
sarnoldpyeverything: did you find the source of the packages/ :)00:01
vlmwhen downloading source from git and doing make and make install,later on to update,i just repeat the process or do i need remove the old stuff?00:34
sarnoldvlm: it depends upon the project00:35
vlmsarnold, so i could end up with having to manually remove it? Is there any how to remove manually insatlled stuff?00:36
sarnoldvlm: there's a 'checkinstall' tool, that can help you keep track of what you installed when you installed, if you use it when installing things by hand00:37
geniiSome source code has make options like uninstall, distclean, or such00:37
sarnoldvlm: I'll be honest though I never used it before, I'm not sure how well it works00:37
vlmsarnold, genii thanks both!00:38
Seven_Six_Twowhy is cmdtest being installed when I try to install yarn?00:42
Seven_Six_TwoReading state information... Done00:42
Seven_Six_TwoNote, selecting 'cmdtest' instead of 'yarn'00:42
genii!info yarn00:43
ubottuPackage yarn does not exist in focal00:43
Seven_Six_TwoI've done searches, I'm using nvm, and I've remove+purged, updated, reinstalled. ooh...funny nobody mentioned that. why would it select a totally different package as if it's a replacement?00:44
geniiSeven_Six_Two: The binary yarn is contained within the package cmdtest00:44
Seven_Six_Twointeresting. thanks genii00:46
geniiIf you're looking instead for yarn as it relates to nodejs there is another package called yarnpkg in the Universe repository00:47
Seven_Six_Twooh ok. I just added their ppa, and it's all good now01:00
bargthere's a package I can't install, when I try apt-install php-gettext, I get "E: Unable to locate package php-gettext"    How do I find out what repo it is in?  I tried "add-apt-repository universe"  but still it can't install php-gettext and gives that error.01:26
sarnoldbarg: package php7.4-common has a Provides: .. php7.4-gettext .. entry -- it probably has what you need01:27
bargthanks, is there a website or command that gives that info?01:28
bargah that doesn't say what the repo is..  And what if a new php comes out i'd have to guess the name of the package that provides php-gettext?01:29
sarnoldbarg: sortof, hehe; I used apt-cache search php gettext, saw a list of a handful of packages and figured php7.4-common from that list looked most likely to have some answers; then ran apt-cache show php7.4-common | grep gettext to see if I had guessed correctly01:29
sarnoldbarg: if you've got php installed on one release, it'll probably just be upgraded to whatever is in the next release when you run do-release-upgrade01:30
sarnoldbarg: at least, if you've got the php metapcakage installed..01:30
bargwhy is it that when I do apt-get install php7.4-common    then   apt-get install php-gettext,  then I still get that error?01:36
sarnoldthere's no php-gettext package; the Provides: says that php7.4-command will satisfy the needs of whatever package Depends: on php7.4-gettext01:36
sarnoldI'm hoping this is enough for you to use gettext in your php applications01:37
bargok, thanks01:37
heap_hi, i have a local network 192.168.1./24 and there is a station where vnc server is running on port 5633, when i open a ssh tunnel -L11000: remote_hot  and then try to telnet localhost 11000 its refusing connection;;; how can i pretend i am accessing it from thanks02:01
bargsounds like you are on 192.168.1/24?02:06
heap_AllowTCPForwarding was the issue02:06
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pillager86Is there a workaround for this bug on 20.04? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-14/+bug/186869902:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1868699 in openjdk-14 (Ubuntu) "jlink fails due to unexpected hash of java.* modules" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:46
pillager86Where is the location of openjdk-14-doc?03:17
pillager86I installed it but javadoc isn't showing in Eclipse03:18
vincenzomlHi all. For a custom usage scenario (related to playing music live) I would like to make an ubuntu installation which is really "barebone". I want the essential to run xfce, and no daemons that are not absolutely necessary for the purpose (for instance no cups :)). What would be a good way to start? Ubuntu-minimal? Ubuntu-server?03:20
vincenzomlMy aim is to be sure no daemon may interrupt the low-latency processes at any time.03:21
vincenzomlconsidering e.g. apport, cron, whatever03:21
Bashing-omvincenzoml: see: https://unit193.net/xubuntu/core/ .03:22
vincenzomlBashing-om, interesting. So the official installation method of xubuntu-core is to install the minimal iso and then select the xubuntu-core task03:24
vincenzomlin other words the minimal iso is suitable as a start for a desktop system? I thought it was mostly for docker & c03:26
roothorickHaving an odd issue on 20.04. Switched from Nvidia to AMD, solved my instability issues, but now monitors won't stay off...03:26
WrathOfAchillesvincenzoml: Correct.  Also, 20.10 isn't noted to be "released" on that page, but only because some had problems with the installer whereas others didn't.  So a bit of a hard call.03:26
Bashing-omvincenzoml: The above core install installs the xfce4 GUI and but only a few other most used apps - up to you what else you deem worthy to install.03:26
vincenzomlbut does it avoid installing e.g. apport or mlocate?03:27
WrathOfAchillesmini.iso comes with the bare minimum, which doesn't include an interface.  'xubuntu-core^' should be a pretty minimal Xubuntu system.03:27
roothorickwait a second... Is there a way to see a running dump of *all* input events seen by the X server?03:27
vincenzomlI didn't get also the 20.10 bit, is there an ubuntu minimal iso of 20.10?03:27
vincenzomlIs this  asafe start? https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/minimal/daily/03:28
vincenzomlI could get groovy from there03:28
sarnoldvincenzoml: yeah that's probably a good starting point03:28
Bashing-omvincenzoml: With the minimal install one has to exert a bit more effort - the core install does include apport but not mlocate.03:29
sarnoldroothorick: evtest maybe?03:30
vincenzomlwhich is already reasonable03:30
vincenzomlnow in the daily images there's an "img" file, but no ISO03:30
vincenzomlhow do I proceed03:30
sarnoldthose images are 'live' images, not installers; you can spin them up directly in a VM and be running in seconds that way03:31
sarnoldI think you should be able to dd those to a drive and boot into it; my guess is it'll resize the filesystem to suck up the whole drive on first boot03:32
roothorickFrom the logs it looks like amdgpu "forgets" either monitor exists and rebuilds the layout from scratch, triggering the wake. At least, it's dumping the EDID in the log each time03:32
roothorickI guess I could try wayland, but that has its own issue (confuses the crap out of SteamVR for one)03:33
vincenzomlbut so, ubuntu minimal doesn't have an installer currently?03:35
vincenzomlor better put, there's no bootable iso with ubuntu minimal and an installer?03:35
vincenzomlby reading here, I'm right: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1291913/where-is-the-minimalcd-mini-iso-for-groovy-gorilla03:37
Bashing-omvincenzoml: 20.10 X core: https://unit193.net/xubuntu/core/pending/ .03:37
roothorickokay now I'm confused. It does the exact same thing under wayland03:38
vincenzomlBashing-om, are you the developer or one of the developers of that ISO?03:38
Bashing-omvincenzoml: No - just a lowly user :D03:38
vincenzomlit's a pity there's no installation path that starts from a ubuntu-supplied iso03:39
vincenzoml(not the fault of the iso, indeed)03:39
Bashing-omvincenzoml: There is - Have you seen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD ?03:40
vincenzomlyes, the latest version seems to be 18.1003:42
vincenzomlsorry 18.0403:42
vincenzomloh, there's 20.04 at the download link, but I learned elsewhere it is no longer supported for 20.1003:42
vincenzomlprobably not very useful for the majority of users03:43
WrathOfAchillesFWIW, I'm Unit 193 from that site.03:43
Bashing-omvincenzoml: I do run on old hardware hense my experience with minimal installs -- and from a bare minimum I find the core install much faster and easier for a minimum/reasonable foundation.03:43
vincenzoml@WrathOfAchilles, nice to meet you! :)03:45
sarnoldWrathOfAchilles: you hide in the strangest of places :)03:46
WrathOfAchillessarnold: Always!03:47
vincenzomlWrathOfAchilles, so you also confirm, if I want to install xubuntu-core starting from ubuntu 20.10, the only current way is getting your iso?03:47
vincenzoml(or, getting the unsupported 20.04 minimal iso, do-release-upgrade, then apt install xubuntu-core^)03:47
roothorickI'm utterly confused, what could prevent the monitors from going to sleep...03:48
vincenzomlall of this, as a start, since I have a disfunctional 19.10 install. It doesn't have extfs.03:49
vincenzomlsorry, exfat03:50
Bashing-om!info exfat-utils | vincenzoml03:51
ubottuvincenzoml: exfat-utils (source: exfat-utils): utilities to create, check, label and dump exFAT filesystem. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.0-1 (focal), package size 39 kB, installed size 227 kB03:52
sarnolddo note that 19.10 reached end of life in july 202003:52
vincenzomlsarnold, that's precisely why I want to install a new system! :) Yes now I installed exfat-utils, thanks. I had not even tried because apt is broken since days, it can't find packages. But adding universe worked instead. Good!03:53
vincenzomlNow i can add the xubuntu-core iso to my ventoy usb stick!03:53
sarnoldvincenzoml: if 19.10 is fine except for being six months out of date, you could run do-release-upgrade and get focal on the system with very little effort03:54
sarnoldvincenzoml: that'd upgrade what needs to be upgraded, replace things that were replaced, etc, but should be pretty similar to what it is now03:55
WrathOfAchillesKind of rather unfortunate to have mini.iso go away, bah..03:55
vincenzomlsarnold, I don't have enough free space for do-release-upgrade!03:56
vincenzomlit's time to reinstall sometimes03:56
vincenzomlbut I can't still use my exfat03:56
vincenzomlERROR: 'ubuntu-20.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso' is empty but start cluster is 0x3359e.03:56
vincenzomlI recall having read errors on that file03:56
vincenzomlbut now how do I mount that?03:57
vincenzomlI tried fsck.exfat -a /dev/sdb1 but it lists the errors without fixing them03:57
vincenzomlok I recreated that filesystem... who cares in the end :)03:58
vincenzomlthanks all for your support, time to reboot!03:58
vincenzomlbye all03:59
roothoricktracked down my issue... to a bug in AMDGPU DC, reported two years ago *to the day* and still hasn't been fixed... and something changed, because the proposed workaround only partially works...04:17
sarnoldroothorick: oof. well, at least it's nice to have a *cause* identified04:21
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roothorickfun fun... basically due to quirky monitor firmware the driver thinks the monitor was momentarily unplugged04:38
roothorickI actually had a similar but inconsistent issue with the preceding nvidia card, and blamed it on nvidia's drivers... it probably was the monitor itself all along04:38
roothorickworkaround: when not in use, manually turn off the monitor via hardware switch. It registers as an unplug, so there's nothing to debounce.04:43
OscarEHi, I have libc6:amd64 in a half-installed state and I'm having trouble rectifying iy05:31
octav1aFresh install of 20.04, login screen looks fine, but after typing my password the screen is just a qlickly flashing purple and black solid color. I can press ctrl F1 to get back to the login screen again. Any idea how to fix this?05:51
chalarmoctav1a: ctrl + f1, login there and check what graphics card you got by inxi -G once you logged in at the prompt perhaps you need a nvidia driver.06:02
octav1achalarm: it has amd card06:03
chalarmoctav1a: can be a AMD driver thing too06:03
chalarmdoes it have a Radeon RX?06:03
octav1aDo they need a proprietary one too? I'm not too up to speed on it. It's RX 57006:04
chalarmoctav1a: if it's a RX570 mostlikely you want to install the proprietary driver.06:04
chalarmoctav1a: https://linuxconfig.org/amd-radeon-ubuntu-20-04-driver-installation there a few ways to proceed even through 3rd party ppa.06:04
octav1achalarm: awesome, I will give them a shot, thank you for the suggestion.06:05
chalarmgood luck octav1a.06:08
chalarmit's known that AMD/NVIDIA can act up out of the box on any linux distro.06:09
chalcedony`Good evening :)06:54
chalarmgood afternoon chalcedony`06:55
chalcedony`i'm trying to help my hubby with his computer which keeps freezing. We have tried so many things and it seems to be doing it every few minutes after a reboot now.06:56
chalcedony`He has ubunut 20.04 and a Ryzen 5 processor.06:56
chalarmdoes he see some messages or just freezes and that's it.06:56
chalcedony`just freezes. the mouse moves but he can't click or type06:57
chalarmchalcedony`: can you provide me with the following on his computer while it's still 'working' open terminal and: inxi -Frxzc0 | nc termbin.com 999906:58
chalarmthis will create a termbin link, if you can provide the link in here we can at-least look at the exact hardware he's working with.06:59
chalcedony`chalarm we just tried a solution "Apparently it's due to over queueing of frames, and setting the environment variable _GL_MaxFramesAllowes=1 solves the issue"  It froze after that, too.06:59
chalarmif you can't provide the termbin i can't help you, i'm sorry. would love to help but then just need to know the information through the termbin above and might want him to export more data but without data providing any form of help is .... 8-balling it and i won't be doing that. sorry chalcedony`07:01
chalcedony`i will try that chalarm just a moment07:01
chalcedony`chalarm inxi command not found07:03
chalarmsudo apt install inxi07:03
TJ-chalcedony`: when the GUI 'freezes' is it possible to switch to a text console with Ctrl+Alt+F2 for example? (where you'd get a "login:" prompt and could investigate logs etc. whilst GUI is frozen07:03
chalarmI'm just so used to inxi :-)07:03
chalcedony`hi TJ- another interesting idea! I haven't tried that07:04
chalarmi expect the display driver to freeze actually, that's why i wanted the 'hardware' output which inxi provides.07:04
TJ-It could be that all input focus has been frozen/is blocking due to something hogging the CPU on the GUI main loop07:05
chalcedony`chalarm https://termbin.com/gvmf07:05
chalarmaha NVIDIA graphics thought that much already.07:05
chalarmchalcedony`: did you guys install the nvidia graphics drivers or not?07:06
chalarmand indeed TJ-'s tip to check a alternative TTY (CTRL+ALT+F1,F2,F3) while the freeze occurs is wisdom.07:06
chalcedony`chalarm he doesn't think he installed it, he had a stroke, memory is affected.07:07
chalarmchalcedony`: dpkg -l | grep nvidia07:07
TJ-chalcedony`: can you also show us "pastebinit <( journalctl -k )"07:07
chalarmno worries we can confirm, if it's there or not. if the driver isn't there.07:07
chalcedony`is that dpkg lower case -l ?07:08
chalcedony`chalarm ^07:08
chalarmchalcedony`: yes it is.07:08
TJ-"L" > "l" aka --list07:08
chalcedony`chalarm it didn't come back with anything on the dpkg07:09
chalarmso the dpkg -l | grep nvidia doesn't give anything?07:09
chalarmright chalcedony` ?07:09
chalcedony`chalarm yes it didn't07:10
chalcedony`insatlling dpkg07:10
chalcedony`oops pastebinit ;P07:10
chalarmthe nc termbin.com 9999 does pretty much the same if it makes you happier.07:11
chalcedony`well we got it anyhow07:11
chalarmnever the less, this means he's using the opensource nouveau driver mostlikely as this comes out of the box and we just confirmed that he didn't have any package with "nvidia" installed.07:12
chalcedony`ok yes07:13
chalarmand as he has NVIDIA propriatery hardware this is 99% the case of the GUI crashing, this would be confirmed by the TTY that keeps working.07:13
chalarmprotip: Don't forget to remove any of the environment settings you put in place before installing the driver.07:14
chalcedony`ok how do we get the NVIDIA drivers?07:14
chalarmchalcedony`: https://linoxide.com/linux-how-to/how-to-install-nvidia-driver-on-ubuntu/07:15
chalcedony`thanks :)07:15
TJ-chalarm: "ubuntu-drivers"07:15
chalarmskip to the part where Settings & Lifepatch is at.07:15
TJ-chalcedony`: usually, for proprietary drivers, use "ubuntu-drivers devices" to discover what is available and "ubuntu-drivers install ..." to install the recommended driver07:16
chalarmTJ-: Ubuntu-drivers is in the link i just provided.07:16
chalarmubuntu-drivers autoinstall should be the easy way of doing it.07:17
TJ-chalarm: autoinstall was deprecated to avoid problems with it making the wrong choice :)07:17
TJ-2 steps forward, 1 back :D07:18
chalarmhah. sorry i sometimes miss the 'news' however if that's the case sure.07:18
TJ-i know that feeling! technology these days feels more like an out-of-control snowball rolling down a mountain-side!07:20
chalarmanyways I'm too used to providing support with inxi that's why i let people install it TJ. It's easier for myself too as now in a one liner i can see it's a   Device-1: NVIDIA GT218 [GeForce 210] vendor: eVga.com. driver: nouveau07:20
chalarmTJ: you know after 'doing' opensource for 20 years, everything just becomes binary at some point.07:20
TJ-chalarm: no arguments there; I only manage to drop in here occassionally these days07:20
TJ-chalarm: funny things is, for me, inxi hides too much info. I'm far more comfortable with raw output I can actually relate to underlying drivers, e.g. lspci -nnk and kernel log :)07:21
chalarmfor me it's kinda like a way to 'give back' and 'be better' you know, since for a lot of persons reading and providing the asked information (had somebody yesterday not here) whom simply didn't want to provide a " inxi -Frxzc0 | nc termbin.com 9999"07:22
chalarmTJ: i would say i'm comfortable with that but i also would like the person I'm trying to help to understand what i'm actually asking from them and when it comes to kernel log, they don't have a clue 99%.07:23
chalarmand these driver related problems we can troubleshoot without having the kernel log imho. As we see a NVIDIA prop chipset on nouveau and this has been a PITA for a bigger time.07:23
TJ-chalarm: indeed - my experience has been that without the raw info, it can often take hours to finally identify and solve and issue that was revealed in kernel log :)07:23
chalarmchalcedony`: how are you managing?07:23
chalarmTJ-: anyways, different ways to get to a same result, a happy user.07:24
chalarmif that's the end-result I'm happy for them and myself. can't always get to that point however.07:25
chalcedony`chalarm it doesn't have any Ubuntu-drivers?07:28
chalcedony`hubby doesn't remember how to find the main screen either, so using command line (i can find that)07:29
chalarmUbuntu-drivers is with a capital U you didn't by any chance use the lowercase right?07:30
chalcedony`chalarm so now sudo autoinstall them07:30
TJ-chalcedony`: GUI is usually either on tty7 or tty1. From a text console that's Alt+F7 or Alt+F107:30
chalcedony`thanks chalarm i told him, is it ok to continue with commands?07:31
chalcedony`chalarm, I used upper case.07:32
chalarmwe can do it command line yes: Ubuntu-drivers gives what? "Ubuntu-drivers: command not found"?07:33
chalcedony`[23:30:12] <TJ-> chalcedony`: GUI is usually either on tty7 or tty1. From a text console that's Alt+F7 or Alt+F1[23:30:12] <TJ-> chalcedony`: GUI is usually either on tty7 or tty1. From a text console that's Alt+F7 or Alt+F1[23:30:12] <TJ-> chalcedony`: GUI is usually either on tty7 or tty1. From a text console that's Alt+F7 or Alt+F1[23:30:12] <TJ-> chalcedony`: GUI is usually either on tty7 or tty1. From a text console07:34
chalcedony`that's Alt+F7 or Alt+F1[23:30:12] <TJ-> chalcedony`: GUI is usually either on tty7 or tty1. From a text console that's Alt+F7 or Alt+F1[23:30:12] <TJ-> chalcedony`: GUI is usually either on tty7 or tty1. From a text console that's Alt+F7 or Alt+F1[23:30:12] <TJ-> chalcedony`: GUI is usually either on tty7 or tty1. From a text console that's Alt+F7 or Alt+F1[23:30:12] <TJ-> chalcedony`: GUI is usually either on tty7 or tty1.07:34
chalcedony`From a text console that's Alt+F7 or Alt+F1[23:30:12] <TJ-> chalcedony`: GUI is usually either on tty7 or tty1. From a text console that's Alt+F7 or Alt+F1[23:30:12] <TJ-> chalcedony`: GUI is usually either on tty7 or tty1. From a text console that's Alt+F7 or Alt+F1[23:30:12] <TJ-> chalcedony`: GUI is usually either o[23:30:12] <TJ-> chalcedony`: GUI is usually either on tty7 or tty1. From a text console that's Alt+F7 or07:34
chalcedony`Alt+F1[23:30:12] <TJ-> chalcedony`: GUI is usually either on tty7 or tty1. From a text console that's Alt+F7 or Alt+F1[23:30:12] <TJ-> chalcedony`: GUI chalarm yes.07:34
chalcedony`the cat walked on the laptop .. so sorry07:35
chalarmlolz. it appears the manual was wrong in this case it's small case07:36
chalarmtry that please07:36
chalarmwithout anything07:36
chalarmif that atleast gives some feedback: ubuntu-drivers devices07:36
chalarmubuntu-drivers devices | grep recommended07:37
chalcedony`chalarm it offers Usage and Commands07:37
chalarmchalcedony`: so by any mains: ubuntu-drivers devices | grep recommended07:37
chalcedony`charlm it didn't say that and it's still downloading.07:38
chalarmok then we just wait :-)07:38
chalcedony`okies :)07:38
chalcedony`chalarm laughing it's saying 1 hour and a lot of minutes.. we have a VERY tiny connection07:39
chalarmso, take your time, i'll brb.07:39
chalarmI'm back, needed todo a quick reboot.07:43
chalarmchalcedony: question: how many hours remaining *harhar*07:55
chalcedony`chalarm it keeps getting more, i'm on 4207:57
chalarmchalcedony`: oone of the things i noticed was you're using the us mirror are you based in the us?07:58
chalcedony`28% .. and yes we are us07:58
chalcedony`we just are out in the country and slow dsl is all they offer here07:59
chalarmjust need to sit it out. need these stuff anyways :-)08:00
TJ-chalcedony`: roll on StarLink then!08:14
chalarmZzZ waiting for the Internet in the US to be great again *sorry bad joke, couldn't resist and I'm not trolling chalcedony`*08:15
chalcedony`chalarm sometimes you wonder if it is even moving08:16
chalarmchalcedony`: I can tell you in the US it's far from moving but too much political stuff involved too providers not evolving their networks.08:17
chalarm(sorry this networking thing has been my field of work for the best decade+).08:18
chalcedony`chalarm there has been some progress, a big grant to boost rural internet, it's playing out slowly08:19
chalcedony`we are lucky to have the dsl.. they cut off our neighbors and hopefully comcast will come this way at some point08:19
chalarmchalcedony`: the problem is the technology behind it, to boost rural internet, one can for example move to a technology which is called GPON, however for a lot of providers they want to keep doing what they're doing.08:19
chalarmso that's indeed comcast (docsis) or dsl.08:20
chalcedony`comcast should be fiber & cable08:20
chalarmI'm based at the otherside of the globe, if you don't believe it's a flat thing. I'm based in Thailand here 'broadband' based on Fiber and GPON has been the standard and the way they're deploying it....08:20
chalcedony`flat thing?08:21
chalarmchalcedony`: don't forget comcast is coming from being a 'cable' company and therefore politics within the company will be in place to remain mainly cable based (docsis)08:21
chalarmchalcedony`: some people consider the world not round, i don't argue with them :-)08:21
acresearchpeople, i need your help in downgrading a program,   in my system i have gromacs 2020    gromacs 2019    how can i do that with apt?08:21
chalcedony`it's finally unpacking chalarm :)08:22
chalarmchalcedony`:  comcast as a mainly cable based company with still strong roots as a cable company. therefore it's internal politics will always strongly push docsis.08:24
chalarmanyways, doesn't matter if people get Internet and not DSL (and again VDSL2+ can be a feasible working alternative).08:24
chalarmchalcedony`: great.08:25
chalcedony`yes. um you meant flat earth :)08:25
chalarmubuntu-drivers devices | grep recommended08:25
chalarmif you're there :-)08:25
chalcedony`the company with dsl wants to get rid of it08:25
chalcedony`chalarm driver   : nvidia-340 - distro non-free recommended08:27
chalarmchalcedony`: ubuntu-drivers install nvidia-34008:27
chalarmshould do the trick :-)08:27
chalcedony`chalarm, fantastic08:28
chalarmand after that a reboot (shutdown -r now or reboot) and let us know if your husband can then enjoy his computer for longer then a few minutes.08:29
chalarmobviously it might need sudo infront of it but i guess you already guessed that chalcedony` for installing the driver: sudo ubuntu-drivers install nvidia-34008:29
chalarmand the sudo reboot or sudo shutdown -r now :-)08:31
chalarmI hope we fix your husbands problem.08:31
chalcedony`chalarm after all that "No drivers found for installation"08:32
chalcedony`that's what i said08:32
chalarmchalcedony`: sudo ubuntu-drivers list08:32
chalarmchalcedony`: sudo apt install nvidia-340 this would do the same.08:33
chalarmif it's really 'bitching' as it did give us the tip for the nvidia-340 drivers.08:33
chalcedony`chalarm it listes nvidia-34008:33
chalarmso that's great.08:33
chalarmso now proceed with the: sudo apt install nvidia-34008:33
chalcedony`yes but it couldn't install them08:33
chalcedony`i'll try it again08:34
chalarmtry this instead of the ubuntu-drivers thing as it's just a wrapper.08:34
chalarmso sudo apt install nvidia-340 instead of sudo ubuntu-drivers install nvidia-340.08:34
chalcedony`chalarm it says it's already the newest version08:35
chalarmok perhaps it did do magic for you :-)08:35
chalarmi guess it did one way to find out reboot :-)08:35
chalcedony`ctl -r you said/08:35
chalarmctrl+alt+del if you want 3 finger solute or type sudo reboot or sudo shutdown -r now08:36
chalarmafter reboot: inxi -G08:36
chalcedony`okies it's restarting08:37
chalarmchalcedony`: after reboot we want to see: "inxi -G | pastebin"08:38
TJ-we also want to see a GUI :)08:38
chalarmTJ-: that's a extra. :-008:39
chalcedony`oh weird, it's erroring i think .. something new. numbers snd_hda_intel 00009:00.3 : Noresponse from codec, resetting bus last cmd=08:39
chalcedony`it keeps doing that08:40
chalcedony`chalarm i don't think it's booting08:40
chalarmhm. that's bad  news we didn't want to here.08:42
TJ-ouch - that suggests possibly the HDMI audio channel problem08:42
TJ-chalarm: is that error message continuing or did it stop after a few reports?08:43
chalarmyou mean chalcedony` ^08:43
chalcedony`chalarm, TJ- it seems to have frozen.08:46
chalcedony`It printed INFOtask systemd-shutdow1 blocked for more than 362 seconds. Not tainted 5.4.0-59-generic #65 ubuntu .. a block of stuff RIP: 0033:0x8f1009c3748708:48
chalcedony`Code Bad RIP value.08:48
TJ-chalcedony`: oh... this was a result of the shutdown not completing, rather than during the fresh boot ?08:49
chalcedony`then i have lines with RSP: RAX: RDX: RBP R10: R13: and froze08:49
chalcedony`this is restarting08:49
TJ-chalcedony`: in which case hold the power button down for about 5-10 seconds so it is forced off, then restart08:49
chalarmyou can try booting with nomodeset but anyways i'll hand you over too TJ for a bit.08:50
chalcedony`i certainly appreciate your help chalarm :)08:51
chalcedony`TJ- he's rebooting it08:51
chalarmyour more then welcome chalcedony`08:52
chalcedony`that worked :)08:52
chalarma reboot and it worked? booted?08:52
toymakeranyone here use protondb in ubu 20.04?08:55
SalatwurzelHello, on my keyboard i have a FN key. When i press FN+F10 (Play/Pause) while a video in firefox is paused, it plays/pauses the video instead of music in spotify. Is there a way i can "ban" firefox or letting ubuntu ignore it? Or making spotify always priority #1?09:12
Salatwurzel(I'm using vanilla gnome)09:15
ThinkT510Salatwurzel: my guess is that it will apply it to whatever window has focus (in your case that would be firefox)09:21
SalatwurzelThinkT510, I'm using it mostly when World of Warcraft is focused, that's what it makes so annoying ;)09:25
cjokehow to change language in terminal/console ?09:55
cjokeI got it , soz, sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales09:59
lotuspsychjetoymaker: best to ask your specific issue in the channel10:29
prOMiNdhello, I just did upgrade to 20.04 from 18.04 and receiving this when logged in my user: ls: reading directory '.': Permission denied10:36
prOMiNdpermissions are fine10:36
tomreynprOMiNd: did you get a shell though? is ths a server, or a desktop?10:46
prOMiNdserver 20.0410:46
prOMiNdgetting weird errors: user@1000.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE10:46
tomreynso you got a shell, or not?10:49
prOMiNdActive: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2021-01-09 12:49:39 EET; 1min 1s ago10:51
prOMiNdyes I do10:51
prOMiNdbut when I type ls it prints the error in my first message, rsync is not working and is needed10:51
tomreyndoes apt look ok?  sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade10:52
prOMiNdfully updated10:52
tomreynno warnings, no errors?10:52
prOMiNd0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.10:52
tomreynfull-upgrade also complete?10:52
tomreynjournalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999910:53
tomreynis the ubuntu-server package installed?10:54
prOMiNdits systemd error as I read10:55
TJ-prOMiNd: looks like a logind failure; what  does "pwd" report?10:56
prOMiNdsame directory as it should be10:56
TJ-prOMiNd: what about "id" ?10:57
TJ-prOMiNd: or better, "id -n"10:57
prOMiNdsame as my user, these are checked long before I ask, the issue seems to be in systemd10:57
prOMiNdrunning some tests now and will report10:57
TJ-prOMiNd: for a permission denied response, it'd be either ownership or modes, or possibly ACLs10:59
prOMiNdcan´t recall doing any ACLs10:59
prOMiNdjust upgraded to 20.04 and it appeared, nothing else is changed10:59
TJ-prOMiNd: have you checked with "getfacl ."10:59
prOMiNdhm, no11:00
prOMiNdacl is not even installed11:00
TJ-prOMiNd: I'd also try running "strace ls" to capture at what point the permission denied is being generated; it may give some clues11:00
prOMiNdgood point11:01
TJ-prOMiNd: current directory does have x (traverse) bit set?11:01
prOMiNdreadlink("/proc/368531/exe", 0x7fff03c77a70, 256) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)11:01
prOMiNdwrite(2, ": Permission denied", 19: Permission denied)     = 1911:02
TJ-prOMiNd: strange; running 'strace ls' here (which succeeds) I see no attempts to access any /proc/{PID}/ node at all11:06
prOMiNdno clue11:06
prOMiNdrebooted and now it doesn´t come back11:06
TJ-prOMiNd: you mean it won't boot, or the error has gone away?11:07
prOMiNdwon´t boot11:08
TJ-prOMiNd: where does it get stuck?11:08
prOMiNdno idea, its 100km away from me11:08
unimatrix9hello all you good people11:09
lotuspsychjewelcome unimatrix911:09
TJ-prOMiNd: KVM/IPMI ?11:09
unimatrix9how is it going around here ?11:09
prOMiNdnope, will deal with it on Monday, thanks for all the help :)11:09
lotuspsychjeunimatrix9: come over to #ubuntu-discuss for a chitchat11:10
unimatrix9i have a rather technical quest, is there a way to hack the highlighting text , so that it does underline instead of a color box11:10
unimatrix9( no chitchat )11:10
unimatrix9ubuntu 20.01 LTS11:11
unimatrix9alll tips are welcome11:11
TJ-unimatrix9: in what application?11:12
tomreynunimatrix9: which software are you referring to?11:12
unimatrix9evince / firefox / gedit -- system wide i guess11:12
tomreynand you probably mean Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS11:13
tomreyncan you post a screenshot to imgur.com11:13
TJ-unimatrix9: so far I as I ma aware, no, that wouldn't be possible systemwide11:13
TJ-unimatrix9: generally selected items are displayed with inverted colours11:14
TJ-unimatrix9: hence the 'box' as you call it; the background colour is inverted11:14
tomreynno need for the screenshot then11:14
unimatrix9a yes i see , did not know that, good tip11:15
unimatrix9so where is it configured ?11:15
TJ-unimatrix9: desktop theme usually; sometimes overridable in applications (can also depend on Accessibility settings and be further modified)11:15
lbarksdaleHello, I am having freezes on booting Ubuntu (from live USB) 18.04, 20.04 and 20.10, but not 16.04, on my Dell XPS 8920 desktop. I've removed my NVIDIA graphics card and am only using the onboard graphics (to eliminate that as a potential cause). After booting, the splash screen goes for a bit and then freezes (before login screen). I've tried the graphics safe mode and same result. Any ideas what might have changed between11:19
lbarksdale 16.04 and 18.04 to cause this?11:19
TJ-lbarksdale: when splash 'freezes' are you able to tap Esc key and see the console messages?11:21
unimatrix9ok, thanks11:21
lbarksdaleI can't hit escape and see the messages (I think it might be a hard freeze), but I can run 'nosplash' on Grub. On 20.10 I get "Booting a command list" and nothing else.11:23
lbarksdaleOn 20.04 I think I get a message about initramfs failing or something, but just that message with a blinking cursor that stops blinking after a while. I can restart 20.04 and double check if that's helpful11:24
tomreynlbarksdale: so botting into recovery fails, too?11:26
tomreyn*booting :)11:27
TJ-"Booting a command list" is GRUB ... if you see nothing after that then the kernel isn't loading11:28
lbarksdalewhen you say recovery, is that different from "safe graphics"?11:28
TJ-lbarksdale: is the system booting in UEFI or BIOS mode?11:28
lbarksdaleUEFI, though I tried to do it in legacy without success too11:29
TJ-lbarksdale: 'recovery' is an option in the GRUB > Advanced options sub-menu11:29
ubottuIf your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode11:29
TJ-lbarksdale: tapping Esc key as GRUB loads to get the GRUB menu, then accessing the sub-menu and choosing one of the options there11:29
lbarksdaleI see I'll give that a shot. Also I just booted 20.04, current messages: Initramfs unpacking failed: Decoding failed11:30
lotuspsychjeunimatrix9: see also this dark reader addon for firefox, https://darkreader.org/ it highlights url's nicely in a dark theme11:31
tomreynspecifically one of the options *saying "Recovery"*11:31
lbarksdalecursor was flashing underneath that single line for maybe 30 seconds, then stopped flashing (seemingly fully frozen now)11:31
lbarksdaleBut I'll hard reset and give recovery a shot11:31
TJ-lbarksdale: it's possible for 20.04 the /boot/ file-system ran out of space and you've got a truncated initrd.img-$VERSION11:31
tomreynlbarksdale: this message is expected on 20.04 currently (it's a bug, but an unrelated non.critical one)11:31
unimatrix9ok thank you11:32
lbarksdaletomreyn, good to know.11:32
lbarksdaleTJ-, is that possible on the live disc (what I'm using)?11:33
lotuspsychjeunimatrix9: and lolcat to colorize terminal commands11:33
tomreynlbarksdale: "Initramfs unpacking failed: Decoding failed" is bug 1835660 - if you want to read up on it, but, as i said, that's unlikely to be related (although it *could* also be a result of the situation TJ- discussed, where the initrd was not written proerly due to a file system which ran full - but that's just one of many possible reasons)11:35
ubottubug 1835660 in linux (Ubuntu) "initramfs unpacking failed" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183566011:35
unimatrix9have a nice day11:36
TJ-lbarksdale: ahhh, didn't realise this was ALL with live boots11:38
lbarksdaleIt's also happening with an install to hard drive, but I focused on testing with the live boots to avoid idiosyncrasies of that install11:39
TJ-lbarksdale: right, so it does sound like a hardware issue of some kind11:40
lbarksdaleThe recovery mode wiki from ubottu didn't seem to describe what I see in the 20.04 live disc grub, so I followed this: https://www.linuxtechi.com/boot-ubuntu-20-04-rescue-emergency-mode/11:40
TJ-lbarksdale: especially that early on11:40
lbarksdaleI seem to be getting the same behavior in recovery mode (initramfs message followed by freeze)11:41
tomreynif recovery also fails, your next steps could be to boot with the dis_ucode_ldr kernel command line parameter (although i *think* this is already part of the recovery kernel boot in 20.04)11:41
tomreyni'm not certain that the "recovery" parameter is exactly the same as "systemd.unit=rescue.target"11:43
tomreynin fact these screen shots seem to suggest it is not11:43
lbarksdaleIs it normal for me not to see recovery mode in the boot menu of Grub (for the live disc)?11:44
Ublxwhere is "gsd-media-keys" for? it uses lots of memory since a week or so. at the moment over 680MB.11:44
tomreynlbarksdale: i think you should see it, but i'm happy to give it a try, too. which ubuntu release iso are you using exactly, and are you booting it in uefi mode, or legacy bios?11:45
kontra2Hello I need assistance regarding grub bootloader been deleted11:45
lbarksdale20.04 in UEFI11:45
tomreyn!grub | kontra211:45
ubottukontra2: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub211:45
tomreynlbarksdale: so 20.04.0? on amd64?11:45
lbarksdalesorry 20.04.111:46
lbarksdaleon amd6411:46
tomreyndesktop, right?11:46
Ublxcouldn't find anything with google. i am still using 18.04.11:48
lbarksdaleSo adding dis_ucode_ldr gives me an additional message before initramfs: [Firmware Bug]: TSC_DEADLINE disabled due to Errata; please update microcode to version: 0x52 (or later)11:48
lbarksdaleOtherwise same behavior11:48
lbarksdaleI should mention I updated my BIOS firmware to Dell's latest because of some of the posts I saw. Unfortunately hasn't made a difference.11:49
tomreynlbarksdale: you're right, there's no "recovery" option on the 20.04.1 installer UEFI boot menu11:51
tomreynlbarksdale: what you can do is to press 'e' on the menu, scroll down to the line starting 'linux', remove 'quiet splash', add 'debug systemd.log_level=info'11:52
tomreynthen press xtrl-x to boot this.11:53
tomreyn* ctrl-x11:53
ubottuTo get a more verbose log of the boot process, remove "quiet" and "splash" from the kernel boot parameters and add "debug systemd.log_level=info". For info on editing kernel boot parameters, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters11:53
tomreynyou can also add 'recovery', which i think should still bring you to the recovery menu11:54
tomreynthat's if the initrd loads properly11:54
tomreynUblx: 'gsd' there stands for 'gnome-settings-daemon', media keys are the play, pause, internet, email etc. keys some keyboards have (often those are multi-purpose keys)11:56
Ublxtomreyn: ah, thanks. they are not active but they use 638 MB of my RAM. Why that?11:57
UblxOr do I need them?11:57
UblxOr is the Super-Key included in them?11:58
lbarksdaleGetting a lot more output now, most scrolled off the top of the screen. Last message was : name nvme0: controller is down; will reset: CSTS=0xffffffff, PCI_STATUS=0xffff11:58
tomreynUblx: is this virtual memory by chance?11:59
lbarksdaleI'll try adding recovery to it11:59
Ublxtomreyn: no, it's under MEMORY not virtual.11:59
Ublxvirtual is 2.1GB...!?12:00
Ublxfor media keys!?12:00
tomreynUblx: that' sunually much, yes. do you have gnome customizations there, non standard gnome extensions loaded?12:01
tomreynand can you show the full output of where you see the memory allocation?12:02
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:02
lbarksdaletomreyn, same output now with recovery12:02
TJ-lbarksdale: It feels to me like a hardware/firmware induced issue12:03
Ublxtomreyn: i checked with the gui tool. how can i get the memory informations by cli? is top enough?12:04
lbarksdaleTJ-, that sounds right. The big mystery to me is why does 16.04 work fine12:05
Ublxtomreyn: 4816 trader    20   0 2236068 708920   8828 S   0,0  4,3  13:32.99 gsd-media-keys12:05
|subz3r0|Hi. I have an airgapped Ubuntu 18.04 with A LOT of performance issues due to kernel mitigiations of Spectre and such. The system is running Kernel 4.15. Can anyone tell me please how I can disable the mitigations? all of them12:05
Ublx( PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU %MEM     ZEIT+ BEFEHL)12:05
tomreyn|subz3r0|: same as i just told you in #ubuntu-de12:06
TJ-lbarksdale: could be 16.04 isn't trying to enable some functionality early on. I think you should check and follow tomreyn's advice about ensuring the microcode loader is disabled. The reason being Ubuntu prefixes the initrd with updated microcodes12:06
tomreynUblx: thanks for the ps output. repeating my previous question: do you have gnome customizations there, non standard gnome extensions loaded? also, what's the uptime?12:07
TJ-lbarksdale: oh fooey, I  missed that you've already tried that12:07
Ublxtomreyn: here the top 5: https://paste.noname-ev.de/960612:07
|subz3r0|tomreyn: I guess that does not work. Since infos I found related to this say exactly only for kernel 4.19 (partially) and for kernel 5.x12:07
Ublxtomreyn: i have to check where i find the extensions. and what do you mean by "uptime"? sorry.12:08
tomreyn|subz3r0|: no need to guess, you can query the state by looking at /sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities12:10
Ublxtomreyn: 'ls ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/' outputs: 'activities-config@nls1729  hibernate-status@dromi  lwsm@johannes.super-productivity.com  netspeed@hedayaty.gmail.com' - that's what you meant?12:10
tomreyn|subz3r0|: or use https://github.com/speed47/spectre-meltdown-checker12:10
|subz3r0|tomreyn: why should I use it? its already checked that everything is implemented12:11
|subz3r0|on zdnet you can see only spectre v2 can be disabled via grub12:11
|subz3r0|am not sure how this affects ubuntu. since ubuntu kernel differs from usual debian kernel a bit12:11
Ublxah, uptime is how long the system is running?12:12
|subz3r0|The question was how I can disable all of them on Ubuntu 18.04 with Kernel 4.1512:12
cjokeUblx: cat /proc/meminfo12:12
Ublxso, you mean just trying to restart?12:13
tomreynUblx: yes, the "uptime" command would return this info12:13
Ublxhere the meminfo: https://paste.noname-ev.de/960712:13
Ublxuptime: up 2 days, 23 hours, 57 minutes12:14
lbarksdaleTJ-, yeah :) I could just install 16.04 and then try to upgrade, but I'm pretty sure whatever's causing the problem will rear its head again. Really mysterious, and 16.04 is not that far from EOL12:14
tomreyn|subz3r0|: this zdnet article does not seem to mention "mitigations=off", its also a dated articles, this is not a great source for linux info, and i'd usually prefer to go with kernel.org info.12:15
tomreyn|subz3r0|: https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.html search for 'mitigations'12:17
TJ-lbarksdale: does it usually at least start the kernel?12:17
lbarksdaleTJ-, I'm getting a bunch of messages with the debug argument tomreyn gave me, so I think so?12:18
lbarksdaleThe messages just before seem to be about hard drives being attached12:18
TJ-lbarksdale: I'm wondering if you could try dropping to a shell in the initramfs if it gets that far. To do that you'd add "break=top" to the kernel command-line... to discover later locations in initialramfs you can break at, do "grep maybe_break /usr/share/initramfs-tools/init" (that's the shell script that controls initrd operations at boot-time)12:19
TJ-lbarksdale: if you're lucky you could then move on stage-by-stage to try to narrow down where exactly the freeze is hitting12:19
tomreynUblx: so you have alsomost 3 days of uptime (which is not a lot, but it seem to have been enough for your specific gnome configuration to trigger a memory leak in gsd-media-keys).12:19
tomreynUblx: is this system fully updated?12:20
tomreynUblx: you also still have 12 GB of 16 GB RAM available. so this doesn't really seem to be of much concern, is it?12:21
Ublxtomreyn: hm, the system slows down as soon as I have firefox and for example krita open.12:23
chalcedonygood morning :)12:23
Ublxit's "almost" fully updated. the backup is running this evening.12:23
tomreynlbarksdale: if you can share the output that's on screen by the time it freezes with the 'debug' boot (a photo taken of the screen, uploaded to imgur, url shared here) , this may be helpful, too,12:23
chalcedonytomreyn, lovely to see you :)12:23
tomreynchalcedony: you, too, thanks.12:24
tomreyn!xy | Ublx12:24
ubottuUblx: The XY problem is when you need to do X, and you think you can use Y to do X, so you ask about how to do Y, when what you really should do is state what your X problem is. There may be a Z solution that is even better than Y, but nobody can suggest it if X is never mentioned.12:24
chalcedonyit looks like you're helping already with systems that won't boot. add my hubby's 20.04 to that list?12:24
Ublxtomreyn: what surprises me is that it changed. my programs ran much better. and i never had the media-keys as the most memory extensive pid12:24
TJ-chalcedony: is that since moving to the Nvidia driver ?12:24
chalcedonyTJ-, yes12:25
tomreynUblx: in the future, please state the imediate support question, if there is one12:25
TJ-chalcedony: urghh!12:25
* tomreyn runs after reading 'nvidia'12:25
chalcedonyTJ-, it booted ok and then froze after about 30 mins, and has been freezing several times since then, and now when he tries to restart it it gets part way through the ubuntu boot, some of the text and numbers scroll past fast and it freezes on a bluish lit screen or a - on black.12:26
Ublxtomreyn: okay, but i didn't know about the x,y,z. i just noticed that my system was running slower with breaks and I saw the media keys with a big memory amount. so, i only asked here where the media keys are for and if it is normal that they use so much memory ...12:26
Ublxthat was my question and i asked it.12:27
Ublxbut thank you!12:27
tomreynUblx: you're welcome. i think we did discuss the gds-media-keys problem. you could look for existing bug reports on it. note that this *could* be related to which gnome extensions you have loaded, which is why i suggested to check whether you are running non default ones.12:28
chalcedonyTJ-, these are from one of the last times it booted  dmesg | pastebin https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Fkr3g3rx6w/ and  journalctl -k | pastebin https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/d3GMJ5JNv8/12:29
Ublxtomreyn: thanks.12:29
tomreynUblx: i.e. if you can't reproduce the problem with your custom extensions disabled, this could hint on them triggering it.12:29
Ublxtomreyn: perfect! thanks.12:30
tomreynUblx: you can also run 'journalctl -f' in a terminal and see ho wmany gnome related messages are stacking up there. it's normal to see some of those, but it shouldn't be a constant flow.12:30
TJ-chalcedony: nothing obvious there, but those only show the current boot session. Can you show us "pastebinit <( journalctl --since="2021-01-08" --priority=warning )"12:32
Ublxthat are great hints. already checking them, tomreyn. i am sorry if i didn't tell you the focus and direction my question was aming.12:33
=== Belial` is now known as Belial
chalcedonyTJ-, not since it won't boot12:33
TJ-tomreyn: for gnome issues, would "journalctl --user -b" or "journalctl user@$(id -u).service"  help more for checking the user session12:36
TJ-chalcedony: hmmph12:36
tomreynTJ-: i don't know :/12:37
TJ-chalcedony: have you tried using the Recovery option in the GRUB Advanced options sub-menu ?12:37
TJ-tomreyn: I've found that very helpful recently for a range of user session issues12:37
tomreynTJ-: thanks for pointing those out, i'll see what they do.12:38
chalcedonyTJ-, how do i get there?12:38
TJ-chalcedony: as soon as the system begins booting, when the motherboard/firmware is just loading GRUB boot-loader, tap Esc key to get the GRUB boot menu12:39
tomreynlbarksdale: on a side note, in case it helps with the debugging: you can also *install* ubuntu to a removable device, such as an usb stick, and boot it off it. that way you can have different customized but properly installed ubuntu versions to test with.12:39
* TJ- hates that Ubuntu my default hides the menu and makes recovery so much more mysterious to operators12:39
Ublxtomreyn: one last question: how would you display the gnome extension? can i display the ones that are not the basic ones of ubuntu?12:40
Rss7hello! can anyone please help me with a wifi driver issue?12:40
Rss7I have ubuntu 20.04 LTS12:41
mefistofelesRss7: sure, just ask12:41
Rss7bcm43412 adapter12:41
Rss7it was working until yesterday12:41
Rss7for some reason it says its not found12:41
lotuspsychjeRss7: wich kernel are you on please12:42
TJ-Rss7: does the system have another usuable network interface ?12:42
Rss7yeah im using the la cable right now12:42
tomreynUblx: your approach of looking what's in ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ is pretty much right. there could be others in /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/12:43
Rss7not sure the kernel, how do I find out? (sorry for being noob)12:43
lotuspsychjeRss7: uname -a12:43
TJ-Rss7: great, so we can grab some logs :) show us "pastebinit <( lspci -nnk; journalctl -k)"12:43
Rss7didnt have pastebinit12:44
Rss7tried installing it12:44
Ublxtomreyn: thank you!12:44
Rss7now it said12:44
* Ublx restarting and thankful.12:44
Rss7Loading new bcmwl- DKMS files...Building for 5.8.0-36-genericBuilding for architecture x86_64Building initial module for 5.8.0-36-genericERROR: Cannot create report: [Errno 17] File exists: '/var/crash/bcmwl-kernel-source.0.crash'Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 5.8.0-36-generic (x86_64)Consult12:45
Rss7/var/lib/dkms/bcmwl/ for more information.dpkg: error processing package bcmwl-kernel-source (--configure): installed bcmwl-kernel-source package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 10Processing triggers for man-db (2.9.1-1) ...Errors were encountered while processing: bcmwl-kernel-source12:45
Deano59Rss7: ubuntu paste next time, please.12:45
Rss7sorry again for noobness, not sure whats ubuntu paste12:45
Deano59read the /topic12:45
lotuspsychjeRss7: there are known bugs about broadcom and kernel 5.8 see bug #191055512:45
ubottubug 1910555 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "Driver build error on kernel 5.8, but works on 5.4" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191055512:45
TJ-Rss7: so the DKMS (Dynamic Kernel Module Support) failed to build the out-of-tree kernel module for that hardware12:46
jeremy31Rss7: see https://askubuntu.com/a/1305819/30066512:47
tomreynTJ-: "journalctl user@$(id -u).service" returns "Failed to add match 'user@1000.service': Invalid argument" for me, but "systemctl --user status" lists several services which are part of the user session (and reports "CGroup: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service").12:48
TJ-Rss7: looks like a simple fix if your issue is the same as the bug report12:48
Rss7let me try one of these solutions you guys linked one sec12:48
Rss7thanks a lot for the help guys! will write back in a sec12:49
tomreynbug 191055512:49
ubottubug 1910555 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "Driver build error on kernel 5.8, but works on 5.4" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191055512:49
tomreyn(thanks lotuspsychje)12:49
TJ-tomreyn: did I mistpye? " journalctl -u user@$(id -u).service"12:49
TJ-Rss7: hang on! those are quite invasive12:49
TJ-Rss7: there may be a very much simpler permanent fix; I just need to prove it!12:50
Rss7im trying option 1 from this12:50
TJ-Rss7: in summary, calls to ioremap_nocache() were removed from the kernel but that simply maps onto calls to ioremap() so we should just be able to do a simple replace for all calls to ioremap_nocache12:51
Rss7yayy seems it worked !12:51
Rss7@TJ- thanks for lookign into it deeply12:52
Rss7thanks a lot you all!12:52
Rss7Im sure a bunch of noobs come all the time with these questions, its really appreciated!12:52
jeremy31Rss7: better solution is to boot into the 5.4 kernels and remove 5.8 kernel and the hwe packages, then install linux-generic12:52
TJ-Rss7: just testing the build fix now12:52
tomreynTJ-: oh haha, yes you forgot "-u", and shame on me for not noticing12:53
Rss7TJ-: Thanks brother, I first purged the other kernel and then installed that one I linked and it worked, but if you think I should still change something about it, feel free to suggest12:54
TJ-Rss7: OK, I've confirmed ioremap_nocache() is the issue here on 20.04: "error: implicit declaration of function ‘ioremap_nocache’" so now to try the fix12:54
chalcedonyTJ-, we thought it might be a stuck key on the keyboard, and we've gone through a couple of keyboard changes, to no avail. It doesn't get to a gnome screen before it freezes.12:58
TJ-Rss7: right, not as simple as I'd hoped. there are a bunch more symbols that source-code relies on that have been removed from the kernel12:58
TJ-chalcedony: right; you need to get into the bootloader before Linux loads so you can modify the kernel command-line to get more info/disable some bits12:59
chalcedonyTJ-, it gets to the bios screen but not much after that13:02
Rss7TJ- brother dont worry about it13:03
Rss7you helped a lot already13:03
Rss7and now its working13:03
Rss7thanks again13:03
Rss7gonna have lunch and enjoy this snowy weather to make some snowman with the kid13:03
Rss7be well y'all13:03
linux7012Hello Everyone13:04
chalcedonyhi linux701213:04
linux7012Could anybody please tell me how I can mount an old harddisk? I am not sure whether it is encrypted or not. sudo fdisk lists all the partitions13:04
linux7012I connected it via IDE2USB13:05
linux7012And it was in my drawer for years if not decades.13:05
kontra2Hello, iam ubuntu mate user, I deliberately deleted the other partition with ubuntu studio on it13:05
TJ-linux7012: "sudo blkid /dev/sdX*" will give you some initial info on partition contents13:06
kontra2now, my grub2 is missing13:06
linux7012TJ- https://pastebin.com/dkczDwQ013:06
lotuspsychjekontra2: tomreyn already pointed you to the grub wiki13:06
TJ-linux7012: that's in a VMware linux guest?13:07
linux7012Is that cryptsetup?13:08
TJ-linux7012: OK, well, use "sudo blkid /dev/xvdk*" to get an idea of the meta-data signatures in those partitions13:08
linux7012TJ- https://pastebin.com/bd2fNVpr13:09
TJ-linux7012: no signatures being reported at all13:10
linux7012TJ- What does it mean? Disk is not usable?13:10
linux7012TJ- It could be that it is an old Ubuntu disk with full encryption.13:11
TJ-linux7012: not sure without digging harder, but you'd expect to see information about what is inside each partition, e.g: "/dev/nvme0n1p2: UUID="db9cd343-9ca9-4115-845f-d27943c14437" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTLABEL="Linux dm-crypt" PARTUUID="15f7095d-5bbb-4a43-8324-9867b91dc7d6"13:11
linux7012TJ- So nothing can be done?13:12
TJ-linux7012: those PARTUUID's being short tell us it's an MSDOS disl label (MBR) with possibly 2 primary partitions and 3 extended13:12
linux7012But shouldn?t that be mounted automatically? Doesn't Ubutnu recognize that?13:13
TJ-linux7012: try "sudo file -s /dev/xvdk?"13:13
TJ-linux7012: there's nothing to mount according to your reports13:13
TJ-linux7012: 'mount' is an operation on a file-system. There is no sign of a file-system so far13:14
linux7012TJ- https://pastebin.com/YKdn7JYx13:15
TJ-linux7012: looks like xvdk1 is 19GB, xvdk2 (extended partition) is also 19G -- makes me think VMware is presenting it to the guest in some strange way13:20
linux7012So the disk is not encrypted you think (dmcrpt)?13:21
TJ-linux7012: no way to tell if it's plain dm_crypt - there is no LUKS headers according to the tools though so it could be LUKS with a detached header or plain dm_crypt13:21
linux7012Any way I can try it out?13:22
TJ-linux7012: if you know the passphrase then you can try unlocking using for example 'cryptsetup open --type=plain /dev/xvdk1 vdk1" and then try "file -s /dev/mapper/vdk1" (same for each other other devices/partitions )13:23
linux7012Thx. I will try. I might know the passphrase.13:24
TJ-linux7012: do NOT write to the /dev/mapper/ nodes though especially if you have the wrong passphrase13:24
TJ-linux7012: if its wrong it'll be random data with no obvious file-system metadata reported by 'file'13:25
linux7012Now it is asking for a passphrase. Is that an indication that indeed it is encrypted? Or would it ask in any case?13:25
linux7012It said disk 1 now available.13:26
linux7012How can I access it, though?13:26
TJ-it'll always want the passphrase... this is why you have to check the CONTENT of the device-mapper node to see if it is ramdom gibberish or a real file-system13:27
TJ-linux7012: it always creates the device, it has no idea if the passphrase was correct or not13:27
linux7012TJ- It looks like it accepted it. See my message above. What now?13:27
linux7012TJ- https://pastebin.com/eSeWQvVW13:30
TJ-linux7012: passphrase is always accepted for type=plain since dm_crypt are RAW encrypted data with no meta-data at all. The only way to know if it was successful is to look at the data and see if it is what you expect.13:32
TJ-linux7012: ahh, ../dm-6 ... so you need to really do "sudo file -s $(readlink -e /dev/mapper/$DEVICE_NAME ) " to check the content of the container13:32
linux7012TJ- https://pastebin.com/MX8TnRDs13:34
TJ-linux7012: so, presumably incorrect passphrase. You can close that with "cryptsetup close vdk1"13:34
TJ-linux7012: and then try again of you have other ideas for the passphrase13:35
TJ-linux7012: this is why LUKS is a better solution! at least you know when the passphrase is incorrect at unlock time13:35
BluesKaj'morning folks13:36
linux7012TJ- Thx. Maybe I used LUKS. I am not sure.13:36
TJ-linux7012: if you did, you used a detached header13:37
TJ-linux7012: and if so you'd know where you stored that detached header13:37
linux7012TJ- OK, then I probably did not use LUKS.13:37
linux7012TJ- Let's says I have the correct passphrase then how do I mount vdk1?13:38
TJ-linux7012: once you confirm the /dev/mapper/XXXX device has recognisable content (let's say an ext4 file-system reported by 'file' as e.g. "...: Linux rev 1.0 ext4 filesystem data ..." then you can create a mountpoint directory and mount it; e.g: "mkdir -p /mnt/p1; mount /dev/mapper/XXXX /mnt/p1"13:40
linux7012TJ- Thx13:41
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linux7012TJ- Thank you for your help.14:45
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Hans-Martinhiya folks, I've got a strange problem with xfwm4 on ubuntu 20.04.1 since a few days - it often terminates directly after login, but after killing the session and logging in again it works. just checking whether this happens to others or just to me...15:21
Hans-Martinsadly, there does not seem to be any log indicating what happens15:21
TJ-Hans-Martin: we use xubuntu 20.04 across the business and haven't seen that15:23
TJ-Hans-Martin: try checking the session log for clues "journalctl -u  user@$(id -u).service" and/or "journalctl --user -b 0"15:24
Hans-Martinok that's what I assumed, it's something in my setup. need to find or enable logging15:24
Hans-Martintyvm, now scrolling through logs since November :-)15:25
TJ-Hans-Martin: press 'G' (not 'g') to jump to end and work backwards15:26
cbreakdoesn't journalctl support something like "today" or "since=xxx"?15:32
cbreak"--since=yesterday --until=now" seems to exist15:32
Hans-Martinthe last command was spot on. Found "Another Window Manager (unknown) is already running on screen :1.0" in the log, and from that I could google15:33
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Hans-Martinty again, will add journalctl to my reading list :-) seems clearing .cache/sessions did the trick.15:49
kontra2during grub-install I got the msg; error: cannot find EFI directory15:57
kontra2pls help sombody15:57
TJ-kontra2: you forgot to mount the EFI system partition to /boot/efi/15:57
kontra2I mounted /dev/sda115:58
kontra2pls help I am newbie16:00
kontra2command to mount EFI pls16:02
TJ-kontra2: you need to spell out what you're currently doing, and how. E.g. "I've booted from a liveISO on USB and am trying to fix a failure to boot using a chroot"16:06
kontra2I am trying to fix grub bootloader16:07
kontra2I did blkid16:07
kontra2then sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt16:08
kontra2then sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sda16:09
pavloskontra2: paste the output of sudo blkid16:10
pavloskontra2: or sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda16:13
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InspiralI had an entry in /etc/deny.hosts - ALL: PARANOID - it was preventing me accessing the installation via ssh/ftp and I didn't add it, is there anything that may be known to add it in? It seems awfully suspect16:18
kontra2I posted blkid result in pastebin.com/zQi1j46Y pavlos16:18
cbreakmounting anything into /mnt seems weird16:22
kontra2I was following steps in website FOSSLINUX16:23
cbreakefi partitions should NOT be anything other than fat3216:24
pavloskontra2: sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/boot/efi16:24
cbreakif yours is ext, then something's screwed up16:24
pavloskontra2: sda2 is vfat, that's your efi16:24
cbreakyeah. I seriously doubt it's sda116:25
cbreakdid you even boot in efi mode?16:25
cbreakwhen installing your linux?16:25
cbreakI'd expect everything to happen automatically then, and it did for me.16:25
pavloskontra2: is sda1 your linux partition?16:27
kontra2I get mount point does not exist16:28
pavloskontra2: output of sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda16:29
cbreakif a mountpoint doesn't exist, create it16:29
kontra2I deleted one partition previously which contain ubuntu studio in dual boot system16:30
kontra2now I trying to restore grub back16:32
pavloskontra2: is this the guide you're following? https://www.fosslinux.com/4477/how-to-repair-the-grub-bootloader-using-a-ubuntu-live-usb-drive.htm16:35
pavloskontra2: output of sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda16:36
kontra2yes at pastebin.com/2cKVOitc16:37
pavlosnot found16:38
kontra2pls replaceO with 016:39
nunya_ Is there a way to add an animation to show a program is opening? Most of the programs I use in Ubuntu with cinnamon show this application opening animation but a few do not.16:40
pavloskontra2: what the diff between sda1 and sda5, there are both linux partitions. Trying to recover sda1 or sda5 ?16:40
nunya_Some programs take a long time to open. I would like to know it is in the process of opening.16:41
pavloskontra2: for sda1 follow this, https://termbin.com/9oo7916:42
kontra2all that is command right16:44
pavloskontra2: reboot, it should find the linux install in sda1. Then boot again with live usb, follow the same guide changing the first line to point to sda5. it should recover the second linux install.16:49
kontra2thx pavlos17:01
pavloskontra2: no worries17:01
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magic_ninjaI'm getting audio pops every time I start a video or such, even if there is no sound. I suspect that my audio device is being turned off after no audio stream has been present for a while. Is there any way to check this?17:53
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black_13how do i mount my home directory using schroot or in a chroot18:41
black_13or better question can run debian in ubuntu via a chroot18:42
EriC^black_13: mount rootfs in /mountpoint, then run "for i in /dev /proc /sys; do sudo mount -R $i /mountpoint$i; done' then sudo chroot /mountpoint and run mount -a    to mount all its relevant fs18:44
EriC^no problem18:53
black_13when i chroot and try to apt update in the chroot19:31
black_13EriC^ have  you used schroot19:35
oerhekswhy chroot from debian in an ubuntu install?19:35
oerheksand there is a good howto... for ubuntu users https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery#Update_Failure19:36
black_13i would prefer to do ubuntu in ubuntu19:37
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black_13is there such a thing as a debug build of ubuntu or a build of all the usr/lib built debug19:42
TJ-black_13: no; each package has debug symbols on the ddeb.ubuntu.com archive, and packages named <pakage>-dbgsym19:43
tomreyn* ddebS.ubuntu.com19:47
* TJ- sends the 's' to join the missing '-u' :D19:48
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StupidDanboAnyone know how I can trouble-shoot this wireless USB barcode scanner I bought? I tried to search, and got the impression that modern barcode scanners should just perform like a keyboard, but just plugging in the dongle, focusing on a text editor or spreadsheet app, while scanning something doesn't seem to be working.20:56
StupidDanboThere's no specific mention of Linux on the product description, but non-wireless versions from the same company have mentioned Linux compatibilty. "Compatible Operating Systems: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / Wince / Mobile / Android devices"20:57
StupidDanbohm. the manual that came with it DOES mention Linux compatibility.21:00
jeremy31StupidDanbo: did you do a search on the USB ID from terminal> lsusb21:01
zutatStupidDanbo: be careful. that might mean "compatible with suse 10.3 sp 1"21:01
StupidDanbohuh.... lsusb.... don't recognize anything on this list that it would be.21:03
StupidDanboah ok. unplugging the dongle, I guess it's this "Racal Data Group".21:04
StupidDanbohm. maybe my bluetooth isn't working and that's why. I'll look into that before I ask more questions.21:12
StupidDanbowell this sucks. the fix to get bluetooth working isn't working.21:20
StupidDanboI tried sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth start21:20
StupidDanboStarting bluetooth (via systemctl): bluetooth.service.21:21
jeremy31StupidDanbo: what bluetooth device?21:21
StupidDanbobut I still get the same error: "bluez daemon is not running, blueman-manager cannot continue. this probably means that there were no bluetooth adapters detected or bluetooth daemon was not started"21:21
jeremy31StupidDanbo: why would bluetooth have anything to do with a USB barcode scanner?21:23
tomreyndoesn't USB stand for unwired simple bluetooth then?21:25
TJ-presumably the USB dongle is a proprietary wireless interface, like with Logitech keyboards etc21:26
_Sym_StupidDanbo, what kernel version21:26
TJ-StupidDanbo: unplug the dongle, start "journalctl -k -f " and the insert the device and see what is reported21:27
StupidDanbobecause the USB wireless dongle uses bluetooth?21:28
StupidDanbooh there were other comments.21:30
jeremy31StupidDanbo: so a wireless scanner?21:31
_Sym_bt is broken on latest lts kernel on korg, btw21:31
StupidDanboyeah it's a wireless scanner.21:32
jeremy31_Sym_: Isn't it just Atheros BT?21:32
StupidDanboTJ I did that. It put out a bunch of lines. I don't know what's relevent though.21:33
TJ-StupidDanbo: can you copy them to a pastebin?21:33
StupidDanbooh! it mentioned keyboard!21:33
TJ-!paste | StupidDanbo21:33
ubottuStupidDanbo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:33
_Sym_jeremy31, it broke my intel bt. this is the fix: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?h=v5.11-rc2&id=5c3b5796866f85354a5ce76a28f8ffba0dcefc7e21:34
StupidDanboTJ- https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sVryVmKRt6/21:34
TJ-StupidDanbo: so you're correct; it presents as a USB HID keyboard... so if the scanner scans AND the dongle receives the data it should appear as if typed21:35
TJ-StupidDanbo: so give a text-editor input focus or try in a terminal shell whilst scanning a barcode21:36
TJ-StupidDanbo: and ensure the scanner's battery is charged/good21:36
StupidDanbohm. well it's not. That's what I tried from the start21:36
TJ-StupidDanbo: are there any indicator LEDs on the scanner or USB receiver? maybe they have to be 'paired'21:36
jenniei installed ubuntu successfully by usb boot stick on this acer laptop on a kingston SSD. Now, I changed ssd to a brand new Sandisk SSD and tried to install ubuntu but during the installation i got an error "executing grub/dev/sdb install failed \n This is a fatal error "21:36
jennieI put back Kingston ssd back and laptop works fine again but why sandisk is not working21:37
TJ-StupidDanbo: what does "lsusb" report the dongle as?21:37
StupidDanboTJ- no there's no light on the dongle. The scanner does make noise when I plug in the dongle though.21:37
Spineyjennie: That's probably because of the harddrive isn't 'good'.  Do you know if the hard drive is good?21:38
tomreyn0581:0106 isn't in the device DB21:38
jennieSpiney it was working perfectly in a win10 system earlier for couple days21:38
StupidDanbopretty sure lsusb is showing it as: Bus 001 Device 007: ID 0581:0106 Racal Data Group21:38
tomreyn0581 is Racal Data Group, 'tera scanner' product family21:38
jeremy31No kernel module found with modprobe -c21:39
Spineyjennie: Well, the grub is loaded at the first of the hard drive typically.  Maybe put it in the Kingston, and run an fsck on the drive.21:39
jennieSpiney cant connect both drive at once in this laptop21:39
jenniei am only doing installation when only one ssd is in the laptop21:40
Spineyjennie: they make USB adapters for SATA drives.21:40
tomreynStupidDanbo: this one? https://www.amazon.com/Tera-Wireless-Versatile-Rechargeable-Automatic/dp/B078SQ91FB21:40
StupidDanboexperiment: I pluged in the USB cable. It does print out numbers when I scan it.21:41
jennieSpiney this one is giving error https://i.imgur.com/ixI8qhB.png21:41
StupidDanbotomreyn, it looks similar but it;s not that brand. it's Symcode.21:41
jennieSpiney this kingston works great https://i.imgur.com/Q8OXZyK.png21:42
Spineyjennie: ok, download and boot up gparted, and you can run the fsck on the new drive21:42
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jennieburn gparted iso you mean?21:43
Spineythen put the new drive in, boot it up,21:43
Spineythat way you can check the validity of the drive.21:43
tomreynStupidDanbo: well it's rebranded then. but it does seem to work based on what you said. by default, a barcode scanner only outputs chunks of numbers, which is the decoded barcode.21:43
jenniedoes not ubuntu bootable have gpart already Spiney?21:43
SpineyI think it does, but I know gparted has tools to help you repair and such21:44
Spineyjennie: I don't know the process of doing it through the install process.  Sorry  :\21:44
jayjo-does the ubuntu installer subiquity do a scan of disks and motherboard when deciding on install partitions? I'm trying to determine how to similar installs choose to have a different installation structure. E.g. one mounts /boot/efi and the other only /boot. I think they can both boot from EFI, but did subiquitiy only detect that on one?21:44
StupidDanbothe fact that I can't load my bluetooth manager, could that be related to why this doesn't work in wireless mode? I have a wireless mouse that works, but I don't know what it uses. It has a dongle too.21:45
jeremy31StupidDanbo: It might use a dongle that is hard coded to the scanner21:45
jeremy31StupidDanbo: It never reveals itself to the OS as a Bluetooth device21:46
StupidDanboah ok. hmm... but it still doesn't work in wireless mode, but does when plugged in via USB cable.21:46
tomreynRacal Data Group does have MAC address registrations, though21:46
StupidDanboI dunno what to do with MAC addresses.21:49
TJ-StupidDanbo: are you sure the scanner isn't in Storage mode?21:50
StupidDanboI dunno. Why would it be in that mode for wireless but not wired?21:50
tomreynMAC vendor 00:07:01 is RACAL-DATACOM - if you have or see a wireless device starting with this address then it's probably the one.21:51
StupidDanboHOH! Thank you, TJ-! I think that was the answer! I found a "normal mode" barcode in the manual, and scanning it made it work wirelessly!21:51
StupidDanbosorry. just spammed a barcode.21:52
TJ-StupidDanbo: yes, you need to scan the "Continuous mode" barcode to have 'instant'21:55
* tomreyn thinks TJ deserves a world of warcraft action figure21:55
thitherI'm on 20.04 with an Intel 7260 WiFi/BT card. When I try to pair any BT device the settings window locks up21:55
TJ-StupidDanbo: the idea is the scanner will store codes until you're near the receiver, so you can walk a warehouse and scan without the PC close, then 'download' all the codes in a dump21:56
thitherThis is on a Thinkpad T430 if that's important21:57
TJ-thither: does it work using "bluetoothctl" ?21:58
StupidDanbointeresting. I'll have to play around with that later. Might be more useful than making sure my transmitter is within range.22:00
jwashHi everyone, I have a data directory that is 350gb. What is the highest/best compression that I can use to create an archive backup? Is it gzip -9 ?22:01
thitherTJ-: how can I get it to stop spamming me with "[CHG] Device XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX RSSI: -db"?22:03
jeremy31thither: ctrl + d22:03
TJ-thither: you don't; it's reporting useful events [CHG] means change22:03
thitherIt's like 5 per second22:03
thitherIt's difficult to use22:03
TJ-thither: ahhh22:03
thitherIt says authentication failed22:06
thitherIt's just hanging on in progress with another device22:10
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TJ-thither: hmmm. has this paired with devices previously, and now gone bad?22:11
thitherAfter hanging it says authentication canceled22:11
thitherTJ-: it worked fine with Debian 1022:11
thitherHasn't worked since I change to Ubuntu22:11
TJ-thither: missing firmware possibly? have you checked the kernel log? show us "pastebinit <( journalctl -k )"22:12
TJ-thither: that suggests it could be caused by the recent suspend/resume22:15
thitherThis has been a problem across multiple reboots22:15
TJ-thither: it happens immediately after a cold start?22:16
TJ-thither: it's suffering a lot of "kernel: Bluetooth: hci0: command 0x200c tx timeout" which it wasn't before recent suspends22:17
TJ-thither: it could be an ACPI issue, which often occur after suspend/resume22:18
thitherThose seem to get logged when I am attempting to pair22:18
thitherWhich was after a resume22:18
thitherI had not attempted since the last reboot22:18
thitherBut I have many times before this reboot22:18
thitherWould it be a bad ideal to update my kernel?22:22
TJ-thither: I'd first test it after a cold start just to be sure.22:23
TJ-thither: it could be a power-management issue, and that again points towards a possible ACPI issue22:24
TJ-thither: I'm reading several kernel issues that suggest power-management of the hardware is the cause of this kind of timeout22:25
jeremy31thither: if you install updates you might reboot with a 5.8 kernel if using 20.0422:25
TJ-thither: if it does look like ACPI this may help:  https://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html22:27
TJ-With that I have to leave22:27
octav1aCan anyone recommend an open source tool for graphic design, specifically creation of styled / themed text?22:57
oerheksor sublime text ( proprietary blob)  https://snapcraft.io/search?q=text23:03
mefistofelesI think those are different, maybe something like inkscape? octav1a23:03
mefistofelesit's a vector graphics designing software, fwiw23:03
octav1aDoes inkscape have a good text tool? I was looking for something to make something similar to those old "word art" things for posters that will be printed.23:05
octav1aI know Inkscape can do low level vectors well, but I'm not sure of how much styling is available.23:06
mefistofelesoctav1a: it is ok, but it would just use the system fonts... you could of course design your own font, but that may be more than what you are looking for23:06
octav1aYeah, I don't think that font styling is really covered just by using a different font23:07
TheNikHi! I run Ubuntu Server 20.04 with the system on a logical volume on one HDD, and another three HDDs configured as a RAID. On shutdown systemd seems to delay the process by 1:30 min on a "stop job for Availability of block devices", which times out after 90s and only after that shutdown proceeds. Is that a wanted thing, a feature I could perhaps disable, or some sort of misconfiguration I could troubleshoot? I took a picture of the console23:10
TheNikoutput: https://i.imgur.com/NGc8rSO.jpg23:10
EriC^TheNik: try the suggestion in #6 comment in case it helps? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lvm2/+bug/178019623:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1780196 in mdadm (Ubuntu) "Timed out Availability of block devices service" [Undecided,New]23:19
gebbionehi, i tried to upgrade to 20.04 from 18.04 and got https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rd2Zt98Yyg/ . From apt.log i cannot see package and references to PPA specific software (if i grep for broken i see lots of references but does not look ppa related) any suggestions23:23
tomreyngebbione: looks for a line starting 'Foreign' in the release upgrader apt log in /var/log23:24
tomreynalternatively, or additionally, install and run apt-forktracer and share its output23:25
gebbioneok all these then https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4r3XdkH6R4/23:28
gebbionelots of them then23:29
gebbionecan PPAs be disabled instead of being purged?23:29
tomreynppas can be disabled. ppas can be deconfigured. packages can be removed or purged.23:30
tomreynyou can disable ppa's, which is what the release upgrader does by default. however, this doesn't solve dependency problems introduced by packages you have installed form those ppas.23:31
gebbionewould the ppa purge remove all of them then ?23:32
gebbionesounds drastic23:32
gebbionealso a bit worried about the nvidia packages23:32
tomreynppa-purge pugres packages / downgrades package versions installed from a given ppa23:33
tomreynPPAs are unsupposrted. as a result, release upgrades with PPAs configured + packages installed are also unsupported23:34
TheNikEriC^: Thanks for the hint. Simply installing dracut-core did not help, unfortunately, but I'll see if I can use the info on that page to troubleshoot further23:34
EriC^TheNik: ok, no problem23:35
tomreyndo-release-upgrade has an option to ignore this fact and try to carry out the release upgrade without disabling PPAs. that's, obviously, unsupproted.23:35

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