
pursuivantsystem/kubuntu-notification-helper (master) e159e07 * Harald Sitter: src/daemon (13 files in 7 dirs)11:37
pursuivantdon't put event names in the module11:37
pursuivantinstead init it in the actual event class. that takes useless responsibility away11:37
pursuivantfrom the module11:37
pursuivantsystem/kubuntu-notification-helper (master) d3d7cdb * Harald Sitter: src (7 files in 2 dirs)11:37
pursuivantport to kconfigwatcher11:37
pursuivantreplaces bespoke watcher tech11:37
pursuivantsystem/kubuntu-notification-helper (master) fbf67c3 * Harald Sitter: src/daemon (9 files in 7 dirs)11:37
pursuivantrefactor event init and management11:37
pursuivantthis moves all event setup and handling logic into the events themselves11:37
pursuivantmaking the module itself entirely unconcerned with the specifics of the11:37
sitterRikMills: I'm not convinced this is a force for good in the world. l10n support is entirely bust. reboot notification is likely clashing with discover. codec notification I'm also sure is some degree of broken. driver notification I suppose is worthwhile but the way this is implemented is daft plus I'm not sure why that isn't in the driver kcm repo11:41
sitterthe only things that look semi sane are apport and hooks support *shrug*11:41
RikMillssitter: *shrug* has been my response each time I pondered it. I certainly can't fix it11:46
sittersudo rm -rf /*11:52
BluesKaj'morning folks13:01

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