=== BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK_ === carlos is now known as Guest99388 === marjan is now known as Entuzio === RTGuruThe2nd is now known as RisingTechGuru === lubuntu is now known as Guest36053 === px is now known as Guest49774 === Guest49774 is now known as px [18:28] Greetings. I am interested in reducing the number of packages on my lubuntu system. I am on 20.04, upgraded from 18.04. === lubuntu is now known as Guest19346 [23:40] plujon: deborphan can help a bit [23:41] other than that it's really going through the list of installed packages one by one and try to remove each, see what the impact would be (in term sof other packages whoich would be removed). [23:43] tomreyn: Thanks. dpkg --list | wc -l # 2775 hmm [23:44] dpkg --list | grep ii | grep -v 'lib' | wc -l # 1168 [23:44] you can also look at ubuntu-support-status --show-unsupported [23:45] ubuntu-support-status # command not found [23:45] that's in update-manager-core, which you should have installed, weird. [23:45] but note that this will classify many lubuntu packages as unsupported because they're in universe, i think [23:46] it could still help cleaning up [23:46] Good to know; thanks. [23:46] What I appreciate about lubuntu is that it is light, the desktop is familiar, and openbox is fairly easy to configure. [23:47] I also like that things tend to work without much fuss (e.g. networking, printers, if ever I have to use them, which I rarely do). [23:48] And critically: fonts look good. [23:50] But I tend towards minimalism, and would probably throw out a bunch of stuff on this machine: I mainly use emacs, ssh, a browser, a terminal, and VirtualBox, various programming languages, and everything those things depend on.