy31bryanroderyck: reboot into an oldee kernel15:38
Cursarionyo, system's booting and I can ssh into it, but the screen is black, so the UI isn't loading. Might be something stuck in the start-up? What's the easiest way to check for what it might be?15:40
Cursarionat least I assume it's something like that, and not rotten hardware15:41
MingsPingHello, I've got a question regarding Tweaks and keyboard CAPS lock behavior: I changed that to being an additional ESC key. Worked great on my laptop keyboard and additional external keyboard before upgrading from 18.04 to 20.04. Now it also works with the built-in laptop keyboard, but on every suspend / reboot / dis- and reconnect of the external keyboard, the external additional keyboard "forget" it and i have15:46
MingsPingto change it again in Tweaks. On 18.04 it worked without a flaw. Has anyone an idea?15:46
MingsPing(is it allowed to repost a question to show it to new users? Sorry if not)15:46
bryanroderyckcoconut, how to upgrade uefi?16:04
bryanroderyckhow to make my wifi adapter work on ubuntu16:09
oerheksBCM43142802.11 b/g/n is not a valid number16:10
coconutbryanroderyck, depends on your manufacturer, most pleasing is a live iso usb to me. You would have to google for that....16:10
lordcirthbryanroderyck, what adapter is it?16:12
bryanroderycklordcirth, howw to send pic of my screen in the chat?16:13
lordcirthbryanroderyck, if it's text, use paste.ubuntu.com. If it has to be an image, you can use imgur16:14
oerhekshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx  broadcom-sta-dkms for that BCM4314216:14
bryanroderyckive tried an update it doesnt work16:19
pavlosbryanroderyck: did you reboot?16:19
bryanroderyckyes doesnt work16:20
coconutbynarie, you can still try if an uefi update helps16:21
lordcirthbryanroderyck, either add the pubkey for the signal repo, or remove the repo.16:21
lordcirthbryanroderyck, also, that's only "apt update", did you do "apt upgrade"?16:22
oerheksremove those old spotify repo16:22
oerheksand signal16:22
bryanroderyckwait i try upgrade16:22
pavlosbryanroderyck: if you click on the network icon, does it show you available ssid's to connect to?16:23
quazimodoanyone know if /sys/class/backligth/intel_backlight/brightness got locked down to root only writes in 20.04?16:23
quazimodomy backlight program (a module in polybar) was working fine in 18.04 but in 20.04 it's not allowed to write brightness values16:23
bryanroderyckpavlos, no wifi adapter found16:24
Kali_YugaHello, we are trying to install Lubuntu 20.04, this is a really old Pc so it only has a BIOS, for some reason it won't let us choose to automatically partition so we need to manually partition I believe...16:26
pavlosbryanroderyck: eventhough it shows it loaded the Broadcom STA driver (in a previous paste)16:26
bryanroderyckim lost how to get the wifi adapter work?16:27
Kali_YugaThe problem is that we can't free up some space on the Harddrive, and we just wanted to do a simple partitioning is this okay so far? https://i.postimg.cc/rsF4bfmq/20210107-170612.jpg16:28
Kali_Yugafor just BIOS, MBR?16:28
pavlosbryanroderyck: "lsusb" should show the device16:31
bryanroderyckpavlos, https://imgur.com/a/bG1OllN16:33
bryanroderyckthe wifi  must be from "Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0a5c:216a Broadcom Corp. BCM43142A0 Bluetooth""16:35
pavlosbryanroderyck: is there a switch on this laptop to disable wifi?16:35
pavlosbryanroderyck: hardware switch on the side or a Fn option?16:35
bryanroderyckno switch but press function key "fn" and "prin16:36
bryanroderyck  *"pritscr"16:36
bryanroderyckthe fn switch work but no wifi?16:38
pavlosbryanroderyck: what's the output of, rfkill list all16:43
bryanroderyckpavlos, https://imgur.com/a/6OSIfOA16:50
tehpwnzHello Ubuntu people. I am a new Systems Admin and Ive been tasked with installing Ubuntu 12.04 on a server. The install goes fine until after partitioning and adding devices to LVM, it stays on "configuring lvm_partition: lvm_partition-9"16:51
tehpwnzthe hard disk is 1 TB HDD, is it that this process takes long or has this hung cause it's been like this for almost 20 minutes16:52
Deano59tehpwnz: 12.04 IS EOL.16:52
tehpwnzoops, my bad. 20.0416:52
pavlosbryanroderyck: sudo apt-get install --reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source16:53
aleph-So question, I'm noticing that some files in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ are getting changed or overwritten, seeminglg ever day and being set back to normal. The files in question being 20auto-upgrades and 50unattended-upgrades. Curious if there's a config setting I should be looking for that's causing this? Aside from that, also noticing despite `apt list --upgradeable` showcasing a large amount of16:54
aleph-updates to install none are being installed. Included here are the contents of 20auto-upgrades and 50unattended-upgrades. https://paste.rs/ykY16:54
aleph-Curious if there's something I'm missing as this has worked on most other hosts in my fleet previously.16:55
pavlosbryanroderyck: do you have multiverse enabled?17:00
bryanroderyckwhat is multiverse?17:02
pavlosbryanroderyck: click on apps, pick Software and Updates, the 4th check is multiverse17:04
pavlosbryanroderyck: https://imgur.com/a/TZKfdQE17:05
xuxxI have mysql preinstalled, how can I get the package name to remove it ?17:07
pavlosxuxx: dpkg -l | grep mysql17:08
bryanroderyckim coonnected with moobille phone with usb tetthering ...but the update get message no internet17:09
pavlosbryanroderyck: if you enable multiverse, you should be able to install the bcmwl-kernel-source17:10
bryanroderyckim lost can you help me out17:11
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xuxxpavlos: sub process /usr/bin/dpkg return an error code (1) when I try remove17:12
pavlosxuxx: to remove or purge you need sudo dpkg --purge <packagename>17:13
Phruiscan a shell script change your directory?17:18
pavlosKali_Yuga: why is /boot ext2 but / is ext4 ?17:20
pavlosbryanroderyck: if you enable multiverse, you should be able to install the bcmwl-kernel-source17:21
bryanroderyckthe multiverse on the software update is not geting the internet...irc is online ...strange17:24
mirazi_hekethello, my Sound BlasterX AE-5 says analog out is unplugged despite fact its plugged any advice on how to proceed with that? (latest ubuntu mate)17:26
oerheksit must be the outdated sources, signal and spotify bugging you17:26
oerheksmirazi_heket, maybe reloading alsa fix this; pulseaudio -k && sudo alsa force-reload17:28
bryanroderycki dont understand ...help17:28
pavlosbryanroderyck: according to the laptop's manual, Fn+PrtScr enables/disables wifi.17:30
mirazi_heketdidnt helped, funny enough front audio in is working17:30
pavlosbryanroderyck: have you tested that?17:30
pavlosbryanroderyck: is the STA driver is loaded, wifi should function17:30
pavlosbryanroderyck: if*17:31
bryanroderyckthis looks like wwhen i first install ubuntu i had to change uefi to get wifi adapter working17:31
oerheksif you ran into this before, reinstall in uefi mode?17:32
pavlosbryanroderyck: is laptop dual booting? did you have to disable SecureBoot?17:33
bryanroderyckyes dualboot i have windows ..no i did not disable anyything in the bios17:33
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* pavlos bbl17:36
mirazi_hekethttps://www.ghacks.net/2019/08/13/fix-for-no-sound-issue-on-linux-when-using-headphones/ does not produce expected results17:37
mirazi_heketwhen plugged in headphones through front analog out it says headphones are plugged but line out is still unplugged (tried with other cable)17:37
mirazi_heket(about link above - i dont have auto mute option in alsamixer017:38
ForeverNoob[m]hi, what is the package called that contains GNU Units?17:43
oerheksprovided by .. http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/man1/units.1.html17:44
ForeverNoob[m]cool, thanks!17:46
lotuspsychjebryanroderyck: there are known bugs about broadcom and kernel 5.8 currently17:59
lotuspsychjebryanroderyck: bug #1910572 bug #191055518:00
ubottubug 1910572 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "Ugprading to 5.8.0-34-generic kernel broke wifi (BCM4352 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter [14e4:43b1] (rev 03))" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191057218:00
ubottubug 1910555 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "Driver build error on kernel 5.8, but works on 5.4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191055518:00
lotuspsychjebryanroderyck: read up on them and if you feel you experience the same, please affect to the bug18:01
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bryanroderycklotuspsychje, im a bit lost cant find a path in all this .18:04
lotuspsychjebryanroderyck: if you still have other kernel versions in your list, you could try booting a previous one as jeremy31 already adviced earlier18:09
vimartXubuntu20.04 want to change to log in Terminal after booting and then go to X after command:startx .18:21
aladale84Hi, i would like to know the best app that i can use in ubuntu for virtualization ?18:22
lordcirthvimart, "systemctl disable gdm" will do that, I think. Or for Xubuntu it might be lightdm, I forget18:23
vimartlordcirth: you mean 'systemctl disable lightdm' >18:24
lordcirthvimart, yes18:25
vimartI was googling but it says only how to switch to terminal18:25
vimartlordcirth: thanks18:25
vimartGoing to check it18:28
vimartservice is removed so should work.18:29
hansolhow to give directory for write permissions for user www-data ?18:29
zeekhi guys,i'm stuck with something.. trying to access my ubuntu from external internet, openssh is active, port 22 is open, i did port foward in router, works on local network, but when i try ssh public ip i receive connection refused18:29
zeekalso ufw allow 2218:30
tomreynzeek: sounds like a port forwarding or firewalling problem (on the router)18:32
zeeki guess that tho.. but how?what?18:32
zeektehnicolor DWA0120 is my router18:33
dt84Hi all - clean installation of Ubuntu 20.04 on a Asus UM462D notebook (AMD, Ryzen 7), kernel 5.8.0-34, I have some display issues: `ubuntu-drivers devices` gives no output, can't control brightness, etc. I saw https://askubuntu.com/a/1228323 but is there any updates on this, or should I give up?18:33
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tomreynzeek: this is kind of OT for ubuntu support. but we can talk in #ubuntu-offtopic if you like.18:34
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donaldkbrownMy bluetooth headset no longer shows up as an audio option in 20.10, worked fine in 20.04. Any ideas?19:03
boltzmannHi everyone. I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, and I installed an update today that broke my Broadcom Wifi drivers. Is there anybody that would be willing to help me get to the bottom of it?19:45
lordcirthboltzmann, you got any PPAs? How long had it been since you upgraded? Was it a full-upgrade? Did the kernel update?19:46
boltzmannVery few PPAs, I sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade this morning, and i'm fairly certain the kernel upgraded, yes19:47
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boltzmannIn DKMS's logs, I get the following error: /var/lib/dkms/bcmwl/ error: implicit declaration of function ‘get_ds’; did you mean ‘get_fs’?19:49
lordcirthboltzmann, look in /var/log/apt/history.log for the recent changes19:50
boltzmannThanks, lordcirth. Looking in history.log, I did install and update a new kernel this morning (linux-headers, linux-modules, linux-image). Is there an easy way to undo changes?19:52
lordcirthboltzmann, just reboot and choose the previous kernel in the grub menu. If that works, you can look into removing the package.19:53
boltzmannUnfortunately, I tried booting with all 3 available kernels, and still get errors when installing the wifi drivers (bcmwl-kernel-source).20:06
lordcirthboltzmann, hmm, did bcmwl-kernel-source get updated?20:08
boltzmannlordcirth, it did not get updated recently, but when the wifi stopped working after a reboot, I decided to try to install the package again to see what happens, and I got the errors.20:09
deegoI have a slightly older ubuntu install.20:14
deegoan apt upgrade yields: E: mkinitramfs failure find 141 cpio 141 gzip 1  when installing linux-image20:14
lordcirthdeego, what Ubuntu release?20:17
deegooh, mount says: /boot           471.6 MB    but I don't see a separate partition for boot in fstab or crypttab20:19
deegolordcirth: 18.04.520:19
catalinHey! On Ubuntu 20.04 every time I open a terminal first command of any command is slow, it is something like the path searching is slow, after that it is cached or something20:20
catalinAny ideas on what happens in the background>20:20
catalinMy bashrc is very minimal20:21
lordcirthcatalin, if you open a second terminal window immediately after, it is still slow? What if you run "bash"?20:21
catalinno, its not slow afterwards20:21
catalinOnly the first command of any type of command is delayed by one second(its searched I think in the path). Something like I type rustc wait one second, shows a message, type zig wait a second show a message and after that the commands are instant whenever I use them20:23
lordcirthcatalin, only the first per boot?20:23
tomreyndeego: chekc    df -h /boot    and    df -hi /boot     - anything at 100%?20:23
deegotomreyn: yeah, was at 100%, been purging some old linux-images20:24
deegowhy is boot a separate partition? why doesn't that separate partition show up in mmy fstab or cryptttab?20:24
catalinlordcith: any ideas?20:25
lordcirthcatalin, is your / an SSD or HDD?20:25
tomreyndeego: it's common to boot off a separate /boot  file system when you have full disk encryption20:25
tomreyndeego: why it's not in fstab, i don't know, though. maybe it's listed by it's UUID instead20:26
deegotomreyn: in that case, shouldn't crypttab show that?20:26
lordcirthdeego, can you pastebin /etc/fstab?20:26
tomreyncrypttab should point to what's encrypted. /boot isn't encrpyte din this setup20:26
catalinmy / is a SSD and /home is a HDD partition20:26
deegoah, ok, will look, and paste after the reboot finishes20:27
lordcirthcatalin, then probably it's just loading some files from HDD slowly. Not that unusual.20:28
jayjowhen should I run `update-initramfs -u`? I am looking at removing a 2-disk RAID array in order to use ZFS for them (they're really not used much), after making configuration cahnges to mdadm, do I need to run this command?20:28
catalinIs there any way to cache that 'some files' ?20:28
catalinMy setup isn't changing that much20:29
lordcirthcatalin, well, they do get cached in RAM once read, and won't ever be evicted unless you both run out of RAM and haven't used them recently20:29
lordcirthcatalin, you could move /home to SSD and just have some dirs, eg Downloads, symlinked to HDD20:29
tomreynjayjo: if thery'Re not needed for boot, i don't think yuo need to.20:30
nunya_Is there a way to add an animation to show a program is opening? Most of the programs I use in Ubuntu with cinnamon show this application opening animation but a few do not.20:30
catalinlordcirth: I run sudo hdparm -tT /dev/sda on my HDD and this is the result: Timing cached reads:   36672 MB in  2.00 seconds = 18367.78 MB/sec, Timing buffered disk reads: 390 MB in  3.01 seconds = 129.43 MB/sec. Is this that slow?20:33
lordcirthcatalin, it's not about sequential, it's random seeks20:34
catalinIf only I knew how to search this thing on web, maybe I could find something20:35
sarnoldcatalin: what's your PATH? does it have ~/bin in it before /usr/bin, etc?20:37
sarnoldcatalin: if so, try stuffing ~/bin at the *end* of your PATh20:37
catalinIt makes sense that you say that, I always prefixed my path in my .bashrc with new things, I have been doing it all wrong20:38
sarnoldcatalin: every individual shell needs to look up every command, check eg "help hash" at the bash prompt, if you're using another shell there's probably somethin gsimilar20:38
catalinand sabotage even my ssd executables20:38
catalinI use bash20:38
sarnoldcatalin: well, prefixing is handy if you want to replace things20:38
catalinSince I am not replacing something already installed it is not so useful for *me20:39
sarnoldcatalin: the kernel will try to keep around "negative dentries" for requested files that didn't exist, but since they're by definition useless, under the slightest memory pressure they'll get thrown away, which probably means every 'first' command in a terminal winds up going to your hdd first20:39
boltzmannHey lordcirth, thank you so much for your help earlier. I uninstalled bcmwl-kernel-source and installed broadcom-sta-source + broadcom-sta-dkms + broadcom-sta-common, and everything is working again.20:44
lordcirthboltzmann, great!20:47
lordcirthsarnold, very interesting! I wouldn't have thought that there would be a performance impact based on ordering.20:48
sarnoldlordcirth: until today, I hadn't either :) hehe20:48
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vimartwell I've disabled lightdm in xubuntu20.04 "systemctl disable lightdm" so I can log in terminal and then startxce4. Now a few propblems, first xfce desktop looks kinda more uglier and when I switch to terminal and then back to xfce mine touchpad in laptop doesn't work.21:26
vimartI've tried to enable again lightdm: systemctl enable lightdm but is printing some notice why can't be enabled, so I've done: systemctl unmask ligtdm and according to google should do: systemctl demon-restart but command not recognised.21:29
sarnoldvimart: there's a daemon-reexec and a daemon-reload subcommand to systemctl, no such thing as demon-restart21:30
sarnoldvimart: daemon-reexec is almost never needed, daemon-reload is much more common and useful21:30
vimartsarnold: I was writing from memory, nah I did demon-reload and still unrecognised21:34
vimartUnknown operation demon-reload21:34
vimartsarnold: sorry had typo :-)21:37
vimartdaemon-reload without error21:37
vimartI really would like to have possibility log in terminal then startx or startxfce4 is there any solution for this touchpad?21:39
vimartor someone mention other method than disable lightdm21:39
matsamanwhat's the problem?21:39
vimartmatsaman: I wanted to log in in terminal (xubuntu20.04), so I did systemctl disable lightdm, and indeed after booting I loged in terminal then startxfce.21:42
vimartbut everything seems different, fonts more blurry.21:43
vimartalso when I switch to terminal and then back to xfce touchpad in my laptop doesnt work21:43
vimartstrange still can't enable lightdm21:57
sarnoldpastebin the command and results?21:57
vimartsarnold:systemctl enable lightdm  https://pastebin.com/KMZvLEiW22:01
vimartalso done this systemctl unmask lightdm then systemctl daemon-reload, there were no errors22:02
sarnoldvimart: oh weird :/ does this not have a service file?22:07
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vimartsarnold: actually I've never had a problem like that so not sure what file you're talking about22:15
vimartsarnold: you mean the one mention in notice I had? : /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install?22:16
sarnoldvimart: I don't know much about how systemd manages services that only have a sysvinit file, yeah22:18
lolekhello, fresh ubuntu 20.04 installation, suspend on lid close doesn't work. I've tried doing the changes in the logind.conf already, no luck. Any ideas how to fix this?22:18
vimartsarnold:how about X11?22:21
vimartShould I've have response when: systemctl status X11-common or it's old post in forum that I read?22:22
sarnoldvimart: I've got no idea where systemctl status X11-common might have come from; the usual way things work is via the display-manager.service service, that's usually a symlink to whichever display manager service you're using. on my system for example:22:24
sarnoldlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 Aug 31 20:17 /etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service -> /lib/systemd/system/xdm.service22:24
vimartsarnold:it seems like it doesn't read .profile now, I've got the set newsgroup server but had to set environment22:34
basenodeanyone had the issue with zathura where your mouse is followed by a green highlighting box?22:35
basenodeis it possible to disable this?22:36
pa0fotpart #ubuntu22:37
sarnoldbasenode: that sounds like an accessibility feature22:37
oerheksyes, F5     Switch to presentation mode ? http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/man1/zathura.1.html22:38
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